Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v3 Chapter 18: 15 years later, WW2 aircraft

The skeleton lizard is sleeping in the ground.

But occasionally I wake up for various reasons.

Wanton slaughtering the creatures on the island.

And the responsibility of Ding Zheng and King Kong.

It's the skeleton lizard that ran these out.

Kill them all!

The skeleton lizard in front of Ding Zheng was not huge.

It looks like it's just over seven meters.

But compared to Ding Zheng, he is still a giant.


The skeleton lizard hissed.

With two thick long legs, he charged towards Ding Zheng.

Ding Zheng grinned and greeted him with Tu Ge's axe in hand.


The two huge bodies slammed together and made a muffled sound.


The skeleton lizard opened its crocodile-like mouth and bit Ding Zheng's shoulder.

The teeth pierced deeply into Ding Zheng's black hair.

Then it was completely blocked by the tough skin.


Ding Zheng let out a breath of laughter, leaned back, and fell to the ground.

The skeleton lizards on the carrier lost their balance and fell to the ground.

With the force of the fall, he lifted his right foot and kicked the opponent's reproductive organs ruthlessly.

This is the place where the skeleton lizard can feel the most pain.


The skeleton lizard opened its mouth and screamed.

Ding Zheng immediately seized the opportunity.

The left hand was stuffed into the opponent's mouth like lightning.

He grabbed the pink tongue full of strength.

The skeleton lizard's response was not slow at all, biting Ding Zheng's arm in one bite to prevent him from pulling his hand out.

The two began to wrestle.

Rolling and jumping on the ground.

In the end, Ding Zheng couldn't compare to the other party in terms of strength.

After all, the size gap is there.

But it has already mastered the weakness of these skeleton lizards.

Both feet kept kicking each other's weak spots.

The right hand also held the axe and slashed down fiercely.

Slashed on the head of this skeleton lizard.

Skeleton lizard skulls are exceptionally hard.

But in the end, it couldn't match the sharpness of an axe.

A deep scar was cut out.

The advantage of being able to use all four limbs in battle was thoroughly highlighted by Ding Zheng.

The skeleton lizard can only attack with one mouth and two legs that are not very flexible.

Their weapons are fangs and claws.

Against other animals, it can be easily fatal.

But he met Ding Zheng, who had an amazing effect of horizontal training.

But even its defenses could not be torn apart.

Can only be caught in a tussle that is evenly matched.

And in such a battle.

Flexible limbs are much more useful than sharp teeth and claws.

Ding Zheng took a number of measures.


The skeleton lizard relaxed the strength of his mouth because he couldn't take care of it.

Ding Zheng took the opportunity to pull with the greatest strength!


The whole tongue was pulled out, and it was long.

at the same time.

The axe in its hand has also been raised high and chopped down.

The hand raised the knife and dropped it.


A long pink tongue spewed blood and fell to the ground.


The skeleton lizard screamed loudly and kept jumping on the ground.

Ding Zheng clenched the axe in his hand and rushed up again!





The reason why the skeleton lizard is called the skeleton lizard.

It is because the outside of its body is not pure flesh and blood.

It's a layer of exoskeleton.

causing them to look like skeletons.

But it is also this layer of exoskeleton.

Let them have a very high defense.

As a result, the axe in Ding Zheng's hand, which is called a divine weapon in the mission world, cannot be easily cut.

But it's just that it can't be easily broken.

Ding Zheng pounced on the skeleton lizard, pinpointed one part and chopped it dozens of times.



A crisp sound.

The location where the skull lizard's head was was chopped by Ding Zheng with an axe, but the axe was also deeply embedded in the skull.

Ding Zheng then raised his fist and swung it desperately towards the wound.

After a few punches, the wound widened further.

Ding Zheng punched in.

Deeply inserted into the skeleton lizard's not-so-rich brain tissue.

Crazy stirring!


After more than ten seconds.

This skeleton lizard with a height of seven meters was killed by Ding Zheng alone!

"That's it, I have to fight ten more."

Ding Zheng smiled slightly, wiped the blood and sweat from his face, and turned to look back.

King Kong stepped on a skeleton lizard that was more than ten meters long on the ground.

Swinging a giant hammer in his hand.

smashed it hard.


The whole ground was shaking.

And the skeleton lizard has a hard skull.

In front of the giant hammer, which is a little bigger than its head.

He didn't even persevere.

It was directly smashed by a huge force.

She didn't even have time to let out a scream.


Another skeleton lizard nearly fifteen meters tall fell on King Kong and bit its neck.

King Kong released the giant hammer in his hand, put his hands on his shoulders, and pinched the opponent's neck.

Use force.

Directly threw the skeleton lizard to the ground in front of it.

Then he stepped on the weak spot of the skeleton lizard.

While he was screaming, he put his arm into his mouth and grabbed his tongue tightly.

Just kidding!


The whole tongue, along with the internal organs, was pulled out.

The skeleton lizard, which was still alive, immediately collapsed to the ground.

There was no sound.

Then he looked beside King Kong.

Assemble several incomplete corpses.

There are five skeleton lizards in total.

The smallest of them is also ten meters long.

Compared to Ding Zheng, it took half a day to clean up one.

King Kong's efficiency is astonishing.

Looking at the huge body of King Kong that has reached 24 meters, even close to 25 meters.

Ding Zheng sighed helplessly.

Although I knew that Pantao was helping me, King Kong's growth rate was definitely faster than in the movie.

But this is undoubtedly an exaggeration.

Only fifteen years have passed.

