Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v9 Chapter 119: Captain America's Plan

Although it feels quite surprising.

But Stark has long known that Captain America has been dug up.

So he quickly adjusted his mentality, and passed the news directly back to Nublar Island.

Nublar Island immediately said that they would send someone over, and asked Stark to find a way to keep Captain America.

At the same time, he also told Stark, don't have any precautions because Captain America is friends with his father!

After all, it stands to reason that Captain America should be under the control of S.H.I.E.L.D. at this moment.

Exactly how he appeared here is undoubtedly a point that must be paid attention to.

Of course, Bruce also reminded Stark that no matter what Captain America has to say, what to do.

He didn't even agree to it directly.

It's best to wait until everyone from Nublar Island arrives.

Even if something is urgent, you must communicate with them.

After all, I don't know why Captain America suddenly appeared and went directly to Stark.

Moreover, sometimes Stark is not so calm and sometimes impulsive.

They were also afraid that Stark would make a bad choice.

Stark also knew that Nublar Island's friends were worried about him, but he was very confident in himself.

Especially against Captain America.

"Don't worry," Stark replied.

Then he turned around and flew towards the opened parachute below.

"How can this old guy be so sure that I will follow? I'm really puzzled." He thought a little unhappily.

Moments later, Captain America Steve Rogers and Iron Man Tony Stark fell to the ground one after another.

The core characters of the two Avengers meet for the first time in this time and space.

Captain America Steve Rogers looked at Stark, did not mean to put on airs, but was very kind, and took the initiative to extend his hand to Stark.

But Stark looked at the man in front of him, who was younger than him in appearance, but he didn't have any respect for his elders at all.

He didn't even take off his armor, he just stretched out his hand and held it together.

Of course, Stark does not take off his armor not only because of lack of respect, but also to prevent himself from being attacked.

After all, apart from a little bit of kung fu and combat experience, Stark was almost a normal person when he dared to leave the armor.

And the man in front of him, in Stark's eyes, is an old antique.

But he also had to admit that the other party did create a lot of miracles.

At least in terms of combat effectiveness, it shouldn't be too weak.

"Should your father have mentioned me to you?" Captain America Steve said.

He said this with the idea of ​​a relationship with Starkla, but Steve's emotional intelligence has not been very high.

The super soldier serum only strengthened his physical combat power, as well as his mentality and kindness. In terms of emotional intelligence, it didn't help.

In addition, he couldn't think of it, in fact, Stark and his father Howard did not have a very good relationship!

"He has always told me that he has a friend who makes him very proud. If it weren't for blood ties that couldn't deceive people, I'm afraid I would have to think that you are his child." Stark smiled helplessly.

Steve's expression turned very bad immediately.

Stark's words can be completely understood as insulting and attacking him!

Fortunately, Stark himself realized this, and quickly explained: "I mean, my father, he really appreciates you, and often hopes that I will use you as an example, but I have not been able to do it well, God, you Should be able to understand how nagging he is? Seriously, your name put a lot of pressure on me in my childhood."

Although he stinks.

But I also know that I am not here to find something.

It's about talking about things!

After Steve heard this, his face finally softened. After thinking about it, he nodded and said: "You said that, it really brought back my memory, but it is true that Howard has such a high evaluation. It surprised me."

"Yes, I also find it strange that he never seems to be proud of having a talented son." Stark reluctantly spread his hands, and then added: "However, I am also very surprised to be able to see your elder here. , can you tell me what happened?"

Steve didn't show an expression of displeasure or surprise, but looked at Stark with a smile and said, "You should know, I was dug up a long time ago."

Stark was noncommittal, and Steve didn't bother, and continued: "I was dug up by S.H.I.E.L.D., but they didn't wake me up, but used me as a primordial drug and took super soldiers on me. Serum, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s super soldier suddenly became stronger because the serum extracted from me worked."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} "I think with your knowledge of serums, you should be able to notice this and guess it." Steve continued, "But, Although I have my serum, the earth is too dangerous now. Even the more powerful agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have been killed and injured. In order to maintain sufficient manpower, S.H.I.E.L.D. "My best friend now, I call him Falcon, a retired U.S. Air Force Parachute Rescue Special Forces member."

"He applied for a job at S.H.I.E.L.D., and then during the previous battle in Manhattan, he found my trail. After investigation, he rescued me, and we formed a team together, the Wanderers Alliance."

Stark was fascinated by what he heard.

I have to say that there is almost nothing wrong with Captain America Steve's rhetoric.

But of course Stark couldn't believe it so easily.

He glanced at the plane that was still hovering in the sky and asked, "How many people in your alliance... how many people in total?"

"Nearly two thousand." Steve answered simply, but Stark was stunned.

"I didn't expect at first that even after 70 years, there are still so many friends willing to follow me to save the United States and the world from crisis!"

Steve's answer pointed directly at Kern, which made Stark immediately interested: "I remember, you said just now that you wanted to talk to me about Kern?"

"That's right!" Steve nodded and asked again, "But before that, can I know what you're looking for Kern for?"

"Of course, it's no secret." Stark said directly, "I'll go to him to cooperate."

"You said you were rescued during the Battle of Manhattan, then you should know what happened after the Battle of Manhattan, those monsters are stronger, we have Kuba and Hulk, we can defeat those monsters, and at the same time, we can clearly Realizing how powerful those monsters are, if it goes on like this, the earth will fall, so we need stronger mechas, which is the fastest way to increase the combat effectiveness of the earth."

Steve nodded: "So you go to find Kern and want to cooperate with him. What you can pay should be your energy. In this way, the United States has stronger mechas."

