Start with a Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 221: P 51 fighter pilot

Seeing that Li Changheng had not answered the trenches, he could not help but continue to persuade, "Boss, besides the sergeant, I am also a lieutenant of the National Guard in Sonor Town.

Or, I used the recent increase in the number of people smuggling and trafficking in ‘read’ from Mexico as a reason to apply for an air patrol from above.

Spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy a P51 Mustang, a second-war fighter, and build a small airport to patrol the area from Sono Town to the Lao-Mexico border. "

"Moreover, the National Guard Army may also be transferred to Vietnam. After all, although some troops are also designated by the Guards, they are actually no different from regular troops.

But the Air Force, which has basically zero casualties, will never want a rookie pilot, so as not to embarrass them, but also to accompany a large pension.

And as long as they become a full-fledged pilot, they usually have the rank of lieutenant.

With this experience and resume, it will definitely only benefit your future development in the United States, but it will not hurt you. "

Li Changheng was a little moved when he opened the fighter jet.

Moreover, the convenience of only needing to be on duty for ten days a year also allows him enough time to do his own thing.

When it's a big deal, when it needs to be on duty, it will be taken as a holiday back to Sono Town.

In the morning, I drove a plane and went out for a stroll. In the afternoon, I had nothing to go out on horseback hunting. In the evening I would drink beer and have a barbecue.

You can even learn from Barney and the trenches to truly survive in the wild.

Even if you can't use it, you won't suffer if you learn it.

And Arizona is the state with the most lax control of guns in the country. Let alone people in this state, people in other states, even foreigners, can buy long guns as long as they are 18 years old, and pistols at 21 years old.

Just pay, leave the gun store, go out and take the gun to the street.

Texas also has a ban on concealed gun possession in public places, but guns can be held openly or concealed anywhere in Arizona.

In other words, you can play whatever gun you want in the town of Sono.

Heavy machine guns, light machine guns, anti-aircraft machine guns, and even tanks can get him as long as you pay the gun seller.

After four or five days of playing with firearms, he left, and went back again after three or four months.

When the Vietnam War is over, I will retire if I want to retire. I don't want to retire and I can even achieve the rank of major.

As for the retirement time, the National Guard’s service period is not calculated in years, but is calculated from the number of days to perform the mission for one year.

Of course, the future will become two years, and the time spent in the barracks will also count.

Except for the very few mentioned by Trenches that are obviously the National Guard, they are actually regular troops, the others can be said to be militias.

If you have the task of rescuing and maintaining public order, go to the base to get a gun.

No task, usually a small town resident.

Last year, Li Changheng saw this kind of thing in a small town in the mountains of Ohio.

The captain of the National Guard, the **** dog ​​scolded by the town sheriff Will, could not refute.

Because of the completion of the task, he is just a small town resident.

So, after thinking about it for a while, he said to the trench, "Help me run it. You can give me figures for the related costs."

"No problem, BOSS", the trenches' eyes suddenly narrowed with laughter.

There are big local tyrants who not only need to build an airport, but maybe this super wealthy boss buys a large amount of land nearby to build a ranch with a wave of his hand.

He and Barney’s comrades and relatives can come to work, and retired comrades in the army who belong to other companies can also be settled.

Not to mention other things, only a dozen retired seals and green berets are needed. From now on, the small town of Sonno will be the safest and most secure town within a few hundred kilometers of the surrounding area.

And good law and order means an increase in population and economic growth.

"BOSS, you'd better pass your own information over and settle in the small town of Sono. Maybe in the future you will become the mayor of the town, then the councillor, the governor, and even the head of the town."


When Li Changheng heard it, he thought that the other nickname of the trench was the governor. If he didn't die unexpectedly in the future, he would definitely be the richest group of people.

And being rich means that it is indeed possible to become president.

It's a pity that I just think about it. There are things I can think about or not.

Probably only a cheap trench.

Otherwise, if you really spend hundreds of millions or even 1 billion US dollars, plus decades of intensive work in the business and political circles of the US, it is really possible for you to become president.

"I will send the information to the phone and fax it to you, call me when you are ready, and I will fly directly to Arizona."

"Understood, BOSS."

Hanging up, the trenches sat in the sheriff's office a little excited.

I wonder if among the military personnel I know, who can directly connect with Arizona's deputy governor who is responsible for managing the affairs of the National Guard.

It didn't take long for a call to be made.

Then the trenches used the walkie-talkie to call back Barney who had gone out on patrol.

The two brought 100,000 U.S. dollars in cash and drove to Phoenix, more than two hundred kilometers away.

With personal connections and money to clear the way, on a suitable occasion, Mr. Lieutenant Governor just heard that he was just setting up a small town air patrol.

I agreed without much consideration.

And if you add money, you can also provide free support for two planes and professional maintenance equipment to Sono Town from the sealed P51 fighters.

Even after the trenches agreed, the lieutenant governor gave an idea and said that he should also take up the task of pilot training while setting up an air patrol.

In this case, the state will have to pay for training fuel, spare parts and a set of sealed tower communication equipment, as well as necessary transportation, guns and guns.

There are also more than a dozen National Guard air patrol teams in the regular organization.

In this way, the town of Sono easily became the National Guard pilot training base.

As for Li Changheng's becoming an air patrol pilot, the deputy governor did not even read the information, so he gave the trench a pilot and training instructor, as well as eight logistic and maintenance personnel.

As for paying 100,000 U.S. dollars after the fact and adding 50,000 U.S. dollars to a colonel who was on the line, Trench and Barney didn't even notify Li Changheng, so they paid the money.

In May of this year, they stole old banknotes from the Bank of England in London, and the two were allocated 370,000 pounds each, which was 1.48 million US dollars.

Although most of the money is in UBS, not only is there no burden to take out 250,000 in cash, you only need to make a phone call to UBS.

Just put 200,000 and 50,000 U.S. dollars into the accounts of the lieutenant governor and the colonel.

In this way, the colonel and the lieutenant governor will not be able to bite the trenches and Barney in the future if they have an accident.

When I returned to the town of Sono, the 100,000 cash I brought with him was only 70,000.

But the 30,000 spent out, not only got two nearly 80% new maintenance equipment and parts were also shipped from the warehouse to the town in accordance with the highest standards.

The trenches are busy mobilizing the residents of the town to build a simple runway, tower and wooden fully enclosed hangar.

It took Li Changheng from London 7 to 8 days to let Zhang Tianzhi, who had fought black punches and even killers, investigate, sneak in, and fix Andrew's photos and negatives.

It also finalized the land sale with Grosvenor, and used the patent of the induction cooker to add 400,000 pounds to obtain 40% of the shares. Together with Grosvenor, which took out 1.2 million pounds, to set up an induction cooker production plant.

It is equivalent to the price of 400,000 pounds for the patent of the induction cooker, which is 8 to 12 million pounds based on the future price.

If you just buy a patent, the price is definitely high.

Moreover, Li Changheng also handed over the factory affairs to Annie.

After that, it was agreed that the Grosvenor Group would first inspect the land on the Hong Kong and Kowloon side and come up with a preliminary cooperation plan for architectural drawings.

More than 40 days have passed unconsciously, and it has come to the end of November 1969.