Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v8 Chapter 35: Why can't I, Ding Zheng, cultivate into

Ding Zheng was a little puzzled.

It has also seen the waterfall. It is very small, and it does not have any impact on its body.

Can't help it cultivate at all.

But then, the old white ape's words sounded again: "Perhaps, with your body strength and bloodline, you can also try to resonate with the world in the desert, sea, or thunderstorm."

Saying that, the old white ape suddenly floated up from the ground.

It floated to more than ten meters at once, a height that even Ding Zheng had to look up to.

"For thousands of years, I have traveled all over the world and experienced countless dangerous places, just to be able to understand the trend of the world."

"Sun Bai is taking advantage of the wind to resonate with the wind. This is also the easiest one. You just need to calm down and feel it well."

"But right now, it doesn't really suit you."

Ding Zheng looked at the old white ape above his head with surprise.

This is the real Tong Yanhe who walks like a fly.

And what the old white ape said.

Ding Zheng also nodded his head in agreement.

It has been practicing together with Sun Bai.

Staying together almost all the time.

There is absolutely no situation where the old white ape specially opened a small stove for Sun Bai.

And Ding Zheng is also convinced that there is absolutely no problem with his cultivation method.

It has communicated with Sun Bai many times.


It doesn't even feel a fart.

The cultivation method of this posture has absolutely nothing to do with the structure of the body. Just feel heaven and earth with special movements and meditations, and resonate with something in heaven and earth.

And finally be able to use its power.

There is also no possibility that Ding Zheng could not learn.

Therefore, it can only be the cultivation method used by Sun Bai, and it is not suitable for Ding Zheng.

"Then what should I do, senior?" Ding Zheng asked.

It has found that the old white ape in front of him will never have any secrets when teaching things.

So naturally, he had to find a way to get all the things in his mouth out.

The old white ape slowly fell down, looked at Ding Zheng and said, "Since this is the case, I will teach you all the exercises that I have created through the experience of heaven and earth for thousands of years."

"But these movements, if they don't resonate with heaven and earth, are just useless dances."

"After you learn it, you can try to find these dangerous places by yourself."

"However, you can learn what I have created, but it cannot be used perfectly. If you really want to gain something, you must revise it or create it yourself after you understand it."


The old white ape immediately started talking at length.

Ding Zheng listened very carefully.

Later, when learning the tricks of the old white ape, he naturally became more serious.

These exercises of the old white ape are not magic, nor martial arts.

As it said, if there is no comprehension, it is no different from dancing.

But Ding Zheng learned very seriously.

If this method is used, it can indeed learn.

The increase in one's own combat power may even reach several times!

Fight with your own strength, resonate with the things around you, and let the things around you help you fight.

These are two completely different concepts.

For the latter, it is completely like a duck in water, even more powerful.

Especially flying.

Moreover, the practice of "potential" is also what Ding Zheng has come into contact with today, and it is most likely to be the most effective way to solve his own flight problems.

The discussion between Ding Zheng and the old white ape lasted for nearly two days.

When the old white ape took out almost everything he knew.

And Ding Zheng also learned all.

The ability column of its system has finally changed!

Mission: Rescue the abandoned Jiaolong clan. (10,000 present points, gifts from the Jiaolong family)

Realization point: 33332

Countdown: 969

Abilities: Jiuyang Boys' Art 100%, Ancient Martial Arts 100%, Xuanming Body Tempering Art 100%, Zombie Form 100%, Gorilla Soul Control 77%, Heaven and Earth Power 1%

The trend of heaven and earth.

four words.

Progress is a measly one percent.

But Ding Zheng was very excited.

Because since it has been included in the system ability column, it shows that it can be successful in cultivating the power of heaven and earth!

God knows how difficult it is for Ding Zheng to find a cultivation method that suits him!

Forcefully suppressing the joy in his heart, Ding Zheng glanced at the old white ape beside him and admired him even more.

This unselfish behavior of the other party, in Ding Zheng's view.

It might even be called a bit silly.

"Hmm." Suddenly, the old white ape frowned, and then quickly disappeared. When he came back after more than ten seconds, there was an injured and unconscious leopard in his hand.

This leopard is just an ordinary leopard, with only a faint demonic energy on his body, and it is far from the stage of enlightenment.

Perhaps it was accidentally stepping into the trap of the hunter while hunting.

One of the front legs was almost completely broken and was bleeding constantly.

The old white ape didn't care about Ding Zheng, and devoted himself to treating the leopard's wounds.

He also took out the powder that was developed and polished with pan peach, and applied it to the wound on the leopard's leg.

That serious look almost made Ding Zheng think that he had returned to Baozhiling!

After the old white ape has finished dealing with the leopard.

Ding Zhengcai leaned over again and asked a question that had troubled him for a long time: "Senior, why can't I cultivate into a demon? I can't change shape, and I didn't get any magical powers when I became a demon."

According to Ding Zheng's knowledge in the zombie world.

When almost all monsters officially become monsters, they will awaken a supernatural power corresponding to their own characteristics.

Like fox demons, most of them are charmers.

Ding Zheng was also very envious of this magical power.

After all, if you can awaken a flight, you don't need such a hard practice!

But it tried several times.

But never had any feeling of becoming a monster.

The old white ape was still very calm, and said directly: "The stronger the bloodline, the harder it is to transform into Taoism."

"Just like the mother and daughter Wa, its power is undeniable, but it is always the tail of a human body."

"Just like the Monkey King Monkey King, he never became a demon, he just used the transformation technique in the seventy-two transformation spells."

The old white ape said the truth.

"The powerful bloodline is different from the ordinary bloodline, and the cultivation method of the ordinary bloodline will also be very repelled."

"Moreover, you are born with innate magical powers, you only need to grow up, and when you mature, you will naturally become extremely powerful."

"But I can't tell what kind of bloodline you are. If you don't know it yourself, maybe you can wait until you mature, and your innate supernatural powers will appear naturally."

The old white ape is indeed well-informed, and Ding Zheng suddenly realized what he said.

Indeed, for Ding Zheng, the chance or time that can make those ordinary animals reborn is not even able to make them grow.

Not to mention making it a monster.

Glancing at the old white ape.

The other party is still He doesn't dislike Ding Zheng's questioning at all.

Seeing this, Ding Zheng, with respect for the old white ape, quickly asked another more important question: "Senior, do you know where the Jiaolong family is?"

The old white ape was stunned for a moment.

Then he took a deep look at Ding Zheng.

"What are you asking this for?"

Ding Zheng was overjoyed at the moment, this answer obviously means he knows something.

It immediately said: "I have something to do with them. If the seniors know about it, please let me know, thank you very much!"

Then, in the eyes of Ding Zheng's incomparable expectation, the old white ape slowly shook his head with a solemn expression: "I don't know."

Ding Zheng: "..."

Thought you knew.