Start With a Fake University

Chapter 493: The first "netizen" caught

This time, Ding Yue was really ready to strike out.

It seems that the teachers and students of the law school haven't been "actually" for a long time, right?

That time.

Just give the teachers and students of the law school a chance to let Huang Youjie lead the keyboard man who slandered and spread rumors on the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and those big Vs on the Internet, and let them feel the words from the University of Wucheng. warm"!

"Brother Yue, if you want to find out that Weibo, Douyin and other major platforms have published ips that slander our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, it is not difficult, but I think this is all on the hot search, and the number will definitely be huge."

Xu Bin analyzed it and said.

There are millions and tens of millions of netizens on the Internet, even one-third of them have been slandered and spread rumors at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

That is also a huge group.

It seems unrealistic to want to prosecute such a large group.

"What I mean by killing chickens is those chickens that have a lot of reposting comments and likes with the rhythm, let's not let them go!"

Ding Yue said seriously.

"That's OK, Abin, your side is responsible for collecting evidence and checking ip, and then our law school side will send a lawyer letter first. Brother Yue, I thought about it. If you send a lawyer letter to most people I am afraid that the effect will not be so good, so I think that if you catch a typical one, you will directly put him in administrative detention. At that time, the effect will be better!"

Huang Youjie suggested.


Ding Yue nodded, expressing his agreement with Lao Huang's suggestion.

Ever since.

Huang Youjie went back immediately and summoned the teachers and students of the Law School of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

When the teachers and students of the law school learned about this, they all expressed that they must be punished for those who wantonly slander and slander Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences on the Internet!

For a time.

The entire Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences Law School is busy.

Hundreds of students used their professional knowledge to start fighting for their alma mater this time!

Xu Bin is here.

With the technical team of the Department of Computer Science, he began to find one after another Weibo big V, and then made a list with very efficient action efficiency.

At the beginning, there were only a dozen Weibo big Vs on the list.

Then gradually increased.

The Weibo IDs on this list all posted blog posts slandering and slandering the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, which attracted thousands of people who clicked on the comments and reposted them.

among them.

At the top of the list is a well-known big V "Doctor of the Nine Elements". This time I don’t know if it received the money or what. It also brought the rhythm of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Not only that, but also brought the rhythm to Xia Guo’s domestic and The contradictions of college education in developed countries such as the Eagle Soup Country are above.

Good guys.

I won't take you for this surgery?

After Huang Youjie and the others emphatically verified the content of the blog post published by Dr. Jiu Xing, they directly filed the report for the crime of online defamation.

Although the blog post published by Dr. Jiu Xing stated that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences rejected the Eagle Soy Nation University Alliance’s study abroad exchange program, it is true, but the subsequent rhythmic content is obviously fabricating facts to slander Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

the most important is.

This blog post of Dr. Jiu Xing has actually been viewed more than 10 million times and reposted more than 100,000 times!

For such a huge impact, the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law" has already been touched, and the circumstances are still serious. Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can sue Dr. Jiuxing.

And Wucheng University of Arts and Science is prepared to do just that.

However, before that.

Ding Yue has one more thing to do.

That is to clarify the facts so that people across the country and even the whole world can see clearly what the truth is about this matter.

Because Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has found out the "conspiracy" of the Eagle Soy Nation University Alliance for the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences' exchange student plan, after sorting out the evidence chain.

The official blog of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences issued a statement.

The content of the statement mainly includes explaining the whole story of the exchange students studying abroad. This is very important to let everyone know why Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences refuses to study exchange students.

It's not because of arrogance or swelling.

That's because the purpose of the exchange student plan for studying abroad this time is simply unclear!

Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences exemplified the comparison between the majors of Yingjiang National University under the study abroad exchange program and the majors involved in graphene core technology.

There is no doubt that it is almost 100% coincidence!

In other words, the Yingjiang University students who want to exchange with Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences in the Yingjiang Country’s study abroad exchange program are all learning graphene-related majors!

As long as this is not brain-dead, you can clearly see the trickiness.

Not only that.

The official statement of Wucheng University of Arts and Science also revealed the Aike Technology Group involved.

I have to say that Xu Bin is indeed amazing.

Through his hacking techniques, he can get some information about the relationship between the Eagle Jiang State University students who want to come to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences as exchange students and Aike Technology Group.

They are all Yingjiang State University students funded by Aike Technology Group!


The most important thing is here.

That is what Aike Technology Group is doing in the battery industry!

When netizens saw the official statement of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, they instantly understood what was going on.

"Fuck! This thing turned out to be the conspiracy of the Eagle Jiang Country?"

"It turned out to be like this, I knew it was definitely not that simple."

"Aike Technology Group can't make graphene by itself, so they want to use such a despicable method?"

"I was stunned. It was the first time I saw a foreign capitalist use such a method to discredit our own people."

"It's despicable and shameless!"

"Is this true? So what does the Aike Technology Group from the Eagle Jiang Country want to go to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to do things?"

"Mostly, I saw that the graphene research results of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences are about to rise, so I used this kind of indiscriminate method to deal with Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences!"

"Finally waited for the official statement from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences."

"Damn, it turned out to be like this? Fortunately, I haven't been beaten by these well-known big Vs."

"To be honest, I was very suspicious from the beginning, why these big V, well-known, the published manuscripts are so different, it seems to be a rhythm and a hot search."

"Is this a real hammer? Is there really a capitalist from the Eagle Sauce Country behind it?"

"The wicked capitalist of the Eagle Soup Country, even wanting to beat him up!"

Netizens were suddenly ignited by this official statement from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

The spearhead has been directed at the Aike Technology Group in the Eagle Sauce Country.

