Start with Batman

v1 Chapter 222: I am coming


The white-haired old man in a black suit sat at the other end of the conference table, and looked at the people in the asylum across the table with a somewhat scrutinizing gaze.

"Are you telling us that aliens are already on their way?"

The old man's name was Zidane Wright, an old man who belonged to the club of the most powerful men on Earth. And in addition to his regular position, he has recently been given a special responsibility, which is to oversee and be responsible for the operations and details of Secret Service Nine.

What happened to Li Changcheng made them realize that Secret Service Nine had too many privileges and a high degree of freedom before, so that no one found out about the addiction to leaking water on the upper floors. This made it difficult for the higher-ups to decide on the candidate for the new director, and set up a special supervision department to investigate the details.

Also because there is no bureau chief, several high-level officials from the Ninth Division attended the meeting at the same time.

"To be precise, the descriptions of them in the information we have obtained are gods, something that may exceed our imagination." Minister Shi Jinqiang said, "There are signs that we may not be able to cope with our current means."

"And the reason why you believe this..." Zidane did not hide his irritability and questioning attitude, "is it all because of the one-sided words of a heterogeneous person you call 'the ancient'?"

"She explained a lot of details, many of which can already be found from the remains we have unearthed."

This time it was Professor Miyazaki who spoke.

"We conducted a large number of comparisons from the excavated ruins according to what she explained, and verified the authenticity of most of the contents. There are indeed many proofs in the ruins and antiquities related to the ancients, especially the evidence related to infection. Traces of the existence of 'gods' other than the ancients.

There are other records and clues that we haven't thought about in that direction in the past. But now looking back at those old clues from the new perspective guided by the ancients, we do find that what she explained matches.

So yes, I think there is a high probability that the alien protoss it talks about actually exist. "

"But there is no indication that that will be a threat for us," Zidane said.

"Yes, we've only managed to prove that these things do exist, but the only thing that suggests they might be a threat to the Polar Star... is just the words of the Old One, and the fact that the Infestation has indeed been reawakening on a massive scale over the past year .”

"Then just because of this unfounded possibility, you put forward a huge request for resources, even more exaggerated than what your Secret Service Nine has ever received." Zidane frowned, "Have you read the application yourself? Miyazaki Professor? Do you know the combined value of the resources you are asking for?"

"As far as keeping this planet from foreign invasion? We've done our best to keep it safe."

"It's just that you think there may be enemies, but maybe it's just a conspiracy theory, or maybe you use this as an excuse to trick us into investing more funds." Zidane said bluntly, "but I need to emphasize again that we have Under the premise of investing such a large amount of funds, the performance of the nine offices so far..."

"Not good enough, we know." Professor Miyazaki shrugged, "But I must also emphasize that the ancients we have faced so far...they are nothing more than ancient polar star creatures who have touched extraordinary seeds , but even so we've all seen what they can do.

If the source that gives them power does emerge..."

Zidane wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a middle-aged man sitting next to him.

"I think Professor Miyazaki is right. We do need to consider the possibility of an invasion."

Chai Pingdong is also one of the members of this temporary supervision team.

Compared with his colleague Zidane, his tone and attitude are relatively mild, but he still pointed out the problem bluntly.

"But it is also true that Secret Service Nine has not performed satisfactorily so far. The plan you have proposed can be considered, but it needs to be evaluated and reviewed."

Zidane continued bluntly: "Before this, I think that before the unwarranted extraterrestrial problem, there should be other more urgent problems in the Ninth Division. But so far we have not received a report on the relevant progress."

"We've sent a team to the address the captured Elder said, but its companions are no longer there. We did find evidence at the site that three Elders were there."

This time it was Minister of Operations Hercules who answered, his voice was dull but powerful.

"We are still searching for their specific whereabouts. The captured ancient man explained the action patterns of the three companions, and it shouldn't be long before..."

"No, of course that part is also important, but that's not what I'm talking about." Zidane interrupted him, saying coldly, "You know what I mean."

While speaking, he gestured to the assistant at the side of the conference room with his eyes. The assistant operated the terminal in his hand twice, and a projection screen suddenly appeared in the center of the conference table, showing a clear image.

A pair of divided pictures, the freeze-frame shots are Batman in action, the ace-fighting Spider-Man duo, Batwing doing stunts with anti-physics movements, Iron Man pushing the giant wheel, and the ancients fighting in the air Iron Army.

Obviously, these are all prepared materials in advance, and he came prepared.

"A mysterious force is rampant, and a group of masked illegal organizations with super technology and extraordinary power are operating right under our noses." Zidane said sharply, "Their origins, identities, and purposes... .These should all be your responsibilities, your tasks.

But what do you have now? Know nothing. Is this the answer you spent a huge amount of money on? "

In a way, there's nothing wrong with that.

The lunatic asylum is used to posing here, and it feels quite comfortable for people to go in and out all day long, and even knows to change their positions after patting their buttocks. But others are different.

A group of guys with unnatural abilities and even more unfathomable technology, and completely unknown forces, in the territory that originally belonged to them, just like their own back garden. Unless this is already well-trained, they will have to resist their intentions even if they are going through the motions.

"The opponent's ability and technology are superior to ours, and they can't track and locate." The speaker was Minister Shi of the Equipment Department, who was also the first person in the lunatic asylum. "And all signs show that they are not hostile. So far, they have shown Very friendly.

Of course, we have never given up our willingness to negotiate and understand, but it must be based on friendship. Because, as we know, they've got a lot going for them, and if we're overstepping the line..."

"They invaded our territory, our world, and wielded extremely dangerous weapons in our world.

Tell me, Minister Shi, if a new neighbor moved into your neighborhood, you knew nothing about him, and you happened to know that there was a nuclear bomb buried in his basement that could detonate at any moment... what would you do Do? "

"It is necessary to understand the situation, but Minister Shi's point of view is also reasonable." Chai Pingdong said again, "If they are friendly, we'd better keep it like this..."

But Zidane still answered his own questions on his own.

"No, that's when you contact the authorities to make sure your neighbor's nukes are under control so you can sleep peacefully—and that's exactly what I want.

Do you want more resources? Yes, but with one condition.

I needed to know who they were, no masks, no tricks, no concealment, exactly where they came from and what they were planning.

Only in this way......

...! ? "

He only spoke half of what he said and then swallowed the second half abruptly, his eyes widened with an expression of "lying in a big hole".

Almost exactly the same as the reaction of everyone else in the conference room when they saw the scene in front of them.

In front of all of them, in the center of the conference table, phantoms emerged out of thin air. The light distorted unnaturally for a while, rolling through the space like transparent waves, and then a red and gold steel body appeared in front of everyone as if refreshed out of thin air.

Iron Man armor Mark XVI, code-named Nightclub, the stealth armor of the Iron Man series.

He stood in the middle of the room, looking through the cold steel mask at the frightened and shocked old man behind the table in front of him with his mouth wide open.

"I heard that someone wants to see me?"

From the speaker under the steel helmet came out a mechanized sound that looked a little cold and weird.

"I am coming."