Start With a Fake University

Chapter 541: Give them a chance to apologize

Ding Yue felt that what Director Qi Chunsheng said made sense.

The fire incident was caused by two students from Wucheng University of Science and Technology who smoked in their dormitory, which caused the fire accidentally. I can't punish the students in the 325 dormitory severely, right?

It is even more impossible to punish students from other colleges and universities.

This matter requires communication with Wucheng University of Science and Technology.

"That's OK, Director Qi, you first contact Wucheng University of Science and Technology, explain the matter to Wucheng University of Science and Technology, and then ask about the handling opinions of Wucheng University of Science and Technology."

After Ding Yue thought about it for a while, he said to Director Qi Chunsheng.

"Good Principal Ding."

Director Qi Chunsheng answered, and after a while, he asked again: "President Ding, what kind of punishment will the four students in the 325 bedroom do?"

Although the fire was not caused by the four students in Room 325, they were more or less responsible.

If no punishment is made, I am afraid it will be difficult to set an example!

"Yeah... the four students in dormitory 325 also have a certain degree of responsibility for mistakes and punishment. I will discuss them after I come back. I'm almost there. You call the four students in dormitory 325 to mine first. Go to the office."

Ding Yue was about to reach the university town while driving, so he didn't want to discuss this with Director Qi Chunsheng while driving.

When you arrive at school and return to your principal's office, you can handle the matter properly.

"Okay President Ding, oh yes, President Ding, Director Xiao from the Education Department is here." Director Qi Chunsheng said.

"I know."

Ding Yue knew that Director Xiao Wenxing came to his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences for a long time. Director Xiao Wenxing had called himself before. Even if the fire was dealt with in a timely manner and it was not that serious, Director Xiao Wenxing still Not at ease enough, so come and take a look.

This Ding Yue is understandable.

After all, Director Xiao Wenxing is in charge of college education in Wucheng. He must show up for a safety incident on campus.

About five or six minutes later.

Ding Yue finally drove back to his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

After returning to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Ding Yue immediately came to the Taoyuan dormitory where the fire broke out.

At present, the order in Taoyuan dormitory building is quite good. Although there are still many students downstairs, you can see that the staff of the school's logistics department have begun to deal with follow-ups in an orderly manner.

"Brother Yue, I have asked people from the relevant logistics departments to come over, and after confirming that the water and electricity network of this dormitory building is basically not affected, I will arrange for the students to meet in the dormitory one after another."

Huang Youjie calmly said to Ding Yue.

Huang has always been in charge of logistics. Although Huang is no longer in charge of specific matters, he has done a good job in coordinating and letting the people under his hands do things.

"Very well, what is the situation with that burnt dormitory and the few dormitories next to it?"

After Ding Yue arrived at the scene, he met Director Qi Chunsheng and asked.

"Principal Ding, if the dormitory is burnt, the walls need to be renovated, as well as the wardrobes, desks, beds, etc., must be replaced with new ones. The few dormitories next door are basically not affected."

Director Qi Chunsheng replied.

"That's fine. All the walls that need to be refurbished, as well as the costs of wardrobes, desks and beds, will be borne by the school. As for Wucheng University of Science and Technology, if it comes to compensation in the future, we will talk about it at that time."

Ding Yue said seriously.

It stands to reason that if the fire was caused by the students in their own school, the damage to the 325 dormitory would be the responsibility of the four students in the 325 dormitory.

But the problem is.

This fire was not caused by the four students in the 325 bedroom, but by the Wucheng University of Science and Technology next door.

Then, compensation can only be discussed with Wucheng University of Science and Technology at that time.

If nothing happens, there should be no problem.

The urgent task now is obviously to redecorate the 325 dormitory and restore it to its original state as soon as possible. This fire is not big, so this dormitory building is not needed.

"Yeah, well, I'm still in contact with Wucheng University of Science and Technology. I just called a president's office and didn't answer it."

Director Qi Chunsheng nodded and said.

