Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v9 Chapter 40: Son of the Sea: Ding Zheng!

The scorching sun in the Western Hemisphere is just over the sky.

On the coast of California, the crowds are like ants, and it is dark.

Five yellow-brown monsters, all over fifteen meters tall, stood in the sea, and the waves crashed on their legs, making a crashing sound.

High in the sky.

Ding Zheng stood on the back of Starscream in the form of a fighter plane, facing the scorching sun.

At the same time, behind Ding Zheng, more than ten Decepticons also flew over slowly and stopped in the sky.

And these planes stand on them.

It was Hoshiichi Bruce and the others with weapons.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that when the people below raised their heads, they immediately saw the rays of the sun. At this moment, most of them were blocked by Ding Zheng's body.

Under the sunlight, the shadows of Ding Zheng and his party cast from the sky, covering thousands of people.

Whoa, whoa...

The sea still lined the shore, on Bronski, and on Bucky, who had become an abomination.

They also raised their heads and looked at Ding Zheng. Except for Bronski's complicated eyes, the other four had almost no expressions on their faces.

It's just that there is a faint anger floating in his eyes.


The sea breeze blew the hair on Ding Zheng's body.

It has long hair. It has been damaged and reborn many times due to body training and battles. Now it is extremely hard. Even in the gaps between the dragon scales on the upper chest, there are long and thin hairs growing.

It wouldn't make Ding Zheng go bald because he became stronger.

At this moment, the originally bustling coast of California.

Apart from the waves and wind that seemed to never stop, there was no sound.

In silence.


Ding Zheng chuckled, looked at Bucky and the others who hated the godless eyes, and mocked: "I have completely lost consciousness and sanity, and even my anger has been controlled by others. Is this what you call a hero? For this A few things, how many people have you killed?"

Even his height, body shape and appearance have changed greatly because of his hatred of experiments.

Dante Zheng could still identify Bucky below.

That shoulder-length hair, and even if it turned into a monster, all showed a slightly handsome face.

What surprised Ding Zheng more was Bucky's arm.

Bucky, who had turned into hatred at this time, had all hands, two brown arms full of muscles, and looked full of power.

The very symbolic metal arm has completely disappeared.

Perhaps it is the huge self-healing ability brought about by the hate experiment.

The arm that Buckina had lost for nearly 70 years was actually regenerated from the severed limb.

Bucky the Winter Soldier is Ding Zheng's only sympathetic character in Marvel.

No matter how miserable other superheroes are, no matter how they have stories, it seems they can't compare to this man who has been used as a robot for seventy years and has no freedom at all.

And, before being reformed, Bucky has always been a very kind-hearted person.

But after being transformed into a killing machine, he couldn't control it and killed countless innocent people.

For Bucky, this is torture in itself.

The kind that is inferior to even a slave, not only the body, but also the soul cannot have even the slightest life.

Ding Zheng felt his scalp tingle even thinking about it.

But this poor man suffered for seventy years.

And the memory of these 70 years is not completely gone.

After he regained consciousness, these memories were almost intact, and all of them could be recalled.

This is absolutely extremely anti-human torture!

Ding Zheng asked himself, and if it were him, he would never be cruel.

This is enough to explain why Hydra is a completely unrefined villain in Marvel movies.

You know, there are countless examples like Bucky among Hydras.

These people are sick, extreme, crazy, and they will never give up to achieve their goals.

It can be said to be more vicious than the most vicious cult.

"It's so pitiful..." Ding Zheng sighed at the fate of the winter soldiers like Bucky.

Used by Hydra as a tool for seventy years.

And now, it's going to be used as a monster and a meat shield again.

As for the hero in the mouth of US President Kern, some ignorant American people will believe it.

Where can there be a hero who can't even have his own ideas?

"When I think of a way to help you get rid of your brainwashing, then I'll let you take revenge on your own."

Not what the President of the United States imagined.

Ding Zheng sees these hatreds, although he has some headaches, but more importantly, he regards these hatreds as his own help in the future.

