Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 574: 0 food?

A huge crystal with a diameter of more than 5 meters and a weight of about 20 tons.

Whether it is transportation, storage or utilization, it is inconvenient.

Fortunately, Xihe has an ultra-high frequency vibration particle knife, which can perfectly cut liquid spar.

The principle is simple, the ultra-high frequency vibration particle knife is a stable particle accelerator, which automatically peels off the object from the particle and molecular level by heating the high-frequency vibration particle.

So as to achieve the effect of cutting the object...

In reality, this technology is not a tall product.

It just changed its name, called Vibration Cutting!

The most common thing in daily life is the vibrating cutter in the cake room.

A whole piece of cake can be separated into the required size without scumming.

There is also medical surgery, etc...

But it wants to be as stable as the ultra-high frequency vibration particle knife used by Xihe.

Human technology still has a long way to go.

When the particle collision technology becomes extremely stable one day, those cold weapons that only exist in movies and animations may actually appear in the human world.

Looking at Xi He's robotic arm, he cut the liquid spar in a uniform proportion.

Then use another robotic arm to pack it into the box, and close the lid very intimately.

Qin Yu has a deeper understanding of its work efficiency and comprehensiveness.

The black technology contained in this mining machine is far more than what can be seen...

"That's right." Qin Yu suddenly had a thought in his mind.

Since the liquid spar can absorb the residual energy free in the air and space, can you also have the same ability?

After all, he can no longer be simply counted as a human being.

Have you ever seen any human, like Qin Yu, that has tens of billions or more of mechanical insects in his body?

"Unable to calculate..." Qilin.

"...In other words, does the use of liquid spar pose a threat to my personal safety and life?" Qin Yu changed his words and waited for its answer.

"Analysis shows that it will not pose a threat to the life safety of the host." Qilin.

With this answer, Qin Yu was relieved.

"If I want to absorb the liquid spar, what can I do?" Looking at each fist-sized transparent crystal, Qin Yu picked up one and threw it in his hand.

"Eat, control the decomposition and swallowing of nanoworms." Kirin.

"Edible?" Qin Yu didn't understand.

"To put it simply, it is to eat." Qilin's answer was straightforward enough.

Eat it directly, the nanoworm will decompose the liquid spar and use it effectively.

Compared with the release of millions or millions of nanoworms, which are easily exposed, eating is not unacceptable.

Looking at the fist-sized crystal in his hand, Qin Yu walked slowly towards Xihe.

Five minutes later, the crystal in Qin Yu's hand disappeared.

Instead, there are countless "crystal pieces" that are as shallow as cicada wings, which look like transparent green arrow gum.

It's only half the length, and it's cold in your hand.

Looking at the light, it disappeared like invisibility.

Only the real touch of the fingertips reminded Qin Yu of its existence.

The thickness of the wafer is only 0.1mm, plus transparency, it is really difficult to detect its existence under the reflection of light.

Trying to put the chip in his mouth, the secretions in the mouth increased, the mouth melted, and a cold liquid slipped into his throat and disappeared in his body.

Touching the surface of his body with his hand, Qin Yu asked Qilin to check his health.

It turned out to be realistic, no different from usual.

The crystal just disappeared without causing any reaction.

"It should be because the number is too small, and the accumulation becomes more..." Qin Yu once again took out a chip and threw it into the mouth accurately.

Melt, swallow.

Qin Yu was extremely skilled, as if he had been doing this for a long time.

"Kylin, monitor my body data all the time..." Remind Kylin to monitor his body data and health status in real time, and remind himself if there is a problem.

Qin Yu picked up a chip from time to time and threw it into his mouth.

He didn't really like snacks since he was a child, but he didn't expect that he would have more snacks for recreation as an adult.

It's just that no one can eat this kind of snack except him.

If you are a normal person, it is impossible to melt the chip in your mouth, let alone swallow it.

...Then I am afraid that I will die!

There was no one at the moment, so Qin Yu just put a few hundred chips on the box and threw one into his mouth from time to time.

But in daily life, he can't go anywhere with a few chips?

I have to find something to hold his new ration to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings...

