Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v4 Chapter 4: 1 left

Hank frowned at first.

Obviously didn't understand.

Then it dawned on me.

Reminds me of 27 years ago.

The comic book signed by Captain America that Ding Zheng snatched from him.

Hank nodded immediately: "It's true! That comic was used to promote Captain America. It gave a speech at our base, and there was his autograph on it, called Steve Rogers."

Admit it directly, without any hesitation.

After speaking, he grinned.

Showing white teeth.

Xingcun has long since learned to brush his teeth.

Hank spent 27 years on Skull Island.

The only thing I try to remember that I never dare to forget.

In front of Ding Zheng.

Never lie!


Ding Zheng looked at such an honest Hank.

His face was a little ugly.

This answer is too straightforward.

At this time, its psychological preparation seems to be a little insufficient.


Ding Zheng gritted his teeth in frustration.

He rested his arms on the armrest and closed his eyes tightly.

If not to maintain the image.

I'm afraid I've already yelled at him.

Ding Zheng is really not afraid of Captain America and Iron Man.

Could it be that Captain America can keep up with it?

What about King Kong?

But if these people exist.

The tyrant and various villains in the universe are naturally very likely to exist.

Don't say anything else.

Light is Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet.

It's a big problem.

Who knows if that kind of mass random destruction weapon will destroy it and King Kong.

"Some are busy."

Ding Zheng sighed.

It can almost be concluded that there will be absolutely no leisure time in the future.

There will be more and more things that can threaten the lives of Skull Island and their brothers.

It raised its eyes and looked at the people of Xingcun below.

I couldn't help thinking that in the Marvel movie, there was a small black country that was separated from other countries and lived in seclusion.


"If you can get those Zhenjin into your hands and give Hanhan and I a pair of armors..."

Ding Zheng's eyes lit up.

However, it didn't think about it.

In the end, this kind of thing is still difficult.

The expressive power of superheroes in these American movies is always up and down.

Ding Zheng is also not sure that he has an absolute advantage.

And Wakanda is set to be the most technologically advanced country on Earth.

The performance in the movie is very likely just the tip of the iceberg.

Ding Zheng put away his thoughts and glanced at Xingshi: "Is everyone here?"

Xing Shi saw that Ding Zheng finally paid attention to him, and immediately stood up with a look of joy.

"Yes, God! Everyone is here, as well as the dire wolves."

Starstone's father, the former patriarch Jushan, unfortunately died in the chaos of the skeleton lizard outbreak a few years ago.

Xingcun also suffered heavy losses and countless casualties.

There were only 5,000 people left.

Nearly one-fifth are children who have been well protected.

After the death of the giant mountain, the leader of the patriarch was Xingshi.

This guy is Ding Zheng's fanboy. He is talented in martial arts, but lacks management experience.

In my heart, I just want to practice hard and follow Ding Zheng all my life.

He even wanted to give Jack the patriarch's position.

But Jack knew that he was an outsider, so he couldn't help convincing the public, and he still insisted on being a military officer.

Although Xingshi didn't take care of things very much, which made Jack very powerful, he never meant to rebel.

He is a smart man.

Knowing that the power in Xing Village is bullshit.

If I want to live as long as possible on Skull Island, the only thing I need to do is not to make Ding Zheng angry.

"very good."

Ding Zheng nodded, then stood up from the throne.

Looking down at these Star Village people, his thoughts moved.

The blood-red light emerged from it like hair!

Soon, Ding Zheng was completely wrapped in the red light of the soul armor.

But this time, the majestic red light did not support Ding Zheng.

Instead, they are like **** ribbons.

With Ding Zheng as the center, it exploded with a bang, rushing all around!

"Close your eyes, don't resist, accept my inheritance!"

Ding Zheng's voice resounded in the ears of everyone in Xing Village.

The people of Xing Village looked at the surging red light coming from Ding Zheng.

They all closed their eyes reverently, completely giving up any resistance, and their whole body didn't even need any strength.

For them, it was a gift from God.

Unsurpassed glory.

The same goes for Jack and Bruce.

They are not as religious as the people of Xing Village, but they also know that Ding Zheng doesn't need to deceive them at all.

There is absolutely no idea of ​​resistance.

Only Hank, the old pilot, was a little scared.

Looking at the blood vessels emerging from Ding Zheng's body.

Linked to the heads of everyone around you.

Its first thought was to escape.

But in the end, he couldn't escape.

He was directly hit on the head by the soul of the gorilla.

Immediately, he felt a huge thought rush into his consciousness.

It's like a dragon trying to devour itself.

However, he was immediately stunned.

The link of the gorilla soul didn't last long.

Soon, the red light disappeared, and everyone in Xing Village opened their eyes and woke up.

There was red light in their eyes, and they could clearly feel a turbulent mass of energy that was different from the internal force remaining in their heads.

And, there is a faint connection with Ding Zheng, who is standing in front of the throne.