After all, the haters who are completely clear-headed and only a little weaker than the Hulk are also extremely strong helpers to Ding Zheng.

Moreover, being proficient in the method of soul cultivation, Ding Zheng does indeed have the ability to help these winter warriors relieve their brainwashing control!

"But today, you still have to be wronged and wronged, and you were beaten up by me."

Hydra's brainwashing of the Winter Soldier was very thorough and effective.

Ding Zheng also knew that before he came up with a solution to brainwashing.

When you meet this group of people, you can only fight!

And, they have to fight their lives so they can't take care of themselves!

"Let's do it." Ding Zheng looked away from the five haters.

He glanced at the sparsely combed row of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents standing in front of the crowd on the coast, and said softly, because of the conduction effect of the gorilla soul, only the people on Skull Island behind him could hear it.

After speaking, Ding Zheng rode on Starscream and slowly landed downward.

And behind Ding Zheng, Bruce and Xingyi and the others, rode the Decepticons to the side, and headed towards the SHIELD agents on the coast.

"By the way, we are here to ask for the account, to get back our own rights and interests, don't kill people, just beat the disabled, so as not to make the scene too ugly."

"Also, you must not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

Ding Zheng gave another order.

As he spoke, his body slowly changed.

In the large number of onlookers and the live video, Ding Zheng grew from a height of eight meters at a speed visible to the naked eye. It only took a few seconds to become a behemoth of more than eighteen meters!

This is its original shape.

Faced with five haters all at once, no matter how confident Ding Zheng is, he still needs to take it seriously.

Lest the sewer capsize.

In the form of an 8-meter dragon scale, the dragon scale absorbs most of Ding Zheng's energy. Although his defense is high, his strength is much smaller.

The hegemonic form, on the other hand, consumes too much energy in the external meridians. When Ding Zheng didn't know the opponent's strength, and he was confident, he naturally wouldn't waste it.

Therefore, Ding Zheng only activated the zombie form.

I saw four fangs sticking out from Ding Zheng's mouth, and a golden hair grew rapidly, covering the entire back and fluttering in the wind.

At the joints, golden bones are exposed.

It's like wearing a simple armor.

Looks very mighty.

Originally, it seemed that the giants such as Bronski and Bucky hated them.

In front of Ding Zheng at this time, he was even shorter!

By the time his body changed, Ding Zheng had already descended to the surface of the sea.

He jumped directly from Starscream, and then stood firmly on the sea.

It was like stepping on a piece of blue ice, with no intention of sinking.

An eighteen-meter-high behemoth could float on the sea as lightly as a tree.

This scene alone surprised the crowd.

"Look! Look! It actually stepped on the water!"

"What's so surprising about this? Have you forgotten that it can also drive sea fish and set off tsunamis? Why are people used to calling it the God of the Gorilla, because it is indeed like a god."

"You said, can our hateful commandos defeat this orangutan?"

"Impossible! The Gorilla God is invincible!"

"I think it's possible, don't forget, a year ago, only the hated captain Bronski could fight this orangutan back and forth!"

"This orangutan is so small, how could it have beaten so many monsters?"

"It's about to fight!"

With an exclamation, everyone immediately turned their attention to it.

I saw Ding Zheng walking on water.

The turbulent waves formed a small bulge under Ding Zheng's feet, supporting Ding Zheng and rushing towards Bronski and the others.

Bronski, Bucky and the others immediately took a defensive posture in the sea.

The distance between the two sides kept getting closer.

Seeing that a war is about to start.


The arrival of Ding Zheng was naturally seen by the new president Kern, who was hiding in the command room, as well as the commander-in-chief of the US military and the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But they didn't warn people, and they didn't mean to let people back away.

"You must remember that if you are not an opponent later, you will lead the orangutan to the shore and let it hurt as many onlookers as possible."

In the command room specially built to prevent Ding Zheng from breaking through, President Kern looked at the screen.

