Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v10 Chapter 16: The return of the old gentleman!

No one knows where Ding Zheng came from.

No one knew what Ding Zheng was doing.

Everyone knows only one thing.

That is Ding Zheng, an extremely ugly monster, who broke the conspiracy of the Tathagata and the Jade Emperor.

More precisely, the whole Buddhist conspiracy.

Although the Tathagata wants to save all sentient beings the Mahayana Dharma, not many people in the whole of Buddhism know about it.

But as long as Buddhism is allowed to develop in this way.

Sooner or later, Mahayana Buddhism will become the philosophy of Buddhism with the largest number of Buddhist followers.

Buddhism, on the other hand, will uncontrollably embark on the path of robbing the beliefs of all living beings from Taoism.

Because today's Buddhism has actually broken away from the category of Taoism, and has gone out of its own way!

Ding Zheng was not at all interested in the Buddha Judgment Conference, the meritorious deeds, or the transformation of the Heavenly Court.

Because it has got what it wants most.

Mission accomplished!

Now that the Jade Emperor has fallen from the position of the Lord of Heaven, the Tathagata's conspiracy has not yet begun to lay the groundwork, and he was directly called out by Ding Zheng.

This time, the havoc in the Heavenly Palace has undoubtedly been successful and can no longer be successful.

It is absolutely impossible for the Buddhist conspiracy to be carried out again.

Ding Zheng's task is naturally completed!

Just this one mission world.

Ding Zheng got a full 200,000 cash points!

After he goes back, he can show almost infinite things, whether it is Taishang Laojun's elixir or Sun Wukong's golden hoop.

However, Ding Zheng was a little unsure about whether he could use the golden hoop stick.

After all, the golden hoop stick is strictly for Sun Wukong.

After the havoc in the Heavenly Palace was over, it also borrowed a stick with Sun Wukong in Huaguo Mountain to play for a few days.

But the golden hoop didn't listen to him at all.

Although with Ding Zheng's strength, he can be moved and danced.

But here's the problem.

Can't get bigger or smaller!

In this way, there is some trouble.

Ding Zheng originally thought about having a weapon that could follow his height and grow bigger and smaller with him, so that it would be enough.

But now it seems.

Can only be an idea.

It's hard to be a reality.

Ding Zheng opened his eyes from the practice.

It has been more than nine months since the havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

There are only ten days left in the countdown, and it is almost over.

Ding Zheng's ginseng fruit energy, with the help of Taishang Laojun, has now been fully digested and absorbed.

Even the Dragon Armor Art has been cultivated to perfection.

At this time, Ding Zheng's whole body was covered with a thin film, and there was almost nothing that could be called a vital part. Even his eyes were covered with a thin film.

Compared with Sun Wukong's King Kong's indestructible body, it is not even much worse.

And all of this is the result that Taishang Laojun gave it a little something casually.

It also made Ding Zheng have to sigh, Taishang Laojun is really too strong, and there are too many good things.

At this time, Ding Zheng's height, even when the Dragon Armor Technique was fully activated, was still nine meters tall.

If you let go of the shackles of the Dragon Armor Art, and restore to your own size, you can even reach 99 meters.

And once the hegemony body is turned on, the energy contained in Ding Zheng's body at this time is used.

It can reach an amazing height of 500 meters!

But at this moment, the troll tiger had already sensed that Ding Zheng woke up and flew over from a distance.

Today's troll tiger, the body is more solid, just like the substance.

This is because Ding Zheng found a ghost fairy cultivation method for Daojiaohu.

In the mission world of Journey to the West, there are five kinds of immortals: heaven, earth, man, god, and ghost.

In this world, ghosts are pure souls, and they can also become immortals.

After obtaining the exercise, the troll tiger showed a very high talent.

Got in in just a few days.

Coupled with the foundation laid by the cultivation of the soul with the Maoshan Taoist method before, the troll tiger entered the country quickly.

However, there is still a big gap from the real ghost fairy.

However, as long as the cultivation is successful, the Brave Tiger can also have a certain combat power.

And even more elusive.

At least in the main world, no one will be able to feel her existence and threaten her enough.


Except for the indiscriminate energy attack.

"How is it? Isn't this place good?" Ding Zheng said.

Huaguo Mountain was originally a fairyland, but it was burned to ruins because of the failure of Sun Wukong's first havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

However, the gods in the sky have countless ways to bring this place back to its original vitality.

At this time, Huaguo Mountain has become what it was at that time, and it is more moving than before.

The taunting tiger nodded with a happy face. As a tiger, she naturally likes to play in this kind of mountain forest the most.

Moreover, her cultivation method has already started, and she can completely control her body to temporarily become a real body.

At the same time, it can also condense into a tiger shape.

You can climb trees as before, go up mountains, show up to chase other little beasts, and even practice martial arts.

During this period of time, the tiger is very happy.

Sun Wukong is also very optimistic about this sensible tiger demon. Of course, this is also because Ding Zheng is the master of the fierce tiger.

