Start With a Fake University

Chapter 454: Social reputation exploded

[Official of Sinopharm] v: Heavy news: At 3:42 this afternoon, the clinical operation of 3D bioprinting biological tissues and organs in Wucheng Central Hospital was successfully completed, and the operation was perfect. Let us congratulate @美嘉er for her new life and wish her an early recovery Health#To learn about 3D bioprinters, please click here#.

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On Weibo.

The latest news was jointly released by the official website of Sinopharm, National Television, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and Wucheng Central Hospital official blog.

Xu Meijia, a patient blessed by millions of netizens, went through several hours of surgery at Wucheng Central Hospital.

Successfully replaced the biological liver source printed by a 3D bioprinter developed by the Medical College of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

And the operation went smoothly!

When netizens learned of the news, it was undoubtedly a "carnival", and the topic's popularity quickly rose to the top of Weibo's hot searches.


Related topics have been hanging on Weibo hot search for a few days ago.

At that time, everyone was looking forward to the smooth completion of the operation. Although everyone had a high degree of discussion, because there was no final result, the hot search on Weibo has not been able to go up.

But when Wucheng Central Hospital announced the successful completion of Xu Meijia's operation, and after a live broadcast on China TV, the netizens finally boiled over.

Because of this matter that everyone is concerned about, finally there is a result, and it is still a very satisfactory result!

The first hot search lasted from the afternoon to the completion, and the popularity still soared all the way, with no sign of declining.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the Weibo hot search rankings were directly paralyzed.

At the Zhalang headquarters at this time, Mr. Jia immediately gave the person under his hand a death order and quickly repaired the server for me. If the server is not repaired well within five minutes, it will not be used for work tomorrow.

Ever since.

The programmers immediately showed their talents, and finally quickly responded to Weibo's high-pressure operation.

That's right!

Tonight's Weibo, the traffic simply exploded.

Not only that, all major forums, major video platforms, and traffic have also been detonated because of the topic that the advent of 3D bio-printers saved Xu Meijia's life!

The phone calls of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences were also blown up.

"Hello, this is Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, can I help you?"

The customer service lady who was officially consulted by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was soft when answering the phone.

"Your Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is really awesome!"

Toot toot!

There was such a sentence on the other end of the phone, and then the phone was hung up.

Not only that!

The most important thing, and what Ding Yue paid the most attention to, was the live coverage of the entire operation on the National TV Station in the afternoon.

At 7 o'clock this evening, when the official news of the National Television Station was broadcast, it also took a minute to broadcast today's event.

After all, the reporters of the National Television Station have come to Wucheng Central Hospital to report on the scene, and the final operation went smoothly.

Then the news broadcast in the evening must be focused on reporting.

Tonight, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Professor Sheng Simiao, Wucheng Central Hospital, Professor Yang Kaining, 3D bioprinter and other famous school names have directly become high-energy buzzwords!

National TV News Network-"This afternoon, an operation from the Wucheng Central Hospital was exciting. The application of 3D bioprinters in the medical field in my country has begun to count down. According to reports, the organ surgery performed at the Wucheng Central Hospital For transplantation, it was the first time to use a 3D bioprinter to print biological tissues and organs, which perfectly matched the needs of patients and brought new hope to patients who could not find a matching organ transplantation..."

Following the National Television News Network report, after 7 o'clock in the evening, the popularity of the 3D bioprinter and the Medical College of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has once again soared.


The server at Zhalang's headquarters was finally repaired, but it crashed again because of the skyrocketing traffic.


Wucheng Central Hospital, in the ward.

Xu Dongcheng happily took his daughter Xu Meijia's hand, and looked at her sleeping state, not to mention how happy she was.

In the past year or two, Xu Dongcheng really worried every day. He was worried that his daughter would eventually leave him because he could not find a suitable liver source.

Fortunately, I met President Ding of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and the medical school of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was so good that he developed a 3D bioprinter.

In retrospect, when Xu Dongcheng learned that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences had a 3D bioprinter, he didn't believe it at first.

