Start with a Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 1162: It's bad enough to be tied up, but it's

Charlie, who was hidden in the mountains of southern Italy, was scared and scared at first, but he thought that he was the grandson of the old Getty no matter what, even if the old man was unwilling to pay 17 million US dollars, he could not really ignore him.

But when the first letter written by himself was sent out, the news was that old Getty said that he had 15 grandchildren and paid the ransom for one, and the others would also face danger.

Charlie suddenly understood that he was likely to be abandoned.

Feelings of fear, hesitation, and confusion immediately flooded into my heart, followed by hatred for my father and grandfather.

On the contrary, it was his mother. Charlie surprisingly didn't have any hatred, and this was probably because he knew very well that after the divorce, his mother was not very happy.

Richard's mood collapsed now, but he frightened the four kidnappers.

If you can't think about it, you're not busy talking about it, and you have to be charged with murder.

Then it was ironic that the kidnappers not only stabilized Richard's mood, but also provided him with pasta for three meals, and made pizza from time to time to improve and improve his meals.

Even once he fell ill, the four robbers stayed with him anxiously all night.

The next day, seeing that the high fever persisted, he ventured out of the mountains to help him buy medicine.

It can be said that the week of being sick this time was an experience when Richard's mother was very rarely cared for and cared for after she divorced and settled in Rome.

He even started to take the initiative to communicate with the kidnappers.

But after a month passed and the kidnappers' patience was almost exhausted, everything changed.

Usually it's better when only one kidnapper is looking at him, but if there are more than two kidnappers, the group will try their best to mock and torture him with words.

For a 19-year-old dandy, where did he experience a brain burst, and white flowers flowed out.

Or the heart is pulled out alive, and it will beat such scary things.

At first, Charlie was really scared that he didn't dare to sleep at night, and he was even more afraid that the kidnappers would tear up the ticket.

But that's how people are, once they listen to them a lot, they don't feel scared anymore.

Even he himself was locked in a frenzy.

If the kidnappers asked for 100 million, 10 million, Richard might still think it was impossible.

But the price has dropped to 3.2 million. For my grandfather who bought an oil painting for 1.5 million a while ago, how could he not even get 3.2 million.

Forced to do so, Richard actually began to think about how to save himself.

Then simply let the kidnappers collect the miserly and ruthless media coverage of his grandfather over the past few decades.

When a few kidnappers heard it, they actually went to collect some old newspapers.

The four of them soon learned that when Old Getty was sick when his youngest son was sick, not only did he not go to see it in person, but he also did not send the child to the hospital because he complained that the medical bills were too expensive.

I just sent someone to feed me some medicine, and then I turned around and lingered among the sensual dogs and horses in England. In the end, the youngest son really couldn't resist, and I didn't see how sad he was.

Also, when the old Getty eats out, whether it is with friends, family, or lovers, it is all AA.

It made a lover that the old man liked very much at the time, really couldn't stand his miserliness and left him.

As for the telephone at home, you need to put coins, but you need to send a telegram when you buy someone else's restaurant, so as to save money on telegrams.

I don't want to pay for dinner with my girlfriend.

The priest was not willing to pay the money for the mourning ceremony, and so on. The four robbers immediately regretted focusing on Richard.

Even in turn, he began to sympathize with him, not to mention that there was a kidnapper who had probably stayed with Charlie for a long time, and faintly became friends with him, sharing the story of the two of them when they were young.

But Richard was still too young, and the kidnappers did sympathize with him at first, but after a while, his mind shifted to money.

Otherwise, these people would not be kidnappers.

And for a full month, without any income, he needed to hide in XZ, and the kidnappers who provided the food couldn't bear it.

Combined with the words that came out of Richard's mouth, the four of them combined and simply sold Charlie to the Blackheads.

This time, Li Changheng, who was accompanying Annie in Montreal, quickly knew where Charlie was being held.

He had asked Mike Corleone to keep an eye on Richard's whereabouts before, but the four kidnappers were surprisingly not the Blackheads.

On the contrary, he is not familiar with his mother, but he knows him well. He also read news that the former richest man in the United States had driven away more than a dozen successors due to inheritance issues.

This was the temporary decision to kidnap Richard.

Now that the kidnappers sold Richard to the Blackheads, Mike Corleone soon got the news.

Let someone go to check it secretly, and then fly to Montreal in person to meet Li Changheng in secret.

At the same time, Mike patted his chest and assured that as long as Li Changheng is willing, Charlie's life or death is just a sentence.

Li Changheng squinted his eyes and thought for a while before saying to Mike, "Help me ask how Charlie was doing when he was detained?"

Mike was stunned for a moment. Although he was puzzled, he still sent someone to do what Li Changheng ordered.

Two days later, while Li Changheng and Andrew were watching Annie compete in the first round, Barney walked up to him and handed him a note.

After reading it, Li Changheng smiled.

It seems that although Richard is also a complete dude, he is much better than his own father.

And with a little guidance, the media reports will be retouched, maybe it will make old Getty feel that Richard will be more suitable for successor than others after going through this crisis.

Li Changheng squinted his eyes and smiled, and immediately frightened Andrew, who was beside him, to subconsciously want to stay away from him.

As for Andrew's little action, how could he escape Li Changheng's peripheral vision and perception.

Glancing at Andrew, Andrew's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately showed a pleasing smile and said, "Look, Annie is about to appear."

Looking at the appearance order sign, Annie was indeed about to appear, and Li Changheng just let Andrew go.

Olympic equestrian is divided into three categories, show jumping and dressage competitions and three comprehensive all-around equestrian events.

The triathlon consists of dressage, obstacle course and cross country.

Dressage has always been described as a horse ballet There are three rounds of competition in a 60x20m venue.

Within the specified time, the runners and the horses match and cooperate with the prescribed movements such as walking, sprinting and jogging to demonstrate the coordination between the horse and the jockey, the flexibility of the horse, and the tameness of the runners to the horse.

After the first round, 25 contestants will be selected for the second round.

After the second round, 15 people will be selected to enter the final.

Annie has been riding horses since she was a child and planned to race 4 years ago.

Now I have been preparing for another four years, and I have no shortage of money, good coaches, and good horses.

I also train hard because I have a lot of free time.

Her strength is really one of the best, but according to her coach, if you are lucky, there is still a good chance of winning a medal.

But since Li Changheng was involved, how could he let his woman down.