Start with a Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 145: 59 million dollars

Starting at 2:30, 30 million US dollars were created. At this time, a short contract with a face value of 70 million US dollars at an exchange rate of 3.8 began to be delivered for hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

At first, the bears didn't care, and thought it was which bear institution was testing the funds in the hands of England's prime minister.

In order to have enough ammunition, many shorts simply stopped selling the pound contract and let Li Changheng spend it.

But half an hour passed, still hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of delivery, and the speed of delivery is getting faster and faster.

Now everyone knew that someone was running away, and there was no cover at all, and he said clearly that I was going to run away.

When the bears reflected, and during the meeting or thinking, the 70 million contract in Li Changheng's hand had already sold out almost 60 million.

Even if he borrowed 30 million US dollars with three times leverage, he has already made 30 million.

For the remaining 10 million, in the few minutes when the bears made the decision, the brokerage did not care if the exchange rate had been rising, anyway, in accordance with the requirements set by Li Changheng, regardless of delivery and flight.

Nearly 67 million US dollars of funds have been withdrawn from the market. Although it has little impact on the whole, the impact on retail investors and small and medium-sized institutions can be greater.

Follow suit.

The big shorts have all gone, and if they don’t run, there will be more people selling short contracts, and the money will be trapped in the market, and they will not even make money or lose money.

The format suddenly reversed, forcing many big shorts, and had to start acquiring short contracts that were thrown out to stabilize the confidence of retail investors and small institutions.

When the English are fortunate for the short-term infighting, or disagreement, of course they will not miss such a good opportunity.

At the same time, Philip, who had been paying attention to the futures market, said to himself that it was a pity.

If Li Changheng can openly cooperate with England, maybe this invisible war will have hit most of the shorts and drained the deposit in their hands.

It is a pity, not to mention that Li Changheng himself cannot be made public. Even Philip, who must defend Andrew and Bell, will not ruin the reputation and future of the entire royal family and aristocracy for the sake of England.

As for the big bears who have lost a lot of money, they hate it but have nothing to do.

And afterwards, they checked, except for the fact that the 67 million US dollars went into the banks on four offshore islands.

Even Li Changheng borrowed three times leverage of 30 million U.S. dollars, but the first time he paid it back, he couldn't find out.

Not to mention 10 million principal, 12 million margin and 37 million profit, entered UBS account.

Even if a private investigation can bribe bank employees, once the money enters UBS, the difficulty of investigating will not be easier than that of the U.S. government.

Of course, no one can guarantee that UBS will not have problems, but as the most reputable bank, UBS cannot guarantee it, and other banks are even less insured.

Unless he can take out all the money from the banks on the four offshore islands and leave with cash.

Not to mention that Li Changheng's avatar lacked skills, and he didn't have three people who could be completely relieved to go to the four offshore islands with him.

Moreover, if tens of millions of cash is taken out, the risk is even greater.

Anyway, he couldn't find the opportunity in a short time, and he didn't plan to enter the futures market again.

Those big shorts have no chance even if they want to trouble him. As for the issue of hiring a killer because of this.

I can only say that there is such a possibility, but I can't tell anyone.

The real reason for finding the killer is often that in the process of futures betting, no one cares about someone like Li Changheng who has emptied his contract and flees.

Otherwise, there are shorts and longs fighting every day in the world. Should they send killers if they lose?

Moreover, Li Changheng just ran away in advance, but everything he did in the futures market was legal.

Now that the money has been made, it has reached a breakthrough of 59 million US dollars, and the rest is how to save the 5 Englishmen from Yue Nan.

Then seized the opportunity to overthrow the Bank of England.

By the time the London stock market was closed, it was already 11:30 in the evening at Spice Port.

Calling the UBS headquarters to make sure that the money has been transferred to his account, Li Changheng relaxed, sat on the Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud of the Peninsula Hotel and returned to the hotel.

For such a large sum of money, it must be the most stupid thing to put interest in the bank.

I think of the information on Spice Port that I read yesterday, combined with the future housing prices on Hong Kong Island, which are not much in my memory, but are of great reference value.

Li Changheng's first thought was to go to the top of the mountain to buy a larger piece of land to build a big villa.

Then while buying a few buildings in the prosperous area as rent collectors, these real estates are regarded as the last guarantee.

No matter what happens in the future, there will always be a comeback capital.

Immediately, Li Changheng smiled and shook his head, saying that it is not as cost-effective to buy a house as self-built.

If you can buy a blockbuster and have not yet developed it, the future must be a prosperous commercial area, with more than a dozen buildings built, and being a landlord in a city is more worthwhile than buying a house or selling stocks.

Then, he thought of the future Tsim Sha Tsui in his heart, and what he saw from the information about the introduction of Tsim Sha Tsui at this time.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Li Changheng had just finished breakfast when he called in.

"Good morning, sir, this is Yan Tong."

"Good morning, Inspector Yan, there should be good news in your tone?"

"You're really like a god, sir," Yan Tong flattered, but regretted it to death in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Liaozhou Zhou, which is the least optimistic, was the first to find the five missing Englishmen.

And listening to the meaning of Zhou Zhou, these five people traveled more than 70 kilometers on their own and crossed the border into Laos.

That's why the Americans who had been searching for a helicopter for several days did not find any traces of them.

