Start with a Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 507: Forcing opponents to cooperate

"Don't worry, BOSS, overseas distribution has always been the most like relationship network established by Lianmei, and we will do our best to do this well."

Li Changheng said ‘um’, and after thinking for a few seconds, he continued, “Also, I will continue to establish theaters belonging to English companies in developed capital countries outside the United States.

Therefore, when establishing a distribution network, Lianmei employees can be bold.

If I don’t cooperate, I will open a more luxurious and cheaper cinema to the opposite side of them.

And I can make money without movie theaters for ten years, but other theaters are hard to say.

Even in the case of ensuring that Hollywood, and the local movies of those countries, the share of the local movie remains unchanged.

Without that film company, I don't want more customers to enter the cinema, right! "


Everyone cursed in their hearts. If this is the case, it is guaranteed that the first choice for all film companies is Li Changheng's cinema.

Then the people of Lianmei were excited, but the people of Mi Gao Enzyme were envious and jealous.

However, with a super rich boss, everything will be simpler.

Barron nodded repeatedly, then looked at Kalman with great comfort.

As a veteran with more than 20 years of experience, Barron is not at all worried that Migao Enzyme will not agree.

You don't need to think about it at all, you know that at this time, even if Migao Enzyme sells the overseas issuing company, they will seriously consider it.

After all, overseas distribution is plain, the most important thing is the employees who have been dealing with the theaters of various countries, not the distribution company.

In other words, as long as you retain half of the overseas employees, you can easily recover in a short period of time with the old and the new.

Of course, the reputation of the film company and the box office in the past are also important indicators.

After all, small companies and Hollywood’s Big Eight are certainly not at the same level in the eyes of overseas cinemas.

But this problem is not big between Lianmei and Migao enzymes.

Therefore, Kalman, who knew this in his heart, nodded to Li Changheng without hesitation.

Then he looked at Barron with a smile on his face enviously and said, "Barron, there will be many opportunities for us to cooperate in the future."

After discussing for a while, the lawyer team of Kalman and Li Changheng, as well as the two vice presidents of Lianmei, went to discuss the contract together.

When everyone was gone, Barron had already talked about movie classification when he thought of his new boss.

Quickly reacted and said, "BOSS, in addition to wanting to follow Migao enzymes and let Lianmei establish its own overseas distribution network,

Are you worried about the censorship of movies?

Li Changheng smiled and nodded, "Although I have many ways to counteract it, there are 7 film companies that have the right to review film ratings.

In the final analysis, it is nothing more than a play that hurts both sides, and there are too many people offended.

It is better to become a member of the American Film Association, and then keep those methods and use them on other issues. "

Barron shook his head with a smile after listening, "SIR, you only see that the members of the film association are the 7th Hollywood, but you didn't notice the grading committee formed by the 7 secretly selected parents. At the same time, it is also received by various children’s organizations and charity funds. Supervision.

And in terms of authority, these independent institutions are much stronger than any classification committee.

Influence can easily make the film association compromise.

Even if you are willing to trouble them.

Just donate money to animal protection organizations, extras rights organizations, or actors' guilds.

Some people who have not benefited come forward and take the initiative to find trouble with a certain crew of the 7 majors. "

When Li Changheng listened to a certain crew, he looked at Barron with approval.

This guy really deserves to be a real expert. He didn't look for the top 7 because the goal was too big.

But just looking for trouble with a certain crew can definitely make the 7 big troubles, after all, operating the management team of the film company.

It depends on profit to hold a firm position and get more dividends.

Moreover, killing chickens and monkeys will not expand the scope of the attack, nor will it be hated by everyone.

On the contrary, there may be voices in this company asking the management why it is troublesome to find a super rich person.

Seeing the new boss smiled with satisfaction for the second time, Barron continued happily.

"Those organizations and charitable funds in the U.S., in order to get more donations every year, have long treated some things as business.

As long as the request of the funder is not illegal and the donation is in place, they will definitely do their best to do it.

Therefore, when it is unnecessary, the American Film Association seldom and does not need to offend people like you.

Because, if you are willing, you can buy them directly. "

Li Changheng understood it as soon as he heard it.

The United States TM is truly a world of money.

This is the same reason that the media in the United States will never scold their advertisers when they have very few or when their interests are not large enough.

The United States cannot restrict the seven major film associations, but the entire U.S. state is an institution that can restrict the U.S. Film Association.

Even in the whole country, people who didn't get the 7 major benefits and wanted to take a bite all the time.

That's why Barron said that the Big 7 will never provoke Li Changheng when it is unnecessary. The net worth is said by the media to have been worth 2 billion US dollars.

There is also Lianmei, who is also one of the top eight in Hollywood, who is really a big man in the circle.

"Then what if in the future Lianmei develops into a giant, these people are forced to unite together?"

Barron's eyes lit up directly.

The boss has such big ambitions, and he really has enough money to support him, which means that he loses patience with Lianmei for a long time because of poor performance.

In determining his job, Barron is not going to be lost in a short time.

He lowered his head and thought for a while, then waved his hands at the two remaining hands.

When only myself and Li Changheng were left, he said in a low voice, "BOSS, as long as you are willing to distribute more than 100 films overseas for Hollywood small and medium film companies every year.

That is, there are ten or twenty more movies produced each year than the eighth major.

So no matter how strong the Big 7 are, I guarantee that just the production companies of those 100 movies, as well as the actors, directors, behind-the-scenes group, and guilds, will make the Big 7 dare not stand up clearly and suppress us.

Moreover, if you can only make Hollywood small and medium-sized film companies, or even two of the top seven, turn losses into profits.

It is only natural that Lianmei wants to become a regular member of the American Film Association. "

Li Changheng laughed after listening. What he likes most is to pull a group of helpers, and then let these people help himself and his opponents.

"Give me a detailed report on the box office of each country, and it is best to attach which movie theaters have high returns."

Barron nodded in ecstasy, and saw Li Changheng squinting his eyes and said, "With a one-year investment of 100 million U.S. dollars, in three years, he should be able to build the largest theater alliance in the world at the box office."