Start with a Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 782: Who can't brag

For the Iselites, who urgently need the most advanced fighters to form air superiority at this time, unless they originally intended to use the f4 ghost fighters, this kind of Americans had a good history during the Vietnam War, but everyone knows that they are already weak. fighter.

Otherwise, at the beginning of the development of the f14 and f15 models, they were both selected for use in air combat.

In fact, the people of Eselie have little choice.

Compared with the f15 which is still in the testing stage, f14 is the first choice for the fact that it can be mass-produced at any time after 3 years of test flight and use.

Let f14 occupy an absolute advantage.

Of course, based on the Jews' intelligence and network in the United States, it is easy to know that the f15 engine is more advanced.

This makes this aircraft have a large take-off weight, and there is also a lot of room for improvement in subsequent improvements.

But people from McDonnell Douglas, Grumman, Boin, and Esule understand it all.

No matter how to brag about the f15, a very real problem is the prototype that McDonnell Douglas took out.

In the time period of October 1973, various test performances were compared with f14, not to mention the advantages.

On the contrary, because of f14's radar and Flamingo air-to-air missiles, f14 occupies the world's number one position in air combat.

Because of the population, any pilot is more precious to them than other countries.

Over-the-horizon combat in the 1970s, although the actual combat effect was not good, this is the future development trend, and it is unanimously recognized by the United States and the red polar bears.

The two bosses are sure that the whole world basically has no opinion.

This allowed f14 to win another round.

Moreover, Boyin and Grumman cooperated with Li Changheng’s reminder to replace the Boyin engine with an improved model, and it only took two days to appear in front of Yisulei people.

Once the take-off weight increased, it could only carry 4 Flamingo air-to-air missiles, but suddenly it became 8.

As a result, the lack of firepower and close combat of the f14 did not have the weakness of the cannon, which instantly became less prominent.

As for the voyage of only 2560 kilometers, it may be a big problem for other users.

But for Israel, and even the US Navy's aircraft carrier, a combat radius of 1,200 kilometers is definitely sufficient.

Even when they were lobbying the Yisellie people, Boyin and Grumman shamelessly learned from Li Changheng.

In the future, the functions of multi-purpose fighters, such as the f16 and f18, which can attack the air and the ground, will be used to fool people.

All of a sudden, the Yisuleites, who are small in their country and have few reserves of elite fighters, became more interested.

As a weakened version of f15, f16, after GM's copycat McDonnell Douglas, for 7 to 8 years, sales were not good.

Really famous is because of the use of f16 in Shile, the sneak attack on the desert tyrants, and became famous in World War I.

Since in another world, Shile will fancy f16, then in this world, there is a high probability that it will also like it.

The design of Boyin and Grumman plagiarizing General Dynamics, which is still in the research and development stage, immediately made McDonnell Douglas f15 improved, a bit tasteless.

If not for the two fighters, one is 10 million more expensive than the purchase price of the US military, making the f15 offer to reach 55 million US dollars.

After obtaining the information, Li Changheng made the decision, and then only increased the price by 10 million to 70 million US dollars. F15 did not even have a chance to compete.

As for why such an offer was made, Li Changheng knew very well that he was holding a hole card in his hand.

As long as the Eserlie people do not want to see desert areas, and any country with as advanced fighters as them, it will definitely win all orders for f14 in the next few years before the Yilang people.

Then used Jewish relations and public opinion to stir up the contract that Huang Grumman planned to sell to Yilang f14.

To be honest, f14 does have a lot of problems, but after the improvement, the function has been improved, but it is a big reason why it has not been taken seriously.

In addition to the advancement of the times and technology, there is also a Cold War advantage that tilts toward the United States, and the single-function f14 has no opponents.

To a large extent, it has something to do with the outbreak of the revolution, the fate, and the start of the anti-American Iraqi Lang who has 80 f14s in his hands.

So in the long run, Li Changheng is certainly not willing to sell f14 to Yilang.

However, if the U.S. government is willing to endorse and sell the old f14 without a replacement engine, he will not stop it.

After all, the unit price of f14 is indeed too expensive, and there are few countries where it can be bought.

The example of selling weakened fighters to allies is not only done by Americans, but also by red polar bears.

At this time, Yilang was an important ally in the desert in the eyes of the Americans.

Moreover, Boyin does not rely on fighter jets to make a fortune, Minghang aircraft is the key project, and Grumman is not his company, Li Changheng.

Instead, trying to annex McDonnell Douglas and get f15 incidentally, which made him more interested.

After Grumman and Boyin cooperated, although they were unwilling to give up the order of 80, they hadn't decided after nearly a year of negotiation.

One was in a hurry, and the price directly reached 70 million US dollars.

How to choose is very simple.

Moreover, if the fighter wants to sell well, you have to let people see the actual combat performance of the aircraft.

In the desert, even if there were no major battles, there would be one or two small-scale aerial combats every month.

With the urine of the red polar bears, they cannot sell the most advanced fighters to the local tyrants like the Americans prefer to treat them.

As long as the f14 is installed in a row, it can easily suppress the polar bear fighter that is one and half generations lower than the f14.

At that time, maybe Europe, Kangaroo and Maple Leaf countries will buy the weakened version of f14 in small quantities.

According to the nature of capital, of course, first make the money that is visible and tangible before making it.

And Boyin is the largest bomber manufacturer, Grumman has the f14 in his hands, and the f4 ghost fighter is being used in large numbers at this time.

With the cooperation of these two companies, it is easy to get a bomber from Shile, and match the height of the f14 and f4 fighters.

All of a sudden, Yi Shilie could only choose Boein and Grumman.

The final news is only uncertain, just because the Jews wanted to see Li Changheng first.

It only takes one day and night time to obtain the production license of f14, join forces, replace the engine, and even half the secret of ownership.

Neither Boyin nor Grumman wanted to keep it secret, and instead showed off, it had long been shown that Li Changheng's eyes were farther than the average person.

Moreover, the dozens of congressmen who first initiated the funding proposal are all from New York, New Jersey and Virginia, as well as the South Carolina congressman Francis Wood who has been rumored to be favored by Li Changheng.

Let the Jews eagerly want to meet Li Changheng and ask about the situation in the desert area face to face.


On October 19th, Li Changheng took Annie and his guards to a banquet held by the Jewish billionaire in New York.

Secretly, it is the U.S. military, Isere and the military-industrial group that are used for face-to-face negotiations.

As soon as the two appeared, the entire venue immediately detonated.