After all, this thing didn't happen. If it happened, it might involve serious problems such as commercial espionage of patented technology.

Just this evening.

After the official statement of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was released, it was directly ranked first in the hot search, and even paralyzed the Weibo server for ten minutes!

After Ding Yue had dinner in the second canteen, he returned to the apartment when he was going to check the wind on the Internet.

turn out.

Good guys.

Weibo cannot be opened.

After about twenty minutes, it finally recovered, and then Ding Yue saw that the hot search topics of #雾城文理大学官方mentioned# were on the top, and the hot search value was surprisingly high.

It was able to top the hot search in a short period of time, but also because Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has been criticized by all kinds of hot searches for almost a whole day today.

Then the official statement of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences came out.

It exploded directly.

At this time, Ding Yue himself did not forget to use his personal account and posted a Weibo.

[President Ding of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences] v: There was a one-day meeting today. The whole person focused on the future development of the school. Next, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group will have a big move. I thought, after the meeting, the secretary told me that our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was on the hot search again. At first, I thought it was because of something. I clicked on Weibo to see, good guys, so many people are here. Call us Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences? What did Xiaowu do wrong? After learning about it, I discovered that it turned out that it was only because we rejected the International Student Exchange Program of the Eagle Soup Country College Alliance.

As for the explanation of this matter, Xiaowu's official statement has explained it very clearly, and the rest is left to time.

Oh, right.

I posted this Weibo mainly to tell those who wantonly slander Xiaowu, you should pay attention, Xiaowu has already called the police.

Moreover, the teachers and students of Xiaowu's law school are very excited and have decided to prosecute those who wantonly slander Xiaowu in this incident, although the final result is a few days of administrative detention, or a prosecution and sentence of one and a half years. But the students know that no one is allowed to hide behind the Internet and hurt Xiaowu, Xiaowu's reputation will be guarded by us!


After Ding Yue's blog post was sent out, it immediately attracted the attention of countless netizens.

Likes, reposts and comments quickly exceed 10,000.

In this incident, in addition to the Aike Technology Group in the Eagle Sauce Country, which is very hateful, there are also some people who are equally hateful.

These people are the "running dogs" of the capitalists lurking in the country.

That is, those who follow the big V public knowers wanton slander and slander Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Although Ding Yue's Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences could not do anything to impose sanctions on the Aike Technology Group in the Eagle Sauce Country, the "running dogs" of this group of capitalists lurking in the country, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can strike hard.


Even if it is Aike Technology Group, after Ding Yue's graphene industry expands to occupy a global leading position in the future, it will have to be attacked by Feiyue Technology!

It's just that it's not that time yet.

right now.

Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences first deals with those clamoring people, those who drive the pace of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences crazy on the Internet.

Take up the weapon of law and sue you for a crime of online defamation!

Although the workload is huge, it also consumes a lot of time.

But it's okay.

In Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, there is an entire law school!

After Ding Yue's personal Weibo was posted, it quickly appeared on the hot search.

The explosive heat of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences tonight can be said to be the main topic discussed by countless netizens.

After all, there are too many topics involved in this matter, and they are all amazing!

A technology company in Yingjiang Country tried to cover up its ugly behavior with the study abroad exchange program!

Wucheng University of Arts and Science fully fought back, and it is bound to bring all monsters to justice!

Talking about which of these topics is very exciting for netizens who eat melons!

And just when netizens continued to eat melons on the Internet to discuss today's explosive hot search event.

In the foggy city.

The Fog City Police Station has already begun operations.

In Fog City, there is a netizen with the ID of "Free Air", and the Internet is crazy to drive the pace of Fog City University of Arts and Sciences. In less than a day, he has earned more than 3 million page views. , Reposting likes and comments is even more than 10,000.

and so.

After receiving an alarm from the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, the Wucheng Police Department immediately ascertained the information of this "free air" network user, and then immediately notified the subordinate police station.

"Okay, okay, we will act right away!"

Since this is a case specifically explained by the above, although it is only a case of online defamation, the above said that we must grasp the model. This "free air" is the model of the Wucheng area!

In fact, the Wucheng Police Department not only wanted to catch this "free air" in Wucheng, but also contacted the police in various regions of the country for assistance based on the evidence provided by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Because Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has provided a large number of slanders and caused serious damage to the reputation of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Internet users have been found all over the country.

The reason why Wucheng Police Station was so active about this matter was because Lord Li said a word after learning about it.

"Don't let Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences chill!"

Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has always been committed to the leap-forward development of Wucheng education, and even its scientific and technological research results can promote the future development of Wucheng.

If private colleges and universities with the potential to contribute have unlimited prospects in the future, how can they be chilled in a cyber storm?

Since they have called the police.

Then take it seriously!


In a community in Wucheng.

The man named "Free Air" is sitting in front of the computer at the moment, smoking a cigarette leisurely, typing on the keyboard, and aligning with some netizens.

"It is undeniable that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is rubbish!"

"Thank you for your attention, follow the blogger, and show you the world with a forward-looking vision!"

"Why is this wave of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences?"

"Haha, the ghost knows if the official statement of Wucheng University of Arts and Science is fabricated?"

As long as his Weibo visits are higher, the more money he can make.

In his words is just bad money.

Not only that, the more fiercer the pace I took on this matter, the more I was able to get rewards from a foreign fund.

and so.

This incident at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is a tool for him to make money.

As long as you can get more attention, regardless of whether you are fabricating or distorting the facts, as long as you can have a rhythm, you can make a lot of money.

Before that, the air of freedom, active on Weibo, were all trying to provoke gender antagonism, provoke the rhythm of urban-rural antagonism and other bad money.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Just as the free air was about to post another blog post, there was a knock on the door.


The free air got up and walked to the door, and asked.