Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v1 Chapter 1: Reborn as King Kong's younger brother

South Pacific.

Skull Island at night is calm and eerie.

The forest on the island stretches for thousands of miles, and in the center is a large lake.

Ding Zheng was waiting for his prey in the bushes by the lake.

Forests are the most complex hunting grounds.

There is no clear line of sight, and there is not much space for chasing and fleeing.

Survive in this "maze".

The animals in the forest must learn the art of lurking!

The night is Ding Zheng's best disguise.

The gorilla's black fur and dexterous movements make Ding Zheng as undetectable as a ghost in the night.

Not far away, a gray rabbit about 50 centimeters long ran out, probing its brain, walking lightly, with its nose constantly twitching, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

Its purpose is a small puddle on the edge of the lake.

Ding Zheng's eyes focused on the prey, and his breathing became heavier. He was a little too excited when he tried to hunt alone for the first time.

The gray rabbit gradually moved forward, getting closer and closer.

10 meters

9 meters

8 meters


Ding Zheng rushed out, nearly one meter tall and powerful, bringing an overwhelming advantage.

As long as it can touch each other, the hunt will be successful!

But the moment it set off, the gray rabbit, who had been vigilant, felt the threat, turned around, jumped left and right, and rushed into a dirt pit in a few strokes.

Dante is not slow either.

In a matter of seconds, it tucked its entire arm into the pit, and grasped it in the palm of its hand!

very lucky.

He held a rabbit leg that was constantly kicking and struggling violently.

Ding Zheng's eyes filled with joy, he gritted his teeth and pulled the rabbit out of the pit, and slammed it to the ground.


With a crisp sound, the living rabbit suddenly stopped moving.

Such is the way of hunting in the forest. Life and death and success or failure are all within milliseconds.

Today, Ding Zheng successfully took his first step as a predator and got off to a good start!

"Haha!" It chuckled twice and raised its body to announce the good news.


The voice just came out.


A gust of wind rang out in his ears, Ding Zheng turned his head suspiciously, and saw a **** mouth that was wider than his head blowing toward his face.

The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind!

Ding Zheng only had time to flash these words in his heart, and was stunned by the strong stench and the aura of the other party.

It's not vigilant enough, and it's too slow to react.

And this is deadly in the forest.

If there is no accident, the next second, Ding Zheng will be dead.

But right now.


A familiar and cordial roar reached Ding Zheng's ears at this time.

Then, before it reacted.

There is a flower in front of me.


With the muffled sound, the **** mouth disappeared.

Instead, it was a tall body of more than three meters, covered with dark hair, and its muscles were carved like steel, erect and full of strength.

This figure is on all fours, with two amazingly long arms, clenched fists against the ground, the forearm and the big arm are about the same thickness, a pair of cold eyes on the face that resembles a human being, and a mouth open under the nose. The root canine teeth are slightly yellowed and bloodstained.

It is also a gorilla, very similar to the silverback gorillas commonly found on Earth.

But bigger than Ding Zheng, and bigger than all known gorillas on earth, a three-meter-tall gorilla!

Compared to Ding Zheng, who was in his early 1.2 meters, he looked like a child.

This is King Kong!

King Kong, who was only one year old.

Yes, Ding Zheng has traveled to the world of "King Kong: Skull Island".

And became King Kong's twin brother.

However, because King Kong absorbed almost all the nutrients in the mother's womb, Ding Zheng was born with insufficiency and almost died.

Even if he survived, he still looks weak and malnourished, not as strong and huge as the King Kong clan.


Ding Zheng let out a cry, and the three-meter-high King Kong pulled it up, put it on his shoulders, and rubbed his head against Ding Zheng's, very intimate.

For his younger brother, King Kong has always loved him the most.

Ding Zheng turned his head on King Kong's back and glanced at it. A nearly three-meter old wolf with sparse hair and extremely thin bones was lying under a tree, bleeding from his nose and mouth, and motionless.

It should have been abandoned by the wolves.

