Start From Skull Island and Push the World

v9 Chapter 99: first! The 92-meter open chrysanthemum a

The Golden Gate Bridge is a great building.

It is also the most distinctive symbol of San Francisco.

Starting from California in the north to the San Francisco Peninsula in the south, across the Jinshan Strait, the bridge is nearly 2,000 meters long and connects the places on both sides of the strait.

Whether it is length or construction difficulty, or its color and shape, people are talking about it.

And in the early 2000s, the orangutan caused the chaos that was staged on the Golden Gate Bridge.

And then the Nublar Island Gorilla God also appeared for the first time on the Golden Gate Bridge.

It also makes this building, which began in the American Gold Rush, a bit legendary.

In particular, some Internet celebrities and followers of the Ape God Cult like to come here to check in or make pilgrimages.

At this time, the entire Golden Gate Bridge was congested with traffic, and almost all vehicles stopped quietly, listening to the radio in the car, or watching the live broadcast on the mobile phone.

The convoy has barely moved since the portal over Manhattan was opened a few hours ago.

All stop and follow this amazing event that has the potential to affect the fate of the entire planet.

One thing after another.

Nublar Island Ape God saves the world.

He was then killed by Kern's nuclear bomb opposite the portal.

Kern encircled everyone on Nublar Island and even dropped a second nuclear bomb on Manhattan.

But they still escaped, and under the leadership of the **** named Sol, they looked for Kern and wanted to avenge the ape god.

Almost everything that happened in just a few hours will bring about great changes to the future situation and development of the earth.

At this time, one after another, one by one, one by one, dizzyingly.

Makes most humans unable to concentrate on the task at hand.

Before you know it, all your attention is focused on these big things that can change the world.

At this time, the content of the live broadcast and broadcast was exactly the situation in which the plane sent by Kern confronted Kubassol and others.

Not only Americans can receive it, but other countries in the world can also receive it.

After all, there are more and more countries in the world now cooperating, and each country also has media reporters sent to the United States.

Even if Kern wanted to hide it, he couldn't hide it.

What's more, Kern didn't want to hide that he considered himself an American hero.

If Ding Zheng, the biggest obstacle in front of the road to American hegemony, is removed, how can it not be called a hero?

In recent years, there have been continuous wars in the United States. As president, Kern’s dominance has risen rapidly, and his supporters are even more numerous.

"If Nublar Island doesn't agree, does he really want to wake up those giant beasts?"

"Isn't it all the fault of the people on Nublar Island? If they don't do so many things, how could President Kern make such a decision? The President is forced to be helpless!"

"Are these giant beasts they said really that powerful?"

"If it's not strong, how can the people of Nublar Island hesitate?"

"I think they hesitated because the Gorilla was killed."

"Anyway, Kern went too far, no matter what happened to the orangutan, it saved New York, he's a crazy guy, we can't let him continue to be president of the United States, and when this is over, next time The election must vote him down!"

"I think we can take him to the Supreme Court together, and it would be a disaster for us to keep him as president."

Several people who did not support Kern got together to discuss, but soon, they were discovered by Kern's supporters and denounced loudly!

"Do you idiots know what you're talking about?"

"President Kern is a hero of America, he said he wants to make America great again! How can America be great again without killing that **** gorilla?"

"That's right! America can be great again because President Kern killed the orangutan! Places like Nublar Island should be destroyed! None of them are normal humans, and they live on the same earth as such people. , don't you feel scared?"

"My husband died at the hands of that orangutan! That orangutan is damned! President Kern did the right thing! I support him!"

"Is your husband a soldier?"

"No, he's an agent and is in charge of going to Nublar Island to carry out a mission."

"This lady, please allow me to tell the truth. Isn't it normal to be killed like this? It's obviously your husband first..."

"Have you ever had your husband die?"

"I don't have a husband, I'm a man..."

"Have you ever had your husband die!"


On the Golden Gate Bridge, similar arguments continued.

Everyone, including the U.S. military, paid attention to the group of people on Nublar Island. The navy also gathered forces to wait in the fighting position. As long as Kern gave an order, they would rush directly to Nublar Island.

So even if San Francisco's defenses were not as solid as usual, they didn't immediately discover that there was a huge beast shadow on the bottom of the sea, moving upstream towards the Golden Gate Bridge at a very fast speed.

