Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v9 Chapter 50: This goes back to a romantic debt in 199

Ding Zheng thought about it carefully, and finally recalled the general information about this desperate virus.

This is a virus with strong regenerative abilities.

And in the "Iron Man 3" movie also got innovation and progress.

On the basis of regeneration ability, people who have successfully integrated the virus have the ability to have high temperature.

Although the villain with this desperate virus is still defeated by Tony in "Iron Man 3".

But the recipe for the desperate virus fell into the hands of Hydra.

Moreover, it was modified into a desperate virus of the "human centipede" model by Hydra scientists through a large number of maddening human experiments.

All of this shows that this virus, like the T virus, has extremely high research value.

Ding Zheng just thinks about the combat effectiveness of the villain with the desperate virus in "Iron Man 3", and he is a little hot.

However, in order to avoid being suspected, causing unnecessary trouble, or Tony Stark's vigilance.

Ding Zheng still pretended to be completely ignorant and asked the other party: "What's going on with this desperate virus? What effect does it have? Where is it?"

"I don't know where it is now." Tony didn't care that Ding Zheng said the name of the Extremis Virus, because Ding Zheng's explanation was far-fetched, but it was also reasonable.

He shook his head, frowned and thought for a moment: "The first time I saw this virus was in '98 or '99, a botanist named..."

"Call, call, call..."

Tony paused again, unable to remember the other person's name.

"My name is Maya Hansen... You still slept with someone." Ding Zheng thought to himself, speechlessly.

At the same time, it directly interrupted Tony Stark's practice of continuing to recall his name: "Don't care what his name is, tell me the point, what the **** is going on with this virus?"

"Oh!" Tony Stark nodded and smiled, "I just want to remember the name and find someone easier."

"This virus, in simple terms, has a very strong regenerative ability. If it can be injected into the orangutan in front of me and there is no rejection, maybe it can solve its problem and use the regenerative ability to offset the sequelae."

"Of course, this is just my guess. If there is a repulsion know it."

When Tony was talking, he looked at Banner who was thinking next to him, and explained, "I know it's definitely not that simple. It still needs to be tested. I'm just saying if everything goes well."

He was worried that Banner, who was also a scientist, would mock him mercilessly when he heard what he said.

Tony Stark is undoubtedly a superhero with the heaviest idol burden.

Moreover, the work is open and upright, but it makes people hate it.

After listening to Tony's words, Ding Zheng touched his chin involuntarily.

It naturally also knows that things like viruses cannot be played around casually. Like the situation on Kuba, it may be that there are too many things left in the past.

And Kaiser's T3 virus is fine.

Therefore, even if there is a desperate virus, it may not be useful.

However, I have to say that this is a good direction!

Ding Zheng looked at Banner next to him. Such an overly professional question naturally requires a professional to answer: "Dr. Banner, what do you think?"

To Ding Zheng's surprise, Banner nodded instead: "You can try."

"I read the information just now, the T3 virus is basically quite stable and perfect. Maybe, the reason is not the T3 virus, and the various components in Kuba's body are too complicated. It is not easy to analyze it clearly. ."

"I think we can do both."

Banner said: "The first is to find this desperate virus, and then experiment. After all, Kuba is still alive, just use the blood sample from him. I often do this kind of thing, and I'm very good at it."

"The other is to take Kuba's blood samples and analyze them one by one to see what the problem is."

"Two lines are carried out at the same time, whichever is useful and which is faster, whichever is used!"

Ding Zheng nodded.

Banner's idea coincides with it.

"Yes, but, Dr. Banner, can you help our team to analyze Kuba's samples together? You will also do it in two ways."

"Although our team is no longer on Nublar Island, you can use the Internet to connect."

Ding Zheng pointed to the backgammon standing on his shoulder: "It's fine to have it, it's more convenient than a computer."

Backgammon raised his head proudly.

"As for the desperate virus..."

Ding Zheng said, turning his head to look at Tony Stark.

Tony patted his chest immediately and assuredly said, "Don't worry, I can definitely remember the name of that woman, and even if I can't remember, as long as she is still working in this circle, I can definitely find out."

"Then I'll call you." Ding Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

A brief meeting finally ended.

Banner ran non-stop to the laboratory that Ding Zheng had just prepared for him, and began to study the samples on Kuba.

