Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v3 ~: Discuss 1 copy of "Kung Fu Panda"

I watched this movie as soon as it came out.

Two, three, too.

Read it several times.

The theme of this film is actually "I can too".

Tell the audience that no matter what you were like before, as long as you have a dream and you work hard, you can achieve it.

But maybe it's because of the American filming.

They are too fond of the fate and messiah stuff.

As a result, the whole film fell into a vicious circle of idealism completely.

The protagonist Abo, the analysis of the word "effort" is far from enough.

Even I don't know how long it will last, but it's been a few months (actually based on the time in the movie, I'm afraid it's only a few days)

Then I saw the blank dragon cheat book with nothing, and I was able to beat Taro.

How long has Taro been practicing?

How long have they been cultivating?

You can't beat Taro out of five.

Did the protagonist Apo fight?

Of course, there are many reasons to say that the protagonist is a panda, with a special bloodline, the protagonist has rough skin and thick flesh, and is not afraid of attack.

But it can't explain the soaring combat power of this completely idealistic.

The second and third are more idealistic.

me as an author.

I want to write a story that is not a complete spoof, but a fairly serious copy of the story.

In order not to ruin the style of the whole book.

Can I write as idealistically as in the movie?

I can't do it!

I have to make the idealistic part of the film into materialism, and make the unreasonable things rational.

But how do I explain it?

I can only follow the plot without changing the general settings.

Go to the background of the story and find the direction of the world view.

Therefore, there will definitely be some ideas of your own, and magic changes, and try to follow what was originally shown in the movie.

So, many characters, I will definitely change.

The world is just irrational.

I want to write in a common sense style.

Changes must be made.

I hope everyone can understand.

This copy, may not follow the original so completely.

If you really can't stand it, keep it first and wait for this copy to finish. (cry)

I hope you can support me.

Go to bed early tonight, wake up early tomorrow and fight again!