Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v5 Chapter 6: After 10 years of development, I can fin

San Francisco, U.S.

A group of chimpanzees emerged from the laboratory.

There are also orangutans in the middle.

and a silverback gorilla.

But among them, the most striking.

Still one standing upright.

The eyes are full of wisdom, and the rebellious chimpanzee.

It doesn't look like the strongest one.

However, he walked with great steps and walked in the frontmost position of the orangutan.

The silverback gorilla followed closely behind it.

Like a follower of an emperor.

This regal chimpanzee is named Caesar.

That's the name given to it by its human adoptive father.

"Woooo! Woohoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

Caesar made a sound and gestured.

A few orangutans leaned over immediately.


It looked at one of the orangutans and pointed in one direction.

Then another.

As if giving an order.

And the other two orangutans nodded very humanely after listening to Caesar's instructions.

If anyone sees this scene.

Must be very surprised.

These orangutans communicated as if they were humans.

There is no trace of the gorilla at all.

Extremely smart.

But no one is destined to see this scene at this time.

When these orangutans rushed out of the laboratory and the pharmaceutical company.

Pedestrians on the side of the road immediately screamed and avoided frantically.

Run to your car, run to your house.

In terms of combat power, it is impossible for humans to compare with orangutans.

Of course, there was also a brave man with a gun who tried to use this device to scare the orangutans away.

But he only killed one of them.

All the orangutans nearby who heard the movement rushed over immediately.

Talk about being surrounded by people.

In the circle of orangutans.

Looking at this group of eyes full of anger and murderous intent, but there is no ignorant orangutan like ordinary animals.

He no longer had the courage.

Kneeling on the ground, he put his gun on the ground.

There were only twelve bullets in his pistol.

And here, there are almost hundreds of orangutans.

He can only make such a choice.

Hope to get the forgiveness of these orangutans.

Caesar has been standing in the middle of the circle.

as the leader of these orangutans.

It understands very well what it means to lead the way.

If you don't rush to the front, but take all the risks to other orangutans.

Such an emperor is not long in the making.


Caesar let out a cry.

Immediately, a chimpanzee with scars on his face and even some sparse hair came out of the team, and looked very ugly.

It looked at the person in front of him, slightly hooked the corner of its mouth, and squeezed out an ugly smile full of killing intent.

Then he rushed up and smashed the opponent to the ground with a punch.

Pick up a rock.

Smashed it on the opponent's head!

A life for a life!


Caesar called out again, attracting the attention of all the orangutans.

Then spread out the hands.

Constantly screaming.

A large pile of hundreds of orangutans is divided into three parts.

rushed out in three different directions.

If anyone knows San Francisco very well.

Must be able to see it.

The orangutans were running in the direction of the three San Francisco zoos.

And in those three zoos, all have the existence of orangutans.

One of them even exhibited these strong silverback gorillas.

this day.

All of San Francisco.

Was messed up by this group of orangutans into a pot of porridge.

The orangutans assembled in large groups.

Rush straight to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

Break through the police's anti-lock.

Run into the primeval forest on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge.


This incident was collectively referred to by the international media as the Golden Gate Bridge Incident.

The cause is a new biopharmaceutical company in San Francisco.

A scientist named: Will Rodman.

In order to develop a drug that can treat his Alzheimer's father.

Borrow a virus to develop.

And use orangutans for experiments.

And in the absence of preparations, the toxicity of the virus was forcibly increased in order to obtain a better therapeutic effect.


This viral drug has a very miraculous effect on orangutans.

It can make the orangutans' brains and bodies are severely affected after being exposed to drugs, and in a very short period of time, they are born no less than.

even surpasses human intelligence.

But this kind of virus, the human body can't bear it at all.

Once contaminated.

The virus will directly breach its own defense line and enter a dangerous state.

The death rate is very high!

And this kind of thing, no one thought of.

This naturally includes the Imperial Organization and S.H.I.E.L.D.

from their perspective.

The riots caused by the orangutans were simply not enough for them to take action.

Ordinary American ** team can easily solve.


After a few days.

When the cumulative death toll of simian flu patients reached ten.

Finally, they couldn't sit still.

S.H.I.E.L.D. came out.

Quarantine the whole of San Francisco.

and took over all the treatments.

All biological science and technical personnel of S.H.I.E.L.D. are directly involved in virus research.

Find ways to kill these viruses in the cradle.

And the special team.

It is divided into two ways.

Assist the police along the way to thoroughly investigate all the ape flu patients, as well as those who may have them.

to control.

U.S. officials have also touted the dangers of the virus.

Finally, it did not cause a large-scale outbreak.

And the other way.

All of them were wearing full protective suits and crossed the Golden Gate Bridge.

Follow the places where the orangutans disappeared.

No matter how you control the infected, it's useless.

Those orangutans are the source of the walking virus.

Without eradicating them, there is no way to eradicate the ape flu!



Ding Zheng has left Skull Island with some forces.

Departing from within the United States.

Megatron and Starscream transform into airplanes and go hand in hand.

More than a dozen other Decepticons followed.

Every Decepticon's cabin is crammed with a man.

Not the illusion they cast with projection.

