Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v10 Chapter 38: Godzilla doesn't like to interrupt

Moments later, the atomic spit dissipated.

Only the blood tooth stick is still standing firmly.

Thor and Captain Marvel were equally unaffected.

The atomic breath, which can melt everything and go nowhere, was resisted for the first time.

Thor and Captain Marvel recovered from their panic.

The two looked at the blood-tooth stick in front of them, and their expressions were full of joy for the rest of their lives.

Then, as if thinking of something, Sol raised his head and looked at the end of the blood tooth stick.

I saw Ding Zheng's expression indifferent, standing high in the sky, holding the edge of the blood tooth stick in his palm, his entire body has grown to more than 300 meters, like a building in the sky standing in a mirage.

Majestic, bizarre!


Ding Zheng also let out a long breath.

Although it rushed over at the fastest speed, it still failed to arrive in time.

Wait until it sees Thor and Captain Marvel.

Godzilla's atomic breath was already brewing in his mouth, ready to be spit out.

Ding Zheng was still at an altitude of several thousand meters.

If you want to rush over by yourself, it is too late.

So it can only fight for one broadcast, and while rushing over, put the blood-tooth stick in front of it, so that the blood-tooth stick grows at the fastest speed.


That is, it is combined with the speed at which the blood tooth stick grows and becomes larger.

Naturally, the blood tooth stick can be sent to Thor and Captain Marvel faster.

Block Godzilla's atomic breath with the Bloodfang Stick.

But Ding Zheng wasn't entirely sure that the blood tooth stick could really block the atomic breath.

If not, the Bloodfang Stick may be destroyed directly in the Atomic Breath.

And Sol and Captain Marvel may not escape death.

But Ding Zheng has no other way!

Only such a dead horse can be used as a living horse doctor.

Fortunately, the results were not bad.

The Bloodfang Rod not only managed to keep Thor and Captain Marvel alive.

It also fully proves its toughness!


Godzilla's atomic breath still left some black marks on the blood tooth stick.

If the time is longer, maybe the blood tooth stick will really be damaged.


A soft sound.

The blood-tooth stick disappeared in front of Thor and Captain Marvel in an instant.

But it has narrowed to a point that is just right for Ding Zheng to grasp.

Ding Zheng also fell straight down from the sky.

A body as huge as a mountain.

when falling on the sea.

But not even a ripple was stirred.

Just standing there lightly on the sea.

people who don't know.

Thought it was a giant balloon.

Godzilla did not attack again, but focused entirely on Ding Zheng.

When Ding Zheng fell, he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

It's not that Godzilla recognized Ding Zheng as King Kong.

In fact, although Ding Zheng and King Kong look very similar.

After all, they have used the same good things that can strengthen the body.

Although Ding Zheng has dragon scales on his body, it is usually covered by long hair.

Those dragon scales will not be revealed unless they are blown up by the wind, or the hair on the body is destroyed.

But Godzilla doesn't recognize people by their eyes.

These Titans can easily judge each other's breath.

This is the ability from blood and instinct.

After all, they are all differentiated parts of the Beastmaster's body.

So Godzilla naturally recognized Ding Zheng's identity very easily.

The Vajra in front of him was the one who was caught up and jumped up and down by himself a few years ago, and couldn't even catch his own atomic breath!

But Godzilla was surprised, and even a little scared.

Ding Zheng's amazing body height!

A full 333 meters!

This is a height that none of the Titans have ever reached.

Even Godzilla has to add the length of his body and tail to be able to compare with Ding Zheng.

But the tail couldn't support Godzilla's body.

So at this time, Godzilla stood in front of Ding Zheng.

It was only half the size of Ding Zheng.

This is still the result of Godzilla's body being greatly increased by two nuclear bombs!

And more importantly.

Godzilla can feel the Ding Zheng in front of him. Compared with a few years ago, he does not know how many times stronger!

This weird, even surprising situation, naturally made Godzilla dare not act rashly.

Ding Zheng looked at the cautious Godzilla with a headache.

If it comes up, Godzilla will go directly to fight it.

Then Ding Zheng can bring Godzilla to Skull Island.

Fight on Skull Island and defeat Godzilla.

In this way, it can justifiably inherit the core of Beastmaster.

