Start With a Fake University

Chapter 957: Deserved No. 1 in the world

When the name of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was officially announced as the champion of the world's first Metaverse Computer International Competition, all participating universities and audiences around the world were extremely surprised.

Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences!

This university actually won the championship among the top international universities?

In a short period of time, almost no one dared to believe that this was true.

What kind of existence is this Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences? To have won the championship of the world's first Metaverse Computer International Competition unexpectedly, this unpopularity can be said to be even better than the runner-up and second place of the National University of the Island Country.

"Director Xu, we are the champions!"

"We did it!"

"Our metaverse computer technology is the world's first!"

"Is it us?"

The team members of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences could hardly believe that the champion was themselves?

Xu Bin seemed a little calm.

However, in fact, Xu Bin was very happy and excited in his heart. After all, Xu Bin had no certainty that he could win this championship.

But now it has been officially announced that the champion is the team from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

got it!

Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has managed to break out of the siege among the world's top universities on such a world-class stage. With its own metaverse technology, it announces to the world that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is in the metaverse. It's the strongest and most arrogant.


Hold me up!

Or come up with stronger strength to surpass me!

If you win, you have to be so crazy!

"Yes, we are the champions. Our computer and virtual metaverse are the strongest. You are the best computer people of our time."

Xu Bin confidently said with a smile to every member of his opponent's team.

at this time.

Ding Yue at the scene was also very excited and happy, of course the secretary Wen Ruohan next to him was even more excited.

"President Ding, we are the champions. We won the first place. God, our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is amazing."

Wen Ruohan was so excited that he was almost incoherent.

"Cough, classmate Xiaowen, calm down, calm down."

Ding Yue pretended to be calm and said to secretary Wen Ruohan.

Although Wen Ruohan has already graduated, Ding Yue is still used to calling her classmate Xiaowen. After all, she has been called Xiaowen for so many years, and it is not easy to change her words.

"Principal Ding, I'm so excited."

Wen Ruohan said excitedly.

Ding Yue rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "I see it."

The participating teams from other colleges and universities on the scene were all very confused. Whether they won the award or not, they were all silent.

It doesn’t matter if the second place is the National University of the Island Country, but the first place is this Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences?

Among the 24 participating college teams, almost all colleges ranked the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences from Xia Country in the 24th place.

Because before that, although Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences had some reputation, there was still a big gap compared to Stanford University, Imperial College of Technology and other old world-renowned universities.

Even many participating college teams believe that the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences from the Xia Kingdom has a high probability of entering the finals of the world's first Metaverse Computer International Competition by virtue of its luck.


Now the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has won the world's first Metaverse Computer International Competition!

It's unbelievable!

"Omg, I thought the National University of the Island Country was the biggest dark horse in this competition, but the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences turned out to be the real dark horse."

"Does anyone know what kind of university this Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is?"

"Is that the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences that developed the 5-nanometer chip technology for Xia Guo?"

"I know this Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Their battery energy technology is very powerful. Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicles are produced based on the graphene batteries developed by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences."

"In that case, the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is still a bit powerful."

"Is the metaverse technology of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences so powerful?"

On the Internet, on YouTube, and on Twitter, many netizens are surprised that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has won the world's first Metaverse Computer International Competition.

Even many **** netizens still don't know how powerful this Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is.

I have heard of it, but what is the power of this Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences? Many foreigners really don't know. In fact, even those overseas colleges and universities don't know the power of this Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. where?

How did you win the world's first Metaverse Computer International Competition?

"Could there be an inside story?"

"This competition is jointly organized by multiple computer institutions and technology companies around the world. How could the insider appear in Xia Guo's colleges and universities?"

"Could it be that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is really that powerful?"

"The Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences in Xia Guo has great prospects for development. Do you still remember Xia Guo's nuclear power engine technology, which was developed by this Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences."

"It's really strong. I'll see how powerful their works are in a while."

Some computer geniuses in the participating college teams have been discussing whether Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences won the world's first Metaverse Computer International Competition because of the inside story.

But there are still many people who think that since Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can win the world's first Metaverse Computer International Competition, it must have strength there.

The happiest moment.

It is none other than domestic netizens.

Especially the students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, that's a joy.

"Fuck! Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is awesome."

"A congratulatory message from Jiangnan Province!"

"Shucheng sent a congratulatory message!"

"Yancheng University sent a congratulatory message!"

"Congratulatory message from South China University of Technology."

"Haicheng University sent a congratulatory message."

"Guangcheng University sent a congratulatory message."

"Wucheng University sent a congratulatory message."

On the barrage in the domestic live broadcast room, almost all are congratulatory messages from colleges and universities all over the country. Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences won the world's first Metaverse Computer International Competition. It can be said that it gave the big guys a face. Bo, who can't be excited or unhappy?

"Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is the best computer in the world!"

