Start with a Blind Date

Chapter 631: Homeland value 0 gold

"Hehe, I don't know if Qin Chen is here." Ye Feifan sneered.

Wang Panpan, "Hum, Qin Chen is a countryman. He lives so far away. How can he live in the city like ours, and he will be there in two seconds."

Zhao Qianqian said, "Yes, Qin Chen hasn't come now. I guess he will be late. I'll let the teacher teach him well."

He had a plan in his heart, and when Qin Chen came, he would bring the atmosphere later.

Must mock Qin Chen well.

No way, Ye Feifan was not Qin Chen's opponent at all.

Qin Chen scored zero in all subjects, except for sports.

Ye Feifan still remembered Qin Chen pushing away from him last time.

Ye Feifan absolutely didn't want to experience such terrifying strength as Qin Chen a second time.

But he was not afraid now. There were two class representatives guarding the law by his side, and Ye Feifan didn't believe that Qin Chen dared to do something with them.

The representatives of these two classes are different from myself.

They are all girls, if Qin Chen touched them so slightly.

He would definitely cry and make a lot of noise, and maybe even sue the teacher, saying that Qin Chen was indecent to them.

At that time, Qin Chen might be expelled from the school.

Ye Feifan was proud of his thoughts when a car drove into his eyes.

It is a commercial vehicle from Jinling University.

Sitting on the front of the car were Mr. Xu and Mr. Gao Lan who drove!

Originally, the one driving was Teacher Xu, but the journey from Dawangzhuang to Jinling University was too far.

Always letting Mr. Xu drive by himself is simply too much to bear.

In this case, the teacher in the car will take turns to drive.

Fortunately, everyone in the car, except Qin Chen and Xu Xiaohua, had obtained a driver's license.

Therefore, everyone can take turns driving to avoid fatigue driving.

But the last part of the car's journey into Jinling University was rotated by Teacher Gao Lan.

Upon seeing Teacher Gao Lan, the three of Ye Feifan discussed and said hello.

After the car drew near, Ye Feifan and the three hurried to get in, "Mr. Gao, Ms. Xu!"

The three said hello in unison.

Gao Lan and Teacher Xu nodded at them when they saw that it was Ye Feifan's trio.

At this moment, the door of the commercial vehicle was opened.

First, Vice President Zhong, and then Dr. Zeng.

Seeing that Vice President Zhong Yueying was also in the car, Ye Feifan was startled.

After all, this is the vice president of Jinling University, and it is not easy to see it usually.

Just when a few people were about to say hello to the vice principal.

I saw Vice President Zhong Yueying get out of the car and quickly opened the door of the next car.

Seeing Vice Principal Zhong Yueying's respectful appearance, the eyes of the three of Ye Feifan twitched wildly.

Could Principal Wu also be in the car?

President Wu Yue, as the head of Jinling University, represents the authority of Jinling University.

The three of Ye Feifan took photos of the principal's authority, and stepped back involuntarily.

I plan to wait for the principal to come out and then say hello to him from a distance.

You can't treat the principal as casually as the head teacher.

After all, the president is the "power of life and death" that dominates the entire university.

Especially in this private school, the principal is the **** of the school, an indesectable existence.

Whoever the principal wants to expel, he will expel whoever, and whoever the principal wants to give scholarships, he will give him...

Ye Feifan's trio lowered their heads slightly, preparing to welcome President Wu's arrival.

The next moment, Ye Feifan raised his head occasionally.

But the scene he saw below was enough to make him remember for a lifetime!

Ye Feifan could not help but let out a shout.

Following Ye Feifan's change, Zhao Qianqian and Wang Panpan beside him couldn't help but raised their heads at this moment, looking at the scene in front of them in surprise.

I saw Vice Principal Zhong Yueying open the car door respectfully, and it was no one else who came down from this car door.

It is Qin Chen!

Looking at the other side, Xu Xiaohua pushed open the car door by herself, and got close to Qin Chen.


Seeing this scene, Ye Feifan's three people were like five thunders!

They were so shocked that they couldn't help but stand blankly on the spot.

The words that I was preparing to greet Vice President Zhong were stuck in my throat at this moment, and I couldn't say anything.

After Qin Chen and the two got out of the car, Vice President Zhong Yueying still maintained a slightly bowed posture.

That appearance is simply the respect that melts into the bones.

Xu Xiaohua's nerves are abnormally large, and she hasn't noticed them.

At this time, the class bell rang, so Xu Xiaohua hurriedly pulled Qin Chen into the classroom to avoid being late.

But at this moment, Vice President Zhong Yueying spoke.

"Xu Xiaohua, go to the classroom, Qin Chen, you can come to me." Zhong Yueying.

Seeing Vice Principal Zhong said so, Xu Xiaohua had to go into the classroom first.

The class was already in class at this moment, and the three of Ye Feifan hurriedly followed Xu Xiaohua's ass.

They are all doubts.

I don't know why Vice President Zhong is so respectful to Qin Chen.

Ye Feifan wanted to ask what's going on, but he couldn't ask the vice-principal about this in person.

So the three of them planned to ask Xu Xiaohua to see what was going on.

On the other side, Vice Principal Zhong and his entourage led Qin Chen directly to the principal’s office.

As soon as he opened the door and entered the principal's office, Qin Chen felt a rush of heat head It was the cold spring season, and he thought it was the principal's office that turned on the air conditioner.

But when Qin Chen looked up, he realized that this was not the case at all.

At this time, the principal's office was full of people.

Under President Wu Yue, there are directors, deputy directors, professors, associate professors, and so on.

All gathered in the principal's office at this moment.

Seeing Qin Chen's arrival, they quickly stood up, respectfully attending him.

"Yo Qin Chen, you have finally arrived, come and sit down!" Principal Wu Yue.

Seeing everyone standing, Qin Chen was a little embarrassed to sit down.

But the principal still enthusiastically pulled Qin Chen over and pressed him on the sofa.

"Haha Qin Chen, as the saying goes, the hometown is worth a thousand dollars!" Principal Wu Yue said with a smile.

Qin Chen smacked his lips, he naturally knew what Principal Wu Yue meant.

Just want to play the emotional card.

We must completely tie ourselves to the boat of Jinling University.

Qin Chen said, "The crows in the world are generally black. Many schools expelled me because of my poor grades. Although you Jinling University did not do this."

"But it's also because I got a perfect score in the joint exam. If I'm still the same as before, hum."

Qin Chen said half of his words, and did not continue.

But no one knew what Qin Chen said at the end.

If Qin Chen didn't get a good result in the joint exam, he would get a zero score as before.

So maybe at this moment, he was expelled from Jinling University a long time ago.

Seeing that Qin Chen said so, the teachers present here were all stunned.

Judging from Qin Chen's attitude, it seems that he has a bad impression of Jinling University.

Before the entrance exam, Jinling University issued a notice.

It is said that all students who are at the bottom of the joint exam will be liquidated at school.