Start with a Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 1122: Formation of a joint monitoring unit

LATEST WEBSITE: Soon, Casey, Shaw Hart, Richard Wilton, even the Watson Bryant lawyer Richard wanted to contact but couldn't.

And Richard's tax attorney, all tapped and watched.

Moreover, these targets' vehicles and home telephones are all equipped with state-of-the-art monitoring equipment.

Even their shoes and watches have been replaced with the same appearance, but they are equipped with special equipment for monitoring, positioning equipment and batteries.

Plus ground groups disguised as colleagues, passers-by, and professional sound receivers.

It can be said that although it cannot reach the point where no matter where it goes in the future, it will be monitored.

But where these people go every day, what they have done, who they have been in contact with, and what they have said, they basically cannot escape the monitoring of the monitoring team.

Li Changheng looked at the trenches and Frank Moses, and sent them over in person. After writing down the daily actions of the monitored target, as well as what they said, he was satisfied and relieved.

As for the monitoring of ordinary people, whether it will become the future and put the DEA and the Zhongqing Bureau into huge trouble.

Li Changheng didn't care at all, because according to Moses, this year was because of the existence of red polar bears.

Not to mention the monitoring of ordinary people, even the Zhongqing Bureau and the U.S. military are also monitoring their own people, and there is even a trend toward the original FBI monitoring the entire United States.

Not to mention that because the robbers were from East Germany and West Germany, Richard was involved in the bombing case again, and used the monitor disc as an excuse, but a legitimate excuse could no longer be a legitimate excuse.

Of course, in order to avoid trouble, Li Changheng still applied to the New York Attorney General for formal authorization.

With the endorsement of the Ministry of Finance, it is completely legal behavior.

The trenches were not surprised by this at all, while Frank Moses breathed a sigh of relief. Even if something happened in the future, there was no need to worry or Zhongqing would take the blame.

Replacing the monitors for Richard Wilton was the easiest, and it was easy to do while he and his mother were out for a dog walk.

Lawyer Watson and female reporter Casey are not difficult to deal with, the only trouble is Shaw - Hart.

Because the Zhongqing Bureau has no law enforcement powers in the United States, let alone the right to monitor FBI agents, and this is not difficult for Li Changheng.

Since they could use the FBI to shoot and kill more than a dozen robbers, Li Changheng didn't need to come forward, and the trenches took Frank Moses to find a high-level FBI officer.

Get the cooperation agreement from him, and if there is a real need in the future, the credit can also be directly handed over to the FBI.

If there is no accident during the monitoring process, the agreement document can be directly destroyed, avoiding the need for the FBI executive to accept internal inquiries and investigations.

And in the idea of ​​not bothering the two masters, he asked him to choose a colleague who was familiar with Shaw Hart and go kayaking or fitness and sauna together.

The purpose is to make Shaw Hart have to put his watch, Hong Kong dollars, shoes, belts, walkie-talkies, and even pistols in the storage cabinet.

And at least an hour won't get back his stuff.

That gave the DEA guys a chance to swap those things out.

As for the cost, with Li Changheng sending emails to the door, he sent two diamonds worth $100,000 to the top of the FBI, and all the costs were paid from within the FBI.

Since then, Casey, Shaw Hart, Richard Wilton, Watson Bryant, and even the families of these people have all been under the watchful eye of the monitoring team.

Li Changheng was also not worried that the surveillance department would hear any confidential things that would be detrimental to him. After all, this matter had nothing to do with him directly from beginning to end.

Instead, it was quickly recorded how Casey and Shaw Hart conspired to make a big news that brought the hero down.

All of a sudden the monitoring group felt that what he was doing was just.

In the report written to the New York Attorney General afterwards, there are reasonable and legal reasons.


Time passed slowly for another four or five days. The entire United States followed up the reports on Richard due to a large number of media, as well as reports on Richard's past.

Let Richard quickly become a well-known celebrity throughout the United States.

Walking on the street, people recognize him from time to time, and there are people who say hello and salute him.

Richard felt really cool at first, after all, in his previous life, he was just a fat man who no one paid attention to or cared about.

The heart has been suppressed for a long time, and there is no problem in the heart.

But over time, Richard was disturbed by the media and some ordinary people with problems in his mind, and his privacy was completely lost.

It was a hard day to live under the watchful eye of flashlights and ordinary people.

What Richard didn't know was that his life would usher in the biggest test.

Of course, with fame comes money.

The United States is regarded as the most enthusiastic society in the world to publish personal biographies. Rand Press not only offered 100,000 US dollars to invite Richard to write a book.

After Richard signed the contract, he also planned to use the relationship to invite him to various TV interviews and exit shows.

The purpose is to maintain Richard's own traffic before the official publication of the book.

This time Richard had to find a lawyer again because he needed to sign a publishing contract.

Unsurprisingly, attorney Watson-Bryant was once again his first choice.

And at this time Richard didn't care for a long time, and he was likely to be selected as an undercover agent.

Richard is not stupid. Since he has been widely reported by the media, it is impossible for DEA to choose himself as an undercover agent.

The most important thing is that money is more important than being a police officer or a police officer.

When Li Changheng knew about this, he was not surprised at all, because if he had to choose, he would definitely choose money and be a well-known writer.

Richard made several calls and asked many mutual friends or acquaintances, and finally found out that Watson opened a private law firm after resigning from the legal aid agency.

But the result surprised Watson.

I thought that making money should not be a problem by stitching together my many years of relationships and professional qualifications.

But now Watson can barely support and Richard said, 'I only have you as a friend, and you gave me advice when you told me not to be a scumbag. Not only did I do it, He also saved a lot of people', and Watson immediately accepted the commission without hesitation.

That afternoon Richard saw Watson in beach shorts, a T-shirt and an old briefcase.

Negotiations for a publishing contract also went well.

But before he signed the contract with the publishing house, Casey found the editor-in-chief of Twisted Daily with the manuscript that he had prepared for several days.

But the editor-in-chief asked cautiously, "I want to know, is the source of your report sure is the FBI?"

Casey knew immediately that the editor-in-chief probably didn't want to cover the news.

What's up with this horse?

The old lady also plans to rely on this news to become well-known in the United States, and even win the highest honor as a reporter with the help of the newspaper.