This is a huge monster with a height of 92 meters. The speed of swimming in the deep sea is extremely amazing, and it does not cause much seawater fluctuations, which is difficult to measure.

By the time the detection period near San Francisco found the situation, it was too late.

A black shadow emerged from the deep sea, getting bigger and faster, and when it approached the sea, it looked even more amazing than the Golden Gate Bridge.

Because the Golden Gate Bridge was parked in the middle except for some emergency vehicles at this time, talking about what happened in Manhattan today.

So naturally, there are some people who can't stand the narrowness of the car and the smell of gasoline, and they get off the station and smoke and chat by the bridge.

When the shadow was rapidly rising, someone finally noticed something was wrong.

"what is that?"

"Huh? Sharks! Whales?"

"Wait, something is floating up!"

"My God! It's so big!"

"Come up!"

"Run for your life!!!!"

With a loud scream, the originally lively Golden Gate Bridge suddenly fell silent for a moment.

Just as people were searching for the place where the sound came from, wondering if someone was making trouble.

Suddenly, the sea water not far from the Golden Gate Bridge suddenly set off a huge wave, and a monster emerged from the sea, and the body just exposed to the sea surface was more than 40 meters high.

The whole body is full of ferocious ravines, and the long tail also floated out and swayed in the air.

The overall appearance is like a bear that can walk upright, stepping on the water with both feet, standing up with his entire body, and placing his hands on his chest, which is equally huge.

The most eye-catching is the head, which is shaped like an axe, protruding like a long horn, and when people look at it, they can feel the hardness of the axe and the destructiveness it can bring!

Even though the people in this world have been trained by Ding Zheng, they still feel extremely frightened when they see such a behemoth that is no smaller than Ding Zheng.




People panicked, screamed wildly, and ran.

Suddenly, the already crowded Golden Gate Bridge became a mess.

Even at the beginning, someone was knocked down by the crowd, and the people who were in a hurry to escape didn't have time to pay attention.

But even so, it is impossible for people to outrun this huge beast.

As the vanguard sent by the camp opposite the entrance to the Pacific Ocean, this monster's strength is not the strongest, but it is definitely not weak.

More importantly, it has the greatest group lethality.

That axe-like horn, in addition to being extremely hard, can be used directly as a weapon, and it can also enhance the effect of sound waves.


The giant beast in the sea rushed forward, directly on the Golden Gate Bridge, and most of its body was exposed.

It is more than 70 meters long, like a huge mountain. Even Ding Zheng needs to look up in front of him. This body size is too amazing. to read

The monster grabbed the Golden Gate Bridge tightly and glanced at the humans on the bridge who were busy fleeing for their lives.


The sound waves are enhanced and expanded by the axe-like horns, directly reaching the level that humans cannot bear.

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...

On the Golden Gate Bridge, which is the closest, almost all humans stopped in this instant, and then blood flowed from their ears, eyes, nostrils, and mouth, and then fell to the ground weakly.

After the roar stopped, the monster's hands that grabbed the Golden Gate Bridge didn't start to use force. All of a sudden, the Golden Gate Bridge, which was extremely hard in the eyes of humans, directly tore a huge crack in the middle!

Although this monster's actions were not quick, it even seemed a little slow and stunned compared to Ding Zheng.

But its power is not weak at all.

Humans in both San Francisco and California began to flee for their lives, but at this time, there were also policemen and media reporters who were not afraid of death, as well as Internet celebrities, or some courageous people did not leave immediately.

Of course the police go to die.

When their firearms hit the monsters, they didn't have any effect at all.

The media reporters took advantage of this precious opportunity to record these images and send them to the Internet and TV stations.

People also filmed videos and put them online.

Immediately, the people who were watching Kern's plane confronting Solkuba and the others were all attracted at once!

"What's this?"

"??? New movie promo? Or special effects?"

"Is this the Golden Gate Bridge destroyed?"

"The news is broadcast, monsters have invaded San Francisco, USA, everyone in San Francisco is evacuating quickly, and the war is about to start again!"

"Damn Kern! He must have woken up those giant beasts just mentioned!"


There was an instant fallout on the Internet, and most of them were insulting to Kern.