Because of the success of Sun Wukong's havoc in the Tiangong, at this time his reputation among the demon clan was no longer comparable.

The existence of the Bull Demon King and the Macaque King is not even worthy of Sun Wukong's shoes at this time.

If Sun Wukong climbed high and shouted at this time, he could even make ten thousand demons worship, and even the demon kingdom could be established.

But Sun Wukong has no such "ambition" after all

As the demon emperor in the eyes of all monsters, he only wanted to have fun.

With the help of his reputation among monsters, the most thing he does is to trouble the monsters such as the Bull Demon King.

I got a lot of good things from these demon saints, and the metropolis shared it with Ding Zheng.

Naturally, all the things about Guixian were given to Thoujiaohu.

Demon Saints such as the Bull Demon King dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

At this time, whether it is the reputation of the demon clan or their own cultivation, they are no longer the opponents of Sun Wukong.

Moreover, they also failed to become immortals as expected.

After all, even the unreliable Jade Emperor was brought down.

At this time, the entire Heavenly Court naturally needs to be cleaned up, otherwise it will inevitably happen that there are immortals who follow the Jade Emperor.

However, it does not mean that the monsters such as the Bull Demon King have no chance at all.

Instead, they have a great chance.

After this incident, plus Ding Zheng just destroyed the ginseng fruit, killed Zhen Yuanzi, and devoured Zhen Yuanzi's soul with the soul of the gorilla.

Taishang Laojun also enjoys it, and directly intends to rule the entire court.

For a long time after this, it is not just the old gods who will be dismissed.

There will also be many new gods appearing.

As long as the monsters such as the Bull Demon King do more good deeds and accumulate more merits during this period, they will naturally be able to enter the eyes of Taishang Laojun.

Therefore, after knowing that Sun Wukong's real backer is Taishang Laojun, it is too late for them to flatter, how can they vent their anger?

"Brother Xian, brother this time, but he took a really good thing!"

Suddenly, Sun Wukong's voice came from a distance.

Then, Ding Zheng saw a cloud approaching quickly and landed beside him.

Sun Wukong waved his arm, and many treasures immediately appeared on the ground.

Ding Zheng glanced at it hastily, but didn't see a few that he was interested in.

During this time, Sun Wukong, because of his grudges, did not keep his promise when the monsters were making troubles in the Tiangong, and went out every day to fight the autumn wind.

Every time it is a bountiful harvest.

However, those monsters are not stupid, and naturally it is impossible to take out their truly precious treasures and give them to Sun Wukong, so after a long time, what Sun Wukong gets back is actually mostly tasteless.

However, he likes this kind of thing very much. He doesn't see anyone every day, and even Huaguo Mountain is managed by Ding Zheng.

Ding Zheng was busy practicing, so he didn't have time to take care of Huaguo Mountain, so he left it to the tiger.

The troll tiger is also born to want to be a leader, and prefers this kind of thing, and the management is very popular.

Ding Zheng also let her toss.

"Look at this!" Sun Wukong picked up a dry piece of something that he didn't know what it was, and said, "This is called a life branch. It was a gecko that became an essence by chance, and refined it with all his broken tails. It can offset one damage when attacked, if you have this thing, then the old grandson will not be trapped by the old Tathagata."

As Sun Wukong said, he threw this thing directly to Ding Zheng.

He knew that Ding Zheng was about to leave, and there was a great difficulty to overcome.

Just when these things are needed.

Ding Zheng didn't refuse either, he held it in his hand and played with it for a while.

This stuff does work.

After you go back, exchange one hundred and eighty.

Even if you can't use it yourself.

Others can use it too.

If possible, Ding Zheng did not want any of his friends to die on the battlefield.

Then, Sun Wukong began to introduce the next good thing.

After Ding Zheng participated in the distribution of the spoils, Sun Wukong calmed down, and then suddenly asked, "How did you move Taishang Laoer back then?"

Although I know that Taishang Laojun is the son of Bodhi, he is the one who shaped himself.

But Sun Wukong's name still can't be changed.

He held a grudge that he was a tool created by Taishang Laojun.

"Didn't I tell you?" Ding Zheng was confused.

Sun Wukong smiled embarrassedly: "I didn't understand it at the time."

Ding Zheng was speechless, but he looked at the countdown. In the last few days, he couldn't cultivate anything, and he was not afraid of wasting it, so he continued to introduce him to Sun Wukong.


At that time, Ding Zheng really spent a lot of effort to convince Taishang Laojun.

Because it only knows the result, not the reason, and the truth.

For example, the motive of the Tathagata.

When Taishang Laojun asked why the Tathagata did this, Ding Zheng could only be speechless.


I have to say that the Tathagata is indeed a genius.

He unexpectedly melted his own Heavenly Dao silently.

That is the big rule that can control the Three Realms.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Tao of Heaven that Taishang Laojun can become the Supreme Being of the Three Realms as he is now.