King Kong has grown nearly ten meters.

Especially in the few years when I just started eating peach.

The body shape is like a rocket rising like a rocket.

After three years, Pan Tao finally had no effect.

In contrast, Ding Zheng's growth rate was a bit too slow.

Fifteen years have passed.

At this time, it was just over five meters.

After all, the peach has no way to have any effect on it.

It can only grow on its own.

Actually, compared to the mission world.

This speed is not too slow.

The food on Skull Island is more nutritious after all.

Pull out the axe stuck in the skull of the skeleton lizard.

Ding Zheng slowly walked to the edge of a huge pothole on the ground not far away.

These skeleton lizards have been silent for nearly twenty years.

Also three years ago.

Suddenly began to move frequently.

kept coming out of the ground.

Ding Zheng didn't know why.


It was from this hole that they climbed up.

Ding Zheng looked down and saw a deep passage below.

Apparently it was dug up by the skeleton lizards.

Although it really wants to go down and have a look.

But King Kong keeps telling it not to.

It is said that the orangutan parents said it.

In addition to a large number of skeleton lizards underground.

And there are even more dangerous things.

Can't enter, and can't be alarmed.

They can only wait outside.

If the skeleton lizards are going to come out, kill them.


Although King Kong has always been a fool in Ding Zheng's eyes.

But when King Kong expressed these meanings, it made Ding Zheng feel extremely serious.

It naturally dare not despise it.

She can only temporarily suppress her curiosity.

Ding Zheng naturally also handed over ventriloquism to King Kong.

King Kong learns quickly.

It can even learn bird calls by ventriloquism.

But here's the problem.

Chinese is too difficult to learn.

No one can force King Kong to study.

leading up to now.

King Kong still can't even speak words.

Only one word pops up occasionally.


King Kong pushed Ding Zheng away.

He stretched his feet.

Pushing the earth and stone beside the pothole again.

In a blink of an eye, the entrance to the passage was reburied.

The two brothers walked to the corpses of those skeleton lizards.

I plan to give these corpses to the natives.

Skeleton lizards have very hard bones.

Can be used to forge weapons.

Ding Zheng wouldn't waste such a good material.

But just as the brothers were sorting the bodies.

However, a figure quickly ran over from a distance.

It was a dire wolf.

About three meters tall, obviously not yet in adulthood.

But the speed under his feet is not slow at all.

In the distance, I can see King Kong, like a hill, and Ding Zheng standing next to King Kong.

But this dire wolf didn't mean to turn at all.

He rushed over directly like this.

Until he ran to a position more than 100 meters away from King Kong.

The Dire Wolf suddenly stopped.

The tail was tightly clamped in the gap between the hind legs and prostrate on the ground.

He didn't even dare to look at Ding Zheng and King Kong.

Then, a figure suddenly jumped off the Dire Wolf.

Nearly two meters tall.

The exploding muscles are very obvious.

black skin.

It is the natives of the island.

It looks like a young man.

Obviously, there was something very important that made this little native ride a dire wolf so desperately and rushed directly into the depths of Skull Island.

The aboriginal young man quickly ran to Ding Zheng and King Kong, looked at the huge skeleton lizard corpse beside his brothers, his body trembled slightly, and he fell to his knees directly on the ground.

"God! Teacher is looking for you for something!"

His voice just fell.

A two-legged, radio-like metal block stepped up and jumped out of the animal skin it was wearing.

Smoothly completed the transformation in the air, fell to the ground, and the first sentence at the beginning made Ding Zheng's eyes suddenly stare!

"I have a companion flying over here!"


Ding Zheng rushed over and grabbed the whole backgammon in his hand, aiming the axe at his head, uttering a voice in his chest, and asked, "Did you spread the news?"

As a member of the Decepticons.

Can be called a companion by backgammon.

There is only one other Decepticon.


Backgammon denied it immediately, and then quickly explained: "My companion is still in a dormant state and has no consciousness at all. It should be a human driving it! How could I leak the news? It's really leaked, do I dare to tell you that? "

What BBK said is not without reason.

Ding Zheng was just skeptical at first, but when he understood it, he let go of it and hurriedly asked, "Where are they?"

"It's almost there, it should land on the beach in the south!"

Ding Zheng grabbed Bu Bu Gao and flexibly climbed onto King Kong's shoulders, shouting, "Did you hear? Go to the south?"

King Kong didn't need to be reminded at all, Ding Zheng just spoke.

It lifted the giant hammer on the ground and started walking.


More than ten minutes later.

When Ding Zheng and the others came to the beach on the south side of Skull Island.

Immediately, I saw two planes falling straight down from the sky!

"The one on the left, help me save it. They can't pass the message on Skull Island, so it's fine to know."

Backgammon immediately pointed to one of the planes and shouted.

Ding Zheng nodded to King Kong.

King Kong dropped the giant hammer and jumped, holding the plane that Backgammon mentioned in his hand.

And the other one fell directly to the ground.

It shattered into pieces with a bang.

King Kong fell to the ground, rolled around and stood up again.

The two soldiers in military uniforms were hanging on the parachute at this time, and they stared blankly at the sudden appearance of the giant beast King Kong, completely dumbfounded.

Ding Zheng stood tightly on King Kong's shoulders and was not thrown off.

At this time, he looked at the two parachutes and the figure in the military uniform.

The foreheads are also deeply twisted together.

if it remembers correctly.

That scene.

It was the "Kong: Skull Island" movie, when it just started.

Two soldiers from World War II.

The scene of landing on the island!

The movie plot has started again?

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