Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v6 Chapter 36: 20 years later

"I think... between us, maybe we don't need to be so stiff."

Just when Ding Zheng was ready to fight, Master Turtle suddenly said this slowly.

Served soft.

Or you can say...


Master Turtle is obviously still unwilling to conflict with Ding Zheng now.

As for why.

Ding Zheng couldn't guess.

I don't even want to guess.

Just know that Master Turtle dare not do it.

In this case, it is still an advantage.

Ding Zheng became more confident, and his expression softened a little: "I don't know the master, what's your opinion?"

The cards are all down.

Then pretend to be called Master.

It doesn't quite fit Ding Zheng's character.

"You need a method of qi cultivation, right?" said Master Turtle.

"That's right." Ding Zheng replied.

"Apart from this, is there no other purpose?" Master Turtle asked.

"Of course, as long as you can give me the way of qi cultivation now, and when I succeed in cultivation, you can leave here immediately." Ding Zhengdao.

Master Turtle paused: "How do you prove it?"

"Prove what?"

"Prove that you will leave as long as you get the Qi cultivation method?"

"How else do I need to prove it?" Ding Zheng asked rhetorically, "Do you think there is anything else in this place that can attract me?"

Ding Zheng is confident.

Especially now, when Master Turtle does not dare to shoot at it at will.

If nothing else, Master Turtle is one of the strongest beings in this world.

Stronger than Master Turtle, it seems that there are only two.

One is in the spiritual world, a cow named Tiansha.

One is the little panda Apo in Ding Zheng's hands.

But that has to wait for it to grow up and grow to the strongest time.

In this case, why is Ding Zheng so unconvinced?

Perhaps Ding Zheng's arrogant tone was too real.

Maybe Master Turtle has a way to judge whether Ding Zheng is telling the truth or not.

In short, the turtle nodded and said, "If that's the case, then I'll tell the truth."

It looked at Ding Zheng and said, "You want to cultivate qi. In this world, there are only two ways."

"Which two?"

"The first one, figure it out for yourself."

"And another one?"

"There is one more, you need to wait another twenty years before I can tell you personally!" Turtle pointed at the panda Apo in Ding Zheng's hand, and said slowly.

"20 years?" Ding Zheng looked at the countdown of only 27 years left in the system panel.

"After 20 years, you can tell me? You're not lying to me, are you?" Ding Zheng couldn't help laughing.

"of course not."

"Then why can't you tell me now?" Ding Zheng asked.

"Because I don't know yet." Master Turtle replied.

"You don't know yet?" Ding Zheng's eyes widened with a look of disbelief.

It only felt that the old turtle in front of him was deliberately provocative.

"You've been using it for so long, you said you don't know? Do you think I would believe it?" Ding Zheng sneered.

Master Turtle shook his head: "If you don't believe it, then I can't help it. If you kill me now, you won't get it."

It added: "I can't reveal more, I can only tell you that although I can use it now, I really don't know where the qi cultivation method is."

Ding Zheng saw that Master Turtle was not like a lie, so he could only continue to ask: "Then why do you know after 20 years?"

"Because in 20 years, the Dragon Warrior will appear."

Ding Zheng immediately frowned and raised the little panda in his palm: "Dragon Hero? You mean Apo?"

Its thoughts drifted to the first Kung Fu Panda movie.

Apo, who has grown up, was chosen to be the Dragon Hero by chance.

The time the turtle refers to should be the first step in the movie.

"When he becomes a real dragon hero, he will be able to teach me how to cultivate qi?" Ding Zheng asked.

"I can't say much, I can only tell you."

Master Turtle said: "If you want to cultivate Qi, you have to wait for the real Dragon Warrior to appear. Other than that, there is no way, no one can help you."

"Otherwise, you can try it now, but even if you kill me, you won't get anything."

The jar was broken.

Master Turtle looked unreasonable.

It seems that Ding Zheng did not dare to break the jar.

But in fact, it is.

Ding Zheng just didn't dare to break the jar.

It doesn't want to stay in this inexplicable world all the time.

However, if it is held like that.

Ding Zheng was really afraid that the other party would push his nose on his face.

Also, it doesn't have that much time to waste.

The system counts down, and there are only about 27 years left.

"What if after 20 years, I don't have a way to cultivate Qi?" Ding Zheng said.

"At that time, it's not too late for you to kill me again."

Master Turtle said: "Since you already know that Apo is the Dragon Warrior, you should know the cultivation method that the Dragon Warrior must be angry?"

Ding Zheng stared at Master Turtle, and at this time it already believed what Master Turtle said.

According to the plot of the movie, when Abo becomes the Dragon Hero, it is also the time when the Turtle Master soars.

