Start With a Fake University

Chapter 494: Well-known big Vs apologize collectively


"Big night, who is it?"

The man whose screen name is id is Zhang Bo. After hearing someone knock on the door, he walked over and asked, opening the door.


Outside the door, a woman's voice came.


Zhang Bo didn't care, walked over and prepared to open the door.

After all, in previous years, there were frequent door-to-door warmths from the community. Now that the community services are in place, Zhang Botou's relationship has given him a quota for poor households in the community.

During the holidays, the community will come to give themselves warmth.


Where is Zhang Bo from a poor household in the community?

He acts as a navy on the Internet every day, and acts as a running dog for foreign capitalists. He can make money with various rhythms.

In addition, Zhang Bo himself has opened various self-media accounts, including Weibo revenue. As long as he has various rhythms and provokes confrontation between men and women, he will be able to harvest a lot of traffic.

For bloggers like Zhang Bo, a lot of traffic is a lot of money!

Zhang Bo opened the door.

What caught the eye was a young woman.

"Squat down!"

Suddenly, the young woman shouted.

Immediately behind the young woman, two police officers in police uniforms appeared.

Zhang Bo was immediately taken aback, and everyone was stunned.

"Squat me down!"

The police officer shouted again, then came forward and took Zhang Bo's arm and asked, "Is Zhang Bo?"

"Yes... it's me? What's wrong with me? What did I do?"

Zhang Bo asked dumbfounded.

"You don't know what you committed, do you?"

The police officer looked at Zhang Bo disdainfully, and then directly took out the handcuffs: "You better be honest with me and go back with us for investigation!"

"Me, me, what did I do? What did I do? You police can't arrest people, right?"

Zhang Bo quibbled.

"When you arrive at the place, explain to yourself!"

After speaking, the police officers took Zhang Bo away directly.


Early the next morning.

As soon as Ding Yue woke up from his apartment room, he received a call from the police station.

"President Ding, after you report to the police, we have administratively detained a man named "Free Air" in Wucheng. After verification, we will impose administrative detention on him for five days. At the same time, after the punishment is over, he There will be a public apology. In addition, if your school wants to sue him, you can go through the prosecution process, because the man’s defamatory and defamatory information has a lot of views."

The police officer from the police station said to Ding Yue on the phone.

"Okay, I see. Thank you for your hard work. Since he slandered our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and caused a great impact, then we must sue him!"

Ding Yue said with certainty.

"Okay, in addition, President Ding, our Wucheng Police Department has coordinated with police across the country. The list of evidence you provide after you report to the police will be punished by administrative detention in accordance with the "Public Security Management Penalty Law."

"Thank you!"

Ding Yue said that the efficiency of this wave of police work is really awesome!

"The other thing is, we immediately arrested the "Free Air" man and gave an official report. On behalf of the Wucheng Police Station, I will inform Principal Ding of you."


After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng turned on the phone and checked the official blog of the Wucheng Police Station.


Five minutes ago, Wucheng police officer Bo issued a notice.

The content of the report was exactly that after the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences called the police, the Wucheng police summoned the "free air" man in accordance with the law. After investigation by the police, the man was punished by administrative detention for five days. The slanderous remarks made by the "air" man have a huge social impact. Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will prosecute the man. Therefore, the Wucheng police will turn administrative detention into criminal detention.

Because the crime of online defamation is serious, it can be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, surveillance, or deprivation of political rights.

It is clear.

The air of freedom, that is, Zhang Bo's online slander, has constituted a serious plot.

After the Wucheng police issued this official notice, Ding Yue immediately called the propaganda department of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

"Principal Ding, do you have any instructions?"

Director Liu Hongxia of the Propaganda Department asked.

"Director Liu, last night, the Wucheng police have arrested a man on the Internet who slandered our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and just released an official notice. We also immediately posted an official blog of the University of Wucheng. It is said that our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has filed a lawsuit against the man for cyber defamation."

Ding Yue said.

"Okay Principal Ding, I will do it now."

After Liu Hongxia heard the words, she immediately read the official notice issued by the Wucheng police, and then began to write the official blog copy.

Since the content is also real, and Liu Hongxia is a professional doing this, it is quick to write.

In less than five minutes, an official blog copy of about two hundred words has been written.

v: Yesterday, the Wucheng police formally detained a man whose online id was "Free Air". The man slandered and spread rumors and slandered our school on the Internet platform yesterday. His blog posts have been viewed over one million, and all comments have been forwarded over ten thousand. This has caused serious damage to our school’s reputation. Now I am suing the man in the Wucheng Court and will not tolerate it!

Following the report from the Wucheng police and the official blog of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, netizens hurriedly moved to the small bench in the morning and began to eat melons.

Netizens clapped their hands and applauded the Wucheng police who quickly detained the man who spread rumors and slander on the Internet and the Wucheng University of Arts and Science's prosecution!

"Good job!"

"This wave is pretty fast."

"Fuck! Really detained?"

"666, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is really awesome, just do what you say, and directly sue Ollie!"

"Made, the free air, was finally caught. Yesterday I saw him flying with various rhythms and almost mad at me."

"Good catch!"

"The Internet is not illegal, this person deserves retribution!"

"I don't know what the feelings of those who slandered Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences with the rhythm of the air of freedom yesterday?"

"If you prosecute this, it's a proper crime of cyber defamation, and it's still a very serious one, and it can be sentenced!"

"Start at least half a year or one year, and cap it in three years."

"Wizard University of Arts and Sciences, with this iron-blooded skill, I just love it. For those on the Internet who are rhythmic and slanderous, we just can't tolerate it, just to the end!"

"In the past, most of the rumors and slanders on the Internet were all gone. This time, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has set a good example."

