Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v5 Chapter 8: Ding Zheng: Your mission is more importa

In the first test tube Bruce took out.

It is naturally the root system of the divine tree that Ding Zhenggu has shown.

Just pinch the tip of a small part and put it in.

But even this little bit is extremely active.

As long as it is in contact with water, it can start to grow.

It is not puffing, the kind that returns to its original state after squeezing out water.

but actual growth.

When Ding Zheng and the others left.

The root system of the **** tree planted on Skull Island.

They have grown into small saplings more than one meter high at an extremely fast speed.

However, after growing out, the growth rate slows down.

Maybe to be able to get more nutrition.

After all, simply absorb water to increase body shape like Ximenqi.

Totally just his own way.

It also seems inadvisable for trees that want to grow well.

Except for this one root.

Other tubes were filled with various creatures from Skull Island.

Like the worms in the worm valley.

For example, the most peculiar dinosaurs in the Dinosaur Valley.

And those giant spiders that Ding Zheng and King Kong specially stayed and did not kill in order to maintain the balance of Skull Island.

Even the skeleton lizards beneath Skull Island!

Like the rain tree.

These things are absolutely impossible for any individual scientist to see.

It must also be able to attract the attention of these researchers.

And using the divine tree as a stepping stone is undoubtedly the safest option!

Listen to what Bruce has to say.

A group of researchers immediately returned to the laboratory to find water.

But at this time, the leader of the World Gene Company suddenly shouted: "There is water here, let's see it directly here!"

Several people in charge were also surprised.

Although they are all capitalists.

But it is also because of the interest in biological sciences and gene cloning that makes the investment.

Now I see something magical exists.

Naturally, I want to see it with my own eyes.

The researchers naturally did not dare to agree.

This may be a precious species that humans have never discovered.

Their first reaction was, of course, to give the greatest respect in the best laboratory.

After all, something like this special, but really use a little less.

After wasting it, it may even be gone!

And the Asian researcher said it just now.

This thing is probably alive!

However, the curious eyes of the people in charge also made them a little shy.

Without the money.

Their experiments really can't be done any longer.

So the researchers thought of Bruce.

If Bruce didn't agree, they could just take it back to the lab.

And if Bruce agrees.

Naturally, there is no need for them to be hypocritical.

Immediately, everyone's expectations were focused on Bruce's face.

Bruce immediately reached out his hand to signal: "Please, where do I still have more, I can get more when I run out."

The voice just fell.

The researchers full of exploration spirit immediately found a large bottle of water.

Then slowly poured into the test tube.


Something magical happened!

The light dark brown in the test tube, a strange thing like a piece of wood, suddenly moved.

Then, the water poured into the test tube disappeared so slowly.

Not a drop was absorbed by this thing.

And this dark brown wood has also absorbed moisture.

Begins to grow continuously at a rate visible to the naked eye.

In a blink of an eye.

It is close to the thickness of a baby's arm.

The length is less than a short two centimeters.

All of a sudden it grew to twenty centimeters.

Straight out of the test tube scene!

"alright, alright!"

Just then, Bruce suddenly appeared.

Take away the test tube containing the tree root from the crowd.

Holding it in his hand, he smiled and said, "Put some more water, and it will spread the leaves."

The researchers who were swooning around the test tube were amazed.

Few of them understood how Bruce came to be.

How did you get it away.

when they react.

The test tube was found to be missing.

Also in Bruce's hands.

There are a few more impulsive, and they will rush up immediately.

I want to grab the test tube.



At this moment, the rising stars who have been standing in the same place, silently acting as bodyguards, stood up.

A slap on the table.

Immediately left a deep palm print three centimeters thick.


Everyone else in the conference room widened their eyes.

The incredible look on his face was even heavier!

However, the power of these "bodyguards" made them finally think again.

This test tube was originally a family thing.

The old man among the leaders in charge adjusted his tie, coughed twice, and then looked at Bruce with a smile: "Excuse me, Mr. Bruce, where did you get this thing?"

Bruce said, "Want to know?"

Saying that, he bent down and took the contract on the table.

Slowly pushed it in front of the other party: "If you want to know, just sign it."

"If you don't want to know, I still have a test tube here, you can continue to learn about it."

With that said, Bruce picked up another test tube.

contained inside.

It is the body tissue of the skeleton lizard.

He could see that these people were very shaken.

It was so.

Then let's go, another powerful medicine!

These test tubes contain almost all the "specialties" of Skull Island that Ding Zheng can imagine.

Except it and King Kong.

And the T virus that I just got.

Ding Zheng naturally didn't want to give out the body tissue of himself and King Kong casually.

Although the possibility is extremely small, it is really disgusting to be cloned.

And the T virus.

But because the risk is too high.

"Can we take a look first?"

The leading researcher came over immediately.

Very preciously, he took the test tube containing the skeleton lizard tissue from Bruce.

Look more cautious than accepting a check for millions.

"Looks like I need to remind you one more thing."