It's a genuine Star Village person.

Because Xingcun people are too big.

Even if it came out this time, it was already relatively petite inside.

But sitting in these planes is still a bit crowded.

And Ding Zheng is standing above Megatron and Starscream.

One foot on one.

Originally, Megatron wanted to fly Ding Zheng alone.

But after trying it out.

Just give up.

Ding Zheng's weight is really amazing.

Leave Skull Island this time, except yourself.

Ding Zheng also brought almost all Transformers, including backgammon.

And in Xing Village, the villagers who have more flexible minds and have already learned English.

Of course, in order to prevent these outsiders from making any jokes.

Ding Zheng also picked a reliable native American.

Former professional actor Xiao Xianrou, and now the swordsman Western Blowing Snow: Bruce.

for this action.

Bruce shaved off the long, beloved hair he had kept for decades.

She changed into short hair and added a beard to herself.

If you change the suit that is already a little too small.

It looks like a successful person.


These young talents of Bruce and Star Village.

The mission of this trip is not to follow Ding Zheng.

Instead, the troops are divided.

To the location of Jurassic Park, which is about to be acquired by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Go to Nubra Island!

sole purpose.

It is in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. that the ownership of Nubra Island will be taken.

buy it!

In this regard, Ding Zheng need not worry about anything.

The mechanical dog can easily solve the identity problem of Bruce and the people of Star Village.

There is also the question of their property.

Then it's all up to Bruce's acting.

And, the cards they can pay!

The reason why Ding Zheng is so confident in this acquisition.

The biggest source is in these hole cards.

As long as there are these trump cards.

It is absolutely impossible for the current person in charge of Nubra Island to refuse their request.

On the contrary, if Ding Zheng followed.

It will also scare people away.

After all, although it can use the bone shrinking power.

And after the reinforcement of J.

It has stronger bones all over its body and can shrink to a smaller size.

But after all, it is a monster that is almost ten meters away.

There is a limit to how to shrink.

Originally, Ding Zheng was still a little confused about what he was going to do.

After all, I want to attract the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Monarch organization.

Let them temporarily give up their exploration of Skull Island, Ding Zheng seems to be able to come any way.

But now, after learning about the San Francisco orangutan incident through BBK.

Ding Zheng immediately had an idea.

It's going to help these orangutans!

Backgammon copied what Caesar and other orangutans did from news broadcasts.

Just as a joke.

After all, the difference in combat power between ordinary orangutans and them is simply too great.

Backgammon, covered by Ding Zheng and King Kong, didn't pay attention to these ordinary orangutans at all.

No matter how clever you are.

But when Ding Zheng heard the news, he immediately thought that this was a scene from a science fiction movie in his previous life.

"Rise of the Planet of the Apes"

The protagonist's name is officially Caesar.

The mother is Dr. Will Rodman, a test subject in the Kaiser Human Adoptive Father Company.

After being injected with medicine, wisdom was born, and Caesar was born.

And the wisdom brought by the drug passed on to Caesar, and then died.

Caesar was adopted by Will and was smarter than his mother.

After growing up, because of some conflicts, I found the difference between myself and humans.

The idea of ​​getting the orangutans to stand up and stop being ornamental toys and pets arose.

And after being abandoned by his adoptive father to the orangutan shelter because of a misunderstanding, he completely returned to the orangutan camp.

Become the king of the orangutans.

Get an extremely strong silverback gorilla as a backer.

With astonishing memory, he obtained the virus-type drug that has not been fully developed, so that all the orangutans in the shelter are full of wisdom.

Then lead these orangutans to rescue all the orangutan experiments in Dr. Will's company.

Take away the orangutans from the zoo.

You can almost say.

It single-handedly orchestrated the Golden Gate Bridge incident.

Caesar is a very intelligent orangutan.

Ding Zheng was deeply touched by the orangutan.

Strictly speaking, Ding Zheng is also an orangutan.

After all, the current Earth is no longer the one in the movie "Rise of the Planet of the Apes".

S.H.I.E.L.D. exists.

There is a great possibility that Caesar and the others will eventually die one by one.

Although they are stronger than ordinary humans.

But compared to the super soldiers of SHIELD.

But they are completely two concepts.

And Ding Zheng wanted to give SHIELD a headache.

Naturally, S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot easily annihilate Caesar and other orangutans!

It wants to rescue these orangutans and take them away.

Even study the virus in them.

If it is indeed magical enough.

Can make Ding Zheng also speak.

The brain can also become clearer.

Couldn't be better!

"Let's separate from One part is flying fast, follow me to save those orangutans, and the other part, hurry up to Nubra Island to negotiate a deal."

"When the orangutans are rescued, take them to Nubra Island."

at the US border.

Ding Zheng said slowly.

Immediately, the Decepticons were divided into two parts in an orderly manner.

flew out in two different directions.

Ding Zheng's pedal plane changed from Megatron to another big enough Decepticon, and Starscream.

Look at the scene in the United States not far away.

Involuntarily took a deep breath.

"It's really a 'land of freedom'... I've been wretched for decades, and I'm finally going to come out and pretend. I didn't want to do it at first, it really makes me a little... Can't wait!"