Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v8 Chapter 26: Tony Stark spied


Ding Zheng also grinned, four ferocious fangs sticking out from his mouth.



In order to prevent the Fallen King from having any special way to escape.

Ding Zheng let the soul of the orangutan escape from the body and became a two-meter-high light group, which completely wrapped the fire of the Fallen King Kong.

Not sure if these Cybertronian droids have souls in the traditional sense.

As long as Dante Zheng wants to escape with his soul, there is a high probability that he will be blocked by the soul of the gorilla!

Then, Ding Zheng clenched his fists and raised his arms high.

The muscles on its arms bulge and twist like a horned dragon, showing how amazing the strength of these two arms is.

"I do not believe."

As Ding Zheng said, two huge fists fell from the air instantly.

rip air.


In the empty desert of Egypt.

It was like a thunderstorm!

It was more like a bomb was detonated, the yellow sand was shaken up, and the sky was flying.

Ding Zheng waved his fist tirelessly.

Huge power was poured out continuously on the only remaining fire of the Fallen King Kong.

The sky fire next to him was dumbfounded, and the soul fire trembled with every time Ding Zheng's fist fell.

Tianhuo knew that if it was under Ding Zheng's fist, it would have shattered long ago.

But Tianhuo is also clearer.

Even if Ding Zheng hits like this for a long time, it is impossible to really kill the Fallen King Kong.

This is their Cybertronian rule!

"Give it up, we can only find a way to seal it up."

"It's useless for you to hit a hundred or a thousand times."

Tianhuo couldn't help but persuade.

The Fallen King also laughed: "Did you hear it, no matter how much you fight, it's useless, it doesn't work at all, you can't kill me at all."

"give up!"

"Give up now!"

Ding Zheng was unmoved.

Still punching punches.

Fallen King Kong's voice is getting louder and louder, every word has only one meaning, that is to let Ding Zheng give up!

Tianhuo sat directly on the sand next to him.

And right now.


A soft sound.

Ding Zheng stopped his movements and saw a crack in the metal guarding the soul of the fallen King Kong soul.

"Do not!!!!"

The Fallen King screamed hysterically.

Tianhuo next to him also widened his eyes: "This... this is impossible!"

Only Ding Zheng smiled.

Then he stood up straight.

Clenched fists.

After a while, a golden protrusion slowly grew out of Ding Zheng's elbow.

It is Ding Zheng's bones.

The skeleton that was born after combining with Ji's body.

It is also the hardest thing in Ding Zheng.

In two years, this bone has been able to grow slightly, like a piece of hard armor.

Of course, when necessary, it can also be used as a weapon!

Ding Zheng looked at the soul fire of the fallen King Kong, and suddenly jumped up, jumping dozens of meters.

Then feet up, elbows down.

The huge body fell directly from the sky!

Add this height to Ding Zheng's body weight.

The power contained in this shot is incomparably astonishing, even heavier than every punch that Ding Zheng had exploded with all the strength of his body before!

"Do not!!!"

Fallen King Kong now only screams.

But no matter how it begged for mercy, Ding Zheng's elbow came as promised.


A bang sounded.

The surrounding yellow sand was lifted several meters into the sky.

The violent roar completely suppressed a crisp shattering sound and a desperate scream.


The wind stopped.

The yellow sand also fell to the ground.

Skyfire wakes Megatron with a leadership module.

Starscream also finally flew from New York to Egypt.

Ding Zheng threw the metal protecting the soul of the fallen King Kong into Starscream's hands.

"Bring it back to me, along with these wrecks."

"Yes!" Starscream responded subconsciously.

Then, he moved his gaze to the wreckage in the surrounding area, looking at the familiar colors and shapes.

The whole stay.

Starscream looked at Skyfire and Optimus Prime in disbelief.

Starscream knew that if there was no accident, there should only be Lord Ding Zheng, Optimus Prime, Tianhuo, and Lord Fallen King Kong on the Egyptian side.

And now that all three of Ding Zheng are alive, the one who died must be...

"Lord Ding Zheng, the Fallen King Kong was killed by... you?" Starscream couldn't help asking.

At the same time, his eyes also turned to Optimus Prime who just sat up with the help of the leadership module.