Tony Stark, on the other hand, returned to the room that Ding Zheng prepared for him, intending to take a good sleep.

It's just too much of a toss up in America these days.

Instead, he came to Nublar Island, which gave him an extraordinary sense of security.

"Happy, do you remember, I slept with a woman in 1999...9, yes," Tony Stark asked as he walked.

Happy is Tony Stark's personal bodyguard.

He is more than 1.8 meters tall, looks very solid, and at the same time feels a little fat.

Previously, Happy was responsible for keeping the weapon master safe.

But after going through that, Tony became Iron Man.

Naturally, there is no need for bodyguards.

But Tony still kept the old minister.

In 1999, Tony did not have the artificial intelligence of Jax, and most things were managed by this bodyguard who was still dutiful.

Happy frowned, and after thinking about it, he said, "Boss, you slept with too many women in 1999. I did..."

"It's a female scientist! That's right, a female scientist! To be more precise, it should be a female botanist." Tony said firmly.

Happy frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head: "I still don't... Wait!"

His face changed: "I seem to remember, it seems that such a person really exists."

"I think... her name is... her name is... her name is... Maya Hansen!"

"Help me find this person's contact information, and then, call her!" Tony immediately laughed.



After leaving the meeting, Ding Zheng walked straight into the place where Natasha, the black widow, was being held.

The previous meeting ended precisely because Ding Zheng received the news.

Natasha, the black widow, intends to stay on Nublar Island and be loyal to Ding Zheng. At the same time, she is also ready to show her allegiance!

Ding Zheng rushed over immediately.

Natasha is sitting in jail.

However, the prison environment and treatment on Nublar Island are particularly good.

She didn't suffer much, instead she gained some weight.

"Are you ready? Otherwise, there will be danger to life." Looking at Natasha's firm eyes, Ding Zheng couldn't help but ask again.

Natasha nodded again, even if she didn't know what would happen next, she was full of confidence!

"Very good!" Ding Zheng praised.

Then, a piece of red gorilla soul showed its shape and color, like the tentacles of a monster, and went directly to Natasha's mouth, nose, and various places.

In addition to the nausea at the beginning, Natasha never had any other reaction, perfectly fused with the soul of the gorilla.

From now on, the life and death of this outstanding former killer, the current agent, and the woman nicknamed Black Widow will be at the mercy of Ding Zheng.

Of course, she can also borrow the power of Ding Zheng's soul like the people of Xingcun.

Although the people of Xingcun, because of Ding Zheng's previous experience of leaving for more than 20 years, their internal strength has greatly increased, and they no longer need to rely on Ding Zheng's strength.

But with the soul protection, their resistance to soul attacks will also be greatly enhanced!

"Congratulations, joining Nublar Island, but because you have done bad things to many people on our island before, so now there is an opportunity to make you take the blame!"

"God of the apes, please speak." Natasha said immediately.

Ding Zhengdao: "Because before, no one knew that you were with Banner, so probably no one knows now that you have been captured by me and become a part of Nublar Island. In this way, you act. It will undoubtedly be much more convenient.”

"I want you to help find something!"

"What?" Natasha asked.

"Something called the Extremis Virus!"

Ding Zheng explained: "This desperate virus was originally in the hands of a botanist named Maya Hansen, but now, it may no longer be there. You need to determine this yourself. If it is no longer, go find it. A guy named Killian! Look, he has the virus or not."

"Both of them should be in the United States, it's your territory, it's easier to find."

"After you get the news, don't act without authorization, just notify me directly."

"This thing is very important to us!"

"Of don't need to worry too much, life safety is more important!"

After listening to Natasha, she nodded immediately: "No problem! I will definitely complete the task!"

Ding Zheng was quite relieved about this.

In the industry of secret agents, if Natasha calls herself the second.

No one really dared to be number one.


Finally, Ding Zheng said again: "Remember to help me pay attention to Nick Fury's news, his current situation should be similar to yours, after S.H.I.E.L.D. is gradually controlled by Hydra, it should be impossible to give him any help. ."

"It's still the same. After you get the news, just notify me, don't startle the snake."

"Yes!" Natasha nodded and turned to leave.

Ding Zheng, on the other hand, left the ground floor after a short rest.

Came to the Bucky four who were left out for a night by it.