Start with Batman

v1 ~: about update

The author is not a full-time codeword, and I have tried to update as much as possible when I am free. Although everyone says it's short, it's reasonable to say that last week's light novel combat power list said that we also got into the 14th place. I dare not say how crazy it is, but it should probably not be too small (weakly speaking)?

This week is really busy and I have been busy until late for several days in a row. Today I originally wanted to write the third update no matter what, but I didn’t start writing until almost eleven o’clock last night, and I didn’t finish the first update until 1:30, and then I set an alarm clock for 5:30 and didn’t get up until after 6 o’clock, rushing to go out I finished writing the second update before. Then I have to start writing tomorrow during my lunch break.

I only slept for four hours at night, and I was also coding during my lunch break. I really couldn't squeeze out a drop of time.

Anyway, I will try my best to make three changes tomorrow.

Of course, this is all my problem. I can't completely balance work and life with code words. If you still feel that you haven't done enough, I sincerely apologize, but the author did his best.

Although saying this may affect the performance, if you really feel that the slow update is unbearable, you can raise it for a few days first.

Then, as always, I am very grateful to the book friends who subscribed and supported. Your support is also the motivation for my persistence.

That's about it, I have to move on to QAQ.