Apparently it also knows that only a super leader can kill the Fallen.

Ding Zheng glanced at Starscream, then smiled and said, "Why not?"

Starscream looked at Optimus Prime and Skyfire.

The two have absolutely no intention of arguing.

Starscream Soul Tinder trembled wildly, and the oil in the pipes was getting colder.

No matter how long from now on.

Starscream will not have any thoughts of betrayal and usurpation of Ding Zheng.

Unlike Megatron.

Ding Zheng is really too powerful.

Powerful beyond Starscream's imagination.

It is so powerful that it cannot raise the idea of ​​resistance at all!

"Lord Ding Zheng is indeed wise and talented! Starscream promises to complete the mission!" Starscream said respectfully, and then began to clean up the body of the previous boss on the ground.

After a while, I said goodbye to Ding Zheng and flew directly to Nublar Island.

Ding Zheng glanced at Tianhuo and Optimus Prime and said, "Send me to New York. It's best to ask where Megatron is, and send me directly. I will solve a big problem for you."

Through communication with BBK, Ding Zheng was almost certain that Megatron betrayed him.

As a novice boss, it naturally cannot let his subordinates set this precedent.

So Megatron must die!

However, Tianhuo didn't have time to speak.

Optimus Prime suddenly said: "Can I ask you to help solve the problem in Chicago?"

"The situation in Chicago is very bad right now, not only the Decepticons army on the moon, but also the shock waves they bring from the North Pole, and the dinosaur squads who are bewitched by the shocks, and we have too few Autobots to support the battle. "

"If it goes on like this, there is only one path to choose from, the nuclear bomb."

"At that time, countless people will die."

Optimus Prime said very emotionally.

Ding Zheng was also very moved. He said, "It's a group of poor people. I hope they will have a good baby in their next life. If they come under my hands, I will definitely protect them."

Ding Zheng didn't dare to go to Chicago at this time.

The experience of the previous life made it very afraid of the ruthlessness of the American emperor.

Giving up all the residents of a city for the sake of economy and security is nothing at all.

This scene has been staged in the Avengers, as well as in Resident Evil.

Moreover, since now that he has considered releasing the nuclear bomb, when Ding Zheng passes by, maybe the nuclear bomb will fall directly.

Eliminate all obstacles in one fell swoop.

this risk.

Ding Zheng did not intend to take the risk.

"If you don't want to send me, I won't force you, I'll leave by myself, but after today, I hope every Autobot sees me and my subordinates, they can walk a little farther and don't ask for trouble. "

"Otherwise, I still won't show mercy."

After speaking, Ding Zheng turned around and left.

After all, they have just fought side by side, although Optimus Prime has almost played a whole game of soy sauce with Tianhuo in addition to posing.

But like a guy who is willing to sacrifice himself for others, Ding Zheng can't make a threatening move.

Optimus Prime watched Ding Zheng leave and sighed, full of loneliness.

"Tianhuo, let's go, even if there is only one last breath left, we must try. If we can delay for a while, more innocent people can be rescued!" Optimus Prime said.

Tianhuo nodded and was about to teleport away.

Suddenly, Ding Zheng's voice sounded: "Wait!"

It turned its head to look at Optimus Prime: "It's not impossible to want me to help you, but you need to promise me a condition!"

"What conditions?" Optimus Prime suddenly became energetic.

Ding Zheng came over and said: "You can't agree to this condition. Contact the head of the US military and tell them that as long as they agree to my request, I can solve the Chicago issue perfectly. You should understand that I have this ability. Bar?"


The Decepticons destroyed everywhere.

Huge steel dinosaurs with red eyes, almost every one of them are more than ten meters high, and ordinary human weapons have no effect on them at all.

Chicago has become a battleground.

The Autobots fought and retreated.

If you don't use a more lethal weapon.

Humans simply can't stop the rampage of these Decepticons.

The Royal Enemy stands at the very top of Chicago.

It has gotten the message of the Fallen King's death.

Also understand that the Sun Destruction Plan has ended.

But it doesn't want to give up.

It takes all the energy columns out.

It was planned to bring Cybertron to Earth as originally planned.