"The best in the world!"

"As a student of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, I am really super proud."

"The alma mater is awesome!"

"I just graduated a year ago, has our alma mater already won the world-class championship?"

"Stanford? Caltech? Imperial? Hemp? Just trash!"

"Our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is simply too strong."

"There is a guy in the team who is my brother."

"Understood, next year, I will apply for the computer major of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences."

It can be said that the major computer research institutions in China were all excited after hearing the news that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences won the world's first Metaverse Computer International Competition.

All of a sudden, the computer science students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will become the favorites of major domestic companies in the future.

It may even become a fragrant pastry in the world.

After all, the computer strength of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has shown the level of a champion on the stage of the world's first Metaverse Computer International Competition. It is well-deserved to be called the world's first.

The scene of the world's first Metaverse Computer International Competition in Dublin, Ireland.

The competition committee officially awarded trophies and bonuses to the winning teams from colleges and universities. The first to appear are the five college teams that won the excellence award of the world's first Metaverse Computer International Competition.

Among them is Qinghua University in Xia State.

To be honest, Qinghua University just won the Excellence Award this time. Some netizens and fans in China who like Qinghua University are still very dissatisfied. Get one, even if it's just a third place?


In the world's first Metaverse Computer International Competition, two unexpected colleges and universities broke out and became super dark horses.

Even Stanford University, which was previously known as the world's strongest computer professional level, just won the second place.

The national universities of the island countries have also become big winners, but unfortunately they are not the biggest winners. The biggest winner is Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

And Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can tell the world at this moment that our computer professional level and strength are well-deserved in the world!

After the award ceremony, the competition committee officially announced the works of the award-winning colleges and universities.

The first is the award of excellence.

To be honest, after seeing the works of the Excellence Award, netizens all called it awesome.

One can imagine how awesome the top three are.

Next is Stanford University in third place. Speaking of Stanford University's entries, it looks really good, and they all use the most advanced metaverse technology in the world.

The result is this, and only got third place.

Then came the National University of the Island State. The National University of the Island State combined their metaverse technology with the two-dimensional animation to create a virtual animation dimension world, which really made people feel their amazingness and strength.

You know, the animation and the second dimension of the island country are indeed very powerful, there is no doubt about this.

The most important thing is that they integrate the elements of the metaverse very well. You can even come into contact with those two-dimensional anime characters that people are familiar with one after another in the metaverse anime world created by the National University of the Island.

In fact, if Hollywood does this, it can also create a very good metaverse world experience.

But this will create a more difficult problem to solve, that is, the role of the animation dimension, which is only virtual in the end, but if the metaverse is to be linked with the real world after all, the problem of coordination between them, the national university of the island country does not A solution is not given.

So, that's why the National University of the island nation only took second place.

And first place.

That is the champion Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

The "Leaping Game Engine" used by the participating teams of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has created a very realistic "virtual world". In this sandbox city, you can be the person you want to be. Here you can You are an ordinary citizen, you can also be a policeman or a judge, or you can deliver food and express delivery.

Here, like a real world, the infrastructure here is very developed, after all, it is "virtual", so as long as you are in this virtual sandbox city, you can live a life that is far from the real world. "Quality of Life".

This is also the focus of attracting the judges of the competition committee.

Because the sandbox city created by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences truly reflects the core elements of the metaverse, that is, it is easy to link with the real world.

People can even "live" in such a metaverse world for a long time.

The virtual currency here can even be linked to the currency in the real world, and its security guarantee is much higher than that of Bitcoin, which was popular in the world before, because Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has used the most advanced technology they have. Strong security system.

In such a very safe system, it is natural to protect the "virtual world" well and make it work perfectly. UU Reading

If there is no corresponding metaverse security technology, no matter how good the metaverse world you create, there are still security problems. Who would dare to really invest in such a metaverse world with security problems?

When everyone saw the "metaverse world" created by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, they couldn't help but sigh.

"This metaverse world built by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is really amazing."

"It's so real."

"What engine was used to create the picture?"

"Game Engine?"

"No wonder he won the championship, his strength is really strong."

"It's a perfect metaverse virtual world. I want to live in this metaverse world."

"Will it be possible to achieve real virtual reality interaction?"

"I think this requires strong computing power? Can Xia Guo's chips, or even the world's chips, support such a huge computing power?"

Netizens have said that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences deserves this championship. Many netizens have questioned whether Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences won the championship because of some inside story.

Now all the doubts have been broken by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences with its own powerful works.

The entry created by Wucheng University of Arts and Science in the world's first Metaverse Computer International Competition is just a "sample", and it has been praised by netizens from all over the world.

In the future, if this "demonstration" can really be made into a real metaverse virtual world, it will definitely be sought after by netizens around the world.

And Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group are working hard in this direction.

In the market of the metaverse and virtual world, Feiyue Group is determined to win!