Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v9 Chapter 52: The Green Goblin, and the villains of Ma

For such a long time, Daojiaohu had been hiding on Ding Zheng's body almost all the time.

Except when Ding Zheng is very free, he will come out and chat with his cheap master.

The rest of the time is devoted to cultivation!

The tiger is different from Ximenqi and others.

Its soul power is very weak, and it was once hit by Shi Shaojian for Ding Zheng.

The power of the soul is even weaker, and even fell into a deep sleep for a time.

It is precisely because of this that she must always be attached to the gorilla soul and cannot escape, otherwise she will have the worry of her life.

Whether it is sunlight, lightning, or even a larger wind, it will cause huge damage to her.

It is precisely because the gorilla soul cancels out all these things and firmly protects the tiger like a protective cover, so that she will not be harmed.

And Ding Zheng got the soul cultivation method, which can give the troll tiger the power to survive without the soul of the gorilla.

In this way, the safety of the tiger is guaranteed.

More importantly, get free!

Because then, Ding Zheng can create another body for her.

That's right.

The reason why Ding Zheng has been letting the tiger to practice hard is to be able to recreate a real body for this little tiger one day.

And it is quite a strong body!

He has even prepared a great thing for the tiger.

And these are the benefits that Ximenqi and others can't get.

After all, the surrender of Ximenqi and others was forced.

And for a young apprentice who is so firm and willing to abandon everything to follow him.

Naturally, Ding Zheng could not have the slightest mistreatment.

Hearing Ding Zheng asking about the progress of his cultivation, the proud look of the troll tiger immediately stepped down.

"Come on." She said in a muffled voice.

As soon as Ding Zheng's thoughts moved, the power of the gorilla soul was about to wrap the taunting tiger.

The stubborn tiger didn't move.

After some inspections, Ding Zhengcai nodded. Although it is still far from the troll tiger being able to escape the soul of the gorilla, the progress of the young apprentice really needs to be encouraged.

"Continue to work hard." Ding Zheng smiled, looking at the body of the tiger that looked very petite compared to it, and said, "After you can get rid of the gorilla soul, Master will give you a surprise!"

"Yes!" Thoujiaohu shouted immediately.

Ximen Qi next to him, as well as those Zuo Daomen disciples, looked at the scene in front of them with envy on their faces.

Especially Siemens.

He could even think of what Ding Zhengyao's surprise was for the tiger.

But he also knew that that was what they dared not take the initiative to ask Ding Zheng for.

"I just hope that one day, I can make some contributions, and then I will get a body."

Ximenqi knew that zombies were being refined in Skull Island.

Once the zombie refining is successful, he and these Zuodao disciples behind him will definitely be the first choice.

They don't expect a good body either.

A zombie body is enough.

"Since you have confidence in brainwashing, I'll leave it to you first"

Here, while Ding Zheng was talking to the tiger, he gave way to backgammon and called Bruce.

With one operation, Bruce drew a talisman and posted it on the soul of the tiger.

This talisman can make the troll tiger safely leave the gorilla soul in a short period of time.

"Then Master, I'll be leaving." Daojiaohu looked eager to try.

Can help Ding Zheng do some things.

Tigress is very happy.

"Ximenqi, you all follow, protect the tiger, and learn what's going on by the way. You can't do this little thing well, and you say that you are a Taoist." Ding Zheng was worried that the tiger would be in danger, so he ordered Ximen Qi followed with his disciples and grandchildren.

Where did Ximenqi dare to refuse, he immediately followed.

Ding Zheng, on the other hand, turned around and walked back to the ground floor.

Thou Jiaohu has just said that the time of her operation should be judged according to the seriousness of the brainwashing of Bucky and others.

However, it will take at least an hour or two.

Ding Zheng naturally couldn't wait here forever.

When Ding Zheng returned to the ground floor, he saw Tony Stark standing at the door of his room.

"Iron Man...Is something wrong?" Ding Zheng walked over slowly.

Tony immediately turned around, looked at Ding Zheng, and shrugged: "God, I have very bad news to tell you."

"Oh? It's about the Extremis virus?" Ding Zheng asked.

"That's right." Tony said, "When I got back to my room, I thought of the botanist's name, Maya Hansen, so I immediately contacted her, but got word that she left a few years ago. It's been a few years since there was no movement, and there's no way to find it casually."

Tony's words made Ding Zheng a little helpless, but it was actually expected.

"I just hope Black Widow can find Killian and this Maya Hansen..."

Ding Zheng thought to himself, now that he has learned the news of the desperate virus, even if there is no Kuba's existence, he will find a way to get this thing.

Anyway, it already has a T virus and a simian flu virus, and now there is one more, and it makes no difference.

In short, anything that can enhance its own strength.

Ding Zheng will not let go easily.

"However, I actually have another suggestion here! Maybe it will help Kuba too!"

At this moment, Tony Stark spoke again.

Ding Zheng couldn't help but be taken aback and asked, "What advice?"

"In New York, there is an Osborne Group." Tony began to explain, of course, he did not forget to praise himself, "Maybe you don't know, after all, such a small company, compared to my Stark Group, can only be said to be A little ant."

"However, companies have their own strengths after all, because I wasted too much time on making weapons before, and then these armors, so I never had the opportunity to do in-depth research on biology."

"As a result, the Osborn Group's research in biology is a little bit better than the Stark Group. Although I can catch up with this little bit, but in contrast, it is better to solve your problem first. more important."

"If possible, I can now help you contact the boss of the Osborne Group, Mr. Norman Osborne."

"I think he must be very willing to meet you. At dinner parties several times before, he told me that he admired the cloning technology and genetic programming technology of Dragon Elephant Gene Company."

"By the way, he seems to have also said that he applied to communicate with Nublar Island, but was rejected!"

After Ding Zheng heard this, he neither nodded in agreement nor shook his head in rejection.

Instead, he frowned in Osborn…

Green Goblin!

Ding Zheng suddenly recalled.

The Green Goblin is a villain in another series of independent Spider-Man films.

Since he did not appear in the Marvel Universe, Ding Zheng subconsciously ignored this role.

Moreover, there is something Ding Zheng doesn't know about.

Norman Osborn's Osborne Group turned out to be a biological operator.

"This is interesting... I almost forgot about these small characters before. In addition to superheroes, there are a lot of small villains in Marvel! Among these villains, there are also some powerful upper limits. In the movie, they are almost used in The half-plot kill is solved."

Ding Zheng was excited all of a sudden, and a string of names appeared in his mind, as well as one slapstick operation after another!

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