The new S.H.I.E.L.D. director next to him told several new employees who joined S.H.I.E.L.D., but in fact, they were born from Hydra and were in charge of using passwords to control the Winter Soldiers.

Although the Winter Soldiers have become an abomination, after decades of brainwashing, they simply cannot break free from Hydra's grip on them.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem."

The new S.H.I.E.L.D. employee who controlled Bucky and other Winter Soldiers nodded.

And the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D. walked up to the president's ear and said softly, "Mr. President, everything has been ordered according to your wishes."

"Very good!" President Kern nodded, and then said nothing more.

After all, it is definitely inappropriate for the president to say things like this by sacrificing his own people in exchange for benefits.

Even if it is a discussion, it cannot be discussed in a place that is not private enough like the command room.

Yes, although the new president is very confident in defeating Ding Zheng, in fact, he is not as arrogant as he appears.

He also knows that even with the support of algorithms and data, they may still lose when facing Ding Zheng.

But losing doesn't mean there is no benefit!

His idea was the people watching the fun on the coast of California.

That's why, at the previous press conference, Kern put the time of revealing the Abomination Commando at this time.

Because they knew that Ding Zheng would definitely see the press conference.

Even if you can't see it, when Nublar Island does not receive the fresh supplies that the United States supplies on time every day, you will know it.

Moreover, they knew that Ding Zheng would definitely come to him.

And he.

is considering.

Or find a place in California.

Give Ding Zheng a ruthless one!

After all, only one year has passed, even if Ding Zheng will become stronger, it will definitely become limited.

Plus they have algorithms and data to support them, it stands to reason that these five abominations are completely able to defeat Ding Zheng.


Even if something goes wrong.

Even if there are five haters, they are not Ding Zheng's opponents.

But as soon as the battle begins, there is a great possibility that it will affect the surrounding people who have no time to leave.

The time has come.

But it was Ding Zheng's problem.


Since Ding Zheng's live broadcast a year ago.

Under the influence of Listening to the Unicorn, the last president was full of ugliness.

The international reputation of the United States also plummeted because of that live broadcast.

During this year, the United States has almost completely relied on military hegemony and economic hegemony to maintain its own **** of the world.

But the changes in people's hearts are still clearly visible.

Like President Kern just said before that he would set up an orangutan extermination plan against Ding Zheng, hoping that all countries and human beings in the world will unite, but after so long, no country has taken the initiative to contact him.

By contrast.

Instead, Nublar Island has absorbed a lot of goodwill.

Although compared to before, few people dare to continue to travel to Nublar Island.

But people are becoming more and more interested in this mysterious island.

If it weren't for Ding Zheng's amazing performance in the previous battle, and it's only been a year, people still haven't fully accepted it.

I am afraid that Nublar Island will be even more prosperous than when it was sanctioned by the United States before!

The United States naturally does not want to see such a thing happen.

This is also the most fundamental reason for them to hold this ceremony!

With the nuclear bomb guarantee, Ding Zheng didn't dare to tear his face completely.

Plus five haters, it is impossible for Ding Zheng to kill without any scruples.

Moreover, all the people around came to watch the fun, and the real core characters did not appear at all.

In this way, the political power of the United States will not suffer too much loss.

On the contrary, it is Ding Zheng, who may be condemned by all human beings in the world for accidentally hurting innocent ordinary people.

After all, our press conference was going well, and you suddenly called up.

On the surface, it seems that you are wrong.

As for the reason for this incident in the mainland, not so many people would care.

Many people just look at what's happening on the surface, and it's completely enough.

Even if the time comes, the United States can apologize at the speed of light, and then continue to supply.

Could it be that Ding Zheng can continue to fight and kill?

no matter what.

The United States will not suffer!

At worst, it's just to return to the original state, and it can also show the quality of being unyielding to power and bearing humiliation.

After all, the biggest right to speak in the world is in their hands, and they can say whatever they want.

This is Kern's conspiracy!

The new president of the United States is very clear about what he needs and what he is doing.

He is very good at playing with these things.

Different from Ding Zheng.

