Start with a Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 1200: Annie's going to freak out too

Li Changheng smiled, looked at Annie who was full of curiosity, and then made a look at Du Bang.

Du Bang and Morgan understood that this was to avoid Annie, lest those too dark things affect her worldview.

Seeing that Li Changheng turned the topic to the Getty's, Annie pouted in dissatisfaction and looked at the game in the middle of the field when it came to the distribution of the 50,000 pieces of art.

However, she also knew about the killing, so it would be better if she didn't know.

In addition to reminding myself of my father Philip and my mother Mary, when I thought of the garden street in London the year before, after the ninja assassination.

She was held in Li Changheng's arms, and when she left with her eyes closed, she smelled the strong **** smell, and Annie suddenly retched and retched a few times.

Li Changheng, who was fighting with Morgan and Du Bang for more old Getty's collections, turned his head sharply to Annie, and the frightened little girl stepped back subconsciously.

Then the wrist was held by Li Changheng.

Wang Wen asked Che Li Changheng did not say how proficient he was, but he had already learned about bruises from Master Ye and Zhang Tianzhi.

He consciously and actively learned about the pulse and so on.

In addition to Ruan Mei's congenital heart disease, when she accompanied Ruan Mei for the physical examination, he did not talk about Western medicine, but he still consulted a lot of traditional Chinese medicine masters.

A minute later, under the puzzled and curious gazes of Morgan and Du Bang, Li Changheng glared at Annie who had understood and had an expression of anticipation on his face.

As the closest person, of course, Annie has long known that Li Changheng can practice Chinese medicine.

"It's okay what are you retching?"

Knowing that she was not pregnant, Annie, who was disappointed, burst into anger for no reason, "I don't know, and I don't want to talk now."

At the beginning of this year, Lee Chang-hyung actually hinted at marriage, and he also promised to have children.

Annie has been looking forward to her pregnancy, but unfortunately it has been July and August, and there has been no movement.

This made Annie involuntarily wonder if there was something wrong with herself, or if Li Changheng had a way to prevent herself from getting pregnant without using a raincoat.

As for whether there was a problem with Li Changheng, Annie subconsciously thought it was impossible.

This guy is so powerful that Annie even thinks that apart from having children, there is nothing that Li Changheng can't do.

If not, just give him some time, and it will definitely surprise people again.

Holding Annie, who lost his temper, Li Changheng thought for a while, and whispered in her ear, he assured her, "My first child must have been born from your belly.

Moreover, it's only half a year, you're only 24 years old, we have a lot of time. "

Annie quickly understood what Li Changheng meant, which was to ensure that Ruan Mei and Yumiko would not be pregnant first.

At the same time, it made the chick even more suspicious that she was not pregnant, that Li Changheng was doing the trick.

Unfortunately, this black pot is really not Li Changheng.

At this time, he was also doubting whether it was his identity as a reincarnated person, or whether his physical quality was far beyond the limits of human beings, which caused the pregnancy rate to be lower than ordinary people.

Thinking of the medical level of this era, if you want to do this kind of testing, you may need to go to a professional laboratory, and Li Changheng suddenly has a big head.

However, let's appease Annie first.

"Honey, why don't we find a place to continue to work hard and work hard?"

Annie looked at him in disbelief, then turned her eyes to other places with a blushing face, and whispered, "I'm annoying now, don't mess with me."

Li Changheng smiled, Annie was indeed very serious and ladylike, but the more she was like this, the more rebellious she felt in her heart.

Otherwise, she would not have sneaked out of the embassy in Rome. After only two days of acquaintance, she established a relationship and handed over her first time.

There was also the first wooden small yacht bought that year and the sea, where the two stayed for three days.

That feeling and scenery, Li Changheng was eager to try it when he thought about it.

Her fingers hooked Annie's palm, and the chick immediately turned redder and pinched him hard.

Li Changheng sighed helplessly in his heart, then turned to Morgan and Du Bang and said, "I know some Chinese medicine, Annie is probably a little anxious and didn't sleep well because of the recent wedding preparations.

So gentlemen, we'll either hurry up or we'll do it another day, because now I have to please my fiancée.

To prevent her from regretting her marriage because of her nervousness. "

"Nonsense," Annie hurriedly denied it, but looking at the thoughtful smiles of Morgan and Du Bang, Annie quickly understood that she was being tricked by Li Changheng.

Then, Morgan and Du Bang were stunned by Li Changheng's shameless sweet words, and while they were extremely impressed, the anger in Annie's heart quickly disappeared without a trace.

Li Changheng glanced at Li Changheng with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and the two of them quickly clasped their fingers together.

Morgan secretly gave Li Changheng a thumbs up. He really didn't expect that Li Changheng could tell his love story so disgustingly, and in front of himself and Du Bang.

At the same time, it also made Morgan and Du Bang understand that Li Changheng was so smooth, it was even more difficult to suppress him and Citigroup.

Afterwards, the two looked at Annie enviously, wanting Li Changheng to compromise without hesitation, probably only Annie.

"How about a drink at the bar in the private room?"

Annie saw what Morgan and Du Bang said, although they were for Li Changheng, but they all looked at herself.

Feeling happy and proud, he helped Li Changheng adjust his tie, "Bring me a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, and when we fly back to New York, if you want to fly by yourself, it's best not to drink alcohol."

Li Changheng nodded with a smile, kissed Annie on the forehead, got up and walked into the small reception room in the private room first.

Barney used special equipment, and after checking it again, Li Changheng, who had poured two glasses of red wine and two glasses of orange juice, handed a glass of orange juice to Barney.

Only then did Morgan and Du Bang, who were holding the juice glass, clink the glasses with red wine, and shrugged in front of the weird smiles of the two of them.

"No way, now Annie is the boss."

" Morgan nodded with a smile, "When I married Ellie, I was basically the same as you, letting her do everything.

However," Morgan still shook his head and smiled before he finished speaking, "Forget it, my failed marriage is qualified to give you advice. "

Li Changheng smiled without face, "I'm different from you, at least I hate managing companies myself."

Of course Morgan and Du Bang understand what this means. They can squeeze a lot of time to spend with their wives and children without worrying about everything.

At the same time, the two also understood Li Changheng's hints, and combined with his actions over the years, the two of them really began to believe that Li Changheng was only willing to expand and build territory, rather than getting into trouble and trivial management.

"Sometimes I really envy you, Henry."

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