Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 298: What do the residents of Nafu City thi

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In the next few days, the training of Hunter and others was carried out outside the city of Nafu. From time to time, they patrolled the villages near the Warcraft Mountains, and they found some low-level Warcrafts running out of the Warcraft Mountains, but the number was very small. A charge will finish off those monsters.

On the top floor of the Viscount Mansion, Claire was sitting on a desk with a detailed map of the branches of the Warcraft Mountains in front of her. The distribution of each Warcraft was marked in detail on it. intelligence, and then compiled maps.

After compiling, Claire not only got the book back by selling the map, but also made a lot of money. These are one of the essential equipment for adventurers. With the map, you can avoid many detours, and you can get it in a safer way. better earnings.

And the map above is not static. After each update, those adventurers have to buy a new one, which is a sustainable source of income for Nafu City.

However, Claire is not updating the map now, but is studying the distribution of the Warcraft communities in the map. She keeps swiping her fingers on it, and at the same time, she is constantly calculating in her mind.

"The tusk pig, the giant stone monster, the dark soul cat... These monster groups are not close to the outer layer of the branch of the monster mountain range, and the distance between them is not close." Claire murmured.

"And when the tasks are issued, they are restrained, and they are not killed at all... Those monsters should not be forced to the end of the road to cause riots." This is what Claire and York discussed, and he did not intend to be unrestrained. To develop all the resources of the branch of the Warcraft Mountains, but to maintain the output balance between the adventurers and the Warcraft Mountains with sustainable development, so the types of tasks issued are specially selected.

York agrees with Claire's proposal so much that he can no longer agree with it. There have been cases where the resources near the city where the Adventurer's Guild is located has been completely collected. York has also thought about how to solve this problem after he became the person in charge of Nafu City. A class of questions, I didn't expect Claire to think about it,

"I also instructed when I issued the mission. When hunting monsters, try to drive those monsters into the mountains, so it stands to reason that no monsters will escape." He considered the possibility from the beginning. There will be problems in this area, so there are so many countermeasures, but Claire is a little confused now, the countermeasures are all right, how can there be monsters running out?

But fortunately, apart from the incident of the beast hurting people at the beginning, there have been no incidents of beasts hurting people these days.

Claire threw the pen in his hand and lay down on the sofa, "Forget it, let Hunter and the others add a training program later, so it should be safe."

Reagan's fast and dense footsteps approached Claire, and as soon as Claire waved, Reagan opened the door before knocking.

Regan walked in in a panic, "Master, it's not good!"

Claire sighed, "How come there are so many bad things? Another thing that happened to be hurt by monsters?"

"No, it's not about the beasts hurting people."

"So what's the bad news?" Claire sat up.

"There are some rumors out there now..."


"Some people say that it is because you have opened an adventurer's guild, young master, and those adventurers go to hunt monsters, so the monsters in the monster mountain range come out to hurt people."

A hint of coldness appeared on Claire's face, "Oh, it's kind of interesting." Claire could faintly smell a conspiracy against her.

Then he asked, "Have you found out who spread it?"

Reagan scratched his head embarrassedly, "Uh... that was not found by our government officials."

"It was spread by a few people outside the city, but before the news spread, it was detained by the residents of Nafu City and escorted to me. It is said that no one is allowed to slander you, young master, and the residents of the city are very protective. Yours, sir."

When Claire heard this, she all laughed, and she was also a little happy.

Reagan continued: "Although a few were caught, those people learned to be smart and started to post small advertisements, and those rumors still spread in a small area."

Claire nodded, holding her cheeks and asked, "What do the residents of Nafu City think?"


"What do you think? I'll stand and watch!" An old man with a cigarette holder tore off the small advertisement posted on the wall, turned his head and shouted to the dozens of people behind him: "Everyone can see clearly Ah! It's these papers that have the words slandering the Viscount written on them."

"It's the Lord Viscount who says anything about monsters hurting people! Let me tell you, it's all **** that doesn't make sense!"

After speaking, the old man slammed the mouth of the cigarette, and the place where the tobacco was rolled turned red and there were a few wisps of white smoke, and then he spit out a large puff of smoke and continued: "My words are not rough, especially if it weren't for the Viscount. , I still can't recognize the words on it!"

"As you all know, our lives are getting better every day since the Viscount came! Haven't you noticed? After the adventurer's guild established by the Viscount, if nothing else, we just said that we had to wait until we wanted to eat meat. I was willing to spend money to buy some for the holidays, and now we can buy some cheap meat from the market every day!"

"Also, I usually repair shoes or something. In the past, it was only enough to satisfy my stomach. Now more and more people come to Nafu City, and they make more and more money. They can smoke better tobacco. I believe it's not just me, you are all the same!"

"Isn't this enough to prove the Viscount? Just because of the fact that the monsters hurt people, some people say that the Viscount is not good! I, Old Rhodes, were the first to not accept it, and I have to firmly oppose it!"

"Even if what's written on it is true, do you want to abolish the Adventurer's Guild? Do you want us to return to the old life of starving to death without even having enough to eat!"

"Don't say that I don't have back pain when I stand and talk, so what if I am the one who died among the thirteen people! I still won't have any resentment against the Viscount in my heart. I believe that my wife and children will be better after death. Life! Change always bleeds, but after this pain, we will have a better tomorrow!"

"And Lord Viscount has already sent a team of knights to patrol those villages every day. I believe there will be fewer and fewer things like this monster hurting people! I will always believe in Lord Viscount!" The old man with the cigarette holder said in a series of words. Long There is no need to think or hesitate at all between words. These words are spit out from his heart. After opening his mouth, he said it in a gulp like this, and the feelings between the words It also passed on to everyone below.

The crowd below listened with great excitement, waving their hands vigorously to express their unbearable emotions.

"Yes! I think you're right!"

"What's the matter, I should have beaten those outsiders before pressing them over today! How dare you slander Lord Viscount like this!"

"No way, I feel like my whole body is boiling, I have to do something!"

"Long live the Viscount!"

"Everyone, be quiet!" The old man hanging his pipe stretched out his hand to suppress the voices of the crowd below, raised the small advertisement in his hand and said: "There are still a lot of these posted papers, everyone go and tear them all up. If you see someone posting these things, just take it down and send it to Administrative Officer Reagan!"

"Okay!!!" The crowd gathered here quickly dispersed, some went to tear up the small advertisement, some were looking for the person who posted the small advertisement and wanted to beat them up, and some went to put these The news is spread out, lest some of the unsound be deceived.

For a while, Claire's slander spread around the city without even having to take action, and the people who spontaneously formed a team to protect Claire were aggressive on the streets, and those who were sent to the city to destroy Where have I seen this kind of battle, I was so scared that I didn't even dare to disperse the rumors, and the advertisements were not posted, and I fled directly from Nafu City.

In that battle, if he was caught, it was possible to be beaten to death in the street. They just collect money to do things, but they are not responsible for their lives.

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