Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v9 Chapter 174: Ghidorah's Fear!

King Kong's strength has improved rapidly during this period.

This is naturally due to the awakening of the lightning ability.

Although he has not fully regained his lightning ability, after King Kong awakened this ability, his growth rate is still fast.

At the same time, because of the influence of lightning ability, his body has become stronger.

If you compare it, Ding Zheng is no longer King Kong's opponent.

Even if it is the normal state of King Kong.

Skull Island, after being hit by a weapon on Egg's spaceship, did look seriously damaged.

But it's just some flowers and plants, and landforms.

Because of the existence of the Beastmaster's core in the entire Skull Island, all creatures are actually much stronger than the outside world.

So, actually it didn't get much damage.

On the contrary, the damage caused by the battle between King Kong and Godzilla at this time is even greater.

Godzilla was stuffed with another tree into his mouth, and he spewed out his atomic breath, burning the tree, and at the same time, a large hole was spewed out of a mountain on Skull Island.

If it wasn't for King Kong hiding quickly, I'm afraid his hands would suffer.

King Kong climbed up, and then pulled a tree from the side, still always ready to put the fortress in the opponent's mouth.

In fact, this is not because of any quirks of King Kong.

Rather, it must do so.

Among the messages left by the mother and father to Kong, there are more than just the secrets of Skull Island and what it should do.

Also includes tips on how to deal with some of the Titans.

Leaders in Titans like Godzilla often come out on top in Titan battles and become temporary Beastmasters, naturally including them.

And the most dangerous part of Godzilla is the atomic breath.

Even the Kongo clan, who had not been deprived of their power, would be seriously injured when they were hit by the atomic breath.

During the battles again and again, the ancestors of the King Kong family discovered that there was actually an atomic breath switch in Godzilla's mouth.

It was like a throat, blocking the switch, Godzilla couldn't breathe.

After all, Godzilla can't let the atomic breath blow out all his body organs.

So the reason why King Kong plugs the tree is to block Godzilla's breath switch.

And Ding Zheng was naturally completely influenced by the stalks on the Internet.

I only know that King Kong once "fed" Godzilla to eat trees, but I don't know why he did this.

Ding Zheng watched the battle very nervously.

King Kong and Godzilla calmed down a little after the initial collision.

It is clear that Godzilla is more serious.

But King Kong was not afraid at all.

After all, it hasn't even used its own trump card yet.

However, King Kong did not intend to wait any longer.

Although King Kong doesn't care about the outside world, these days, he also learned from Ding Zheng that the situation on Skull Island is difficult now.

They must spend more time concentrating all the forces on Earth.


And Ding Zheng is about to leave again.

Before that, they have one big thing to do!


King Kong suddenly roared, and directly, under the surprised eyes of Godzilla and Radon, the entire body began to change.

In just an instant, King Kong's entire body became taller and stronger.

The golden long hair on his body also made the opposite Titan stay for a while.

Immediately afterwards, the more powerful breath from King Kong made Godzilla's pupils shrink.

took a step back.

But King Kong rushed forward brazenly!

Godzilla is naturally impossible to fall into his prestige at this time.

It roared and went straight to meet it, and it was about to confront King Kong head-on.

Godzilla also has experience and methods to deal with King Kong.

The most important one is that.

Atomic breath can't be thrown around!

Kong is undoubtedly the most flexible of all Titans.

If you rashly release the atomic breath, you are directly dodged by the opponent, or if you fail to hit the key point and make the opponent unable to fight again, then you will only be more and more disadvantaged.

Although Godzilla used the Ark reactor to make up for it before.

But after several battles, and in the exhaustion of chasing Ding Zheng.

There is not much energy in its body.

Atomic Breath can only be used twice.

It must save every bit of energy and hit the vital parts of King Kong with the remaining two opportunities.

Only in this way can victory be won!


The two large beasts collided fiercely.

But what was shocking was that Godzilla, who could compete with King Kong in strength, was knocked out by King Kong with his shoulder this time, and then landed on the ground with a bang.

