Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v9 Chapter 48: Iron Man took refuge in Nubra and scolde

It intends to be candid with Banner directly.

Get the facts straight.

Not only because it knows that Banner will not inform, but his character is still very decent.

Another reason is that at this point, Ding Zheng is not worried about leaking some insignificant secrets.


Not long after Backgammon's notification, Bruce sent Dr. Banner, who had been staying there watching Bucky and others.

Ding Zheng didn't give a shit, and straight to the point, he said some things that Banner should know.

Originally, Ding Zheng was worried that Banner would refuse.

After all, the Umbrella Organization has a criminal record in the United States, and naturally there is such a thing as the T virus.

As an expert in this field, Banner has heard of the possibility that it is still very likely, and also knows how amazing the power and destructive power of the T virus is.

It's really hard to keep your life safe by staying with something so dangerous.

Rejection is also normal.

But Ding Zheng was unexpected.

Banner didn't mean to refuse at all.

On the contrary, after hearing Ding Zheng talk about the T virus and the simian flu virus, he became excited on the spot!

"T virus! Do you really have that thing? And that simian flu virus, how did you get along with these viruses day and night."

"Also, are those orangutans there, hiding underground or in the sea?"

Looking at Banner's reaction, Ding Zheng suddenly felt a sense of deja vu.

Isn't this Banner's reaction when he learned about Bing Xin's determination and the method of soul cultivation?

Are these scientists so hardcore?

Or just Banner.

What Ding Zheng didn't know was that Banner was wandering outside all year round, and he almost didn't know what a real high-end laboratory looked like.

Moreover, these things Ding Zheng said are very remarkable things for Banner, and even for the entire biological science community.

Now Banner has been experimenting for a long time, he is afraid, and he has not done what he wants to do for too long.

After learning that Ding Zheng still has the T virus here.

So the passion for the things I love burst out all at once.

Ding Zheng looked at Banner's passionate eyes.

I can't help nodding my head, this time I rescued Banner and brought it back, it really was the right one!

"Dr. Banner, don't worry, this matter is more complicated, and it is related to the secrets of our Nublar Island, some of which have nothing to do with the virus and accidents, we can't disclose it for the time being, after all, it is related to the safety of many people. "

"But I will get out the experimental records and the records after the accident as soon as possible, with pictures and videos, which will definitely be very detailed, let you know about this matter, and then, based on your opinions, solve this matter. "

Ding Zheng said it very seriously.

And Banner listened very carefully.

He nodded: "No problem, I will do my best!"

"Very well, Dr. Banner, it is the most correct thing for you to stay on our Nublar Island. I promise you that as long as you can stay on my Nublar Island, one day, I will be able to keep you safe. Yes, leave when you want, leave when you want, and come back when you want."

"Don't talk about the United States, it's not easy to use people from all the countries in the world!" Ding Zheng promised firmly.

Although Banner also knows that this is very difficult and almost impossible to do, after all, he is facing a behemoth like the United States, and the United States will not leave Banner so quietly on Nublar Island.

However, when Ding Zheng said this sentence.

Banner suddenly felt very confident!

As if Ding Zheng really can do it.

"Bruce sent a message saying that two planes were detected, one is an official US military and one has the logo of the Tony Stark Group on it!"

"Tony Stark?"

Ding Zheng was not too surprised by the official U.S. military plane. Just now, U.S. President Kern had already said that he would send someone over.

But this plane with the logo of the Tony Stark Group made Ding Zheng's doubts at the beginning, until his eyes lit up, and then he stood up directly and was about to greet him.

"Dr. Banner, are you interested in meeting a new friend with me?" Ding Zheng asked.

After thinking for a while, Banner shook his head: "Since the US military plane is also here, I'll avoid it for the time being."

"Dr. Banner doesn't have to be afraid. On our island of Nublar, with me under my cover, even if the President of the United States comes in person, he won't want to take you away, let alone cause you any trouble." Ding Zheng smiled and comforted. , "Look, those four haters were directly snatched by me, isn't the United States afraid to let one go?"

Although what Ding Zheng said was exaggerated, the situation was indeed true.

If Ding Zheng wanted to cover, and Banner didn't want to leave.

The U.S. simply doesn't even try to get people here.

But Banner still shook his head: "I still don't want to go, I don't want to cause too much trouble to the island. Let's wait until these recent events have passed. It is enough for me to have such a safe place to stay. I will go back first, and if any information about the T virus and the experimenter is sent, please let me know at any time."

After Banner finished speaking, he left directly and returned to his residence.

Ding Zheng did not force it either.

Directly with backgammon, went outside together and waited.

The two planes landed one after the other.