Bruce smiled and said: "I really have a lot of these things here. If you really want, as long as you sign that contract, I can provide as much as possible."

"Even more powerful and mysterious genes!"

"Do you know why I bought your company?"

"Because of these things."

"I am very optimistic about the potential of your company, especially your research team."

"But you are limited by your strength, and you focus on a group of dinosaurs all day long. How could it be possible?"

"I have more mystical creature genes here."

"As long as you want, you can get it all."

"And I won't interfere with your experiments. It's just that you need to find a way to edit and piece together some genes during the experiment."

"Have you ever thought about putting together the genes of the Velociraptor, editing, and piecing together the Tyrannosaurus Rex?"

"This creates a group action, a Tyrannosaurus rex that can exchange information."

"Even, to make them understand what we humans say!"

Bruce's tone was full of emotion.

It's like drawing people into hell.

More and more alluring.

And when those researchers heard it, they were instantly stunned.

Bruce's words are almost equivalent to opening a whole new world to them.

Actually the original.

These researchers will naturally embark on this road of gene splicing after the funds are abundant again.

Tyrannosaurus rex and tyrannical raptor from the first and second parts of Jurassic World.

It's the monster they made out of genetic splicing.

But this time, in 1997.

They haven't thought of that much yet.

And face the crisis of unemployment at any time.

The existence of Bruce, and the words of Yu, appeared in their minds like a guiding light.

Moreover, it also comes with several good things that are more precious than the Tyrannosaurus Rex gene!

"Mr. Bruce, can you show us the other test tubes as well?"

And the researchers begged.

For them.

These magical, never-before-seen gene sequences and biological information are like treasures.

They simply cannot refuse.

But Bruce naturally shook his head and pointed to the contract on the table.

"Let's go to the lab first."

"We fully support the cooperation proposed by Mr. Bruce!"

The leader of the researcher holds the test tube with the skeleton lizard tissue in his hand and leads the other researchers.

Left without looking back.

But they left their opinions behind.

With the support of this group of researchers.

The next thing is even better.

There is almost no chance that the person in charge still in the conference room will refuse.

And they want to bargain and get more benefits.

It was also proposed by Bruce to sell mass-produced, controllable dinosaurs with higher IQs to wealthy businessmen.

Do a fight show.

Even the subtle ideas of being sold to the army to participate in combat are slowly dying away.

In the end, it wasn't just that he didn't pull away directly.

Instead, after Bruce took most of the risks, he added another sum of money to make strategic investments.

Apparently there is sufficient funding for now.

The World Gene Company, which has a new development route, is quite optimistic.

The acquisition contract is signed directly under the certification of the lawyer, and then various other procedures are followed.

Negotiations took less than a day.

Nubra Island, and the entire World Gene Corporation, became Ding Zheng's thing.

And those cards that Ding Zheng had originally prepared.

Only used two.

After the newly acquired World Gene Company was renamed Jackie Chan Elephant Gene Company.

Bruce is sitting in the chairman's office.

Looking at Nubra Island, which has been completely abandoned and isolated in the distance.

He exhaled slowly.

He did not disappoint Ding Zheng.

However, Bruce knew.

The successful acquisition of this company and Nubra Island was almost entirely dependent on what Ding Zheng prepared.

He didn't play a key role in it.

Bruce wasn't discouraged, though.

he knows.

This is just the beginning.

After that, what he has to do is really more difficult.

Also more important!


When leaving Skull Island.

Ding Zheng once said to Bruce: This time we leave, we need to do two things in total, and what you do is more important than what I do!

Although Ding Zheng left Skull Island this time to make trouble.

This is to attract the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Monarch.

Dante Zheng knew that this was only temporary.

It has limited power and is afraid of large weapons.

Not to mention, there is also a countdown to the quest world.

So, Nubra Island.

It is what Ding Zheng envisioned.

After it leaves Earth and goes to the mission world again.

Another way to grab the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

It's like a Skull Island that was put on the table and deliberately created so that S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Emperor Organization had to manage.

And want to accomplish this.

Bruce is naturally responsible!

He has to do everything possible.

Let Nubra Island really have this qualification.

At the same time, try to do as much as possible during this time when you will not be found.

Develop this brand new Dragon Elephant Gene Company.

Even the world is involved.

Let S.H.I.E.L.D. also be helpless.

After all, Nubra Island has become Bruce's legitimate property.

Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to manage, it must abide by the rules.

It cannot be solved by pure Therefore, as long as the Dragon Elephant Gene Company is a serious human enterprise, the more successful it is, the more forces are involved.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is even more helpless!

Bruce had to develop this dragon-like gene company.

It has even developed to the point where it is known worldwide, making S.H.I.E.L.D. daunting!

Human-to-human encounters require rules to be followed.

This is much more complicated than the confrontation between humans and monsters.

Ding Zheng was once a human being.

So know that!

Before this countdown is over, it will try its best not to let itself have any relationship with Bruce and Nubra Island.

Maximum support for Bruce.