Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 790: Initially reached cooperation

"Start selling jars from Hokage (

In short, although I haven't been able to see OAA, it is still a good result to be able to see Adam of Life Court.

It's just that silence can't just pass.

He needs to elevate his position.

"Since Adam wants to see me, let him come to see me." A recliner appeared behind the silence, and he lay down directly, "I'm just staying here. Anyone who wants to find me can come. Here."

Although appearing calm on the surface, silence also relived the information about Adam in his mind.

Adam the magician.

It is an artificial life born from an artificial cocoon. It has a strong power. Even in this universe, there is an Adam, which is basically the same as the experience of the life court in the current period. This is also the characteristic of the Marvel multidimensional universe.

However, when Adam became the court of life, it was completely different.

He has a part of the authority granted by OAA.

Able to block any universe, any existence, even the five great gods have to submit to the authority of the Life Court, and the only one who can order Adam is his master-OAA.

In this universe, silence cannot defeat even the five great gods, so it is naturally impossible to defeat Adam the magician.

But it does not matter.

What he came into this world was not the ontology. What's more, the situation is still bigger on his side. Without knowing the situation, Adam, as the court of life, could not attack him because he had to consider The consequences of doing that.

Eternal seeing this silence makes his heart a little angry, but he also knows it.

Now, it is no longer his turn to participate in this matter.

There is no need for eternity to go back and report. Adam is a more advanced "omnipotent and omnipotent" than eternity, and has already been paying attention to all this.

At this moment.

He appeared in front of silence.

Wearing a red and black tights that looks like a superhero, with a red cloak behind him, with blond hair, he looks very young, like a 17 or 18 year old boy, but he is completely related to the earth. They look exactly the same.

"Hello, the foreign god." Adam raised his hand to say hello, with a polite smile on his face.

But if you don't look at their identities, it looks like a polite teenager greeting the neighbor's uncle.

"Hello, Adam." Silence also smiled, "Your omniscience and omnipotence cannot be effective on me, so I just said directly, do you agree with us? If you agree, sign the agreement If you disagree, please wake up OAA and I will talk to him directly."

As for non-cooperation.

There is no such option in Silence, after all, he is here for this.

"My great master is sleeping. I don't have the authority to awaken him, nor the authority to decide on his behalf." Adam's tone was still polite.

In fact, he was aware of it from the moment silence first appeared in this universe.

But he did nothing.

Because the energy contained in the body of this clone of silence is actually not strong. Although it contains the identity of a true god, only this level of energy is not enough to threaten the safety and balance of the entire multidimensional universe.

but now.

He has no way to ignore it.

Because the power in that ghost rider was just like Mephisto's feeling, he truly realized the threat behind it.

He must come forward.

"If you come up to do nothing, it doesn't matter." Silent half-squinted, "I have plenty of patience to wait. This is an interesting trip for me."

Silence did not believe that Adam just came over and told him that he could not do anything.

In this case, there is no need to appear.

as expected.

After being silent for a while, Adam said: "I do not have the authority to cooperate in all aspects, but I think that within my authority, I can still reach a preliminary cooperation, for example, select one or two universes for reception. A small number of guests who are not strong enough to threaten the entire universe, I can still call the shots for this kind of thing."

Adam couldn't ask for OAA, but he didn't want to remain passive.

So this request was made.

Very reasonable.

It also facilitated him to further understand this true **** and the "chamber of commerce" behind this true god.

Yes, Adam knew about the existence of the Chamber of Commerce. For him, it is not too difficult to know some information from the soul of a certain member-but here is the problem, some information, even he It is impossible to see through, for example, everything in Loki's mind about the transcendence is a law that does not belong to this universe at all.

Silently thought for a while.

It problem?

He currently only has so many members in his hand, most of which are junior members, so where can he go for comprehensive cooperation?

"What I want to seek is only preliminary cooperation." Silent glanced at him with slanted eyes. "Even if you want to have a deeper cooperation, it is not so easy. After Things are more beneficial to you. You can even improve your own multidimensional universe through external laws, so don’t put on the appearance that I am forcing you to cooperate. You will thank me."

"Then I will wait and see." Adam smiled.

He was also relieved in his heart.

Making this decision is not a small risk for him, after all, it concerns the entire universe.

but no matter.

The decision has been made, and then he can only take one step at a time. His mission is to guard and judge the balance and destiny of the entire multidimensional universe.

"Initially, I need a few universes." Silence said suddenly, and gave out the universe of his choice.

Although it is the same Marvel, there are also superheroes such as Iron Man, Thanos, and Captain America.

However, it is different from this universe.

In those universes, there are also X-Men.

This is a world with mutants.

There are not only mutants, but also various superheroes, including ghost riders, heaven and hell, demon angels...

The power system dou is much stronger than this universe, and the tears and conflicts in the world are greater. There is a premonition of silence, and their members may show their talents in this world.

"No problem." Adam thought for a while and agreed.

In fact, among the countless multi-dimensional universes, this kind of universe is the most numerous and the most conventional. It has more stories and more destiny. It is not a problem to take some out for initial cooperation with each other .


The purpose of silence coming to Marvel has been initially achieved.

"Then, I'll go back and make some preparations." Silently laughed, connecting with Otinus and others behind him, his figure disappeared instantly.