Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v1 Chapter 21: 1 shot

The day of the show.

The pier outside the troupe was crowded with people, one after another, more crowded than the downtown area.

Those with pre-sale tickets held up the tickets and poured in directly. Those without pre-sale tickets saw such a lively scene. After asking, most of them also bought tickets.

"Pork Rong, do you still sell pork? God Monkey is about to perform on stage!"

There are fans of Ding Zheng who are proud of the pork that is still at the stall.

Pork Rong immediately chopped the knife that was cutting the meat on the chopping board, his eyes narrowed: "Where?"

"You don't know? Right at the Pier Theater!"

"Damn, let's go! The stall is no more!"

"Then I'll go first."

"Wait for me to put the stall together... I'm not loyal!"


Conversations similar to the above are played out in other places and in other identities.

On this day, the entire Pier Theater was almost crowded.

In the past, a group of people had to be put in for nothing when they bought tickets, but today, the people who bought the tickets couldn't squeeze in.

Monkey came on stage to sing, it was the famous **** monkey in Foshan before, and it was the Monkey King Monkey King who was also a monkey!

This gimmick alone is unique!

Whether it is rich or not, foreigners and Chinese people, they all come here to see something new.

In the end, there were still a large number of people who didn't have time to go in, so they could only stay outside and sigh.

Pork Rong is one of them.

Depressed outside the theater, he closed the booth to watch the show, but he couldn't get a single ticket.

"No! You must come early the day after tomorrow!"

Pork Rong has already asked someone to ask, three days after the havoc in the Heavenly Palace, there will be another one.

The main reason why it took so long is that class leader Yang was afraid that Ding Zheng might have a problem here.

Of course, during this period, there will naturally be other dramas on top, and they won't just shut the door.

"You have to call the master and the others too!"

Pork Rong thought about it, and didn't go back to open the stall again, he just lifted his foot and hurried to Baozhilin.


Pier Theater.

Class Master Yang said a few scenes, and then made it clear that Ding Zheng's voice was worthy of him, and then left the stage.


Erhu and dulcimer were playing in unison, and Ding Zheng came out after a long call to the sound of gongs and drums!

A liter of golden armor shone brightly, two bird feathers rose into the sky, he stepped on long boots, and held a red stick. His dark face was painted with oil paint to look like the Monkey King, and the golden eyeshadow reflected light.

Holding a stick in one hand, Ding Zheng walked to the center of the stage with standard steps, stood still, raised his arms, and danced a dazzling circle of stick flowers.

"it is good!"

Immediately, there was a cry of tide moving from the stage.

Anyone can see that the Monkey King on stage is definitely a real monkey.

Whether it is the extraordinary length of the arms, or the stubby legs in comparison.

Whether it's the sharp-mouthed monkey's cheeks that still can't be covered by the mask, or the wrinkles on the face that are completely different from people's and the hair that sticks out at the end of the clothes.

are fully explained.

This is a real monkey that looks like a fake.

A monkey dances a stick flower on the stage and plays the Monkey King!

this time.

It's worth it!

This ticket money is not wasted!

When the cheers from the crowd subsided, Ding Zhengcai stopped his dancing sticks.

The musical instruments in the background also stopped at some point.

The whole theater fell silent.


Ding Zheng carried the golden hoop stick behind him, took two steps forward, and put his right leg on his left knee.

The other arm was raised, and he hooked his hand to look into the distance. His eyes blinked quickly, and the golden eyeshadow kept shining.

"Okay!" The cheers resumed.

At the same time, the music sounded lively again.

After Ding Zheng's appearance, the rest of the characters began to appear gradually, and the havoc in Tiangong officially began!

Throughout the afternoon, the pier was full of loud noises.

This is a lively scene that has not appeared in Foshan for many years!

If you really put out the monkey's appearance, the audience will definitely not like it.

So when Ding Zheng was performing, he fully recalled and absorbed the essence of Mr. Liu Lao's performance, which can be said to be vivid, and coupled with the correct dubbing by the leader of Yang, the cheers in the theater were like a tsunami.

Even the sound of a foreign gun in the distance was completely covered up.


Pork Rong only remembered that today was the time to deliver meat to Bao Zhilin.

So he went back to the stall, picked out two big fat pigs, slaughtered them, and drove them to Baozhilin with a wooden cart.

In addition to seeing a doctor and treating injuries in Baozhilin, Huang Feihong also opened a museum to accept apprentices.

Teach the common people to learn martial arts, and use some simple, less destructive martial arts to strengthen their bodies.

The number of apprentices is close to fifty.

Therefore, Baozhilin's daily food demand is very large.

These two pigs will be eaten in a few days.

Ding Zheng and Bao Zhilin are somewhat related.

Pork Rong was very eager to go back and tell his master the good news that the monkey was singing on stage, and went to the theater to watch it three days later.

Along the way, he galloped like a fly, and after a while, he rushed into the Baozhi Forest and slammed into the door!

After entering, I saw a large group of people surrounded, and Master Huang Feihong was in the cabinet, obviously he was treating people.

"What's the matter!" Pork Rong was impatient, and with his huge body and strength, he forced his way in from the crowd.

When others saw that it was this Pork Rong guy, they didn't dare to say anything out of temper. He was a scumbag and couldn't afford to be hot.

After rushing into the inner circle, Pork Rong also learned what happened from the mouths of the people next to him.

But today, when Huang Feihong was sending off the commander of the Black Flag Army Liu Yongfu, the lion dancer was shot by the foreigners and disturbed. The lion dancer was also frightened and fell down and was injured.

Huang Feihong is now healing his Pork Rong's face is full of anger: "The current foreigners are too much!"

Huang Feihong had already dealt with the wounded, shook his head and sighed: "Now that there is General Liu and the Black Flag Army's suppression, this is still the case. After General Liu is transferred, the situation in Foshan will probably be worse, and the foreigners will act more recklessly. "

"The Manchu court, which is all bullshit, actually knelt down to the foreigners and made indemnities, otherwise how could the foreigners dare to be so arrogant on our land!" Pork Rong said helplessly, "The Black Flag Army is going to leave now, the foreigners are sure Be more arrogant."

Huang Feihong smiled: "Not necessarily, according to General Liu, the imperial court has sent an admiral over here, and he will specifically negotiate with the foreigners in the future. I will be there tonight, and I will go to greet him. I hope this admiral is here. , it can make those foreigners a little more restrained."

"What a **** admiral, just don't kneel to the foreigners. Now that we are being bullied so much, isn't it useless for those officials and emperors in the capital!" Pork Rong's face was full of resentment.

"Shi Rong, if you talk like that again, go to the backyard to ride horses!" Huang Feihong's eyes widened, and he was not angry.

Pork Rong immediately shut up, didn't dare to say more, walked to the side and sat down with a look of resentment.

Huang Feihong healed the wounded, walked to a chair and sat down, then opened a fan, staring at the fan in silence.

On the top of the fan was written a large line of characters.

"Treaty of humiliating the country and humiliating China!"

Then in the rest of the place, there are soy-sized small characters that almost cover the entire fan.

What is written above is all the various traitorous treaties signed by the Qing Dynasty under the pressure of foreigners during this period of time.

Without these treaties, how could the foreigners dare to be so presumptuous and have no scruples?