Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v9 Chapter 10: Gorilla punches are weak so don't worry

, the fastest update starts from Skull Island and pushes the latest chapter of the world!

In fact, backgammon has always been a more joyful temperament.

But no matter how happy it is by nature, there is a degree.

In the past few months, Nublar Island has been targeted and suppressed by the United States.

And Bruce and Backgammon are the heads of Isla Nublar.

Naturally, they bear the brunt of all the blows and make all the decisions at the same time.

The pressure can be imagined.

The attitude of American politicians when they communicated with them changed from being friendly at the beginning to being irritable and insulting at the end.

To tell the truth, the clay figurines have three points of anger.

But in order to reduce losses, BBK and Bruce have been patient.

It can be said to be humiliating!

Because Nublar Island is not their thing.

They can't help Ding Zheng make this decision.

And now, Ding Zheng is back.

Whether it is Backgammon or Bruce in the office at this time, one thing is clear.

Ding Zheng will definitely take them to make the most correct choice.

Take back all the anger and losses they suffered during this period of time!

Ding Zhengke has always been an orangutan who is unwilling to suffer.

And most importantly, it has the ability to seek justice!

Ding Zheng pondered with a sullen face.

Heart is even more annoyed.

But this anger is naturally all directed at the United States.

For Bruce and Backgammon, it doesn't mean the slightest bit of blame.

Ding Zheng naturally knew the dilemma between Bruce and BBK.

Indeed, without it and King Kong, the strength of the United States and Nublar Island is completely different from the same class.

Stop loss seems to be the most sensible way to deal with it.

"How is the situation now?" Ding Zheng asked.

Backgammon replied immediately: "Now we are still dragging it. Just now I was talking with Bruce and American politicians. It has been dragging for two months. It can be seen that the United States has become more and more impatient."

"Maybe in a few days, they will have further persecution."

"All the important things have been transferred, right?" Ding Zheng asked.

"Yes!" Backgammon nodded, "Most of them were transferred to Skull Island, and a small part was transferred to the seabed of Nublar Island, living in submarines. No matter what happens, our biggest loss is only this island."

Ding Zheng nodded, very satisfied with the arrangement of Bruce and Backgammon.

Bruce and Backgammon have already made the preliminary preparations, so it can settle the account with the United States without any scruples.

Ding Zheng thought about it and smiled: "Since they are already impatient, let's add another fire to them."

Ding Zheng looked at Backgammon and instructed: "Notify Bruce, veto the US proposal, and once they force it again, take out the nuclear bomb."

"Also, let me kill all the U.S. military and S.H.I.E.L.D. people on this island first. Are there people from Star Village on the island?"

"Yes." Backgammon listened to Ding Zheng's orders, and was all excited.

"Then let them start from now on. If the United States wants to fight, we will let him fight. Moreover, we must find out all those who want to attack us, so as not to hurt innocent people!"

"By the way, don't let them know that I'm back, otherwise it will be bad to scare them."

Ding Zheng said slowly.

After listening to the backgammon, I only felt that my whole body was full of strength, and I immediately started to act.

Ding Zheng slowly retreated.

It appeared directly, and it is likely to make the United States wary.

Beat the grass and startle the snake.

It intends to wait a little longer.

Let Bruce and Backgammon pull some more hatred, and wait for those who are hostile to Nublar Island to be exposed.

Then, let them all pay the price one by one!

A thousand times the price!

It has decided to go on a killing spree this time.

That's why the innocents are eliminated first.


"You actually killed a gorilla?"

"That's right, that was when I went on a mission to Africa, and the gorillas weren't really that hard to deal with."

Wait for Ding Zheng to return to his room.

The voice above came down again.

The U.S. embassy in Nublar is located on the head of Ding Zheng.

It has to be said that the United States is very good at choosing locations.

At this time, in the embassy, ​​two Americans in suits were sitting, drinking coffee and chatting.

Both are retired U.S. military officers.

Nublar Island is undoubtedly a dangerous place.

But letting the agents of SHIELD come over is too provocative.

The United States only wants to gain benefits, and does not really want to provoke war.

War is just a means.

So they naturally try to avoid misunderstandings.

"How did you kill the gorilla?" one of the officers asked.

Another officer immediately smiled proudly, and then said: "It's actually really simple, gorillas are undoubtedly the easiest to deal with of all beasts, and the number of gorillas I have killed is amazing, so I also created a set of the strongest If you want, I can completely analyze it with you.”

"Of course! It's really cool."

"Okay, then I'll tell you, killing the gorilla actually only takes the following steps."

"First of all, we need to wear better quality pants, because we need to do difficult ground skills such as sliding shovels to prevent knee injuries."

"Then, back and forth between the gorillas, in a defensive posture."

"That way the gorillas will take the bait because they are brainless and very opinionated."

"They will rush up to attack. Most of the gorillas will choose to punch, but their punching power is very weak and their speed is very slow, so there is no need to worry about x..."


A muffled sound shocked the American officer who was listening in surprise.

When he came back to his senses, he found that his comrade-in-arms had disappeared.

Instead, it was a huge black column that protruded directly from the ground.

It took a closer look and found that it was not a pillar at all.

But a huge arm covered with black hair!

Like the arm of the devil in the abyss.

The palm at the top of the arm was slowly squirming at this time, and strands of blood flowed directly out.

The officer's eyes widened immediately, and after a while, it seemed that he had finally remembered something, and a look of incomparable horror appeared on his face.

Then he opened his mouth to call for help.

But the huge black palm was squeezed into a fist and smashed directly at it!


There was another thud.

Maybe in the embassy it will be heard very clearly.

But no one outside knew that the two soldiers in the embassy had been smashed into meat sauce.

Ding Zheng slowly pulled his hand back.

With the gorilla soul protector, the two corpses that have become scumbags have never been stained at all.

At the same time, the soul of the gorilla also blocked all electronic equipment and cameras in the embassy long before Ding Zheng started.

No one will ever know what happened in this embassy.

Ding Zheng snapped his fingers, and Ximen Qi, the ancestor of Zuodaomen, immediately emerged from his shoulders.

"Clean up the traces."

Ding Zheng said Ximenqi immediately flew to the branches of the **** tree next to him, and quickly melted into it.

This sacred tree, which has grown almost all over Nublar Island, was originally controlled by Ximenqi to grow.

At this time, if you want to regain control, it is naturally effortless.

After a moment.

The ground of the embassy, ​​which was destroyed by Ding Zheng, was almost completely restored to its original state.

Only a little bit of patchwork traces that can't be found if you don't look carefully.

This time.

No one can know what happened in the embassy.

And BBK has already done all the things that Ding Zheng ordered.

Retaliation against the United States has begun!