Even if it is death, there will be a final carnival!

Yu Tiandi held the core energy column and activated the entire teleportation array.

Immediately, the sky over Chicago was turbulent, and the heavens and the earth gave birth to a vision.

And right now.

Suddenly, three figures appeared in front of Yu Tian Enemy.

are its acquaintances.

Optimus Prime, Skyfire.

And Ding Zheng, who it never thought of!

How could this orangutan be with Optimus Prime?

Before the surprised Yu Tiandi could figure it out, Ding Zheng directly punched.

The core energy column was immediately exploded.

The teleportation array disappeared immediately.

The natural enemy had no intention of stopping him.

Because it knows.

Can't stop it at all.

The smile on Ding Zheng's face was very happy.

After destroying the teleportation array, it rushed towards the natural enemy!

Ding Zheng still decided to agree to help.

The reason, of course, is that the US official agreed to its request.

A request that Ding Zheng himself thought was impossible.

Use nuclear bombs in exchange for Ding Zheng's help!

When Ding Zheng made this request, he didn't even believe that the other party would agree to it.

After all, it was a nuclear bomb!

So Ding Zheng said a lot at the time, similar to the fact that he got the nuclear bomb just for peace of mind.

If it really has any bad thoughts on human beings, it won't only target the imperial organization.

There is no need to go to Chicago to help now, because the United States has begun to think about dropping bombs.

Why should it save Chicago, get the nuclear bomb, and then drop it, and spend so much effort?

Even if it is replaced.

There is only one.

Only one place can be fried.

Ding Zheng has no idea about human beings at all, neither good nor bad.

All it wants is to live quietly.

But human greed and nuclear bombs made it feel the crisis.

I don't know which sentence moved the other party.

In short, the other party agreed to exchange a nuclear bomb for Ding Zheng's shot.

And send things directly over.

Ding Zheng immediately called Starscream over to study with Backgammon.

The conclusions drawn are, of course, true.

Also, Starscream may have promised.

They must be able to figure out the nuclear bomb.

Whether launching or storing, or even replicating a nuclear bomb!

Ding Zheng naturally didn't believe it.

However, Starscream and Backgammon are sure to work, and there are no American traps on them.

Ding Zheng handed the nuclear bomb and supporting things to Starscream.

When Starscream is placed on Nublar Island, and the program has been connected, it can be activated at any time, after attacking the United States with a nuclear bomb.

Ding Zheng was also completely relieved.

Cybertron's technology, it is still very reassuring.

And some Decepticons on Nublar Island happened to be masters among them.

They're guaranteed to work, and there's almost no problem.

Ding Zheng was very happy.

Since then.

The United States should no longer have any casual conflict with Ding Zheng.

And this time.

Even before Nick Fury knew the truth of his father's death.

Even if Ding Zheng entered the mission world.

These people under their hands will also have enough self-protection power.

Ding Zheng knew that the secret of Nublar Island must be hidden for a while.

After all, the earth is so big.

And, maybe Megatron has already snitched.

Even the location of Skull Island was said.

In contrast, nuclear bombs are safer.

Ding Zheng's original purpose was to delay time, but at this time, the task has been successfully completed.

It was in a good mood, and the fists it punched were filled with enthusiasm.

Yu natural enemy is not Ding Zheng's opponent at all.

Even if it has become serious at this time, it will no longer deliberately release water.

But he was also killed by Ding Zheng directly.

Then, Ding Zheng jumped off the building.

Rush to those giant steel dinosaurs more than ten meters high.

Although it looks like those dinosaurs are more majestic and more powerful.

But in front of the zombified Ding Zheng, he was completely powerless to fight back!

Ding Zheng easily overturned the largest of them.

Then the punch smashed the opponent's body.

It's more amazing than the US Army's hours of fighting.

The pterosaurs in the sky rushed down to help.

He was grabbed by Ding Zheng's feet, ripped off directly, and smashed to the ground.

Almost all of these Transformers from Cybertron are no longer Ding Zheng's opponents.

However, Ding Zheng, who was in the fierce battle, did not find out.

Some strange-looking stones are coming from all directions.

Stop on the ground, on the roof, in the ruins, in the deep pit.