Otherwise, it would never dare to enter this extremely dangerous area to try its luck.

King Kong carried Ding Zheng and turned around and ran back.

Ding Zheng picked up the rattan that it had torn down from the side.

It wants to make a swing for itself and King Kong in the nest.

And above their heads, a big mountain suddenly moved, and then they stepped forward, and the ground kept shaking as they walked.

The sun rises in the east, and the sun shines on the top of the mountain, revealing black hair and two eyes full of vicissitudes.

Turns out it wasn't a mountain.

Instead, she brought her children out to play, and was over 50 meters tall and a huge orangutan mother like a mountain.

The mother orangutan bowed her head slightly, a palm that was nearly five meters long stretched out from nowhere, and her fingers lightly touched Ding Zheng's head.

King Kong jumped on his palm, hung it on his sturdy arm, and climbed to the shoulder of the mother orangutan in three or two strokes.


The mother orangutan opened her mouth slightly, and the long howl resounded through most of the Skull Island, reaching far, far away.

Then it took a step and slowly left amid the tremors of the earth.

Ding Zheng's family lives on top of the highest mountain on Skull Island.

Steep and towering, extremely difficult to climb.

The entrance of the cave can only accommodate animals under five meters.

The orangutan mother and father can only stay outside.

very safe.

Ding Zheng and King Kong got off the mother orangutan and stood in the open space outside the cave.

The orangutan mother threw down a huge triceratops. The triceratops was still alive and twitched on the ground. This was the food for the two brothers.

Ding Zheng's hunting before was just a game.

As the children of the overlord of Skull Island, the brothers do not need to worry about food at all.


A familiar howl came from afar, echoing the voice of the orangutan mother before.

Ding Zheng looked along the sound, and saw a majestic figure like a building on the distant coastline, a little bigger than the mother orangutan, slowly rising from the sea, shaking the turbulent waves.

It is the orangutan father.

Ding Zheng rolled his eyes.

No wonder I hadn't seen it since morning. It turned out to be out for a bath.

The orangutan father ran from a distance with strides, each step making the ground tremble a little.

A strong beast over fifty meters high puts a lot of pressure on the ground beneath his feet.

Birds and beasts scattered in the forest, the orangutan father ran all the way, across the small half of the Skull Island, a distance of tens of thousands of meters, but no creature dared to stop it.

Mother orangutan and brothers Ding Zheng waited quietly.

When the orangutan father ran to the front, Ding Zhengcai found that his left hand was wrapped in a black mass.

Looking closely, it turned out to be an octopus that was only bigger than King Kong!

Ding Zheng couldn't help but have some doubts.

Could it be that you want them to improve their taste and eat seafood?

Before Ding Zheng could understand, Father Gorilla had already come to the edge of the mountain, and then he raised his arm and waved.

The octopus on his left hand fell to Ding Zheng's side like a puddle of mud.

Ding Zheng was so frightened that he jumped to the side, frightened by such a big octopus.

But the orangutan father stretched out his hand and pushed Ding Zheng next to the octopus.


Ding Zheng's head was full of question marks.

and many more!

What are you doing?

Ding Zheng's face turned green with fright, and he shouted anxiously.

When the orangutan father saw Ding Zheng's reaction, he couldn't help but move his hands.

But at this time.


A cold liquid sprayed fiercely on Ding Zheng.

Ding Zheng was shocked, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that the ink all over his body was even darker.

It opened its mouth and let the ink flow out of its mouth, but it was so violent that it felt a slippery, ice-cold thing rush to its ankle.

Ding Zheng raised his head, and before he could see clearly, he was wrapped in by the octopus.


The cry for help was blocked halfway through the exit.

The top of the entire mountain suddenly fell silent.

Only a few muffled grunts came from the octopus body intermittently.

Ding Zheng struggled hard inside, causing the octopus to keep changing its shape, it looked very weird, like a plasticine that was constantly being pulled.

The orangutan mother and the three King Kong stared at this scene motionlessly, their faces full of curiosity.