Ding Zheng doesn't care what other countries and humans think of himself and Nublar Island.

After all, it does not rely on these things to survive and be strong, and when it fights, it completely relies on itself.

But not in the United States.

Every time they really start a war, every bullet is money, especially the war with Nublar Island, there are almost no good benefits.

Instead, it has to pay a greater economic price.

As a capitalist country, the United States values ​​wealth above everything else.

So, they like to use things like ideology and political correctness.

to defeat the opponent as much as possible without paying too much.

At this time, I also want to use a series of means to bind other countries to myself, so that the other side of Nublar Island and Ding Zheng, from the United States, become the human beings of the whole world.

This is undoubtedly a pretty good idea.

Raise racial confrontation directly.

It is precisely because of such a conspiracy.

That's why Kern took so much trouble to arrange all this.

He wants the United States to become the center of the world because of its confrontation with Nublar Island and Dingzheng.

Rule the world, and destroy Ding Zheng together!

one stone two bird.

"But what if this orangutan doesn't take action against the people around him?" asked the new commander-in-chief of the US military next to him.

"Do you think that when an orangutan fights, it will care about the lives of the humans next to it? Trust me... Besides, those humans on Nublar Island are now rushing to the coast, and we only released more than a dozen Aegis The agents of the bureau maintain order, do you think they have such a high-profile past to protect those people?"

Kern laughed mockingly, full of confidence, his eyes fixed on Ding Zheng on the screen.


Naturally, Ding Zheng didn't know what was in the mind of the new US president.

Even if it knew, it wouldn't care much.

After all, it does not need to pull all mankind to help itself deal with the United States.

So today, Ding Zheng came here for only one purpose, and that is to beat the new US president.

At the same time, let the United States spit out all the compensation it deserves, without a single word!


A year ago, Ding Zheng agreed to let the United States pay the compensation in installments.

After all, they need so many resources and money, which is of no use. Instead, they have been "nurturing" them all the time, which feels quite good.

But now it seems that the new president of the United States does not appreciate it.

In this case, it naturally doesn't need to give each other face.

Just between this thought, Ding Zheng had already come to the five haters.

He waved his hand lightly.

In an instant, five huge eddies appeared in the sea water under the feet of the five haters.

The sudden huge pulling force made them stand unsteadily, and with a thud, they fell into the sea, setting off huge waves.

"Ha ha."

Ding Zheng grinned.

I am very satisfied with my means.

On this earth today, when it comes to conquest of the ocean, Ding Zheng talks about the second, and no one dares to talk about the first.

In the ability column of the system panel, Ding Zheng's progress towards the sea's potential has reached 52%.

Even if you call yourself the son of the sea, it's not too Now, the sea is Ding Zheng's home!

Fighting against Ding Zheng in the sea is completely different from the difficulty in the land.

"Let me see if I can play you to death!"

As soon as Ding Zheng's thoughts moved, the sea was like thousands of hands, pushing the five haters from the sea to the middle of the sea.

And also pulled to the depths of the sea.

And Ding Zheng also sank directly into the depths of the sea like he was sitting in an elevator.

Inland California, in a command room specially built by the United States to protect the safety of important people.

The new president, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the commander-in-chief of the U.S. military looked at the picture on the screen and suddenly widened their eyes.


What about the good news about affecting the people?

Also, is our hatred so weak?

Even the other party's sea power can't resist!

Naturally, they did not forget that Ding Zheng was able to control the sea, but although Ding Zheng was able to control the sea before, he was not so powerful.

They are all strictly calculated!

"what to do?"

The commander-in-chief was a little flustered, after all, strictly speaking, the Hate Squad is affiliated with the US military.

"Calm down." President Kern calmed down quickly, "I believe that the sea will definitely not be able to trap our heroes, and they will definitely break free."

Speaking, he turned his eyes to another screen and sneered: "And now, let's see what these evil Nublar Island residents are going to do to our people!"

"UAV, keep an eye on me and take pictures carefully!"