"Yes, yes, yes, I support Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to sue and arrest all those who are blind and rhythmic!"

"Now there is a good show. Someone really sued the big v on Weibo for online defamation. This must be praised!"

"I saw this big melon in the morning. I can only say that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is awesome. My cousin was studying at the Law School of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. He said that these two days, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is really preparing to prosecute. Thing."

In the discussion of eating melons among netizens, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences sued for "free air", which directly rushed to the hot search.



In a high-end community.

The well-known Weibo educator v "Doctor of the Nine Elements" got up early in the morning and was blown up by a friend's phone call.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

After Chen Jiuhang answered a friend's call, he asked sleepily.

"Old Chen, have you seen the news on the Internet?"

On the phone, a friend of Old Hang eagerly asked.

"What's the news? The statement issued by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences yesterday? Haha, it was just to scare people. In Xia Guo, which company have you ever seen sued for such a thing?"

Stale Air said confidently.

Before this, the old airline had done a lot of "work" in this area, and even the well-known double first-class universities in China had been brought into the rhythm by the old airline.

In the end, is it not that the university is seeking a private "reconciliation" with the old airline for fame?

In the cognition of stale aviation.

In Xia Guo, it is impossible to prosecute a large group of people who are tempted to tell the truth for the reputation of the company or the reputation of the school.

"Old Chen, I'm afraid it won't be that simple this time. Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is coming for real!"

On the phone, Old Chen's friend said worriedly.


Chen Jiuhang smiled disdainfully, and said: "I'm still here to cook, I tell you Lao Wang, An Xin will follow me to bring the rhythm up, and I can make another wave of money today."

"Look at the hot search, Wucheng already has a Weibo blogger who participated in this matter yesterday to Xingju."

Lao Wang said quickly.

"Administrative detention?"

Hearing this, Chen Jiuhang murmured: "That is to use the power of Wucheng to bully the small bloggers of Wucheng, and it is only administrative detention. In a few days, the problem is not big, and as long as it costs money, even You don’t even need to stay for a day."

"It's not administrative detention, it's criminal detention!"

Lao Wang quickly explained.

"What is it? Xingju?"

When I heard the old flight, I suddenly felt bad!

Because administrative detention and criminal detention have completely different meanings.

In the case of administrative detention, it may be that some of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law" has been touched. A few hundred yuan will be fined and detained for a few days. As long as the money is spent, they will not even go home without detention.

These are trivial matters.

After all, if the old airline did this kind of thing once, it would be able to make a lot of money, and it would completely ignore the administrative detention.

But Xingju is different!

"Yes, that's the air of freedom in our group, which has been detained!"

Pharaoh explained.

"Free air, I remember him..."

Old Hang's face suddenly turned pale.

With his own rhythm, the number of views to slander Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is much higher than that of free air.

I remember that last night, everyone was still showing off their achievements in the group.

Free Air, that is, Zhang Bo, whose Weibo pageviews exceeded 5 million times yesterday.

Usually Zhang Bo's Weibo pageviews are just over 10,000.

The obsolete aviation is different.

He was originally a well-known Weibo blogger, the account of Jiuxing blogger, with more than 5 million fans.

There were tens of millions of page views of the blog post published by the old flight last night, which was easy.

After all, the hot search on Weibo yesterday was too strong, and it was still hanging for a whole day!


The old flight feels bad.

I often walk by the river, this time I might get my shoes wet.

"Pharaoh, this time the ship may be capsized. This Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is too reckless. It actually allowed the police to arrest people and prosecute them. In this case, it would be a criminal detention, and the final sentence may be imposed.

Old Airline said shiveringly.

"Then Old Chen, quickly think of a way, can the gold master behind us have a way?"

Old Wang asked anxiously.

"There is no way. We must react quickly to this matter. In this way, we collectively post on Weibo and apologize to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences for this matter. Anyway, we have already made money. After apologizing, we may be able to attract again. A wave of traffic."

When faced with this kind of thing, Old Airlines was a little worried and afraid.

But he didn't panic at all.

Instead, he came up with a countermeasure calmly.

As long as everyone collectively apologizes to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, after apologizing, they will be able to take a certain amount of initiative. When the time comes, they will take advantage of the Internet public opinion, so that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will not give them all the big v bloggers. Sued, right?

"Yes, yes, we apologize first, so Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can't do anything to us."

Lao Wang also very much agrees with the old route.

"That's OK, let's yell in the group right away, and then we will post an apology blog post on time at 9:30. Have you heard the apology blog post by yourself?"

The old flight warned.

"Ok, no problem."


It was 9:30 in the morning, just as "Free Air" was still on the hot search by criminal detention.

Yesterday, a swarm of various rhythmic slander and slander of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, major educational institutions, etc., have issued blog posts apologizing to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Every blog post that a big v blogger apologized, @了雾城文理大学.

At this time, Liu Hongxia, director of the Propaganda Department of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, who was at work, found that the official blog account of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences she was using was @ by many people.

So Liu Hongxia clicked in and took a look.

It turns out that is the official blog account of those famous educators who love Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.


After Liu Hongxia discovered the apology of these famous educators on Weibo, she looked confused.

After thinking for a moment, Liu Hongxia quickly called Principal Ding.


In the office of the principal of the administration building.

Ding Yue was asking Lao Huang about the prosecution, when a phone call came in.

"Okay, Lao Huang, there is a call coming in, I won't talk to you anymore, you should follow the procedure for the prosecution, and you will sue them one by one! Hang up."

After speaking, Ding Yue hung up the phone.

Take a look at the new incoming call is Director Liu Hongxia of the Propaganda Department.

"Hey, Director Liu, what's the matter?"