Suddenly, the octopus jumped from the ground, then bounced twice, and after a while, began to twist again.

The ape father was stunned for a moment, and then a happy expression appeared on his face, which intensified as the shape of the octopus changed.

"Woo... woo woo woo woo..."

The gorilla father laughed loudly.


The orangutan mother followed.

King Kong laughed the loudest.

He was still beating his chest muscles beside him.

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...

The whole mountain is full of pleasant air.


Ding Zheng had been strangled by the octopus and lost the strength to struggle, and rolled his eyes while weeping.

I've never seen such a nuisance to a child!

Ding Zheng lay on the ground and rested for a while before finally regaining his strength.

The orangutan father and mother and King Kong immediately put away their worried expressions and left.

A look like "It's scattered, it's not lively to watch".

Ding Zheng wanted to cry without tears.

But it's also used to it.

After all, the parenting methods of animals are highlighted at random.

After being rescued from the octopus bondage, Ding Zheng also thought of the reason why the orangutan father did this.

It was three months ago, Ding Zheng had just passed the danger of dying, and could not walk freely.

Staying in the cave was very boring, so I started to paint.

The orangutan father would make trouble at first, but then watched it quietly while he was painting.

Ding Zheng has painted jellyfish a lot, because this painting is relatively simple.

A round head with a dozen tentacles.

It does look a bit like an octopus, doesn't it?

It was at that time that the orangutan father watched Ding Zheng's jellyfish paintings for so long. Now when the child no longer needs to be guarded at all times, he hurried to the sea to catch one to satisfy the child's wish.

Naturally, the father of the orangutan would not be surprised that Ding Zhengming was just born, how did he know about the jellyfish.

Otherwise, the octopus would not be caught as a jellyfish.


Ding Zheng shook his head and smiled, without any resentment in his heart, but rather moved.

At the same time, I'm glad that the orangutan father didn't really catch a jellyfish, otherwise it would be poisoned to death on the spot.

That octopus was violently torn into a dozen pieces long ago, and was thrown aside at will.

It can also be regarded as a disaster.

I can only blame Ding Zheng for doing something bad, but he paints, and he doesn't like it.

King Kong suddenly ran out of the cave and took some octopus, probably because he really wanted to eat seafood.

Ding Zheng looked at the remaining octopus, smacked his mouth, turned around and ran into the cave.

It never eats octopus again.

When he first came over, Ding Zheng was really confused and complained, but he quickly adjusted and gradually adapted, and liked such a day.

It's an optimist, what's wrong with being able to live again.

And now he is King Kong's younger brother!

How arrogant!

The Second Prince of Skull Island!

Even if it is so malnourished all its life.

But with the protection of the orangutan parents, there is no need to worry at all.

Below the three gorillas, above all things!

However, as the second prince of Skull Island, Ding Zheng is not without worries.

No dynasty is permanent. On Skull Island, there is also an existence that threatens their family and the entire Skull Island.

That is the powerful and brutal skeleton lizard!

The only existence that can challenge the dominance of orangutan parents and mothers!

Even, according to the plot of the movie "Kong: Skull Island".

When King Kong was still young, his father and mother were killed by skeleton lizards.

When he was first born, Ding Zheng thought it was in the movie world of "King Kong".

After all, the overall appearance of their family is almost the same as that of the silver-backed gorilla in "King Kong".

But it didn't take long for it to see the scene of the orangutan father and mother and the "Kong: Skull Island" movie BOSS skull lizard fighting in a basin in the distance.

Although the protagonists of these two films are King Kong, the backgrounds are very different.

In "King Kong", King Kong is the most powerful creature.

And "Kong: Skull Island" is only the second in the Monster Universe series of movies.

In this monster universe, in addition to King Kong, there are dozens of powerful beasts, and King Kong is not powerful at all.

And this skeleton lizard is only one of the very weak ones.

Although the fighting power is not as good as that of the orangutan father and mother, but the number is very large.