King Kong seemed to have no influence at all, and rushed forward again, riding on Godzilla, with two huge palms strangling Godzilla's neck, so that the other party's mouth could not be aimed at himself.

Then he freed up another hand, aimed at Godzilla's throat and neck, and smashed it down with a punch!





Godzilla was pressed and beaten like a child at this time, completely unable to resist in front of King Kong.

Not only the Titans such as Raton, but even Ding Zheng, who is very confident in the form of Kong Zombie, was stunned.

It was thought that Kong in zombie form should be able to defeat Godzilla.

But I never thought that such a one-sided abuse could be possible!

"It seems that unless Godzilla in the form of red lotus arrives, he can't be Hanhan's opponent."

Ding Zheng thought to himself.

"It must be the benefit of the awakening of the lightning ability."

Ding Zheng understood what was going on just by thinking about it, and at the same time he made up his mind, "When this crisis is over, Ghidorah must be cleaned up, as long as he can regain that part of Ghidorah's abilities. , the strength of Hanhan and I will undoubtedly grow to a terrifying level."

Compared with the outsiders who were watching the battle with them, Godzilla was undoubtedly more frightened in his heart.

It also wanted to enter the red lotus mode, but the energy stored in it simply did not allow it to do so.

It can only be pressed under the body by King Kong and continue to teach with fists.

It's not just a shame.

Although King Kong's fist did not carry any terrifying energy, the power alone made Godzilla feel very uncomfortable.

With just a few punches, gold stars appeared in his eyes, and he almost fainted.

But King Kong's fist still didn't mean to stop.

With a few more punches, Godzilla opened his mouth involuntarily, and an atomic breath spurted out.

But because it was crushed to the ground by King Kong, its head was raised high, let alone hurting King Kong, even the Skull Island was not hurt this time.

Instead, Raton, who was standing behind them, was almost sprayed.

Luckily it escaped quickly.

The location where King Kong's fist hit is extremely accurate.

It was Godzilla who took the next atomic breath that had been prepared.

But at this time, it was smashed out by King Kong.

Now even if Godzilla seizes the opportunity, he wants to use the atomic breath to end King Kong.

It also takes a long time to charge.


Godzilla's roar suddenly changed, the sound became sharper and thinner, like a bullied dog whining.

And as soon as the sound came out, King Kong stopped his fists immediately, and then came down directly from Godzilla.

Looks like he's about to stop.

Ding Zheng also understood that the voice should be the voice of Godzilla admitting defeat and begging for mercy.

Ding Zheng's face was full of joy.

It did not expect that what it regarded as a major crisis could be resolved so easily.

"Fortunately, I have tried my best to invest in Hanhan with all the gains I have gained over the years. Otherwise, if this happened today, I might not be able to solve it myself."

Ding Zheng originally thought that he could tie with Godzilla.

But it wasn't until I saw that Godzilla defeated Raton and other Titans one by one, and the strength shown in the battle, that he realized that it was impossible to do.

Not even just it.

If it hadn't been for King Kong who awakened the power of thunder and lightning, causing his strength to soar, I'm afraid he wouldn't be the opponent of the fat lizard, Godzilla.

And just when Ding Zheng thought that the battle between King Kong and Godzilla was over and he was ready to stand up.

Suddenly, Kong went to Godzilla's tail, and then grabbed Godzilla's tail with both hands.

Then, the whole body starts to rotate.

Ding Zheng's eyes widened involuntarily.

Then I saw that Godzilla's body, which was bigger than King Kong, slowly floated from the ground under King Kong's swing, and then it was swung in circles like a big hammer.

After Godzilla was completely off the ground and turned up, Jin finally defended at once.

Then, I saw Godzilla's entire body fly out like a bag of garbage.

King Kong stopped, the zombie form did not retreat, and then turned to look at the Titans such as Raton who were still in Skull Island.


A roar.

Immediately, all these Titans will be driven out!

Ding Zheng was finally completely relieved.

After this battle.

If those Titans want to come back, they must first heal their injuries and replenish their energy.

Then he decides a victory or defeat by himself before sending a representative to challenge King Kong.

Skull Island will undoubtedly have a peaceful life in the future!