"Where is the person now?"

"They hired Lao tribes themselves, and plan to ride through Laos and go to Uvan, Thailand."

Speaking of this, Yan Tong couldn't help but hesitate.

The British King’s consultant and special envoy came to Hong Kong Island for the purpose of saving people, but the five Englishmen escaped their lives on their own, and they also worked out a plan to get out of trouble, so that they would not give others a chance to make meritorious deeds.

I hope there will be no more waves.

"If there is no accident, in three days you will be able to board the boat on the Meng River, arrive at the capital of Uvan, and fly to Hong Kong Island.

SIR, since it knows the approximate locations of the five staff members, if they want to pick them up by helicopter, it shouldn't cost much."

Li Changheng smiled at the corner of his mouth, and the five guys escaped by themselves, which was the most beneficial to him.

It has been a week since this battle, and the losses of the Americans are not big, but not small at all.

Although the number of people killed in the battle was only a few hundred, many people died in Bangzi and Nanyue.

Moreover, the victory can be achieved by dispatching fighter jets and bombers at all costs, using countless bombs and missiles worth tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars each.

Now the opportunity for the Englishman to enter the arena is right in front of his eyes, but it has been destroyed. The Americans will definitely be extremely dissatisfied, and then stare at him, a guy who is a American but eats inside and out.

And the five Englishmen went to Laos on their own. Everyone can understand that no matter whether there will be accidents after these five people, as long as they don't die in Yuemen, England will have no reason to participate in the war.

"How did the people who laugh at Zhou Zhou convey the news?"

Yan Tongxin suddenly felt tight, NMD ghost, don't you want to save those five people again?

"Radio, sir," Yan Tong thought about it for a while before he said cautiously, "Don't look at the three countries in the south, but only Vietnamese men are at war with the Americans, but the other two countries have anti-U.S. troops.

In addition, Laos needs the help of local forces in Thailand if it wants to obtain resources.

Therefore, it is not difficult to find the right people, open up the relationship, find a few foreigners who have contact with locals, and also hire horses and guides. "

Li Changheng pondered for a few seconds and asked, "How long does it take for someone to hand over the radio to the five people?"

"It should take about 12 hours to send the cash. As long as the money is in place, nothing else is a problem."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Tong's eyes rolled, and he wanted to strike a stroke from Liaozhou Zhou.

Even a bit cruel can sell five companies with one news.

It is believed that Po Hao, and Dun Bo of Liansheng, Da Ma and Rose are willing to pay for the news.

Unfortunately, before Li Changheng finally hung up the phone, he smiled and said, "Be careful to keep it secret, and if you have time at noon, do you, the landlord, want to do the best of the landlord's friendship?"

"Haha, of course, of course, it is definitely my honor for you to appreciate the light."

If you can directly rely on Li Changheng, the special envoy, Yan Tong will take care of the others.

And Li Changheng would leave Lei Luo aside, and the reason for contacting Yan Tong is simple.

The most powerful ones are often the most difficult to cooperate, and even have ghosts in their hearts. It's hard to say who counts.

Leiluo, who was appointed as the inspector of the China Zonghua five years ago, is different from Yan Tong who has been suppressed for several years.

Since Yan Tong and Leiluo are both thugs and agents, of course, choose the one who is obedient and needs help.

And if Lei Luo was smarter, he would come by himself.

After hanging up the phone, Li Changheng thought for a while and took the car to the Kowloon Police Station, asked Gerber about the secrecy level of the phone on his desk, and drove him out of the office and called Philip in London.

For trans-oceanic and trans-state calls, it only takes more than ten minutes to manually transfer calls.


"Yes, it's me," Li Changheng said with a smile, "The thing has been done, I want to know the specific situation, I need more confidential communication tools."

"Understood," Philip's face suddenly showed a surprised expression, and he thought for a while and said, "You wait where you are, and I will let someone pick you up."


Hanging up the phone, Li Changheng shouted to the door, and Gerber, dressed in an ugly military green short-sleeved short-sleeved police uniform, opened the door and walked in.

With a surprised expression on his face, he asked, "Henry, did anyone find it?"

"Yeah," Li Changheng smiled and nodded, "To be specific, wait until the 5 guys who are not stupid are safe.

However, in subsequent reports, your name should appear, as to whether it is once or several times.

It’s up to you to decide whether it’s just assistance or a great help."


Gerber didn't care about being knocked on by Li Changheng, smiled and walked to the safe in the office to open the safe.

Seeing a box of Hong Kong he became depressed again.

Regardless of the hundreds of thousands in the safe, it can be exchanged for less than 10,000 pounds.

This money is a lot of money for him, a superintendent with a salary of only 30,000 to 40,000 Hong Kong dollars a year.

But to Li Changheng, who was only arbitrarily revealed and worth several million pounds, he was not called money at all.

Moreover, Li Changheng would not stupidly collect Gerber's money.

Even if you want to collect it, you must use a regular business to clean it.

So as not to be troubled to find the door in the future.

"Okay, you still keep the money for yourself."

When someone said that, Gerber, who was already more than 50 years old, suddenly became embarrassed, and he felt humiliated in his heart.

But when he heard what Li Changheng said next, he felt that if he could make a fortune every time he saw Li Changheng, it would be fine even if he was laughed at as a poor ghost.