Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 374: Eggs cannot be placed in the same bask

"Your father and your second brother quarreled?" Claire asked.

Xia En nodded, "Yes, the quarrel was serious. At a banquet a few days ago, the two of them completely tore their faces, and the atmosphere was very awkward. I was still there at the time."

"At the banquet?" Claire repeated, making her guess even more certain in her heart.

So he continued: "I want to assist Princess Irene in the upper position, are you interested?"

"Ah?" Xia En was stunned when he heard this, and the topic jumped too much.

"No, why did you think of assisting Irene in the top position?"

Claire didn't answer, but said again: "I have already brought Mrs. Sophia into the team, and it will be more stable after you join in."

"Mrs. Sophia agrees?" Shane couldn't believe it, how could the other party agree to such a ridiculous plan?

Then Shane pointed his finger at himself, "Me? What can I do if I join?"

"I'm just starting out now, and with those rules in the family, I can't get resources from the family, and I can't provide any help."

"you can."

"I really can't."

"You really can!" Claire said this with more confidence than Shane himself.

"Why?" Shane still didn't understand.

"You tell your father that I invited you to join Irene's leadership, and he will agree."

"Impossible." Xia En shook his head and said, "Father, he prefers the eldest prince Vito. It's fine for me to follow you secretly. If he finds out, he might break my leg. My second brother is because of I quarreled with my father at the banquet because I supported the second prince."

"No." Claire continued with a smile: "I want to ask you a question, did your eldest brother support the eldest prince Vito with your father?"

"Yes, my eldest brother has always been working with his father. The second brother was sent to Hill City to develop, and Hill City has many properties of the second prince, so he is closer to the second prince. ."

When Claire said this, Shane still didn't respond.

So Claire asked back: "If I give you a load of eggs and let you carry them home, but there is a risk of slipping and falling on the road, once you fall, the eggs you are holding will all be broken, how can you do it? How about bringing back all the eggs for maximum benefit?"

The question was very simple, and Xia En quickly answered: "Of course, I will take it back in several trips, so even if I fall a few times in the middle, I can still transport the other eggs back..." Xia En said. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something.

He shouted in surprise, "You mean..."

Claire nodded, "That's right, "eggs can't be put in the same basket," your father probably thought the same."

Claire has met Shane's father, Earl Norton several times, and can feel that he is a very smart person, so the other party's plan is very likely to be like this.

"You and your eldest brother support the eldest prince Vito, while your second brother who has a disagreement will support the second prince. In this way, no matter who comes to the throne in the end, your Ansair family can still maintain your original status and strength."

Shane's Ansair family is different from Sophia and her August family. Their family does not have a magister in charge, so they must be careful and not take a wrong step.

After listening to Claire's analysis, Shane was stunned. No matter what he thought, he would never have imagined that his father had such a plan. And he was kept in the dark.

Claire continued: "Think about it carefully, are there some elders in the family who will favor your second brother more? This is only the preliminary stage. The banquet a few days ago just made the contradictions in your family public and let the rest of the people know. If If I guessed correctly, at the back, your family will split into two parts, some elders will follow your second brother to support Klee, and the rest will follow your father to support the eldest prince."

This is inevitable. What the second prince needs is real help, not just a nominal help. If Shane's second brother joins, but he can't give him any help, he won't get any benefit even if Klee finally takes over. So in the later period, the Ansair family will inevitably split into two parts, one part will follow Norton to support the eldest prince, while the other part will support the second prince.

In the end, whoever loses can continue to live under the protection of the winner. Killing such a thing, the newly appointed king will not do it. After all, they are related by blood, or they are biological father and son, so it is not appropriate to kill. Therefore, it is best to remove all the positions of those people and take back the property of that part of the people. Although the owner of the family may have changed, the Ansi Er family is still one of the top families in the kingdom.

After Xia En thought about it, it is true that there are many elders in the family who support his second brother. Is it really like what Claire said?

"But it's not right, I saw my father and my second brother quarreling that day, and it didn't look like it was pretending." Xia En didn't want to believe this fact, and continued to shake his head: "And when I was at home, they also There is no sign of reconciliation. My second brother also told me in private that my father is too dictatorial and domineering, and is always partial to the elder brother..."

Claire's eyes became even more admirable after hearing it, and explained: "That means your father is really very wise. If you pretend that he can be seen, then turn it into a fact."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that your second brother is also kept in the dark. From arranging your second brother to Hill City, to have contact with the second prince, to your second brother's grudge against your father, and the publicity of the conflict, it is you all. It was planned and arranged by my father."

"Your second brother thinks that many things are chosen by himself, but in fact, it may be that your father guided him to do it. He was ready to take over the throne from the beginning, but it came a little suddenly."

"Ah?" Xia En was even more stunned. My second brother was also kept in the dark? Then my dad is really too scheming.

"Could it be the same for my elder brother?"

"It's very possible." Claire shrugged and said, "Except for the qualified and powerful elders in the family, the rest of the people may not notice."

The elders that Claire mentioned were those elders who supported Shane's second brother, otherwise, with Norton's methods, there would not be so many people in the family who disagreed with him. So he needed to persuade those people to join Xia En's second brother and help him. After the final throne is determined, as soon as a few high-level officials meet, everything will be fine.

Shane was a little suspicious of life after what Claire said, and began to wonder if he was also arranged by his father.

Prince Albert's youngest daughter... should be this.

I got on the line of Prince Albert. The younger generation on Prince Albert's side are all waste. Although he went to work, he could also gain a certain amount of power. At that time, even if there are unexpected accidents on the family side, Albert's side as a royal family will definitely be affected very little, and the Ansair family will still have a lineage that can continue.

Xia En was afraid after a while, his father was a little scary smart, and his scheming was so deep that he even counted his three own sons into it.

"Back to the topic at the beginning, since your father's plan is not to put eggs in the same basket, then you just go over and tell him what I proposed to you, and he will definitely support you."

In this way, Claire can also get some support from the Ansair family.

Xia En pointed to himself and showed a complicated smile, "I can be the third egg now, right?"

Should you be happy? Still unhappy?

"Damn. Well, when I go back next night, I'll ask him."