Maybe, at that time, Master Turtle really knew that the method of cultivation was not necessarily the same.

Even if not, it's still seven years away.

"Then I will believe you once, but if you still don't give me the way to cultivate qi after 20 years, then I will definitely let you... die without a corpse." Ding Zheng threatened.

Master Turtle was noncommittal.

Ding Zheng was silent for a while, suddenly raised Apo in his hand, and said to Master Turtle, "You told me so much, so you're not afraid that it will hear?"

"It won't have childhood memories." Master Turtle replied.

"No wonder……"

Ding Zheng remembered that in the movie, Abo didn't remember his biological parents at all, when he was a child.

Originally thought to be stimulated self-protection mechanism.

But now it seems that it is not so simple.

But what secrets does Master Turtle hide?

At this time, the turtle master seemed to Ding Zheng to be a huge conspirator.

It can be sure what the other party is planning.

And Apo is a very important part of it.

But the other party indicated that he would rather die than say it.

Ding Zheng couldn't figure out the real secret behind this.

Now that we have planned to cooperate.

"Then what should I do now?" Ding Zheng put these things aside.

As long as you can get the cultivation method of qi, that's fine.

The rest didn't matter to him at all.

"Send it back to where it should be, stay in the Emerald Palace, it's best not to do anything." Master Turtle said.

"But I've already accepted the savage tiger as my disciple." Ding Zheng said.

Turtle laughed: "Then of course you can continue to train her."

After speaking, the turtle suddenly changed the subject and asked: "Since we have already decided to cooperate, now, can you tell me what else you know? How did you know?"

"And, where exactly are you from?"

Still the same problem.

But at this time, the tone of Master Turtle was very different from before.

Ding Zheng smiled: "I'll exchange all my secrets for yours, okay?"

Master Turtle closed his mouth immediately.

in silence.

"You can rest assured, as long as I get what I want, I will never affect you, no matter what you want to do, no matter what secrets you hide."

Ding Zheng said: "So, when you figure it out, you can come and exchange with me at any time."

Ding Zheng nodded, not worried about revealing the fact that he had come to watch the movie.

But, in order to be less troublesome.

It still decided not to speak.

Of course, if Master Turtle really wants to change it, then it's another matter.

From the beginning to the end, the identity of Ding Zheng could not be obtained, which made Master Turtle a little depressed.

However, although it is unwilling.

But now, it has also completely exposed itself, and has no courage to act against Ding Zheng.

So just endure it.

Ding Zheng opened the gate of the Emerald Palace, intending to return Abowu to the original owner.

But suddenly, it turned around again and looked at Master Turtle: "Let's learn from each other, otherwise there will be a suffocation in the heart, and it will always be uncomfortable."

Saying that, he stepped forward and rushed towards Master Turtle!

Ding Zheng did not use Apo to threaten.

But after a fight, Master Turtle was still no match for Ding Zheng.

The biggest reason is that it doesn't work.

No matter how tortured or hit by Ding Zheng, don't be angry.

And, I'm not going to explain why.

So Ding Zheng could only put away the idea of ​​continuing to investigate the true strength of Master Turtle.

Turn away.


After sending Apo back to the noodle shop.

Ding Zheng returned to the Emerald Palace.

Keep the promise to stay in the back mountain, and basically do nothing except teach the troll tiger to practice.

The Tiger is very attentive, and the speed at which it becomes stronger is astonishing.

He soon became the leader of the younger generation of the Emerald Palace.

But compared with the great things that have been done in the Central Plains, there are already five little ones, including the Black Tiger, who is called the Five Heroes of the World.

At this time, the tiger is very low-key.

Few people know about it.

It kept Ding Zheng's instructions in mind, and didn't like to be in the limelight at all.

He quietly followed Ding Zheng's side.

Practice obediently.

In the fifth year, let Ding Zheng complete the second task.

Get a quest reward of 500 cash points.

The days after that have not changed much.


Ding Zheng devoted more time to the improvement of his own strength.

It leaves the Emerald Palace more frequently, and eats meat secretly in places where no one is present, accelerating its growth.

I have never stopped practicing.

Getting taller and taller without anyone caring.


Twenty years have gone by in the blink of an eye.

this day.

Under the watchful eyes of Ding Master Turtle called the little master over like a movie.

Then, in the anxious eyes of the little master, he said the words that made Ding Zheng wait for 20 years.

"I have a hunch, Taro, that he will come back!"


Just like in the movie.

The little master sent a bird named Ah Shan to the cell to deliver news.

And Master Turtle guided the little master to the depths of the Emerald Palace.

The location of the dragon cheats.

tell it.

it's time.

To choose the real dragon hero, to deal with Taro.