Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 507: brand history

After being invited by Qin Yu, the journey of the two people was a little bit more gloomy.

The harmony of yin and yang makes the magnetic field of this small team more harmonious and easier to get close to.

Therefore, Alessio Russo remembered this ‘knowledge point’ in his heart.

Maybe sometime, it might be used...

As the tour continued, Russo was a competent tour guide. Under his vivid language description, the images of Lamborghini after its birth in 1963 were slowly unfolding in their minds.

The classic models on the first floor cover the most representative models of Lamborghini from the sixties to the nineties.

Speaking of this, naturally I have to mention 350GT, Lamborghini's first production car.

It took only one year from R&D to production, and if such a miracle can be created, some shortcuts must be taken in the middle.

To speed up the process, the easiest way is undoubtedly to ‘borrow’ people, which is also the most common method in the market.

The engine of the Lamborghini 350GT came from a former Ferrari engineer, and the chassis engineer came from Maserati. In this way, Lamborghini's first production car was born.

At that time, it sold more than 120 vehicles, which is a good result for a new brand.

It also ensures the survival of the Lamborghini brand, brings appropriate profits and soil, and gives the brand a little confidence.

Then came the GT series, the gold and emerald green of GTS, the convertible design...

The 400GT in response to market demand is just a transition, allowing the brand to survive at the time.

Until the appearance of Miura, its appearance changed the definition of super sports cars in the entire world.

The mid-engine and the charming body designed by Marcelo Gandini are named after the famous trainer. At the same time, in the bullring, Miura also represents the strongest, smartest, and most fierce.

And it also deserves the name Miura. When it was unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show, it immediately made a sensation around the world.

The horizontal 4.6-liter V12 mid-mounted engine has a sharp output of 350 horses and a top speed of 280km/h, which was the fastest speed of a mass-produced car at that time.

Miura has countless innovations, whether it is its exterior model, its horn door, and the barrier-type air component behind the roof.

Of course, the most amazing thing is that it breaks the tradition of the front engine.

At this point, Lamborghini officially started its own ‘cattle raising’ industry.

In the end, it was cultivated into a "golden bull" that can bring huge profits, and it also has the honorable achievement that is dubbed the bullpen today.

The Marzal concept car, Lamborghini's first foray into a four-seater utility model.

Oh, right……

It must be mentioned that its door turned out to be a flying wing.

It turns out that as early as more than sixty years ago, flying wing doors have appeared...

At that time, the mass-produced model Espada was inspired by it.

It was also built by Gandini, and his previous success has brought him great honor and status.

The three generations of Espada gave the world a clear understanding of Lamborghini's high design standards, and it was also the brand that sold better in that era.

"It was also the financial pillar of Lamborghini in that era. Without it, maybe Lamborghini would have gone bankrupt."

The second-generation Espada is the best-selling model of the three generations, and it is also one of Russo’s favorite models.

"I remember I saw in the news before that Lamborghini has plans to revive the Espada series." Qin Yu was very interested in the 4-seater Espada concept car that appeared at the 2008 Paris Motor Show.

"Yes, but it may take some time." Russo did not explain the reason, which involves the overall operating direction of the brand.

Objectively speaking, it can be regarded as a trade secret.

"You should know that we have been competing with Ferrari for a long time..." Russo has a modest seldom seen by foreigners.

Long-term competition? ? ?

More than that, Lamborghini and Ferrari are simply rivals.

Both sides can't wait to kill each other, but they can't count how many times they face each other.

In the beginning, Ferrari could be said to be unilaterally rolling in all directions, until the emergence of Countach.

Countach, which was born in the late 1970s, has been loved by more people, and posters and movie propaganda also favor its ‘scissor door’ design.

As it is now, owning a Countach is the brightest boy in this gai! ! !

Countach’s name comes from Italian slang. When a man sees a beautiful woman, he can’t help but marvel at ‘Coon-tash! ’

This is exactly what Mr. Lamborghini exclaimed when he saw it, so Countach appeared.

It is also one of the few sports cars of Lamborghini, and there is no sports car named after the bull.

Gandini's simple and exaggerated design gives Countach an infinite sense of the future.

The avant-garde, bizarre to exaggerated design and violent power instantly captured the hearts of countless car fans.

People are shocked by it, and it is beginning to appear in Hollywood blockbusters.

Because the scissor door is so cool, no matter when it appears, it is so unique and impressive.

Ability to attract eyes...

At that time, a Countach was more exciting for men than any bikini beauty.


A super sci-fi sports car with scissor doors, doesn't it smell good? ? ?

Most movie fans even think that they are just movie props, and there is no such super sci-fi sports car in reality.

This brought more honor and aura to Countach, which made the Lamborghini flourish during this period, reversing the situation for the first time and overwhelming its old opponent.

The battle between cows and horses turned over for the first time. For Lamborghini, this period is a period of pride and deep meaning.

"In my opinion, it is the appearance of Countach that gives Lamborghini the real courage to challenge everyone..." Russo's pride comes from the heart.

Even Qin Yu and Pei Zhuxian were deeply infected, as if they had blended into that era, feeling happy that Lamborghini defeated their old rivals for the first time and won the attention of the world.

It can only be said that Russo's commentary is too contagious.

Based on this, he deserves to be the executive vice president, and being able to make others agree with his own point of view is the most brilliant sales strategy.

Then we must mention the turbulent years, Mr. Lamborghini mismanagement, resulting in the brand being included in the Chrysler brand.

The arrogant bald eagle began to point fingers at the company, and after Gandini submitted the new design drawings, he appointed the Detroit design team to make drastic changes to it.

This also made Gandini furious and decided to leave his old club.

It was not until two years later that the new car modified by the Bald Eagle team was officially launched, and it was the flagship product that has continued to this day: Diablo (ghost).

Diablo, which combines the advantages of Italia and Bald Eagle, looks more rounded and smooth, without the avant-garde transcendence of the past, but it is more in line with the public's aesthetic taste.

The iconic scissor door can't be absent, it has become a symbol of Lamborghini supercar.

"The power of the ghost has not been restrained by the change of masters. The 5.7-liter naturally aspirated V12 engine has a maximum power of 492 horsepower, a maximum torque of 580 Nm, and a maximum speed of 325 km/h..."

Russo proudly introduced the original model and the later improved models, one after another, as if watching a real documentary.

However, Lamborghini during this period is really not so good.

The intricate modification, production, and the appearance of many versions confuses car fans who are used to ‘single’.

However, finally withstood the test and achieved unprecedented success.

It also left a strong mark in Lamborghini's brand history!

When he followed Russo to the second floor, the sense of history gradually faded and replaced by a sense of the future full of science fiction.

At the same time, Qin Yu also saw the purpose of his trip.

Lamborghini, the sixth element...

Deep as the black of the night, the two bright red spots in front of the windshield are like the crazy eyes of a bull on the field.

Brilliant red seats, combat steering wheel, simple and powerful interior design...

Sitting inside, when holding the steering wheel with both hands, the fingers are slightly sag elastic, allowing the driver to have a more stable grip.

Close the door and look through the front windshield to the wall that blocks the line of sight.

Brother Yu now has a kind of urge to step on the accelerator and break all obstacles to flying to freedom and distance...