Start With a Fake University

Chapter 498: For the Academy of Aeronautics and Astro

The golden halo enveloped the entire central stadium.

More than 50,000 freshmen in the freshman year were affected by this golden halo in a subtle way, but the impact was somewhat linear, and it did not happen overnight.

Students need to be inspired little by little in the future learning process.

"Successful use of the aura of college students!"

Ding Yue looked at the prompt in front of him, and a smile appeared involuntarily at the corner of his mouth.

The annual opening ceremony also represents Ding Yue's annual BUFF aura for freshmen. After the effect of learning BUFF, the students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will become different from others.

After Ding Yue finished using the [College Learning Master Halo], he continued to give a speech at the opening ceremony.

The speech lasted about ten minutes.

Ding Yue didn't say too much nonsense. In short, it is to let the students from now on to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences as their second home, and then study hard here, and strive to become better.

After graduation, I will surely be able to fly and get a good salary job.

The students also listened with gusto and were very serious.

Because Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has now demonstrated its strong teaching ability. Of the more than 50,000 freshmen, it is estimated that more than half of them are due to the "surrounding" of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences in the past year. That's why I am willing to choose to come to this campus to realize my university dream.

Perhaps it is here that we can realize our self-worth.

And if you go to other colleges and universities, you may be confused. Maybe it's a mess. After a few years in college, you will have no long-term skills after graduation, and it will be difficult to find a job in the end.

It's different at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Many freshmen have heard that there are several majors in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and they are only sophomores and juniors, and they have already got jobs in Feiyue Group.

Don't be too cool!

Like Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, many students find jobs during their studies, which is rare in the whole country.

"Okay, classmates, I will stop here today. I wish my classmates a smooth military training, a smooth study, and a happy life. I love you Principal Ding!"

After Ding Yue finished speaking, he waved to the students under the podium.

Then ended the headmaster's speech at the opening ceremony.

Ding Yue’s "task" today was completed. The main task was to give the students a learning buff during the speech session of the principal at the opening ceremony. Then, it was handed over to others, such as Xiong Yang, the director of the Department of Culture and Sports, or the military training general The instructors have them.

The whole school opening ceremony and military training mobilization meeting lasted for about an hour.

Then Xiong Yang, director of the cultural and sports department, announced that the one-month military training for freshmen had officially begun!

More than 50,000 freshmen began to scatter away from the central stadium one after another.

Although the central stadium has a large area and can accommodate many freshmen for military training, there will be more than 50,000 new students this year. A central stadium is definitely not enough.

During the military training last year, a sports playground was not enough. In the end, the military training was carried out on the main road beyond the stadium.

But it won't be like this this year.

Because Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences now has more than one stadium.

This central stadium is one of the two newly built stadiums. It has the largest area and was built in accordance with the scale of the city's sports center.

The cost is not low.

In addition, there is a stadium to the south of the school, as well as the stadium in the old campus.

In other words.

Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences now has a total of three stadiums, several gymnasiums, and so many sports infrastructures, enough for more than 50,000 freshmen to conduct military training.

A university has three large stadiums, which are very rare in China.

Under normal circumstances, a university is also a stadium, plus some basketball courts, volleyball courts and other venues, this is regarded as standard.

On a larger scale, there may be two stadiums.

Three stadiums or more are too few.

However, due to the size of the students, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences now has a large central stadium, two stadiums, a total of three, which is worthy of the configuration of a college with a campus area of ​​7,500 acres.

The current basic building configuration of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is one of the best in the whole country.

What's more, there are also teaching building facilities like the red class of the book ship.

The current Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, compared with the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences three years ago, it has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes.

Ding Yue didn't worry about the school's follow-up military training.

After all, as the head of a school, Ding Yue had to worry about so many things, and a military training was no longer something Ding Yue needed to focus on.

In Ding Yue's work, naturally there are other more important ones.

The development of the school is always inseparable from Ding Yue, the top principal, to make decisions.

After returning to the office of the principal of the administration building, Ding Yue began to continue his work.

Although this period of time is to put the expansion of the graphene industry in the first place, Ding Yue certainly cannot ignore other things at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

It's just that there is a primary and secondary relationship.

Ding Yue has already arranged the expansion of the graphene industry.

Therefore, what Ding Yue has to deal with today is some other matters of the school, such as funding arrangements.

Before the tuition fee was collected this semester, Ding Yue had almost one billion dollars in circulation on hand. The money was originally intended to be invested in the experimental project of the lithography machine.

But now it seems that the experimental project of the lithography machine needs to be suspended for a period of time, so there is no need to invest in funds for the time being.

Moreover, the capital investment in the experimental project of the lithography machine is not invested all at once, there is a gradual process.

After these billions of funds are vacated, plus more than 50,000 new students have been enrolled this year, and more than 30,000 old students will have to pay tuition.

In total, tuition fees of more than two billion yuan have been collected this year.

This is the charm of private universities.

High fees!

The more students there are, the more money you make!

Of the two billion tuition fees, Ding Yue intends to use a fraction of the several hundred million yuan for the basic teaching expenses of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences in the next year.

For example, teaching salaries, logistics maintenance, scholarships, etc.

Although this piece seems to be a lot, a few hundred million should be adequate.

Then there are two billion billion left.

These two billion Dingyues can't all be given to Stud to expand the scale of the graphene industry at once, and a little more has to be reserved for the school.

Why should I leave some for the school?

the reason is simple.

In the next year, I may decide which faculty or department needs money to develop.

Make an analogy.

