Start with a Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 710: Different

The reason is simple. Not only does Li Changheng have no conflicts with the elephants and donkeys, but on the contrary, he has a deep interest entanglement with the two powers.

In the past few years of cooperation, not only did not cause any trouble, but also brought enough benefits for everyone.

This kind of upstart who does not rely on policies and does not stare at the wallets of ordinary Americans is equally greedy, but compared to other capitalists, that is an angel.

Now that it is confirmed that Li Changheng will join, it is good for the elephant party that is now in power, and the representative of the government’s shares knocks on the table.

After attracting everyone's attention, he said, "Gentlemen, I think what needs to be considered now is that once Henry Lee joins Citigroup and becomes a part of us, we should give a valuation of what price.

Also, with Henry Lee's wealth, and certainly ample cash, what is the maximum share limit we give? "

"Wait", Morgan said before everyone thought and said, "We don't even know how to cooperate, what the project is, and the prospect of cooperation.

It's too early to discuss these.

If Henry Lee just wants to cooperate with us, don't we do this to lead the wolf into the room?

Moreover, with Intel's profitability on calculators becoming less and less, the myth of Henry Lee's undefeated is being challenged the most.

At this time, blindly trusting the other party is not a correct decision. "

What Morgan didn't expect was that these words had a counterproductive effect.

Intel has indeed experienced a crisis, and even its valuation has declined, but if it is Morgan, it will indeed play a key role if it is two months ahead of schedule.

But now that everyone knows that Lee Chang-hyung is working hard, he not only wins over the media empire of the Hearst family, but also asks dozens of congressmen to stand up and target the island country.

Plus, he earned 500 to 600 million U.S. dollars from the islanders in one fell swoop.

Killing Miyagi Group, the top three gangsters in the island country, showed extremely strong force and determination to make ruthless hands when necessary.

The first thought of most shareholders and management is that the high probability of this war is that Li Changheng, who was calculated early in the morning, and who is also strong enough to win.

And despite the crisis, Intel has always occupied the 4th floor of the market.

In this case, Intel, which has been robbed of the market by island countries, may not be long before it will be able to stabilize its number one position in the calculator market.

Besides, Intel’s largest chip foundry partner is Citi.

Therefore, not only the representatives of the official side hope that Li Changheng will join Citi, but many shareholders who look down on the island nation have made it clearer that Li Changheng must win.

The people of Boyin thought of Li Changheng's precise judgment of the situation in England and the desert three years ago. He brought orders for 6 private jets and 42 orders for 747s provided by airlines.

Suddenly I felt that no matter how many shares were given, or how many shares Li Changheng hopes to acquire, the most beneficial thing for Boin is to let Li Changheng be a part of them first.

After knocking on the table and attracting everyone's attention, the Boyin people said with a serious expression, "Gentlemen, I have to remind everyone.

Now it is Henry Lee who voluntarily wants to join us, so we have the opportunity to fight for better conditions with capital.

But once we refuse, I think the Central, Western and Southern consortiums, as well as the military-industrial groups in Texas.

Once he knows that Henry Lee will no longer go on his own and start to have the idea of ​​actively integrating into the upper echelons of the United States, he will never let go of the opportunity to win him over.

Even, I feel that the interests of Cleveland and Boston have begun to decline due to geographical restrictions and the shift of the economic center.

Will take the initiative to merge with Henry-Lee, who is only one state away from the forces.

At that time, you have the confidence to deal with, an opponent who has never failed? "

Now, let alone Morgan and Rockefeller, who has been silent, all shareholders and management think that this is really not impossible.

To put it bluntly, the consortium is a consortium of interests, and everything it does is to absorb profits.

Cleveland entrepreneurs, who are most restricted by geographical location, face the reality of losing their competitiveness and continuing to lose money, and when they cannot see their future and hope.

Not to mention the union with Li Changheng, as long as they can see hope and money, take the initiative to give up large shares, or even surrender directly, and sell the company will definitely not be a minority.

Once Li Changheng integrates several large companies, it will be the prototype of a new consortium.

Then win, unite, and invest in local forces, which is a new Cleveland consortium.

Of course, all of this is only possible. If you want to really rise, it depends on whether Li Changheng can make money.

But when I think of it, Li Changheng will be worth more than 3.5 billion U.S. dollars within 5 years.

Also, everyone knows in their hearts that it is not even a secret for a long time. Li Changheng also has an unknown amount of wealth overseas and offshore islands.

Suddenly the people present felt that it was a hell-level problem for others, but for Henry Lee, it was probably only a difficult-level problem.

Moreover, to be honest, Morgan was the first person who did not want Li Changheng and Cleveland to unite.

Because once Cleveland got rid of financial pressure, Morgan would not be able to use financial means to oppress and **** blood.

The people at Boeing looked at Morgan with a sneer and continued, "Moreover, with the end of the Apollo project, who are willing to invest money in the aviation sector, the entire United States is Henry Lee alone.

Whether it is our company, GM, Martin and Convair, we will not let go of the opportunity to cooperate with Henry Lee. "

Several private family shareholders who hold shares in Citigroup shook their heads helplessly after hearing the words of approval from the representative of Boyin.

Just like Taylor and the management, the shareholders of the shares sent by Boin, while fancying the interests of Citigroup, care more about themselves or the interests of Boin.

Because it has a direct relationship with their income.

And shareholders who have this idea are not just Boyin.

The US super-large group likes to do continuous mergers and mergers.

When there is not enough money to merge, the only option is to merge with share swaps.

Then, when the head office did not take over the absolute equity, it had to delegate the management power of the subsidiary.

Three bank shareholders that have been merged in the last ten years, as well as Wall Street investment institutions and industrial enterprises.

The first consideration is the interests of the forces that they represent.

It has already wanted to completely eliminate the competitive influence of Morgan and Rockefeller in Citigroup.

In the 1930s, Citigroup did break away from Rockefeller, but as long as people still have shares in their hands, even if they don't have many shares, their influence has always been there.

Then in the process of merging with Kookmin Bank, Morgan was added to the board of directors.

When Citigroup itself is a consortium, it certainly does not want Morgan and Rockefeller to be in power.