But I didn't expect this Godzilla to suddenly change.

After the two nuclear bombs went down, they were still so cautious.

"It seems that I can only think of another way, TMD, I'm so annoying!" Ding Zheng frowned, and after a while, his eyes suddenly moved to the blood tooth stick in his hand, and his heart moved.

"You two go first, leave it to me here."

Ding Zheng said to Sol and Captain Marvel, lest they be affected.

Thor and Captain Marvel didn't want to stay here for a long time.

After answering, he left immediately.


Godzilla let out a low growl, but didn't mean to stop it.

Instead, he focused all his attention on Ding Zheng.

Ding Zheng waited until Sol and Captain Marvel were far away, then turned his head and looked at Godzilla in front of him, a smirk suddenly twitched at the corner of his mouth.

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Under Godzilla's puzzled gaze, Ding Zheng's body began to shrink rapidly, and it only took less than a second to reach the 333-meter behemoth.

It was reduced to about five meters.

The blood tooth stick was also shrunk to fit Ding Zheng's current height.

Ding Zheng glanced at the blood tooth stick again, if not for the experience of the blood tooth stick intact in Godzilla's atomic breath.

Maybe it really won't think of this way.

After all, the blood tooth stick was the most handy weapon Ding Zheng had ever encountered.

And it can be big or small, at will.

If it is really damaged, it will undoubtedly be a big loss to Ding Zheng's combat power.

In fact, Ding Zheng didn't know that.

The blood tooth stick seems to be just a piece of wood, but it is actually made by Taishang Laojun using a large number of extremely precious materials.

There are many arrays above.

Take the various attributes of the blood tooth stick to a higher level.

overall quality.

Compared with Sun Wukong's golden hoop, it is better.

Godzilla's small atomic breath can't do any damage to the Bloodfang Stick at all.

But if it is more advanced energy.

But it can still be destroyed.

Ding Zheng tapped his toes, and his entire body rushed towards Godzilla.

The sea water under his feet seemed to have thoughts, constantly surging up steps one by one under Ding Zheng's feet, making Ding Zheng faster and more flexible.

Without much effort, he rushed to a place only more than 200 meters away from Godzilla.

"hold head high!!!!"

Godzilla roared.

Before Ding Zheng approached, the crimson atomic breath came and attacked Ding Zheng!

Because it saw Ding Zheng's eyes, it suddenly remembered some bad memories.

"Are you so excited?"

Ding Zheng sneered and swung the atomic breath to the side.

These tiny atomic breaths for Godzilla.

Ding Zheng didn't take it seriously at all.

After all, the blood tooth stick can be resisted.

Of course, if Godzilla wants to unleash the powerful big atomic breath, then even the Bloodfang Stick will have to avoid its edge.

Ding Zheng was extremely fast and rushed towards Godzilla.

That indomitable momentum made Godzilla a little puzzled and took a few steps back.

Even planning to dive straight into the water.

If Ding Zheng hadn't directly controlled the seawater around Godzilla and locked it, especially at the feet of Godzilla, to solidify the seawater, I'm afraid Godzilla would have sunk to the bottom of the sea and ran away.

But Godzilla is not a person to be afraid of.

After finding that he couldn't run, it directly chose to fight with Ding Zheng.

In short, standing beating is impossible.

Suddenly, the atomic breath in Godzilla's mouth shot wildly.

Just like taking a sniper rifle, the bullets are fired desperately.

Godzilla's fighting style has undoubtedly enriched a lot since he learned more about the use of atomic breath.

more importantly.

The problem of lack of energy that had plagued Godzilla before, preventing him from fighting with all his might, has also been brilliantly resolved.

However, this does not help Godzilla to deal with Ding Zheng.

Although Godzilla's combat experience has greatly increased, it can be said that he has a set of his own moves.

It ate two nuclear bombs.

But the gap between it and Ding Zheng still exists.

You know, nuclear bombs don't need to care much for Ding Zheng now.

The Great Perfection of Dragon Armor can make Ding Zheng completely ignore the nuclear bomb.

And Godzilla's atomic breath is naturally higher in energy level than a nuclear bomb.

But it will no longer cause absolute fatal damage to Ding Zheng as before.

In the face of Godzilla's continuous firing of atomic breaths, and atomic spit bombs.