In the unlikely event that the computer major has undertaken a major project that can benefit the next few years like graphene, then is the money Ding Yue invested or not?

Or it means that if Professor Yang Kaining is engaged in a life science project, if he needs funds, how can he not support it?

To know.

At that time, Ding Yueke personally agreed to Professor Yang Kaining, no matter what project he was researching, he would strongly support it!

and so.

Within these two billion.

Ding Yue intends to keep half of it, which is one billion, as the investment in teaching projects of various departments and departments that may be generated in the next year.

One billion is left, plus the remaining one billion.

With two billion yuan of funds, Ding Yue intends to invest in expanding the scale of the graphene industry. If nothing else, it should be enough to negotiate a contract, right?

After talking about placing orders from major manufacturers such as Warwick Technology Group, Rice Technology Group, Penguin New Energy Automobile, etc., money will continue to come.

At that time, the money to lay the foundation of the graphene industry will basically not be short.

This is Ding Yue's funding plan for the next year.


There should be many changes.

First, the science fiction movie "Wandering Earth" is very likely to be released in the next year. If nothing else, it should be able to make some money for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Secondly, the medical and health robot Dabai is also in production, and it can produce a lot of profits a year.

And doesn’t Feiyue Animation Studio still have an animation project called "Death Machine"? If it can be popular, maybe it can make a lot of money.

How do school funds arrange this matter?

Only Ding Yue could make up his mind.

Jingle Bell!

Suddenly, just as Ding Yue was thinking about how to "burn money", the phone rang.

Ding Yue glanced at the caller ID, which was from Principal Xu Dongcheng.

Principal Xu Dongcheng and Ding Yue have a good relationship now, so naturally they can call Ding Yue's personal mobile phone directly.

"Hey, Principal Xu, why did you think of calling me?"

Ding Yue answered the phone and asked with a smile.

"Of course I miss President Ding, how about it, your Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is also open? I heard that you have recruited more than 50,000 new students this year. With the old students, you are only three grades now, and there are already more than eighth. There are more than 10,000 people, more than our Xiguang University."

Principal Xu Dongcheng said enviously.

"Hahahaha, President Xu is polite, and your Xiguang University is not bad too." Ding Yue said modestly.

Although his own Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has a large number of students, in fact, there are many at Saiguang University.

There are more than 50,000 people in the four grades of Xiguang University and graduate students. It is said that Xiguang University has recruited more than 10,000 and nearly 20,000 people this year.

"President Ding, let's be honest. In previous years, our Xiguang University had about 10,000 new students every year. This year, after learning the advanced business philosophy of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, the number of new students has reached more than 18,000. Twenty thousand people, this increase is still very obvious, so I have to thank you President Ding."

Principal Xu Dongcheng said very sincerely.

"Principal Xu is polite."

Ding Yue remained humble.

"Principal Ding, Mei Jia said at the school that she felt pretty good. She didn't participate in this military training, right?"

Principal Xu Dongcheng asked.

"Yes, yes, right, after we communicated with Wucheng Central Hospital and Professor Yang Kaining, we decided that Meijia should still maintain a normal living condition. Military training will definitely consume a lot of physical energy. This may affect Meijia's body after surgery. The situation has had a certain impact, so we decided to stop Mika from participating in military training this year."

Ding Yue explained: "But Meijia said, she certainly doesn’t want to miss such a good memory in military training. So if you don’t participate in military training this year, then wait for next year. At this time next year, Meijia’s body should be completely restored to normal health. Now, you can participate in military training at that time."

"Okay, everything is subject to your arrangements by Principal Ding."

Principal Xu Dongcheng smiled and said: "By the way, Principal Ding, this is chatting with you, and I almost forgot to say something right."

"Oh? You said, Principal Xu, I knew you called me. There must be something wrong."

Ding Yue reacted and was ready to hear what President Xu Dongcheng was preparing to tell him.

"That's Principal Ding, last time, didn't I hear you say that you want to develop other majors in the school, and then you said aerospace major, right?"

Principal Xu Dongcheng asked.

Ding Yue immediately thought about it. There was indeed such a thing.

When he was with President Xu Dongcheng before, Ding Yue talked about how his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences would develop in the future.

For example, on the premise of maintaining the current popular and strong faculties and majors, it also allows other faculties and majors to have opportunities for development.

For example, the College of Agriculture and Forestry.

In the past year, Ding Yue has invested a lot of money and energy in the College of Agriculture and Forestry.

As for what President Xu Dongcheng said about the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Ding Yue did consider it.

It's just that if the Academy of Aeronautics and Astronautics wants to develop on a large scale, it will be very expensive, and it has to be done step by step.

It's just that now the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences does not even have practical teaching equipment other than basic teaching knowledge.

To be precise, it is an airplane!

How about giving the students of the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics a whole plane for teaching practice, right?

"Yes, yes, what's wrong with UU reading, President Xu, do you have any good news to tell me?"

Ding Yue asked immediately.

"Of course there is good news. If there is no good news, I can't call you this way and delay Principal Ding, you are a busy person."

Principal Xu Dongcheng smiled and said: "This is the case. I know a friend. Their airline has a domestic 919 civil airliner that needs to be dealt with because of the engine. That is to say, the domestic 919 aircraft cannot fly, but as we Such a private university must be meaningful for teaching and research, right?"

"Yes, so, what do you mean by Principal Xu...I can buy this domestic 919 civil aviation airliner?"

Ding Yue understood what Principal Xu Dongcheng meant.

And this thing seems pretty good.

The School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is indeed lacking such an aircraft for teaching practice courses. </div>