Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 444: The battle between old and new

"Lord Claire, there are many masters who have come forward to publicly oppose Mason's work." Karen trotted over again, panting.

Karen spread out the newspaper in front of Claire and continued: "Look, those who were paid by us before have also started attacking Mason, whether from a professional point of view, or from him and Ona. The relationship between almost all the jewelry design masters is now attacking us."

"Some say that Mason's design does not conform to the aesthetic design, and some attack his character, saying that Master Ona is still very easy to get along with."

Karen's voice was a little nervous, he never thought such a thing would happen. In the world that day, he felt that he had become the public enemy of the entire jewelry industry.

"Don't panic, it's not a big problem." Claire looked at the newspaper on the table and read it slowly. The contents were the same as before, but there were more attacks on Mason's jewelry design theory.

And after there are so many platforms for the masters, the persuasiveness is also much stronger. The jewelry dealers who have attracted them before are only one or two jewelry design masters, and their reputation is not particularly high, so their speeches are also submerged in those who target In the remarks of the Mina Chamber of Commerce.

After seeing Claire so calm, Karen's heart also calmed down a little.

"Lord Claire, what's going on?" Karen still couldn't understand, how could he offend so many masters at the same time when he was competing with those jewelers?

Those masters are not bad for money. It is impossible for them to be bought by those jewellers. I spent money to let them give myself a platform before and they didn't stand. I guess my feathers, what's going on now?

"Of course it's for profit." Claire put down the newspaper in her hand.

He tapped the newspaper on the desktop with his finger, "With the rise of an era, there will inevitably be a group of people rising along with it, and a group of old people will inevitably fall. Do you think that after Mason gets up, those masters will maintain their current status? ?"

The corners of Claire's mouth rose, "Those jewellers are quite smart, knowing that pulling these masters into the water saves a lot of energy for themselves."

Just as Claire said before, those masters rose up with their own talents in the previous era that suits them, and this new era is the era of pragmatism and minimalism, so their talents It just doesn't work here.

They are not good at this aspect of design. This is not a question of whether they can learn or not. As masters, they can definitely learn, but learning does not mean that they can be proficient, nor does it mean that they can reach the level of previous jewelry design. So once these two ideas arise, their talents will not gain in the new era.

Therefore, in order to maintain their current status and interests, they must declare war with Mason, otherwise, if Mason keeps winning like this, then the masters themselves will become stubborn in the old era.

Of course, there are some smart masters who can mix well, but you must also know that those people are always a minority, and the rest of the masters will only be crushed to pieces under the wheel of the times.

After listening to Claire's explanation, Karen also understood that it wasn't her own problem, and finally let go of her dangling heart.

"Then what are we going to do?" Karen asked subconsciously. He was accustomed to obeying Claire and doing things according to his instructions.

"Clarify things." Claire chuckled.

"Huh? What's the trick?" Karen was a little puzzled.

"Clarify the dispute between the old and the new. It's time for everyone to understand the incompatibility between Mason and those masters, so let's just make it clear. Turn their attack on Mason into a "controversy between the old and the new." "."

Claire continued: "It has turned into a debate between new ideas and inherent ideas in the jewelry design industry. After clarifying the matter, the masters' attack on Mason has also turned into an attack on new ideas, and the people will understand it. , not because Mason's design is ineffective, but because of the incompatibility of two opposing ideas."

Although every time he communicated with Claire, he felt like an idiot, but Karen became more and more excited as she listened, feeling that her eyes were opened again.

"I understand, my lord!" Karen pounded his palm with the hammer excitedly, "I'll do it now!"

"Don't worry." Claire stopped Karen, "We are still a little weaker, to support a few designers who have the same concept as Mason, and also give them momentum. After a few more people, those who target Mason's set fire isn't as useful."

Karen nodded, and Claire didn't need to explain it to him.

Since it is a new era, it is impossible for the rising jewelry designers to be only Mason, but a group of newcomers, which is convincing.

"Okay sir, it's not difficult. Several designers have come to prominence under Mason's concept. I'll go and recruit them into our Mina Chamber of Commerce."

"No, have you forgotten what I told you before? Give others some soup." Claire said, if those people were all his own, then there would be no momentum. And after giving soup to other jewelers, they can work harder for themselves.

"We only need to have Mason as the leader. Now let's build momentum."

"Understood!" Karen patted her chest hard, "I will push them into new masters in a few days!"

After being with Claire for a long time, Karen discovered that those so-called masters can really be created, and it was really a bit of a waste of time for him to ask those masters before.


So under Karen's intentional push, public opinion changed again.

Public opinion is no longer directed at Mason, and the point of discussion has become a battle between the old and the new, discussing which will succeed.

"I'll just say, why did so many masters attack Master Mason before? That's what happened! I thought there was something wrong with my vision."

"Yeah, I think Master Mason's design is very beautiful. It turned out to be a battle of ideas in the design world."

"Then those masters' personalities are not that good. I'm afraid that Master Mason will start to attack him personally. I guess the previous news is all framed."

"I think it's also and now there are many masters of simple style, and the jewelry they design is also very beautiful."

Because of the support of other masters, their styles are not exactly the same as Mason's, so Karen transformed this new concept into a "simple style" when promoting it. The masters all took their inspiration from Mason.

"Hey, who do you think will win this battle between the old and the new?"

"It's hard to say. I'm more optimistic about the previous masters. They have been famous for so long, and they still have their own strengths."

"I'm optimistic about Master Mason and the others."

"Why? Because the new is always better than the old."

"Hahaha, then what you said makes sense."

In this public opinion environment, trivial matters in the jewelry design industry have attracted much attention.

So after things fermented to a certain point, the Mina Chamber of Commerce broke the best news: Master Mason will openly challenge the No. 1 Master Ona in the jewelry design industry.

As soon as the news came out, the entire Mariehamn was instantly detonated, and the topic of this topic reached its peak. The newspaper also named this event "The Battle of the Old and New", a duel between the emerging leaders and the old masters.

The press conference of the Mina Chamber of Commerce was scheduled for the weekend, and almost all the media also received invitations from the Mina Chamber of Commerce.

After that day, all the newspapers and media arrived an hour or two earlier, raised their equipment, and planned to record the scene that was recorded in the history of jewelry design.