Ding Zheng glanced at Hank and instructed Jack, "Take him back, he will wake up later."

Fortunately, this person passed out directly, otherwise once he resisted, he would probably become an idiot directly.

Dragon Soul's resentment and violence were only suppressed by Ding Zheng, not eliminated.

"It's called the Orangutan Soul Armor. You are familiar with it. Tomorrow, those who are capable of fighting will follow me to the Central Lake."

"is God!"

After Ding Zheng left.

The people of Xingcun, including Jack, just started to try to feel the changes in their bodies.

Soon, Star Stone was the first to activate the Soul Armor.

I saw a blood-red light instantly wrapping its entire body, forming a thin orangutan phantom.

It was exactly what Ding Zheng looked like.

And on the left chest of the orangutan phantom, there is a ferocious circling dragon!

"This is the power of God!"

Xingshi said excitedly immediately.

It looked at Jack next to him: "Uncle Jack, give me a knife!"

Jack also squinted, scrutinized the shadow carefully, and then drew out the skeleton lizard bone knife used to deal with prey.

He slashed down with the back of the knife!


A soft sound.

The bone knife was blocked.

"Use the blade and add internal strength!"

Xingshi said again, his eyes full of brilliance.

Jack nodded.

keep trying.


Although the gorilla soul armor is of little use in the battle between Ding Zheng and the skeleton lizard.

But the huge power that can support the entire Ding Zheng from the ground, in the face of Xingcun people and ordinary beasts.

Still has a pretty strong defense.

And it doesn't take up any space at all, and it can be stimulated at any time.

It can also impact the enemy's soul consciousness while attacking.

It is of great help to the strength and safety of Xingcun people.

more importantly.

This armor can also devour the souls of slain lives.

It was passed on to Ding Zheng, the main soul.

Ding Zheng can also control the lives of those who are invaded by the gorilla soul, if the other party has any bad movement.

Directly release the suppression of that group of souls.

Unless the will is extremely firm, it is very likely that he will be directly turned into an idiot by the huge resentment.

Those who have second thoughts about Ding Zheng may not survive the first inheritance.

For Ding Zheng.

It can be said to be an extremely powerful and worry-free ability.


the next day.

Ding Zheng comforted King Kong and let him recover from his injuries.

Afterwards, he brought a total of 2,000 soldiers from Xing Village to the Central Lake.

Just from a distance, Ding Zheng could see that the Central Lake was surrounded by water.

Leopards, wild boars, dire wolves, terrifying birds, tyrannosaurs, raptors...

All kinds of animals of amazing size are by the lake.

There are pterosaurs and birds hovering over the center of the lake.

But there was no battle.

They are all waiting for the blood orchid to bloom.

Once the flowers bloom, the real **** battle will take place.

Those who survived to the end should have eaten enough blood orchids.

There will naturally be more benefits.

But as Jack said, these animals will eventually become the skeleton lizard's meal.

Make wedding dresses for those mindless reptiles.

Although the blood orchid has amazing effects, it still cannot change the life essence of these animals.

No matter how huge they become.

They are no match for existences with a higher level of life than them.

Ding Zheng shifted his gaze to the lake.

Boa constrictors hug each other.

tangled in the whole big lake.

The lake is deep.

Occasionally, a few thick snake bodies would appear.

And those snakes with exposed heads are almost thicker than Ding Zheng's entire body.

Ding Zheng made a hasty calculation.

in that lake.

There are probably a few that are even 70 meters long, real giant pythons!

Ding Zheng remembers it very clearly, in the movie "Disaster of the Python 2".

These pythons are also in bloom when the blood orchid is blooming.

They will mate and give birth as they do now.

In the lake, by the lake.

There are huge beasts everywhere.

The number is probably a hundred or so, close to two hundred.

Around this whole big lake, it is like a bomb that is counting down at this time.

Once the countdown is over, the bomb will explode.

And this place.

It will surely become an Asura field with a sea of ​​corpses and a sea of ​​blood!

Although the blood orchid is not yet mature.

But they are all lucky ones who have been affected by the blood orchid.

Even if only a tenth of these animals escaped.

And then being eaten by the skeleton will also cause great trouble to Ding Zheng and King Kong.

The more you escape, the more trouble it causes.

So, the best solution.

It is to dispose of all these animals before the blood orchid matures.

Either trap or kill.

Then, control the entire central lake.

Keep all blood orchids firmly in your hands.

In this way, the stability of Skull Island can be maintained to a greater extent.

Let Ding Zheng spend the next two years on welcoming the upcoming American army and imperial organization.

This is also the reason why Ding Zheng chose to come here before the flowers bloom.

Only in this way can all the animals that have eaten blood orchids on Skull Island be gathered here as much as possible.

"Spread apart, don't let any one escape."


Ding Zheng gave an order.

Starstone, Jack and the others immediately rode the dire wolf towards the central lake.

Ding Zheng, on the other hand, charged directly at those animals.

The blood-red light rose from the body!

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