"That's right, most of the materials for making mechas are monopolized by the United States, and, to be honest, they have more background. After all, they have been studying mechas for more than ten years in order to deal with the God of the Gorillas."

"Did Kern agree?" Steve asked.

"Obviously, no." Stark shook his head. "If he agrees, I should be discussing cooperation with him now, or maybe drinking red wine with him. You can't see me here."

"I guessed it," Steve said, "so I came to you for this matter."

"You mean... which one?"

"How to deal with stronger monsters!"

Stark nodded, but it could be seen from his eyes that he didn't believe Steve's words at all: "I hope you don't take offense, I've always been very direct, I want to say, you mean, you have more Strong mecha?"

"I don't." Steve shook his head, "but I can take out an American mecha to cooperate with you."

"How to do it?"

"Overthrow Kern's regime! Save America from this madman!" Steve said, a very relaxed sentence, but the content inside made Stark stunned for a moment.


Steve briefly introduced his plan to Stark.

At the same time, he also explained in detail how he spent this period of time after he was rescued by the falcon.

When Manhattan was about to be destroyed by a nuclear bomb.

Falcon saw Steve, and at the same time learned about SHIELD's plans and arrangements for the American hero.

As the number one fan of Captain America, Falcon naturally couldn't watch such a thing happen.

So after that, he actively contacted his former teammates and friends, as well as all the people he knew who admired Captain America immensely.

After his unremitting efforts, he really assembled a team. Although there were only a few dozen people at the beginning, fortunately, the team is constantly expanding, and it is very smooth.

After some careful planning, Falcon really rescued Captain America with someone.

The reason is because SHIELD has completely mastered the super soldier serum on Captain America, and this living dead is no longer needed.

So he just threw it away.

The power of the guards is undoubtedly much weaker.

This gave Falcon and others a chance.

After he rescued Captain America, Falcon informed Captain America of everything that had happened over the years.

Immediately, Captain America decided to build a team.

While competing against the United States and S.H.I.E.L.D., he is always ready to save the world.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} To Steve's surprise, his name as Captain America is very easy to use, and he has attracted a large number of people with lofty ideals just by speaking. , and also allowed the Homeless Alliance to expand rapidly.

The people sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. and the U.S. military to hunt them down often give Captain America a face.

In addition, most of the energy of the whole world is attracted by monsters, and the United States really can't spare any hands to clean them up completely.

Under such circumstances, the homeless developed rapidly, and until now, there have been nearly 2,000 people.

Most of them are former US soldiers.

Steve is naturally defensive about these people.

So, make a decision. When there is no war, everyone will live their own lives. When they are needed, they will be assembled again, leaving only a dozen core personnel.

In this way, even if there are spies planted by the United States in the team, they will be evaded.

After all, the core personnel who participated in the rescue of Steve at the beginning should not be spies, otherwise, they would not have been able to rescue Steve at that time.

And this time.

Captain America, who has been keeping an eye on the world situation, also noticed the monster's sudden strength.

Knowing that the earth has come to the time of life and death.

In addition, Stark took the initiative to come to the United States, which made him feel the crisis even more.

So, Steve planned to take advantage of this time to try to solve this matter.

Of course, if Kern agreed to work with Stark, he wouldn't have to do anything.

But if Kern doesn't agree.

The divinity in Steve's heart must not allow the earth to be wiped out because of Kern's willfulness and madness!

as it is now.

"So, this is an adventure. If I can succeed, then we will be able to cooperate directly. If I fail, you will have to think of other ways. I just tell you in advance that you will be with me. Cooperate, prepare to deal with those monsters, and as for the rest, you don't have to do anything."

Steve looked at Stark solemnly and said word by word.

Stark was already a little moved by this time.

Because the Steve in front of him came to him this time, not just for help.

Not even a conspiracy.

Instead, it was like saying a final goodbye.

Of course, it seems that Steve is very confident that he can destroy the Kern regime.

But Stark doesn't really believe that the other party can succeed.

A World War II super soldier, leading a group of retired veterans, how to deal with the hatred of the United States? How to deal with American mechs?

Although those small mechs in the United States are quite a failure in Stark's view.

But he is also very sure that these people in front of him cannot be the opponents of those mechas!

So, in Stark's view.

In front of this old antique who just woke up from a deep sleep, undoubtedly with the inexplicable responsibility to the world and the pride of belonging to the old antique hero, he went to find an enemy that he could not deal with at all, and sent him to death!

"Although I don't know your detailed plan, you shouldn't reveal it casually." Stark said, "But I think you should not do it. Perhaps, you need to know more about the current America~www.mtlnovel. How strong is com~, the people in charge of Nublar Island have also come over, maybe, you can talk to them."

Stark has never been a warm person and couldn't say anything nice.

At this time, these words have proved that the Captain America in front of him has already influenced this mechanical genius with his charisma.

Of course, he didn't make any decisions or promises rashly.

"I know what I'm doing," Steve said. "Trust me."

"It's not a question of whether you believe it or not, it's not that I look down on you, but you really need to calm down. Many things cannot be done with blood." Stark persuaded again.

And at this moment, everyone from Nublar Island finally came over!

After a large group of people landed on Decepticons.

Bucky's brown, huge body immediately rushed over like a giant train!


Bucky shouted while rushing, but just seeing that familiar figure made him extremely excited, his whole body swelled up quickly, and soon reached ten meters.

and is still growing.

Steve turned around when he heard someone call his name.

Bucky's change is undoubtedly huge.

When Steve saw the big brown guy for the first time, he was surprised.

But immediately he could see something vaguely from that huge brown face and those big eyes.


Steve screamed!