Start with a Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 200: Reach out to the Diamond Group and the m

As a person who has experienced the information explosion, even if Li Changheng does not understand the operation of the media, he still knows that whoever controls the media is equivalent to controlling the right to speak.

Regardless of what Oliver Aston said just now, is it bragging or warning, at least this is the first step in contacting, mastering, and controlling the London media.

However, the words just now also let Li Changheng know that Oliver is not yet a qualified person in power.

At least this guy is still somewhat upright, and can't let go of his face.

To be friends, Oliver will definitely be a qualified friend, but in business, he is not even worse.

Even a person like him who is not dark enough is only suitable to be a supporter, not a decision maker in power.

If he said this to Li Changheng, he would never say that the other three major newspapers were controlled by a large group.

Not to mention that some typesetting supervisors only charge 500 pounds a month for whistleblowing fees.

Rather, to put it bluntly, the ten largest newspapers all have shares in the Diamond Group, and all important internal positions have been bought.

And because of the special nature of diamonds, our diamond group spends at least tens of millions of pounds on media worldwide every year.

The tens of millions of pounds this year is equivalent to the next forty years. Tell our collaborators that we spend 500 million and 1 billion pounds a year on public relations in the media.

Instantly can scare any billionaire, and billionaire, tens of billions of group bosses.

At least if Li Changheng himself heard this for the first time, he would definitely not fix his eyes on the Diamond Group so easily.

Instead, they carefully calculate and test.

At this time, Li Changheng, who had decided to start, only thought for a while, and said to Oliver, "Tell Lord Aston.

I ask him and the major shareholders of the Diamond Group to meet with His Majesty Philip and have a three-party closed-door meeting."

After speaking, Li Changheng squinted his eyes and stared at the puzzled Oliver, "This is related to whether the Diamond Group can survive this crisis safely, and even turn the crisis into an opportunity, understand?"

Although Oliver is upright and even a bit idealistic, he can be affirmed by most senior executives and shareholders, and he is definitely not stupid.

"Have you found those diamonds?"

For the greater benefit, Li Changheng only thought for a few seconds before beckoning to Zhang Tianzhi, "Give me that diamond."

Without hesitation, Zhang Tianzhi took out the 100-carat diamond that had been cleaned in the hotel before from his pocket.

Moreover, knowing that his boss has a cleanliness habit, he wrapped it in a new white handkerchief and handed it to Li Changheng.

Oliver took the handkerchief that Li Changheng handed over and opened it. After a few seconds, he breathed quickly and heavily.

"Go, God, this is the Cullinan Sixteenth Diamond."

Oliver grabbed Li Changheng's arm, "Henry, thank you so, so much, you, you are now the God of the Diamond Group, I will go and tell my father what you want."

Seeing Oliver ran with excitement, Li Changheng smiled and took Zhang Tianzhi and Andrew to the conference room on the third floor.

Now that the diamond is found, he has the trump card to negotiate with Hobbes, who has been waiting for 15 years to avenge his wife.

It would be impossible to get the account that would transfer 100 million pounds from this old man who had tolerated for 15 years and half his feet in the soil, without directly destroying his bargaining chip for revenge.

Even if Li Changheng told him that he would spend money to kill Sinclair Barkley, Hobbs would not believe it.

After all, he who stole the diamonds was tantamount to holding the lifeblood of the diamond group.

Since you can avenge yourself, why should you trust others?

As for his failure to agree to Li Changheng's terms, he would go to jail or even die, which is not a threat to Hobbes at all.

There are still three months to retire. If you leave the place where you have worked for decades, retirement phobia will be more powerful for people like him who have no relatives and no future direction.

At this time, apart from avenging his wife, there is probably nothing that he can't let go of.

To threaten this kind of person, you really have to pinch his vitals.

Leading Andrew and Zhang Tianzhi into the conference room, there were about 8 people besides Laura Quinn sitting in chairs with tired and anxious faces in silence.

Seeing Andrew coming in behind Li Changheng, and Andrew had no objection to Li Changheng sitting directly on the main seat, let alone the slightest dissatisfaction or anger, the people present immediately understood who was in charge.

Eight Englishmen and Quinn, an American, stood up and saluted and greeted Andrew, after receiving Andrew's return.

Nine people looked at Li Changheng with nervous expressions on their faces, picked up the folders on the table and looked at them.

For a while, the whole meeting was quiet and frustrating.

There was a knock on the door, and Zhang Tianzhi hurriedly got up to open the door.

Then he brought a dinner plate to Li Changheng, "Boss, eat something first."

"Yeah", put down the folder in his hand, and took out a few copies with his left hand while eating a sandwich. The 8 people present handwritten a report on the route of action in this building last night.

"Momquill, Cork, Cassia, Rocky, Ferryton, Skinner, your suspicions are ruled out and you can leave."

The six people who heard their names suddenly showed huge smiles.

"Thank you, thank you, sir."

"May God bless you, sir."

A series of thankful voices also made Li Changheng's face smile involuntarily, "You can tell the people outside,

Just say that I hope Mr. Oliver Aston will give you 50 pounds in cash as compensation for wasting your time and energy".

"This...", the six people who have stood up, although their faces are full of expectation, they doubt in their hearts that this can happen?

Li Changheng looked down at the report written by a security guard named Yago Parker, and said without looking up, "Don't worry, what I said at this time is more effective than the old Lord Aston in this building.

Take the money home and rest for one night. I promise that you will not lose your job tomorrow, and you should be able to increase your salary by 5%-10% next month."

After speaking, Li Changheng saw that no one was moving, so he raised his head and said to Andrew, "Andrew, help us send these gentlemen and ladies out."

Andrew rolled his eyes, but stood up without hesitation, "Gentlemen and ladies, I will take you out and by the way help you tell Henry's words to the person in charge outside."

At this time, no one doubted.

Seeing Li Changheng shook his head helplessly.

No matter how good I am, sometimes it doesn't work for others to have a face.

When everyone was gone, Li Changheng looked at Yago-Parker at night with an extremely nervous expression.

But he didn't ask, but waited until Steven, who led someone to look for the kayak at the second sewage treatment point, called and said.

They did not find the kayak, but at a nearby vehicle repair shop, they found 10 car tires that had been sold by some children.

Li Changheng frowned first, then smiled in response.

Taking a kayak into the sewer is more conspicuous than carrying 10 car tires. The tires are also cheap and easy to be sold.

He glanced at Hobbs and cursed the old fox in his heart.