Start with a Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 403: Someone finally jumped out because of th

I shook hands with Taylor who had a brilliant smile on his face, and then met the other three people.

Li Changheng stretched out his hand and motioned, "Gentlemen, let's sit down and talk."

The final result of the negotiation with Citigroup was US$1.9 a barrel, plus a three-year storage fee of US$6 million.

If you go down to 100 million, you will buy 7.25 million tons, 52.2 million barrels of crude oil, plus storage fees, and you will be left with 1.42 million US dollars.

Fortunately, Li Changheng is not stupid. Don't look at the Americans not making money in this business.

But he said the thoughts in his heart before.

Taylor and the other three people in Citi were shocked. Even this group thought about not selling a barrel of oil. They simply waited until Li Changheng needed oil two years later.

Directly from Oklahoma, the largest in the United States, 52.2 million barrels of crude oil was allocated to him from the oil reserve that shipped out at least 10 million barrels of crude oil every day.

Fortunately, Li Changheng, like Prince Nasser, did not believe in these American bankers at all.

When the price of crude oil increased, the ghost knew how they would shame, and even thought about killing him altogether.

Therefore, the crude oil must be stored in the reserve warehouse, and insurance contracts up to three times the value of the crude oil must be insured.

Moreover, this contract is not yet insured by an insurance company under Citigroup.

This immediately made Taylor and the others hesitate and embarrassed.

But even if Li Changheng made it clear that he didn't believe them, he still had to do business.

Because as long as there is this contract, it is not just the bank that will benefit, but more than a dozen related companies.

Since there is no way to take advantage of the loopholes, then honestly execute them in accordance with normal transactions.

As for how to restrict desert tyrants and Americans, that is a matter for lawyers and professionals.

After a week of discussions, he even invited nine professors of law and crude oil research in several universities in New York, plus the assistants and students they brought.

There are also 2 senior crude oil practitioners, 2 senior crude oil futures traders, and a total of more than 40 people participated in the customization of the contract.

It was only on March 25 that the contract with the desert tyrants was over 2,000 pages thick.

Then there is the contract with the Americans.

This time, Li Changheng's requirements were even higher, and another week passed.

During this period, it was inevitable that other US oil companies would approach him thinking of the law.

After all, smart people are not just him Li Changheng and Citigroup.

Those companies that have been selling oil for dozens or hundreds of years have long been familiar with that in private.

The meat is right in front of you, you are a fool if you don't grab it.

The news inevitably exploded like this.

In an instant, Lee Chang-hyung became the person most wanted to interview by the media in the United States and around the world.

Moreover, judging from the posture, it is ten times higher than the attention he got when he landed on the moon.

April 2, 1971.

At the headquarters of the City Bank of New York, under the guidance of lawyers, Li Changheng signed crude oil purchase contracts with Citigroup, Mi Float, and Kangfei of Texas.

The total amount of this contract is no longer 100 million, but 150 million U.S. dollars.

The people of Citigroup ate 100 million, Kang Fei of Texas ate 30 million, and the remaining 20 million were all taken away by the people of Microwave.

In other words, Li Changheng had to balance his interests and took the initiative to distribute it to the people of Mifu.

However, he didn't have any good intentions.

The future is because of the oil crisis, Rockefeller directly fell from the first asset to the third.

Moreover, not to mention the plummeting influence, the control over the companies with internal shares has changed from saying what is what to having to let them develop independently.

The appearance of this contract immediately pushed him to the forefront.

The reporters at the scene were like chicken blood. They didn't even care about managing the bank and the oil company. All the problems focused on him.

Unfortunately, Li Changheng only answered three questions, got up and left, took his bodyguards home, and waited to go to the Plaza Hotel on Fifth Avenue to attend the evening banquet in the evening.

Annie really wanted to attend this kind of banquet, and Li Changheng was also willing to show her to the upper echelons of the United States.

But when she thought that she might be invited to dance by countless middle-aged and elderly people, she lost interest in participating.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Li Changheng stood in front of Annie, watching her look a little unhappy to tie herself.

He couldn't help but smiled helplessly, "Or, you accompany me, or I simply feel sick and don't go to the banquet tonight."

"That won't work." Annie shook her head without thinking, and then thought for a while, "How about we go to Broadway to watch the opera tomorrow?"

"You have the final say," Li Changheng smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "The picture of us together the day after tomorrow will definitely appear in major newspapers.

Then, if you are not afraid of being annoyed by reporters, we can take a look at the England equestrian and archery Olympic team that came to New York to train.

Or simply go to the luxury store on Fifth Avenue and choose some dresses and jewelry to be used as spare parts for the banquet attending the White Palace on the 5th. "

Annie gave Li Changheng a white look, "Those clothes sold in batches, where are the clothes made by hand tailors more suitable for us.

Moreover, I have enough jewelry, and I just want to put it in a jewelry box to look good. I have to think about where to put it safely after I leave New York. "

When Li Changheng heard this, he couldn't help but lowered his head and fragrant on her lips.

After a while, he smiled and said, "I really should thank your father for always limiting your pocket money, otherwise my girlfriend and future wife will have the habit of spending money randomly, and I will have a headache."

"Sniffer", Annie hugged Li Changheng's neck and twisted in dissatisfaction, but she didn't know that Li Changheng could see through her careful thoughts at a glance.

Smell the perfume on Annie's body, hugged her helplessly, not letting her move.

"Okay, okay, I'm sure I won't be attracted by the women outside. I will bring rum ice cream back to you before 11 o'clock in the evening."

Seeing that Li Changheng knew his careful Annie lay embarrassedly in his arms, enjoying the sweet moments for a few minutes, and then let go of him until there was a knock on the door of the room.

At 7:30 in the evening, Li Changheng came to the Plaza Hotel on Fifth Avenue under the **** of four Cadillacs.

After getting out of the car, even if he was guarded by more than a dozen death squads, he was still flashed by flashing lights, and his eyes could hardly be opened.

Looking back at the reporters who were blocked by more than a dozen hotel security guards outside the isolation fence, with an anxious expression on their faces, they kept calling their names and asking questions.

Standing in place, waving their hands and letting them shoot for half a minute, they were about to leave, but suddenly they heard someone yelling from the reporters.

"Henry-Lee, did you discover an alien civilization on the moon before being ordered by the Houston Aerospace Center to return to Earth in advance?"

Li Changheng narrowed his eyes, his eyes passed through dozens of reporters.

He immediately locked down a young man with a big beard and messy hair wearing a military green jacket, and he was about to hide behind a reporter who was over 1.8 meters tall and leave with the help of the crowd.