"The activated carbon in the research institute can peel off graphene, and Xihe can use it to make a suitable box with the effect of isolating energy..." Kirin.

After getting a hint from Kirin, Qin Yu thought of Shi Cui's ‘regenerated activated carbon. ’

After research, it is found that there are curved nano-graphene self-assembled with carbon atoms in the body, which is the so-called natural graphene.

This new study found that Shi Cui became famous in the research institute.

The three newly established teams have also attracted enough manpower for this reason.

Shi Cui even avoided the embarrassing situation of becoming a polished commander.

The third group has just been established, and if you want to support the stall, you still have to rely on one group and the second group to deploy manpower.

But if no one actively applied for the transfer, even Qin Yu would not be able to force them to abandon the project at hand and invest in a new project.

All over again...

As the boss, he needs to consider the whole problem!

The three groups are important, but Cui Geng's group and Jing Yuan's second group are responsible for the projects that are equally important to the company.

Qin Yu should also give due consideration to the views and feelings of the two...

It’s not always good to clean up the elite of the first group and the second group for the third group.

Let the two polished commanders do the remaining work by themselves!

How about saying that being a boss is difficult?

Fortunately, the new discoveries of the three groups were impressive enough, and 19 people took the initiative to apply for transfer.

Qin Yu didn't have to intervene personally to avoid an awkward confrontation...

Jing Yuan is not a good-natured girl, if she is really anxious, she will be able to block Qin Yu in and out of the office.

Then there will be a good show...

As his mind turned, Qin Yuren had already arrived at the door of the laboratory.

After returning to the warehouse with enough ‘regenerated charcoal,’

Xihe once again performed its superb operation and comprehensiveness, on the console behind the cockpit.

An inky black box with beautiful stripes gradually took shape.

The box is 12.2cm long, 5.3cm wide, and its thickness does not exceed 0.7cm.

The overall fit is seamless, and it looks like a solid black plate.

When Qin Yu pressed his finger in the middle position, a faint halo appeared on the surface.

Then, an imperceptible slit cracked around the box.

Qin Yu took off the lid and put the'chip' into it with satisfaction.

There are divided card slots inside the box, and each card slot is exactly the size of a chip.

Each slot can hold 4 chips at the same time. There are 30 such slots, which means that Qin Yu can carry 120 chips at a time.

Even if it was eaten as a snack, it was enough for him to eat for a few days.

Re-fit and lock.

Qin Yu put the snack box made of graphene into his handbag and put a mobile phone in.

It's not too big or small, and the weight is very light!

If you want to install cash with these two things, you will look a little bloated.

Fortunately, the domestic mobile payment is sufficiently developed, and you only need to prepare some change for emergency!

"How long will it take to complete?" Watching the two robotic arms interlacing constantly.

Qin Yu, who had nothing to do with cutting, sorting, was a little boring.

In the middle of the night, Brother Yu stayed with a machine and a stone.

Even if he said this, anyone would dare to believe it?

With the exception of Xu Hao, he must ask with a wicked smile: "Brother Yu, is the machine fun?"

This dog thief, there is no serious business in his mind.

From the inside to the outside, the pure yellow race is very mellow!

Knowing that it will take 26 minutes to complete, Qin Yu glanced at Richard Bone King on his wrist.

It's 3 o'clock in the morning. What should I do afterwards?

Lu Qing must be unable to find She is home today, and Qin Yu is not good to wake up the whole family.

It's not impossible to go home, but I'm used to sleeping.

Yu Ge didn't feel comfortable with this sudden change.

Teacher Song...

There will be classes tomorrow, and I will run over in the middle of the night and have to toss for a long time. How to teach the students tomorrow.

Jianfa's two golden flowers are meaningless alone.

It takes too much time to get the two together, forget it...

After thinking about it, Qin Yu didn't find a suitable one, which is outrageous!

Helplessly flipping through the contact on WeChat, Qin Yu's fingers suddenly stopped, and a strange and familiar figure appeared in his mind.

‘Scan~’ Looking at the data that appeared in front of him, Brother Yu smiled.

Hey, why did you forget her?