Start Chasing the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 70: "The 8 techniques of Dunjia!"

   And it’s time for Tang San to want to be non-non-mushroom sausages, so he quickly eats another one. By the way, he ate a super-recovery sausage to restore his spirit power.

  At this time, Wang Kun has already returned to the original place, waiting for him is the overwhelming blue silver grass to bind him. Wang Kun had no choice but to waste his strength with the Qinglian Fengjian in his hand to clear it.

   Just hiding Tang San's hidden weapon was also swinging back and forth while leaning on his body. Some bodies that couldn't be avoided were chopped off with the Qinglian Phoenix Sword.

   At this time, he was also in a freeze. Tang San knew that on the ground, he had no chance of winning. On the ground, Tang San could only move in four directions, southeast, northwest,

   And in the sky, he can move at will.

   And Wang Kun also knew that his nearby wine was under the special care of Tang San's Purple Demon Eye.

   Two phases of his own teleportation were nothing but a joke, Tang San shook his body and avoided it, and then flew aside. Waiting for Wang Kun to land, or use his soul skills to return to the original place. And his big move was only within a range of about ten meters, Tang San dodged at will, and then escaped.

   As for the pen of God? Haha, ten meters in place, it still consumes soul power, and the big move Qinglian Jianqi consumes 15% of the soul power. It is terrible.

   Just stayed in a stalemate for a long time. A few minutes after Tang San's thoughts were gone, and a minute was up, Wang Kun looked at Tang San who fell and panted, "Brother, admit defeat, right?"

   That Tang San also used the blue silver grass to wrap around Wang Kun, but the Qinglian Phoenix Sword in Wang Kun's hand could be cut with just one cut. So Tang San was almost running out of spirit power now, panting.

   He turned on the mysterious jade hand, and his hand turned cyan, "To the last minute!"

   Wang Kun thought for a while, his spirit power, and then the first spirit ability directly moved in front of Tang San for the first stage of entering the wine, and the handle of the knife was directly towards Tang San's heart. Tang San's body hurriedly moved backwards, bent, his legs stood in place,

   Wang Kun looked at Tang San who was bowed, and also changed the hilt of the knife, using the back of the knife, looking at Tang San who was supporting the ground with his hands and feet.

Tang San hurriedly hit a carp, squatting on the spot with his feet and waist, and at the same time Tang San took the hand of the hand, and at this moment a blue silver grass suddenly appeared on the ground. Tang San controlled it to tie his body, and wanted to hold his body Throw it outside.

   was out of Wang Kun's control, and Wang Kun also used the near wine, teleported in the second stage, directly cut off the blue silver grass, and then ran to Tang San's back and slashed towards Tang San with a knife.

   And Tang San actually laughed at this moment?

   Tang San's third spirit ring flickered, and the first and second spirit rings lighted up at the same time. When Wang Kun ran towards Tang San, a large number of blue silver grass suddenly appeared in the land, sweeping Wang Kun with a monstrous force.

  Wang Kun's first spirit ability returned to the original place in the last stage. Tang San also set up traps where Wang Kun came back, bound by spider webs, Wang Kun looked at him in all directions, except for the upper part, there was no spider web blue silver grass, and they all came towards him.

Wang Kun hurriedly made a magical pen, directly invincible, and cut off the spider web. At this time, Tang San's second spirit ring was lit, and Wang Kun suddenly appeared a lot of blue silver grass on his body. He wanted to restrain him and he wanted to pierce the king. Kun's body is injected with venom.

Wang Kun also smiled, and directly released the great move Qinglian sword song in the opposite direction of Tang San. Wang Kun turned into white sword aura, cut out five white sword auras, and cut all the blue silver grass around him. Off.

   After he was released, Wang Kun also turned around and looked at Tang San, "Little San, if I didn't calculate it wrong, it seems that my Qinglian sword song can be beaten by you?"

   Tang San stood up hard and said, "Brother Wang, you won!"

Wang Kun directly slumped to the ground. "Fuck, the invincibility consumes too much soul power, right? Xiao Ouzi, super recovery big sausage! Xiao Rongzi, get some soul power for the father. Qingzi... to the father. Pinch your feet."

  ............ After a period of silence, Zhu Zhuqing walked over and kicked Wang Kun's foot lightly, "It's all right."

  Wang Kun also took the big recovery sausage that Oscar had just handed over and said, "Look how good they are."

  Wang Kun said that it turned into its original appearance, and then a carp was beaten up, took out the grilled fish box, and ate all the remaining grilled fish.

   Wang Kun thought for a while, "Where is the third son? Where is the water?"

   That Ning Rongrong couldn't hold back anymore. He just called out because he was looking super handsome with the silver hair of Phoenix Prisoner and Phoenix! But now, although it is amazingly handsome, it can be overcome.

   "Wang Kun, you think you are the emperor! What about the eunuch?"

   Wang Kun said, "The strength is restored, what's the matter? Don't accept it and cut me!"

   When they heard this, everyone was puzzled. Although Ning Rongrong was very angry when he heard Wang Kun's words just now, Wang Kun was already very weak after the battle!

   "Did you pretend that you were weak just now?"

  Wang Kun looked at Ning Rongrong’s little head is silly, right? "No, by the way, was it okay just now? Didn't you scare your fragile heart?"

   Ning Rongrong thought that when Wang Kun teleported in front of him just now and touched him with the handle of the knife, he directly used the time pause and space span.

   "It's okay, my heart is not so fragile, but is your body recovering quickly?"

   Wang Kun thought about the physique of Hashi Lama, "Well, some meat is fine. Some milk is fine."

   "Your body is so cheating!"

   "Hehe, you haven't seen me when I was better."

   Ning Rongrong did not understand the meaning of Wang Kun's words, but Ma Hongjun, Oscar, and Dai Mubai did. Wang Kun looked at them with wretched eyes and said, "The three Shrek!"

   Oscar raised his eyebrows too, "Isn't Wang brother too?"

   The girl who didn’t know was gotten by this That is to say, you haven’t seen me when I was better. Although you don’t know what it is, it must be bad

   Xiao Wu and the others stared at Wang Kun and the others with a discriminatory look.

Wang Kun coughed a few words, and was about to speak, the master in the distance said with a cold face and said "............... ..." Wang Kun couldn't listen anymore, so he made some wooden plugs in his ears.

   "Wooden. Wooden stopper!"

   After doing this, Wang Kun watched the master sternly scolding everyone, and he scolded himself a few words. But Wang Kun's ear did not hear a word. Very happy.

   But Wang Kun is a little bit awkward, playing so happy, do the masters who watch the game from a distance see all the shortcomings?

   And when the master was about to finish speaking, the master's stiff face looked ugly, Wang Kun silently took out the wooden plug from his ear.

   I heard it. "Is this the so-called monster genius? Your performance today disappointed me. Everyone made unforgivable mistakes. And Shrek, Wang Kun's performance is not bad, but if he does not show mercy, Except for Tang San, you might be dead ends now!

   But his character is also extremely bad.

   You will all be punished after two hours of rest. Run forward, supervise each other, do not use spirit power, run from the academy to Soto City and then back, before the afternoon meal, I ask you to run ten back and forth. When will the run finish and when will we eat! "

   When he heard this, Wang Kun appeared in front of his eyes with white subtitles that only he could see, "The random system has randomized the host to the eight-door Dunjia art! Complete the trial of the scum-boy jade Xiaogang, and you will succeed."