These stones, without exception, are equipped with dark cameras.

All of Ding Zheng's actions were recorded.

A huge mansion sits on the coast in Marbury, west of Los Angeles.

At this time, the middle of the living room of the mansion was full of people.

Each is a master of controlling cameras and shooting documentaries.

They control the sophisticated limited-edition cameras and do their best to record the gigantic orangutan in the picture.

On the sofa at the back of the living room.

A handsome middle-aged man with a beard and a little unruly in his middle was looking at the hundreds of pictures on the big screen in front of him with all his attention.

He has the remote control in his hand.

However, you can adjust at any time which camera to zoom in and which to zoom out.

The middle-aged man suddenly zoomed in on a picture.

on the screen.

Ding Zheng shoved his arm directly into the mouth of the metal Tyrannosaurus rex, then grabbed the other party's soul fire and pulled it out!


"Cool! Powerful! This is what a man should be like!"

The middle-aged man shouted with an exaggerated expression, clenched his fists tightly, and looked excited, as if there was no one else in the living room.

Then, in the picture, Ding Zheng seemed to have spotted the suspiciously-moving stone camera at the top of the ruins, and punched it directly.

The screen went black immediately.


In the living room, a manipulator cursed loudly.

Each of them has only one machine.

This is a limited edition.

Even in the entire United States, only the biggest richest man, the most talented mechanic expert, Tony Stark, can make it.

The manipulator glanced at Tony Stark sitting on the sofa.

The other party stared at the screen closely, and did not look like he wanted to give him another machine.

He could only sigh helplessly.

Turn away.

Tony picked up the champagne next to him and took a deep breath.

Looking at the screen like a god, slaughtering Decepticons at will, but no matter human weapons or Cybertron weapons, Ding Zheng can't cause any harm.

Tony couldn't help thinking of the previous contact with the US military, which allowed him to create a weapon that could defeat or even kill Ding Zheng.

"How is that possible? Unless nuclear bombs are used, or some new elements and inventions."

"And... even if it can be made, I don't want to make... such a powerful and amazingly intelligent orangutan, shouldn't you try to make friends with it first?"

He frowned, looking puzzled.

Just then, the phone beside him suddenly rang.

He didn't even look at it, just picked it up.

"I remember you said before that you can make a strategic defense instrument that can disrupt the explosion of a nuclear warhead, and the more you know about the nuclear warhead, the higher the success rate of disrupting the interception."

"It seems that there is such a thing." Tony said slowly.

"We need it, no matter how much funding, we will pay, and at the same time, we will provide all the information on a certain type of nuclear warhead as much as possible." The person on the other side of the phone said.

"What makes you smart my friend?" Tony smiled, and it was a big deal.

The other party sighed: "In order for the orangutan to save Chicago, we gave it a whole set of nuclear bombs, in order to prevent it from actually launching, you know, we have to be just in case, after all, it's just an orangutan, God knows one What can a gorilla do?"

"Don't worry, it's the easiest set. We also have an interception plan, but the success rate is not guaranteed, so we need your help. I believe you can do it."

Tony was silent for a while after listening, although he admired the orangutan very much.

I also believe that the other party will not put it casually.

But when he thought of the sight of the nuclear bomb rushing towards him, his scalp still tingled.

"Then please hurry up. You don't need to say thank you to me. Just prepare the money. By the way, there is also the laboratory. Let me know when you are ready."

" I don't want to wipe your **** anymore. If there is another time, I will immigrate directly to Africa."

Then, he directly hung up the phone, stood up and left, and said to the bodyguard next to him: "Save the video, I will watch it later, and remember to take more close-ups."

While he can indeed intercept a nuclear bomb, it also takes a lot of time.

Nuclear bomb interception is mainly intercepted during the launch procedure.

If it goes well, it only takes two or three years and a few experiments.

If it doesn't go well, it may even be delayed for more than five years.

Moreover, there is a group of Decepticons on the opposite side...

"What if I haven't been successful in the past few years? Who can guarantee that the orangutan won't mess around?"

"Should I get to know it first, pull the relationship, and don't face me when it wants to vote, God, this world is really getting crazy, I have to find a way to keep up with the rhythm."