Skeleton lizards have no reason, only the instinct to multiply and kill, which will destroy everything.

The ecology of Skull Island is special, but it is also fragile. If it is damaged too strongly, it is very likely that it will never be restored.

At that time, all life on the island will lose their homeland and will no longer be able to live leisurely.

Including the orangutan father and mother, and Ding Zhenggang.

And on this island, only their family can stop, defeat the skeleton lizard, and protect the skeleton island.

It is also under the protection of the orangutan parents that Skull Island can exist.

However, Ding Zheng has long since revealed that the orangutan father and mother are getting more and more difficult to deal with the skeleton lizard.

I don't know if it was because of the two brothers.

In the past half year, the orangutan parents and mothers are aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, weak...

Ding Zheng could even clearly see the white mixed in their dark fur.

The last time the skeleton lizards appeared at the same time, the orangutan father and mother spent a lot of money to finally kill them. After that, the injured orangutan father spent nearly a month recovering.

The two brothers ate half of the fresh venison, and the other half was thrown into a pool behind the cave by King Kong.

This is a square pool with a length and width of about three meters, and there are many other animals in the water.

This water can slow down the spoilage of the meat, and a fish the size of shrimp in it will eat the bad meat.

They keep a lot of food in the pools.

After King Kong finished eating, he lay beside him bored and started to sleep.

This is the unpretentious and boring daily life of the first prince of Skull Island.

Dante Zheng was under pressure.

When the food is completely digested, it starts physical training.

It knew that it had to become stronger and try to change the tragedy in the movie's plot.


at this time.

A shrill and sharp unpleasant roar suddenly sounded outside the cave!

Ding Zheng's expression changed.

This is the sound of the skeleton lizard!

"woo woo woo woo!"

The cry of the orangutan father came from outside the cave.

Ding Zheng and King Kong immediately ran out, but only saw the father of the orangutan.

Ding Zheng looked around, only to realize that the mother orangutan had already descended from the mountain and rushed towards a basin in the west of the island without hesitation.

And in that basin, dozens of black skeleton lizards have come out from the ground.

Even though they are thousands of miles apart, they can still see the terrifying size of those lizards.

A dozen!

Ding Zheng's eyes widened, his heart skipped a beat!

Last time there were only four, so it was so hard.

And now these dozen... more than that!

Because in just a few seconds, it saw two skeleton lizards drilled out from around the basin.

Compared to before, this scale is simply devastating!

Ding Zheng suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

What it has been worrying about may now happen!

"Ohh Ohh ohh…"

The orangutan father was saying something to the two brothers.

Dante Zheng is the soul of human beings after all. In the first half year of his birth, simple communication can be achieved, but he is still a little far from fully understanding the communication method of orangutans.

However, King Kong's reaction after listening to the "words" of the ape father made Ding Zheng feel even worse.

It had an anxious look on its face, and then started jumping up and down, making a whimpering sound like crying.

Father Gorilla leaned down, touched King Kong's head with his palm, and touched Ding Zheng's head with his fingers.

The movements are gentle and slow, and there is even more reluctance in his eyes.

Then, it turned around firmly, jumped off the top of the mountain, and chased after the orangutan mother, who was far away.

"Woo! Woohoo! Wooooooooooo!"

Ding Zheng hurriedly shouted.

Can't you just avoid the limelight for a while?

Now it's obvious that you can't beat it, isn't it the most important thing to save your life?

Ding Zheng kept exhaling a "woo woo" sound that even he couldn't understand.

With so many skeleton lizards, the orangutan mother and father, who are already so old and weak, rush up to die!

But the orangutan mother and father ignored it, and instead roared and approached the basin at a very fast speed.

Then, like two trains, one after the other rushed into the group of skeleton lizards.

The skeleton lizard was knocked apart, but it quickly got up, jumped on it frantically, and kept biting.

When the enemy meets, he is extremely jealous!

The skeleton lizard has only two forelimbs, followed by a long body, a big mouth, and a long tail.

