Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 431: Did you copy this?

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Claire understands this very well. In his previous life, he has seen a lot of bosses who, after starting their business, introduce some wolf-like culture or some new performance inspection and system to reform their business, and then put their own business. The business was sacked.

It's not that those things are wrong, it's just that it's not suitable, and the changes are so drastic that the employees in the company simply don't adapt, or they don't know what it's for.

A more specific example is the programmer's ancestral code, which can be run, regardless of how he ran it. Sometimes you change something that you think is irrelevant, and it just crashes.

But apart from these, this Karen jeweler is still very valuable for acquisition. He was able to use himself as a jewelry store to get the top five in the country before, which shows that he has a certain ability. Although he failed once later, But that is also a valuable experience, which can make him walk more steadily in the future.

In this case, the tuition fee is quite worth it. Anyway, the tuition wasn't paid for by Claire.

"So how much do you owe now?"

Karen pursed her lips when she heard this question, "Because of the desire to expand before, like the bank loaned a limit of 100 million yuan, and I owe some friends money, I should now owe about 130 million yuan. "

"Silver Dragon Coins?" Claire asked with a frown. If there were more than three hundred million silver dragon coins, there would be nothing to talk about. He himself doesn't have that many now.

"Oh! No!" Karen then reacted and said the amount of legal currency in her country.

Then he quickly waved his hand and said, "The exchange ratio between the currency of our Kingdom of Jersey and the silver dragon coins is one to nine, so it is probably more than 14 million silver dragon coins."

It's acceptable, and more than 1,400 silver dragon coins are still worth it.

"If you want to buy a jewelry store..." Karen rubbed her hands nervously, "Just give 10 million silver dragon coins, the jewelry and the counter are all yours!"

Karen feels that her jewelry store is now worth 10 million silver dragon coins.

"Then don't you still owe more than four million silver dragon coins?" Claire laughed.

"Those that I figured out myself, if I have 10 million silver dragon coins, I can still pay it off by doing some business by myself." Karen replied, but he also knew that if he paid it off, then I don't know how long it has been.

"Fifteen million." Claire laughed.

"No, 10 million is already my reserve price, and the bank is pressing hard every day..." Karen said, suddenly stunned, "What did you say?"

He hasn't seen a buyer who has reversed bargaining.

"Fifteen million, take it and pay the jewelry store's debt."

Karen was still a little stunned, and he couldn't even believe his ears. He didn't expect such a good thing to happen.

"I'll take 70% of the shares, and give you the remaining 30%. You don't have to leave, just stay and do your old job. You still control the jewelry store." Claire said softly.

Claire's purpose is not to be a jewelry brand, but to export jewelry. The reason why she bought a jeweler is to make her jewelry famous and sell it. As for the 30% of the shares given, it is to give Karen the motivation. After all, the motivation to make money for himself is different from that of making money for others. Their main profit will not be in jewelry stores, but in jewelry stores that are exported to other countries.

It is equivalent to standing upstream, holding a sickle to harvest other jewelers below. The speed of making money is much faster than the money to open a jewelry store.

Jewelers in Jersey are following this path. Otherwise, they will sell them in their own country. Their kingdom cannot afford the multi-billion jewelry market, and they are harvesting money from other countries.

And the extra five million was bought by Karen. The jewelry store can't master every strategy in a foreign country, so someone needs to help manage it. Karen is a very good person in Claire's eyes. A good candidate, capable and familiar with the jewelry market, the most important thing is to have a certain foundation there to facilitate their layout in Mariehamn.

"Really?" Karen said excitedly.

"Really, but the layout ahead has to listen to me."

"No problem, no problem!" Karen replied repeatedly.

Reaching a consensus, Claire also took out the jewelry made by herself from her space ring, and pushed the jewelry in the tray towards Karen.

"Look, this is the jewelry that will be sold in jewelry stores in the future."

Karen took it, and put the pieces back after a few glances. He is a professional jeweler himself, and you can see a lot of things at a glance.

Seeing the other person's uncomfortable expression, Claire smiled and said, "It's alright, just tell me if you have anything."

Karen vomited quickly, "Then I'll say it, Lord Claire."

"Although the craftsmanship is good, the jewelry you have here is imitated by those of other jewelers in Mariehamn? I can see the shadow of many brands on it."

Claire nodded, "Yes."

"If I'm blunt, I'm afraid that jewelry like that won't be sold in the market." Karen explained: "The jewelry we sell is originally a luxury product, so it has a lot of high-end sense on it, and it is a niche product. Sex, or the style of each jewelry These are the things that differentiate it from other jewelry.”

"Maybe you think that it will sell better if you gather the highlights of various famous jewelry, but in fact it is not, those customers are very sensitive, and they are also very picky, when they see this level of jewelry If there is something, then basically I won't buy it, I think it will lower my grade."

Claire kept nodding as she listened. Sure enough, this Karen is very professional.

"You're wrong, I don't think so. These are just the practice works of our craftsmen. Because I don't have any masters in jewelry design for the time being, so I let them imitate and practice first." Claire explained. .

Karen's heart is also put down, as long as these jewelry are not put on the market. He is afraid that he will meet those who do not know how to do it and are stubborn. If he insists on putting these jewelry on the market, it will really be over, and he will feel very uncomfortable because of his professionalism. It feels like a Chinese person. Seeing foreigners want to bread fruit in dumplings.

"You have the contact information of some design masters you know well, right?" Claire asked.

Karen nodded. He has made jewelry for so long, but he still has some connections in this area. "Leave this to me, and I will contact a well-known master to stand for us."

A well-known design master in the industry is very necessary, and the celebrity benefit can make their store popular again and become hot.

"I didn't show you the design on this just now." Claire picked up another piece of jewelry and handed it over.

Karen took it over and observed it carefully, but still couldn't see anything, it was nothing special.

When he looked up, he saw a fireball hitting his head.


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