Only two minutes apart.

Of course, it was the official U.S. military plane that landed first.

However, Ding Zheng didn't pay any attention to the US troops who got off the plane, as well as a lot of media who carried long guns and short cannons and took random pictures when they got off the plane.

Seeing Ding Zheng's indifferent face, it was those media reporters who wanted to ask questions and shoot something, but at this time they were a little scared and didn't dare to actually shoot.

After all, Ding Zhengke is different from leaders of other countries.

The number of people who died of injuries to this orangutan can be said to be countless.

No matter how daring paparazzi are, they are afraid of losing their lives!

These media practitioners also know that their purpose is only here to prevent Nublar Island from causing any harm to Baki and others.

So, I forcibly held back my heart that wanted to make big news at that moment.

Just keep shooting around the four abominations like Bucky, and the scenery of Nublar Island.

And Ding Zheng also completely left the matter of handover with these people to Bruce.

I didn't understand it at all.

After two minutes, Tony Stark's plane also landed slowly.

Isla Nublar has an airport.

After all, tourism was vigorously developed before, and many guests arrived by plane.

The appearance of Tony Stark immediately set off a boom at Nublar Island Airport.

Of course, it was the reporters who were brought over from the United States by the US military who got hotter.

They are afraid of Ding Zheng, but they are not afraid of Tony Stark.

They rushed up one by one, their mouths like a serial machine gun, constantly asking questions.

However, Tony Stark was obviously not in a good mood, frowned tightly, said nothing, and did not respond at all.

Although Ding Zheng was standing at a distance, with his ear, he could hear those questions clearly.

Most of them are "Excuse me, Mr. Tony Stark, what did you come to Nublar Island for?"

"Mr. Tony Stark, may I ask, under your current circumstances, do you feel that it is not appropriate for you to come to Nublar Island?"

"We noticed that you came here in a private jet, have you obtained the consent of the state? Mr. Tony Stark?"

"Mr. Tony Stark, what do you think of Mr. Kern's choice to sue you?"

"Mr. Tony Stark, it is said that you refuse to hand over your weapons to the country, why is that? Do you want to keep watching the United States be treated unfairly and suppressed internationally?"


Ding Zheng went through all these questions and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Seeing that Tony Stark had come out under the guidance of the bodyguard, it didn't want to delay any longer, and went up directly.

After seeing Ding Zheng, those reporters all died down one by one.

Don't dare to make up words.

Ding Zheng received Tony Stark, and then looked at Bruce who was in charge of the US military plane.

"Tell these reporters that we welcome goodwill exchanges. If they dare to shoot without consent, it makes me angry, and I will slap them to death!"

After saying this.

Ding Zheng immediately took Tony Stark, who had come from afar, to the ground floor.

Only the mass of media behind him remained silent.

He was obviously frightened by what Ding Zheng said.

They were naturally very excited about the meeting between Iron Man Tony Stark and Ding Zheng.

But now I dare not go any further.

A few want to catch up.

But after being glared at by Xingyi and the others, he quickly restrained himself.

Tony replied and glanced at it, sighed helplessly, and was very envious of Ding Zheng's deterrent power.

Ding Zheng saw it in his eyes and was even more sure what trouble Tony Stark was in.

This time, he may have come to evacuate!

One person and one gorilla did not start chatting until they entered the ground floor.

After greeting each other, Ding Zheng directly asked the other party's purpose for this visit.

And said with a smile: "I remember last time, I invited you to Nublar Island to build a nuclear bomb interception system for us, but you refused, then come here this time..."

After the end of the previous war, Ding Zheng did indeed invite Tony Stark to build a nuclear bomb interception system for Nublar Island.

This will undoubtedly make the United States more fearful.

But Tony Stark refused because of his nationality and identity.

"My father is an American, and so am I. Although I really admire you, the ape god, I don't want a war between Nublar Island and the United States, and I don't want Nublar Island to be hurt, but I can't help Nublar either. La Island provides an interception system to prevent my country from being harmed, so from now on, whether it is Nublar Island or the United States, I will not do it, so that the real balance can be achieved.”

Tony Stark is a serious person, and Ding Zheng can't change what has been decided, so he has given up the idea.

It wasn't until Tony Stark's sudden visit today that Ding Zheng remembered it, smiled, and asked straight to the point.

Tony Stark may not have thought that Ding Zheng would ask this at first, and was stunned for a moment, but then he immediately cursed: "No problem! I did it, I must do this interception system! Let that idiot president take a good look at who it is. America's best scientist! Best weapons maker!"

"Even if I don't sell weapons now."

"No one knows weapons better than him, **** fat golden retriever!"