"Remember to tell me when you get in touch. I will trouble you, Old Qi."

Ding Yue still has a lot to deal with today.

Since the school fire has basically started to deal with the aftermath, then I don't focus on it for the time being.

"Principal Ding."

At this time, Ding Yue heard a familiar voice not far away.

It is Director Xiao Wenxing of the Education Department.

"Director Xiao, you are here."

After Ding Yue saw Director Xiao Wenxing, he greeted him with a smile.

Director Xiao Wenxing is the official superior in charge of his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and Ding Yue has a good relationship with him. After meeting, he naturally greeted him with a smile.

"I heard that this fire was not caused by the students of your Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, but by the students of the Wucheng University of Science and Technology next door? What is going on?"

Director Xiao Wenxing walked over and asked curiously.

When he came just now, Director Xiao Wenxing happened to meet Chief Zhang of the Fire Department, and he just heard a few words from Chief Zhang of the Fire Department.

"Aren’t these two students from the Fog City University of Science and Technology next door, come to the 325 bedroom and their friends to watch the game together, and then the two students from Fog City University of Science and Technology smoked. , Tell me, is this incident for our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, is it an innocent disaster?"

Ding Yue shrugged helplessly and said.

At first glance, it seems to be the unwarranted disaster of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

However, since the fire broke out in the student dormitory of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, it is definitely impossible to say that it does not matter.

"These students really don't have any awareness of safety and prevention. I don't know how the Wucheng University of Science and Technology is doing campus safety education!"

Upon hearing the words, Director Xiao Wenxing reprimanded Wucheng University of Science and Technology in his words.

After all, the truth is that the students of Wucheng University of Science and Technology did not abide by the regulations and smoked in the dormitory without extinguishing the cigarette butts, which caused the fire.

"Director Xiao, our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has always been very strict in this regard. There is nothing small about campus safety, but Director Xiao, you have to ask Wucheng University of Science and Technology."

Ding Yue rolled his eyes and muttered.

"I'll talk to the president of Wucheng University of Science and Technology in the future." Director Xiao Wenxing said solemnly.

After finding out who was responsible for the fire this time, the follow-up responsibility must be investigated. Wucheng Education Department should pay attention to this point.

Otherwise, if you don’t wake up, if there is a bigger fire next time, causing casualties to the students, what's the matter?

"Principal Ding, you just ran into the Daqiao bus on the way back? How about Dabai?"

Director Xiao Wenxing got closer and asked curiously.

Just now, Director Xiao Wenxing learned about what happened on the bridge. A bus almost fell off the bridge and caused a tragedy. Fortunately, it was rescued by a robot.

And that robot is Dabai.

Director Xiao Wenxing didn't even think about it, he knew that it must be Principal Ding's masterpiece.

Because Director Xiao Wenxing had seen President Ding’s great abilities.

"Yes, the situation was urgent at the time. I asked Da Bai to try to rescue the bus. Fortunately, it succeeded. Otherwise, the consequences would be really unthinkable."

Ding Yue nodded and replied: "Dabai, it fell into the river, and it was also damaged. It was salvaged by the Jiang police rescue team. It should still be on the way here at the moment."

At that time, Ding Yue drove directly from the bridge back to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, so he must be faster.

The Jiang police rescue team needs to transport Dabai to the shore, and then find a special transport vehicle to transport Dabai to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

"Da Bai is really amazing, no, to be precise, it should be your Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is really amazing. The robot developed can save people. Now Da Bai will definitely become our hero in Wucheng."

Director Xiao Wenxing had to admire and gave Ding Yue a thumbs up.

I haven't felt the use of Principal Ding's artificial intelligence robot before. It looks more like Principal Ding's personal plaything.

But now it seems that it is not that simple.

That one robot could actually save the twenty-odd people on a bus, more than twenty lively lives, it's simply amazing.


Ding Yue smiled and scratched his head. About this matter, Ding Yue didn't think so much at the time.

It is important to save people anyway.

But it can really stop the bus and save people, that is indeed a commendable thing, and this wave did a good job.