What the Tathagata and the Jade Emperor want to revolutionize is the life of the Taishang Laojun!

And the reason why Taishang Laojun let Sun Wukong appear.

It's just that all the gods and Buddhas in the sky are attracted by the ginseng fruit. It is too easy to obtain longevity. There is no need to accumulate merits in exchange for medicine pills from him, or even practice.

Caused the world to fall into chaos.

So I want to teach Jade Emperor and Heavenly Court a lesson.

It's just to put things right.

Never expected the Tathagata and the Jade Emperor to hide such wolf ambitions.


The reason why Taishang Laojun was able to stop the Jade Emperor and the Tathagata in time was because of Ding Zheng's "information" in advance.

are also inseparable.

When Ding Zheng found Taishang Laojun that time, he told Taishang Laojun all the contents of Journey to the West that he had read.

Of course, including his own encounters in all mission worlds.

Although Ding Zheng had no way of knowing the plot of Journey to the West, he could figure out what secrets were hidden in Journey to the West.

There is no way to analyze what happened in the mission world based on the information in the mission world.

But he thinks Taishang Laojun can do it!

And Taishang Laojun did not live up to Ding Zheng's expectations.

Through all the known conditions, he did deduce a most likely outcome.

That is, everything Ding Zheng said is true.

The Tathagata did have the idea of ​​starting a dispute between Buddhism and Taoism, and wanted to rely on Sun Wukong to come to the West to learn scriptures.

At the same time, the study of Buddhist scriptures in the West has also led to many disasters that should not have happened.

For example, Ding Zheng experienced the closure of the heavens and the chaos of the underworld in the mission world.

People are not living.

After Taishang Laojun's calculation.

If the Tathagata did not know about it, according to the plan, like Journey to the West, the matter of the journey to the west was completed.

The old gentleman will surely resist.

The Tathagata will fight the Taishang Laojun.

Moreover, the Tathagata at that time probably already had enough strength to challenge the Taishang Laojun and the entire Sanqing.

It's just that Taishang Laojun's uncountable Tathagata's reliance will be what.

He didn't know until now that the Tathagata's reliance is likely to be the Jade Emperor!

With the Jade Emperor, the anti-bone boy who is wholeheartedly helping the Tathagata, they are really likely to be influenced by the Tathagata!

The reason why the Jade Emperor and Tathagata joined forces was because he did not want to be restricted by Taoism.

I don't want to practice virtue.

I want to vigorously promote ginseng fruit and form a new world with Tathagata!

If things really go that far.

Moreover, when Taishang Laojun found that he could not defeat the Tathagata, he would choose to close the heaven.

Lock the Tathagata and them in the heaven.

Then, the mortal world and the underworld will face a situation where there is no heavenly jurisdiction.

The demon clan will prevail.

Then came the chaos of the underworld.

Ksitigarbha is the back-hand arranged by the Tathagata in the underworld, to take control of the underworld.

It's a three-pronged approach.

Then, the situation is likely to evolve into what Ding Zheng experienced in each mission world.

The heavens and the underworld all cut off their connection with the mortal world, and then the mortal world gradually deteriorated, the spiritual energy disappeared, and it became an ordinary place where there was no more extraordinary existence.

It can be said that everything is possible.

Taishang Laojun is also very worried and concerned.

But one of the biggest problems is that Ding Zheng can't prove whether all this will happen.

Therefore, Taishang Laojun never made a move.

Until Ding Zheng controlled Jin Chanzi and ensured his own safety.

Allow yourself to finish those words.

And after asking the Tathagata to stop.

Taishang Laojun started to do it.

It can be said that Ding Zheng's success this time is also due to luck.

If the Tathagata did not bring Jin Chanzi over, I am afraid that with the strength of the Tathagata, Ding Zheng would not be able to say those words.


After listening to Ding Zheng repeat it carefully, Sun Wukong completely understood what happened.

He nodded involuntarily: "Aren't these people really tired?"

Ding Zheng looked at Sun Wukong.

Although Sun Wukong sometimes feels unreliable, he is actually an existence with very low desires.

That's why he can always be so happy.

"You don't understand." Ding Zheng shook his head.

Sun Wukong also nodded in agreement: "Yeah, I don't understand..."

Just when a monkey and a monkey are deep here.

Suddenly a figure appeared in front of them Ding Zheng and Sun Wukong were taken aback.

There are very few people who can appear like this in front of them.

Take a closer look and feel relieved.

It turned out to be the old gentleman!

Taishang Laojun looked at Ding Zheng and Sun Wukong with a smile, and said, "You have helped the old man a lot. This time, I came to repay your kindness."

Ding Zheng was stunned.

The treasures that he gave him before that greatly increased his cultivation speed, aren't they still kindness?

After being stunned, a surge of ecstasy rose.

If this is the case, then how serious is the repayment of kindness that Taishang Laojun said at this time!

This is a great thing!

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