Start with a Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 226: The boss and his subordinates are not ve

Gabriel Cordis.

The youngest son of the Cordis family, he is also the leader of 30% of the flour market in central Mexico.

This guy is careful, cruel, and generous. He basically has no shortcomings. His only hobby and weakness is racing.

After taking over the family business and stabilizing his career, he began to participate in racing competitions at various circuits in the Americas under false names.

The Americans were able to catch him this time because of luck.

When the rally on the Americas Circuit reached more than 40 laps, more than a dozen cars collided in series.

Gabriel was trapped in the car and fell into a coma.

After being sent to the hospital, when his subordinates were going to inquire about his injuries, they were hit by the doctor who hurried to the operating room, and then a gun fell to the ground with a ‘click’.

The hospital would have been garrisoned by police, and now more than a dozen cars collided with each other, and many policemen followed ambulances to the hospital.

Someone screamed as soon as the gun fell, and then the police quickly ran in the direction of the scream.

The man who dropped the pistol grabbed the hostage and escaped from the hospital, but Gabriel, who was still in a coma in the hospital, was not so lucky.

Only by comparing the identity, the police discovered the situation.

However, it was not the worst time yet. At first, the police only thought it was an imposter, but the escaping subordinate had a gun battle with the police in the city, which immediately attracted the people of FB1.

According to U.S. regulations, FB1 has priority in investigating violent crimes and organized crimes regardless of ordinary cases.

After killing this man, the FB1 person took the photo of this man and Gabriel's photo and went back to check the information. This check recognized Gabriel who was still in a coma.

It's a pity that people fall into a coma, and no one knows how much impact it will have if he is sent away immediately.

Therefore, this delay was delayed for three days.

Since Gabriel ventured to participate in the Circuit of the Americas, of course he would arrange some preventive measures in advance.

If it were not for the outsiders who were also concerned about the injury of their own boss, they would rush in to rescue people on the night of a possible accident.

Different from the leaders in other places, the Mexican college readers, after suffering from the loss of the anti-reading troops, set their sights on these scanning troops trained by elite soldiers.

Money and death threats can always be used to recruit elites who have to surrender for various reasons.

Although this group of people is not comparable to the special forces of the future, no matter what age, spears and shields alternately rise and become stronger.

The American police or the London police these days are just a group of civilians with revolvers in the eyes of Li Changheng.

For three days, FB1 people were nervous, but Gabriel's men were given plenty of time to make a new plan based on the actual situation to rescue their boss.

Even after tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars were bought, and under the threat of his family’s safety, Gabriel, who woke up the next morning, received a note from a doctor at noon that day.

Then he cooperated with the doctor to pretend to be ill, and delayed for two more days until FB1 had a hunch that he would not be sent away.

This was the task of transporting patients suddenly late at night.

It's a pity that the people at FB1 headquarters should not give this matter to FB1 in Texas, which borders Mexico.

It can be said that the only opponents of Mexican readers are the border detector teams of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, which border Mexico, as well as the FB1 of these states.

For the readers in Mexico, if the goods cross the border of the United States, it is equal to the money.

Therefore, buying off law enforcement officers from these four states is a compulsory course for Lao Mo's flour merchants.

With few internal responses in his hands, they are all embarrassed to say that they are a great reader.

At 1 o'clock in the morning, ten Chevrolet SUVs sandwiched an **** car from the hospital to Austin, more than 200 kilometers away.

But just one block after the team left the hospital, Harrison, the FB1 supervisor who was in charge of the escort, was uneasy thinking about the Weilu in front of the block, why no one reported it to him.

As soon as he picked up the walkie-talkie, he was about to give an order to turn around, and a black shadow fell into the sky.

When it became clear that the shadow was the huge electromagnet of the electromagnetic crane, Gabriel's **** car was closed, and it was attracted by the huge electromagnetic attraction and rose to the sky a little bit.

"FK", Harrison picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Get off, get off."

Then Harrison thought of something and quickly ordered, "There are our people in the car, be careful of accidental injury, be careful of accidental injury."

Then a group of heavily armed FB1 watched the **** truck being hoisted by an electromagnetic crane into a building with more than ten stories next to it, before rushing into the building hurriedly.

Arrange people to guard the elevator, and the person carrying the M16 rushes up the corridor.

But when they rushed upstairs, all they saw were empty cars, the bodies of their colleagues and a few downhill ropeways linking the building 50 meters away.

Then I saw people wearing blue and white patient suits one after another on the top of the building, rushing out of the surrounding buildings, and rushing around with the FB1 agents left on the street.

The real Gabriel had changed into a suit and was taken by his subordinates in the car and disappeared.

Harrison yelled furiously, and then used the walkie-talkie to tell the border checkpoints in Texas and New Mexico to be on alert.

Then they sent someone to block the road leading to the border, waiting for Gabriel to fall into the trap.

What Harrison didn't know was that even if he let Gabriel go south, the great reader wouldn't do that.

Although his elder brother Martin Codiz and cousin Victor Snape are mixed in the city of Juarez, Mexico, across the river from El Paso.

But Gabriel knew that Juarez was not the domain of his elder brother and cousin.

As the closest large city to the United States, Mexico itself calls Juarez the most violent city in the world.

If you suddenly enter Juarez at this time, it is most likely to be killed or kidnapped by the gray gang that has enemies with him.

Then demanded a huge ransom and threatened Martin Codice and Victor Snape.

Therefore, Gabriel, who had arranged a second hand early in the morning, simply passed through Texas and New Mexico, and then from the shortest distance of the Grand Canyon in Arizona, once again used the method of building a ropeway to cross the canyon.

Then go to the Gulf of Mexico a hundred kilometers away and take a speedboat back to central Mexico.

However, Gabriel had no luck when he brought in the subordinate responsible for building the ropeway.

Normally speaking, although outsiders enter the town to eat, the residents of the town will pay attention, but as long as the other party does not bring weapons, everyone will not care.

But with the face of the leader responsible for building the ropeway, Li Changheng doesn't even know what the actor's name is.

But at a glance, he recognized that this guy and Keanu Reeves played Hell's Detective together, and the role was more impressive than the protagonist.

While eating, Sterman, who was discussing with his staff about the precautions for building a ropeway, suddenly felt a sense of anxiety in his heart.

Looking up around the tavern, he saw a handsome Li Changheng, along with Stone Banks and the blade behind him.

At a glance, Sterman regarded Li Changheng as a child of a wealthy family, and did not take it seriously.

Then I felt uneasy, because Stonebanks and Blade were both ruthless characters who had just retired from the battlefield.