"Old Xu, now Meijia is waiting for recovery, how do you feel?"

Ding Yue was also in the ward, sitting next to Xu Dongcheng, with one hand on Lao Xu's shoulder, and asked with a smile.

Although the two are a lot of age difference, as Ding Yue gradually matured, he and Lao Xu could be "brothers".

And the relationship between the two is actually pretty good at the moment.

"Just... very happy."

Xu Dongcheng couldn't help but sighed, and said: "It seems to have had a dream. After the dream wakes up, all the good things are still there."

I have to say that President Xu Dongcheng's description is quite literary.

"Yes, all the good things are still there, and you will have a good life in the future." Ding Yue nodded and said.

Afterwards, Ding Yue turned his head, looked at the secretary Wen Ruohan, and asked in a low voice: "Right, Professor Sheng, have they arranged it?"

"Yeah, Director Huang and Director Xu personally sent Professor Sheng and Professor Yang to the hotel to rest." Wen Ruohan nodded quickly.

During the daytime today, Professor Sheng Simiao had several hours of surgery, which was very tiring, so Ding Yue arranged for Professor Sheng Simiao and them to go back to the hotel and have a good rest.

Just after Wen Ruohan finished speaking, Xu Meijia, who was lying on the hospital bed, slowly opened her eyes.

"Old Xu, wake up."

After Ding Yue saw it, he quickly reminded Principal Xu Dongcheng who was looking forward to a better life in the future.

"Jia'er, you are awake."

Xu Dongcheng was instantly excited, and asked happily, holding his daughter's small hand.


Xu Meijia's weak "dad" can be said to have screamed into Xu Dongcheng's heart.

Even Ding Yue, who was on the side, felt very moved.

At the same time, there is so much pride.

After all, a girl who was in the blooming season of youth was rescued by his own 3D bioprinter from the School of Medicine of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

In fact, to be precise, Ding Yue was really "saving".

After all, Ding Yue obtained the 3D bioprinter technology from the system. Without this 3D bioprinter technology, it is estimated that Xu Meijia would have fallen at the age of eighteen.

So when Ding Yue watched the "reunion" of the father and daughter in front of him, apart from being happy for them, there was a little sense of pride in his heart.

Sure enough, technology is used well, it is really a life-saving thing.

"how do you feel?"

Xu Dongcheng asked softly what happened to her daughter after she woke up.

"It doesn't feel much."

Xu Meijia blinked and replied, "Dad, how is my operation?"

Because Xu Meijia only woke up, she didn't know whether her surgery went well or not.

Seeing the kind fatherly love on Xu Dongcheng's face, he nodded and replied: "Well, everything went well for the operation. We were successful. You only need to stay in the hospital for a period of recuperation and observation, and then you will be able to recover."

Hearing what his father said, Xu Meijia couldn't help showing a smile, a youthful and innocent smile.

"Doctor, now Jia'er is awake, what do you think of the situation?" Xu Dongcheng quickly asked the doctor who was accompanying him for 24 hours.

After all, Xu Dongcheng still has money and can spend money to ask a doctor to accompany his daughter 24 hours a day, and observe the postoperative situation anytime, anywhere.

The doctor looked at the relevant medical equipment, and then nodded: "Mr. Xu, everything is stable at the moment. The strength of the anesthetic is about to pass. Later, there may be a little pain due to the stitching of the wound. The effect is not. big."

Hearing what the doctor said, Xu Dongcheng was completely relieved.

"In the next period of time, I will be hospitalized and recover." Ding Yue patted Lao Xu on the shoulder and said.

"Principal Ding, thank you."

Xu Meijia raised her head slightly, looked at Ding Yue, and sincerely expressed her gratitude.

she knows.

If there were no President Ding's Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, I would not have this opportunity for surgery. The 3D bioprinter of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can be said to be its own life-saving technology.

Ding Yue nodded slightly, and then said with a smile: "When you have a good health, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences welcomes you."


