Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 416: Portland has been our territory since

Not long after the announcement of the admissions of the magic school was posted, a new announcement was posted on the city wall of Nafu City, and this announcement also attracted the attention of many people.

After the announcement about the seaside town was posted, there was a wave of intense discussions in Nafu City.

"Have you heard? There is actually a scenic spot on the coast not far from here? There are so many tourists there. I thought those tourists came to our city of Nafu."

"Have you heard that the Lord has ordered a new town to be established there."

"Really? I'm illiterate, and I didn't understand what was written on the bulletin."

"Then there are a lot of things you don't understand. I only told you because I am friends with you."

"I suggest you go there now and find something to do."

"Why? I think it's fine in Nafu City, why go to that small town."

Another person hated that the iron was not steel, "I told you, you are not forward-looking at all."

"It's true that you lived well in Nafhu City, but does that also have anything to do with you? In other words, can you live so well without Nafhu City?"

The man thought for a moment and then replied: "You are right, life is better now because Nafu City is gradually getting better, I just got a little bit of light, if there is no Lord Lord, no Nafu City If not, my life is as bad as it used to be."

"So you still don't understand?"

"Understand what?"

"Improve your abilities!"

"Lord Lord wrote clearly in the announcement, the policy tendency: you can let everyone take loans to do business there, the taxation of doing business there is much lower than that of other places, and the support given to starting a business there, They all wrote down the benefits of going to that town."

"This is telling us that the lord is going to vigorously develop this town!"

"Think about the market that opened up before, and the foreign trade activities that we took out loans to undertake, and the two towns that were established. Which time did they not bring out a group of people who got rich. I think this time will be no exception, so we have to seize the opportunity!"

"Really?" The other person thought about it and found that it was indeed the case. As far as he knew, there were many people who followed the policy and made a fortune.

"Of course, I'm ready. I'll go to that seaside town tomorrow."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Not yet, I haven't been there yet, how do I know what to do."

"Wouldn't that be too unsafe?"

"When it's safe, the chances are gone! You have to break in when everyone is confused and don't know where to go, so that you can take the lead and take the lead one step at a time. Do you want to follow I'm going with you?"

Seeing that his companion was so confident, that person was still a little worried. Although there were many earners, there were also many who lost money. He really didn't dare to let him follow.

"What if it fails? The loan money doesn't have to be repaid."

"If you fail, you have to work and pay back. It's impossible for everything to have a 100% success rate. The higher the risk, the higher the return. I'm still young, I don't want me to be like this in my life. Stay here, anyway, being a cashier in a store is much better now than before."

"Then I bless you..."

He knew his cowardice and knew that he could not bear the blow of failure.

The other one is not forced, everyone has their own choice, there is no right or wrong, it depends on whether it is worth it or not. He likes risk and because it has a high profit, and if it is a big deal, he will work part-time to pay back the money. And some people prefer a stable life, which is understandable, and there is no need to blame.


"Master." Reagan walked into Claire's study and continued: "A lot of people have already left for there, and I also sent some of the people from the government to set up a small government there. Responsible for helping those who come to live better there."

"Yeah." Claire nodded, "Continue to promote it in Naft City, and attract foreign tourists to visit there. I will make Eve appear a few more times during this time."

The city of Portland has not been solved yet, so Claire first let it develop the consumer industry, and let those tourists come to consume and drive the development of the town. After the city of Portland is settled, Claire can transfer the business there, and then develop the trade.

"Then young master, what should the town be called?" Reagan asked. Now that the official operation has begun, some issued documents need to be marked with the geographical domain name.

"It's called... Mermaid City."

"Mermaid City?" There was a hint of surprise in Regan's tone. He wasn't surprised that Claire used the name of a mermaid as the city's name, but was surprised by the word "city".

You must know that the two previous towns ended with towns. Reagan also thought that this was a small town that his young master planned to build. Now, it seems that his young master has paid more attention to this port city than others. your own imagination.

"Understood Master, I will try my best to do it well," Regan assured.

"Don't worry about this, come and have a look first." Claire sat at the desk and pushed an ancient book in front of him towards Reagan.

Reagan also took a few steps forward and looked at the words that Claire marked on it.

"I looked through some old books and found that the Portland area used to belong to our territory."

After taking a look at the text on the ancient book, Reagan found that there was no clear record that Portland City was the territory of Nafford City. The lord has a dispute over this place.

But in the end, this place still fell into the Harvey Earl Territory at that time, and it was only after the other party got that territory that Portland City slowly developed in that place. It was a very simple event with little to no special. There is no clear record in this ancient book, just a few strokes.

But Reagan is a smart person, and he naturally knows what his young master thinks. He just found an excuse, even if the excuse is not very convincing, but as long as it is an excuse, then you can start from this aspect, and then achieve your purpose.

"It's like this, Portland was our territory before, and then it was snatched away by Earl Harvey at that time with a conspiracy."

"So, in fact, Portland City has been our territory since ancient times?" Claire laughed.

Reagan also showed a smile, "You are right, Master, Portland has been our territory since ancient times."

Claire stood up and covered the ancient softly: "Then spread the news and let everyone know."

"Understood." Regan bowed and stepped out.


Following that new announcement, another piece of news spread through the city of Nafu.

"Have you heard? In fact, the city of Portland in the Earl of Harvey that borders us is actually our territory, but we were still weak at that time, so they were robbed by them."

"Of course I heard that we were bullied because we were weak in the past. Now that we are so strong, I think we should go and get our territory back!"

"I think so too, and the Earl of Harvey has sent troops to our army before. If the Lord Lord hadn't defended us, maybe the territory would have been taken away as before."

"Let's go and petition with the lord, let him take back the territory that belongs to us!"

"Huh? How can you say it's a robbery? After all, it's someone who went to night school, so we should get back what belongs to us."