Said to be a lizard, but like a snake.

The largest of them is more than 40 meters long, which is only a little bit smaller than the orangutan father and mother.

If it is one-on-one, the orangutan parents can handle it.

But there are so many of these skeleton lizards!

Now there are almost thirty skeleton lizards lying down from the ground.

One by one, like snakes, wrapped around the parent or mother orangutan with their long and powerful tails, on their arms and legs.

It's like two more groups of wriggling Roshans in the basin.

The orangutan mother and father only killed a few skeleton lizards, so they were restrained.

Although skeleton lizards continued to die, the injuries on the mother and father were getting worse.

The lizards are brutal and ferocious. Even if they die, they will bite off a piece of meat from the parent or mother orangutan.

The movements of the orangutan parents are getting slower and slower.


Ding Zheng kept walking, like an ant on a hot pan, thinking about what he could do, and his eyes never left the distant battlefield for a moment.

But it can't think of anything.

The two brothers are still too weak.

Can't even climb down this mountain.

They can only watch.

Looking at the gorilla's father and mother's body getting more and more injuries, more and more blood, more and more sluggish movements.

Looking at the ape father slowly kneeling to the ground, but still waving his stout arms to attack the skeleton lizards frantically.

At the same time that Ding Zheng felt distressed, there was also a constant brewing emotion in his chest, which was then suppressed and accumulated.

He has always been an emotional person, and having a pet will have deep feelings.

And the meaning of the orangutan parents to it, although because of the memory of the past life, it is not like the real parents.

But it is undoubtedly very important.

If there is a chance and ability, these skeleton lizards will not let go of one!

Time passed slowly.

The basin in the distance finally quieted down.

Almost all the rioting skeleton lizards were killed, and only scattered little lizards were left, and they all burrowed into the ground again, as if they were afraid of being killed.

The father of the orangutan had already fallen in a pool of blood, and he did not know whether to live or die.

The mother orangutan was still alive, hunched over a mountain-like body, she turned her head to look at the mountain where the two brothers were located under the delighted eyes of King Kong.

His eyes seemed to have traveled thousands of miles in one go, projecting onto the two brothers.

Those eyes were still full of kindness, but they also seemed to be filled with deep reluctance.


King Kong let out a shrill and long cry, hoping that the mother orangutan would come back.

Ding Zheng also stared anxiously at the figure in the distance.

The orangutan mother took a step under the hopeful gaze of the two brothers.

Then, like a mountain that collapsed under an earthquake, it slowly fell to the ground.

After Ding Zheng hesitated for a moment, he immediately dragged King Kong down the mountain.

Feeling unsafe, it also took out the rattan that it wanted to use as a swing before, and planned to use the rattan to go down the mountain.

The mother orangutan is not dead yet, they have to find a way to rescue it!

But before he took two steps, he was grabbed by King Kong!

Ding Zheng struggled a few times but couldn't break free, turned his head and shouted anxiously.

King Kong understood what his father said before.

It knew that the reason why those skeleton lizards ran wild was the birth of the two of them.

The skeleton lizard has always been pressed by the orangutan parent and mother, but the orangutan parent and mother are getting older and exert a lot of life force to give birth to the two of them, and they will become weaker and weaker.

In fact, the orangutan parents wanted the fight more than the skeleton lizards.

They took this opportunity to severely damage the power accumulated by the skeleton lizards, so that King Kong and Ding Zheng could grow up in a relatively safe place.

Now the group of skeleton lizards is seriously injured and chooses to flee, but after all, they are stronger than Ding Zheng and the two little guys who were just born a year ago.

Once the two of them go to the basin at this time, they will be in danger!

Moreover, along the way, there are also many crises, which the two little orangutans can't handle at all.

King Kong hugged Ding Zheng tightly, preventing him from moving.

Ding Zheng couldn't break free at all, so he could only watch the mother orangutan's body in King Kong's arms completely silent.

The two brothers did not return to the cave until it was dark.