Ding Zheng flew directly to King Kong's shoulder, grabbed the **** face, and kissed it in one bite.


King Kong reacted greatly, roared angrily, and with a wave of his hand, Ding Zheng was slapped down like a fly, flew to the distant mountain wall, and embedded directly in it.


Ding Zheng's angry roar also sounded.


The days that followed were as expected by Ding Zheng.

After being beaten back by King Kong once, Godzilla and other Titans did not commit again.

The other titans also returned to their respective habitats and stopped haunting.

They must be well-educated.

After this battle, Skull Island really needs some rest, although it can't be said to suffer heavy losses.

Even Ding Zheng didn't go out for a long time after that.

Even Wakanda it didn't go again.

It was determined that the old king was controlled by the mind scepter, and Ding Zheng would naturally not be so stingy to ask them to settle accounts.

Only Sol is out all day.

As long as he finds a stronghold of a Hydra, he will directly destroy one.

Without Dr. Zola, these Hydra soldiers couldn't stop Thor at all.

Even their mutants betrayed them.


Sol found Dr. Zola's laboratory in the most hidden and core base of Hydra.

And that, like a specimen, was soaked in the experimental tank by Dr. Zola, and the dead Loki who could no longer die!

After bringing Loki back to Skull Island for burial, Thor also began to shut up on Skull Island.

Now almost all of Sol's relatives have died.

The only remaining biological sister, Hela, was always thinking of killing him.

Sol was not overwhelmed by the pressure.

Instead, he decided to work hard.

We must welcome the coming sister in the near future.

Ding Zheng took him in.

Of course he didn't want to cause Ding Zheng any trouble because of this.

time flies.

It didn't take long for the countdown in Ding Zheng's system to only have the last ten days left.

At this time, Ding Zheng finally came out of his cultivation.

Before leaving this time, it has to figure out a way to accomplish one more important thing!

If this can be done, it will leave with confidence.

At the same time, Skull Island and Earth only have some possibility to face the coming Hela and Thanos in the near future.

And Egg, the father of Star-Lord who promised to use his own body to attack the earth and Skull Island!


this day.

Ding Zheng appeared in Antarctica.

At this time, Antarctica was not as clean as it used to be.

Instead, it was full of people.

The machines are working without feeling tired at all.

There are even quite a few Autobots and Decepticons helping out.

A construction site not far away.

A huge piece of ice has been slowly excavated.

It was a huge block of ice nearly 200 meters high and nearly 100 meters wide and thick.

It's not even an exaggeration to call it an iceberg.

And among the icebergs that were gradually excavated.

A hideous beast figure with three heads is exceptionally clear!

It's Ghidorah!

In order to prevent Ghidorah from sobering up early, Ding Zheng and some other machines kept spewing cold currents on the iceberg.

Strengthening the iceberg, it also continues to reduce the temperature of the iceberg, preventing it from melting.

One of the things Ghidorah feared and hated was ice and snow.

It is precisely because of this.

Odin chose to seal Ghidorah in the endless ice and snow of the Antarctic.

With the help of Daxia and other countries.

The ice block Ghidorah was on was completely excavated and taken to Skull Island.

This is a huge project.

Although Ghidorah appeared to wake up several times on the way, she did not wake up completely.

Waiting for Skull Island.

Ding Zheng finally melted the iceberg completely.

Ghidorah immediately woke up from her slumber, the three dragon heads opened their eyes at the same time, and then immediately stood up and roared up to the sky.


this world!

Its king, Ghidorah, is back!

After Ghidorah finished roaring, the three heads lowered and looked at the surrounding environment.

And at this moment boom!

The ground shook slightly.

Ghidorah turned her head and looked back.

I saw a huge orangutan with black and gold hair, sinuous muscles like a horned dragon, blond hair, black face, thick and long canine teeth, and scarlet pupils.

He is swinging two arms with amazing dimensions.

He walked slowly towards himself.

Ghidorah's three heads, at this moment, showed a little fear!


this whole day.

Beast roars resounded throughout Skull Island.

It has not stopped for a long time!

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