After all, Kern had just threatened Sol and others with the method of waking up a group of monsters. Now that the monsters came out directly, it was impossible for people not to put their suspicions on Kern.

But in fact, Kern's heart also collapsed.

At this time, one message after another came from the front line.

"A huge monster suddenly appeared in San Francisco, which has damaged the Golden Gate Bridge, killing almost 90% of the people on the bridge, and the death toll exceeds 800!"

"The monster completely destroyed the Golden Gate Bridge and headed for San Francisco. The San Francisco troops have been sent to support New York. The situation is urgent, request air force support! Request air force support!"

"The monster has landed in San Francisco! More than a thousand casualties!"


Kern managed to clarify with the officials in the room that he really did nothing.

Moreover, the monster on that video is not any one discovered by the Emperor Organization at all!

No one at all knows what that monster is and where it came from!

However, Kern quickly recovered from the fear and shock, and quickly arranged a battle plan.

Immediately, the fighters, tanks and weapons that were originally assembled to deal with Solkuba and others turned around at the fastest speed and headed for San Francisco.

At this time, the monsters were still slaughtering wildly in San Francisco.

A huge body of 92 meters high, if you step on it, a large number of people will die.

The long tail swept in a circle, and another large piece died.

The frail human body cannot stop the monster's footsteps at all.

The monster rushes forward and destroys it all the way.

The whole of San Francisco gradually turned into ruins, and at the same time, among the ruins of the high-rise buildings, the corpses and blood of human beings could not even be seen!

The human life at this time has become a number, and there is no chance to save it.

However, the speed of the U.S. military is not slow. After more than ten minutes, the fighter planes came quickly.

Carrying a large number of amazingly powerful weapons, countless shells and bullets were directly aimed at the monster and blasted out. After a shock of fire, black smoke completely shrouded the monster.

In the black smoke, it gradually became quiet.

Just when everyone thought that the monster had been defeated by the U.S. fighter jets!



Another roar.

Immediately, the surrounding humans who had not had time to evacuate for several hundred meters were directly bled to death by the shock of the seven orifices.

Even a few closer planes crashed with pilots killed.


The monster tore through the thick smoke and continued to walk out.

The attack just now did not even leave a trace on his body!

Suddenly, everyone in San Francisco fell into despair!

This scene was also recorded and released all over the world through various channels.

All human beings can't believe what happened on this day.

So many, so amazing!

Especially this monster is bigger than the gorilla god, and, like the gorilla god, is not afraid of American weapons at all!

Then how to fight?

Is this monster stronger than the gorilla god!

Did Kern kill the gorilla **** and cause the monsters to take revenge?

Or did Kern use the nuke to wake up the titans he calls them?

And, how to deal with this monster.

The whole world is boiling.

Of course, it's not blood boiling, but fear boiling!

This earth is not just the United States.

If even the United States can't stop each other, what about other countries?

Immediately, many people thought of a place: Nublar Island!

But at the same time, he also realized that Ding Zheng had disappeared, and the most powerful fighting force of Nublar Island was no longer able to deal with this monster.

Like the general public, the United States and Kern also thought of the people of Nublar Island.

But the difference is that Kern is very clear that although Ding Zheng is dead, Sol is still alive!

Moreover, Sol's strength is definitely stronger than Ding Zheng!

And Nublar Island also has an apprentice of Ding Zheng, who is also not weak.

If there is the help of Nublar Island, the most important thing is Sol's Maybe you can deal with this monster!

Kern was shameless anyway. He sent out abhorrence and those mechas that were very different in size from the monsters to stop the monsters, while continuing to communicate with Sol and the others.

"Now, the earth is in the can of life and death again, and it's time for us to fight together and deal with these giant beasts together. I ask for your help for all life on the whole earth!"

Kern said: "Especially you! Sol! All of this is probably caused by your brother Loki, you must help the earth through this difficulty!"

"And you were killed by a nuclear bomb?" Stark said aloud at this time.

Kern was immediately furious: "Tony Stark! You are American! You are human! How can you say such a thing at this time!"

"Say! Did you release this monster!" Saul raised his hammer and pointed at the plane that made the sound, with a look of anger: "You still want to use a nuclear bomb to kill me!"

With that said, he is going to rush straight up!