As soon as I heard that after I recovered my health, I could go to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to study. Xu Meijia was in a particularly good mood.

"Old Xu, then you will take care of Meijia here next, and I won't bother you father and daughter." Ding Yue knew that Xu Meijia had just finished the operation and needed some rest period.

So Ding Yue planned to return to his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. After all, the school is now during the summer vacation for enrollment, and the construction of the new 5000 acre campus has basically entered the stage of finishing, so the school has a lot of things.

"Okay, Principal Ding, go back and work. When Mika Neng is discharged from the hospital, I will definitely bring Mika over to thank you."

Xu Dongcheng understood Principal Ding's busyness and nodded and said.

"If you need our help, please tell me, old Xu. After all, this is our Wucheng city. I have to be a landlord."

"Thank you Principal Ding."

After speaking, Ding Yue took his secretary Wen Ruohan, said goodbye to President Xu Dongcheng and Xu Meijia, and then left the ward.

"Dad, Principal Ding is really a good person. His idol status in my mind has risen again, hehehe."

Xu Meijia said happily.

As a young girl, Xu Meijia’s idol is not a traffic star, but the president of a private university like Ding Yue.

"Principal Ding is indeed very powerful." Xu Dongcheng couldn't help but said with emotion.

Xu Dong thinks that his Xiguang University is already very good in the field of private universities.

In the past two years, Xu Dongcheng understood what is meant by the waves behind the Yangtze River and the waves ahead. The development and construction of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, under the leadership of President Ding, can be said to be a leap-forward development.

Just like this time in the biomedical engineering of the 3D bioprinter, President Ding was able to invite Professor Yang Kaining from ETH Zurich to work together.

If Xu Dongcheng is allowed to handle this, it is basically difficult to do.

"Principal Ding, shall we go back to school now?"

After walking out of the ward, Secretary Wen Ruohan asked Principal Ding.


Ding Yue thought for a while, and did everything he needed to do today. His team from the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences School of Medicine cooperated with Professor Sheng Simiao's team to successfully complete the clinical operation of the 3D bioprinter.

It's time to go back to school to deal with the follow-up affairs.

"Principal Ding."

Just as Ding Yue and secretary Wen Ruohan came to the elevator, the voice of Wang Bingbing, a reporter from China National Television, came.


Ding Yue looked at Wang Bingbing and asked suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

"Principal Ding, are you going back now?"

"Yes, there are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with at the school." Ding Yue nodded and replied.

"Then can I go with you?" Wang Bingbing blinked her beautiful eyes and asked with a smile: "We came to do a report on the clinical operation of the 3D bioprinter. Now that the operation is successful, we too I want to explore the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences that developed the 3D bioprinter, so President Ding, can you take us to see it?"

"Of course it can."

Ding Yue heard the words and agreed without even thinking about it.

After all, I’m a journalist from China National Television, and I want to go to my Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to take a look. If you report, this is obviously a good thing!

How could Ding Yue refuse?

Moreover, Wang Bingbing was so pretty as a reporter who sent a request, but Ding Yue could not bear to refuse it.

So Wang Bingbing's team of reporters and Ding Yue entered the elevator.

"President Ding, did you know that this operation was successful, and your Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and 3D bioprinters have become the focus of attention of hundreds of millions of netizens."

Wang Bingbing can't help but talk to the handsome Principal Ding.

This young and promising little principal is said to be a graduate student in the Department of Physics of Qinghua It's really amazing.

"Is it?"

Ding Yue asked calmly.

"Yes, yes, President Ding. I took a look today. Netizens have a high degree of recognition of our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences."

At this moment, Wen Ruohan, the secretary beside him, nodded excitedly.

Upon hearing this, Ding Yue immediately pulled out his system panel, and checked his [University Social Status] of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Sure enough, the data skyrocketed, and there was a faint stage that was about to hit the national recognition.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

The more such things happen, the social status and influence of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will continue to rise, and the world will see that the future and future of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences are infinite!

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