Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 69: Target: Royal Capital!

After walking out of the Viscount Mansion, Claire pondered for a while, and it seemed that there was nowhere to go. Going to the market in her capacity would cause congestion, and the barracks was a holiday now, so she could only go to Rona's hospital to see it. Look, see how the seed you gave her is growing now.

The wolf king didn't dare to run too fast in the city. He wouldn't run into people, but he could scare people.

Walking slowly towards the direction of the hospital, the pedestrians stopped their steps when they saw Claire, and greeted Claire.

"Your Excellency the Viscount, Gui'an!"

"Long live the Viscount!"

Claire also nodded in response, but gave up after a few minutes. Too many people greeted him with a little neck pain. They simply lied on the wolf king's back and pretended to be invisible, but even so, the people were watching. After reaching him, he stopped and saluted.

Walking to a crowded place, Claire gradually heard the conversation between them.

"Hey, look, this is Lord Viscount's mount."

"I'm not blind. The person lying on it is still the Viscount."

"Do you think the Viscount is too tired to fall asleep? Let's keep our voices down."

"Understood, but what are you doing here?"

"Go to night school."

"Huh?! Isn't the night school only open at night? What are you going to do at noon now?"

"What do you know? I've been studying hard every day these days, and now I can almost recognize and write commonly used common languages. Now the class that starts at noon is an arithmetic class!"

"Uh, I really don't know. I haven't been to the night school for a few days, but what's the use of learning arithmetic?"

"What do you know, the course taught by the Viscount is definitely useful. I have learned the ninety-nine multiplication table now. I don't know now. Anyway, it will definitely come in handy in the future."

Listening to their conversation, Claire turned her head slightly and glanced at the two of them. Sometimes it's not that you can't grasp the opportunity, but that when the opportunity comes to you, you don't have the ability to grasp it. Claire opened the course of arithmetic. The purpose of the course is indeed to train the first batch of merchants in Nafu City. It is impossible for him to help all the people in the Viscount like A Dou. Given the opportunity, it depends on who can grasp it.

It's not far from the hospital, and Claire rode the wolf king to the hospital quickly.

Claire rolled over from the Wolf King's body, her thumb pressed against her index finger, and a confused sound came from her mouth.


The wolf king looked suspiciously at Claire, who was bewildering. What are you doing?

"Stay honest and don't run around. If someone touches you, you call out."

The wolf king shook his head, ignored him, and fell directly to the ground.

As soon as Claire approached the door of the hospital, a man with a bandage on his hand walked out.

"Lord Viscount Gui'an!" The other party greeted quickly.

Claire also nodded, "Is the arm healed?"

"It was broken by a falling stone during construction. Fortunately, Dr. Rona brought it back with his excellent medical skills. After a few days of rest, he will recover."

"That's good."

Ordinary people's illnesses and injuries are easy to treat, but if a silver knight like Hunter or a bronze knight who has just practiced vindictiveness, it will be much more troublesome to treat. Their bodies are already very different from those of ordinary people. If there is a big gap, more advanced medicines must be used to treat their injuries, and the same is true for magicians.

After the people left, Claire walked into the hospital.

The inside is still full of greenery, and as soon as I walked in, I felt a cool breeze.

Rona raised her head and stared at Claire at the door with wide eyes. She opened her mouth, " you, you're welcome..." Then she frowned again and shook her head in dissatisfaction.

Claire hurriedly threw away the mental connection, "You just learned these three words? What were you going to say?"

"I want to say why are you here?"

Claire teased: "Let's see how your common language is."

Rona's face flushed red again, and she said angrily, "You're laughing at me again!"

Then he touched a cup on the table and smashed it over. Claire flicked to the side and took the handle of the cup. With a set of smooth movements, it was not difficult for him as a mage.

He then walked over with the cup, put it back in place, and said with a smile, "Just kidding, although I don't know many words, at least the pitch is accurate."

"I already know more than a dozen words, and I'll definitely be able to learn it if you give me some time."

"I came this time to see how the seed is growing now?" Claire asked her purpose of the trip.

"Now it can be concluded that it is a magical plant. It grows very slowly. You can see it with me."

Rona took Claire to the backyard, which was also a small yard, mainly where Rona used to grow herbs dug outside.

Going to the corner, Rona pointed to a small tree that was almost one person tall and said, "This is the tree from which the black seeds germinate. I have tried its leaves and roots, but there is no special effect, magic power. It should be in the fruit that came out."

"Is this called slow growth?" Claire exclaimed as she looked at the little tree that was almost taller than herself, knowing that it hadn't been a week since he gave the seeds to Rona.

"It's very slow. I use elf magic to spawn it every day. If it were any other tree, it would have grown into a towering tree by now, and it's still a young seedling. Do you think it's slow?"

After listening to Lorna's Claire looked at the small tree carefully. It didn't look anything special, but he could feel the magic power flowing in the roots and stems above it. It was definitely a magical plant.

"When will the result come out?" Claire asked.

Rona thought for a while, "It's probably more than 20 days, and I can't determine the exact time."

"That's about the same. I just want to go out."

Hearing Claire's words, Rona's mood fluctuated obviously.

Claire asked, "What's wrong?"

"Where are you going?"

"Go to the capital to talk about business, and come back after talking." There was nothing to hide, Claire simply said it.

As soon as she finished speaking, Claire laughed in her heart, how could it feel like running a business?

"What is running a business?" Rona asked curiously.

"Uh... how many common languages ​​do you know? I'll test you!"

"Is there a connection between this?" Rona was still a little uncomfortable with the sudden change in the topic.

Claire opened her mouth and came: "Of course, you know a lot of common language, don't you understand what it means to run a business?"

"I feel that you are fooling me, but our spirits are still connected." Rona asked condescendingly, standing on tiptoe.

"You are so smart, can I deceive you?"

Rona frowned and fell into deep thought. He was right in saying that. How could I be fooled by him when I was so smart, but the emotions that came from my spiritual connection were obviously wrong.

"Oh no, why did you run away!" When Rona came back to her senses, Claire had already walked to the door.

"Go back and pack your luggage, and leave tomorrow! Target: Royal Capital!"