And just now, Director Xiao Wenxing praised himself Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and that's right, after all, the robot Dabai was made by himself at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

I think Da Bai won the grand prize of the Robot Contest.

It has been two years now. The robot Dabai of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, in addition to becoming a well-known image of robots, today because of the Wucheng Bridge bus incident, its reputation must become even greater.

This is not a bad thing.

"President Ding, our Education Department must be rewarded for this matter. In addition, I guess that the city government building will definitely be rewarded. However, whether the medal of righteousness and bravery will be awarded to Da Bai, this matter is not acceptable. Got it, after all, Da Bai is a robot, this..."

Director Xiao Wenxing said dubiously.

"Hahahaha, too."

Ding Yue couldn't help laughing.

Speaking of which, a campus bus driver before Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was awarded the Medal of Righteousness and Bravery in Wucheng. Was it last year or the year before?

Ding Yue still remembers some.

At that time, the driver drove Ding Yue and his group to the airport for a business trip. When they went back, the bus was hit by an emergency. In order to avoid pedestrians, the driver promptly turned the bus over on the spot, thus avoiding a large number of things. Roadside pedestrians are protected from hardship.

This matter was also a hot search at the time. Ding Yue also rewarded the driver. After the driver was discharged from the hospital after he was injured, he still works at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and is responsible for the management of vehicles on the campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

"Then today, your Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can be lively, it is a fire, and it is a robot that saves people, this can be searched, oh forgotten to me, the fire has already been searched, but It seems that the falsehood is a bit serious. If I hadn't called you personally and then came over to take a look, I think even I would be blindfolded by the false information on the Internet."

Director Xiao Wenxing said with a serious face: "Principal Ding, don't you plan to deal with it?"

"Director Xiao, you mean that the hot search on Weibo about the fire in our school?"

Ding Yue frowned slightly, and muttered: "Those who spread the rumors are indeed very hateful. As the saying goes, they spread the rumors and run off their legs. That's how they came."

It can be said to be quite an exaggeration to think about the fire in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences on the Internet.

What is missing a whole building, what countless students have been injured, etc., is simply unbelievable.

"Old Huang."

Ding Yue immediately turned his head and looked at the little friend Huang Youjie who was following him.

"you said."

Huang Youjie stepped forward and said.

"Your law school has drawn up a lawyer's letter and posted it on the Internet, so that those netizens who have spread the rumors and forwarded more than 500 must apologize today, otherwise, they will directly sue!"

Ding Yue said firmly in his eyes.

"Sue again?"

Huang Youjie was stunned for a moment. The law school teachers and students are still busy with the last time the lawsuit was filed. If the good guy is suing a group of netizens this time, the workload will increase again.

"Didn't this give those netizens who spread the rumors a chance to apologize."

Ding Yue shrugged, said with a smile, and then looked at his secretary Wen Ruohan: "Student Xiaowen, you can contact the propaganda department. Regarding the fire in our school today, we will draw up an announcement based on the facts and use our school official Publish the account."

"Good Principal Ding."

Wen Ruohan nodded when he heard the words.

At this time, Director Xiao Wenxing also looked at the people next to him and said: "You ask the department to also write an announcement on the fire in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and it's a matter of fact."

"Okay Director Now, with Wucheng University of Arts and Science, Wucheng Education Department, there will definitely be Wucheng Fire Fighting. After these official announcements, netizens will know What happened to the fire in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences today?

If someone continues to spread rumors by then, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will have to resort to legal means to protect its reputation.

"Director Xiao, I'm going back to the office now to deal with the students in the fire dormitory. Would you like to continue to look at them here, or?"

Ding Yue understands Director Xiao Wenxing. If he is busy with work, he doesn't have to be with him all the time.

"I originally came to look at the fire scene, and I saw it just now, but the Education Department of Dabai will definitely pay attention to it. Let me go with you. I will take a look at Dabai's luck later. it."

Director Xiao Wenxing said with a smile.