Ding Zheng did not change his face, and still tried his best to rush towards Godzilla.

Even if an atomic bomb exploded beside him occasionally, Ding Zheng ignored it.

He even took advantage of these opportunities to test his Great Perfection Dragon Armor Art, how strong his resistance to Godzilla's atomic breath was.

The result is of course obvious.

If not for being hit head-on by Godzilla's atomic energy.

Ding Zheng's Dragon Armor Art was completely able to withstand it.

Even Ding Zheng guessed that even if he was hit head-on, there would not be much of a problem.

Just avoid subsequent attacks before the Dragon Armor Art is broken.

After all, Godzilla's atomic breath can be used as continuous damage.

After these tests, Ding Zheng became bolder.

But for a moment.

Ding Zheng rushed to Godzilla.

And Godzilla has reached the point where there is no turning back.

It never thought that it could break Ding Zheng's confinement to the sea water with atomic breath, and then left calmly.

So he fell into Ding Zheng's plan.

In no time.

Ding Zheng ran from Godzilla's legs to the top of Godzilla's head like a mountain climber.

With Godzilla's wisdom and ability, it is undoubtedly more difficult to cope with this situation.

It waved its two short arms, patted it constantly, and its long tail swung back and forth.

A more intense red light appeared on his body, to force Ding Zheng to retreat.

Dante Zheng is completely able to evade all of Godzilla's attacks.

Because of the red lotus state, the temperature on its body has risen to the extreme.

It was also completely ignored by Ding Zheng's powerful defensive power!

In just a moment, Ding Zheng jumped onto Godzilla's shoulders.

Godzilla, on the other hand, waved his little arms even more frantically, as if thinking of something terrible.

The mouth is tightly closed.

But behemoths like it.

There are too many holes in the body.

Even the mouth can't really be closed completely, so Ding Zheng threw out the blood tooth stick.

The blood tooth stick suddenly became smaller and thinner in the air, almost like a needle.

At the same time, it was easy to find a gap in Godzilla's teeth.

And then just drilled right in!

Godzilla's attention was still on Ding Zheng.

Completely unaware that he was in danger.

next moment.

He suddenly felt something in his throat and couldn't cough or swallow.

Then, the thing got bigger and bigger, making it faintly nauseous, and even wanted to retching.

Godzilla was furious, and the atomic breath began to brew in an instant.

But then, the thing in his throat directly resisted the switch of the atomic breath.

It breathed out the atomic breath that it had prepared, and directly held it back.


Godzilla let out a mournful cry.

In its not-so-sufficient brain capacity, a history of humiliation was re-hoisted.

Then, Godzilla's mouth opened It wasn't that it wanted to open it, but that the blood-tooth stick in its mouth had swelled to the point where its mouth couldn't hold it.

at the same time.

Ding Zheng jumped up from behind it, stood in front of Godzilla, and grabbed the blood-tooth stick that just grew out of Godzilla's mouth.

Then, Ding Zheng smiled slightly, and the whole body suddenly began to grow larger, and it suddenly reached a height of more than 100 meters, which was only a little higher than Godzilla.


Ding Zheng held the blood-tooth stick in his hand and lifted it up a little first.

Then, he stabbed Godzilla into Godzilla's mouth again!

"hold head high!!!!!"

Followed by a roar of anger that could no longer be added.

Ding Zheng turned around and ran to Skull Island.

And Godzilla followed behind.

While breathing out atomic breath, he chased after him frantically.

It is useless for Ding Zheng to defeat Godzilla outside.

After all, it must be in Skull Island.

In this way, the core of the Beastmaster under the Skull Island can be felt.

Because of this, Ding Zhengcai tried every means to lead Godzilla to Skull Island.

Fortunately, Godzilla's ruthlessness towards being interrupted by others is still turbulent, and even a little more vigilance and thinking is not enough for him to look at this matter completely without emotion.


Getting Godzilla into Skull Island is probably going to be a hassle.

And with Godzilla's current thinking.

It has to make itself strong enough to be confident enough to beat King Kong.

Maybe it will also attack human gathering places for this reason.

Then, Stark and the others will give Godzilla a few more nuclear bombs.

And more importantly.

Godzilla doesn't get infinitely stronger by eating a nuke!